[1] : Confusion and a Surprise

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It was the end of a normal school day.

"See ya later Levi!" You said before parting with him. You and Levi were best friends, because you'd known each other since you were children.

Recently, you have had strange feelings and thoughts towards him, such as when he looked at you for more then ten seconds, you would find it uncomfortable and look away. When his hands brushed past your hands, you would have a tingly sensation in your hands. You wasn't quite sure it what it was, so you brushed off the thought.

'Surely I can't be starting to have a crush on him' The thought whizzed past in your head. Your cheeks heated up and you shook your head. 'We've been friends since childhood! I haven't felt any strange feelings throughout that time. Ahh, maybe I'm just thinking to hard'

*Time-skip to later in the evening*

You had finished your homework, had your shower and way now sitting on top of your comfy bed, staring at the ceiling. Those thoughts came corrupting your mind.

'I wonder if it's actually possible that I could have a crush on Levi. But if that's the case- why now? Or why not any other time? Or why at all? Maybe the reason why I feel unsure about these feelings because I'm growing up?'  You pondered. You continued staring up at the ceiling, trying to forget these unwanted thoughts.

*Beep! Beep!* You jumped at that sudden vibration. You went over to your bedside table to discover it was your phone. *Beep! Beep!* went the phone again. You then realised it was a call. You picked up your phone to check the caller ID. 

Levi Ackerman.

Thud. Thud. 

Your palms began to become sweaty. *Beep! Beep!* Your eyes widened. 'Why am I acting like this??' You moved your finger over to the 'Accept call' You hand was shaking. 'Why am I even acting like this??? It's only Levi, my best bud!'  You pressed 'Accept' and exhaled. 

"Hey__!" answered Levi. Your heart pounded. "What took you so long to pick up? Normally you'd pick up straight away!" "A-ha! W-well... s-sorry I was busy with things..."

"You OK? You seem different" "I'm OK, L-Levi!" You quickly replied,trying not to sound nervous. You heard him sigh. "So yeah, I wanted to talk to you about the latest issue of Shingeki no kyojin!" Levi seemed kinda exited.

You and Levi are fans of Shingeki no kyojin, so Levi always informs you when there's and update. Your conversation was based on the latest chapter all evening.


The next morning, you met your friend Levi by the school gates. As you walked up to him, he turned around and smiled at you.

Your heart started to pound. 

D-dun. D-dun. D-dun.

Your pov: 

(Actually I'm going to do your pov quite often now, to make the story better)

Levi turned around and saw me. He smiled at me. It made my heart beat fast. Why am I getting nervous, he's just my best bud! I questioned myself.

We walked into school together, and put our stuff in the locker. Levi leaned against his locker (Which was next to mine) and turned his head towards me. He stared into my eyes. "So did you read the next chapter of snk?" He asked.

His steel grey eyes where glistening with curiosity. How cute. Wait-what?! "Um- yeah, it was great! I only read some of it though, up to page 25, because I got tired and fell asleep..." I answered while looking away embarrassed. Suddenly, felt and hand cup my chin. Wh-what is going on?!

I looked up to realise that he had cupped my chin, now he was leaning in close to me???!! "Hey, __, you seem kinda distant. Anything you wanna discuss?" He said casually, and in a caring tone. I felt my cheeks heat up.

I froze and looked away. I removed his hand from my face and quickly replied with "Y-yeah... I'm fine!" Levi looked concerned for a second and I felt a pang off guilt. I wish I could tell you, but I can't because I'm worried that our relationship could go down hill.

Our awkward moment was stopped because of sounds of people chatting loudly over something. We looked up to see a crowd of people in the distant. As I was curious I went to go see what it was about. Levi caught up to me. "It's probably just some stupid event going on". Levi sneered. I nodded your head in response.

Eventually I got to the crowed and peered through the gaps to see what everyone was gushing about. Eventually I saw a figure- a girl, and she looked unfamiliar to me.

Levi tired to see who it was too. This person doesn't look familiar at all to me. Maybe she's new! I jumped when I turned around to see Levi leaning on my shoulder. He moved back. My eyes widened and I blushed.

"Whoa, what's the matter with you? Normally you'd not freak out if I was that close to you? Seriously, I didn't know that you were that sensitive." Levi said. I bit my lip, and tried to think of something to say.

"W-well, what you did was unexpected o-okay?!" You hastily replied. Levi stared at me once again, but concern written all over his eyes. 

Dang it! Why do I have to act so weird around him?! I turned away to break the awkwardness and I heard mumbling. "Natsumi" I heard someone say. "Is that her name?" I hear someone ask.

Ah, so the 'new girl' is called Natsumi. I still don't know what she looks like. The crowed parted and she walked out of it. Then Levi and I got to see what she looks like. She had purple long hair, deep blue eyes, was short but probably a little taller than Levi and she had an emotionless face. 

Whoa... she kinda resembles Levi!

She looked up and looked at me, then looked at Levi. She looks like she didn't want to come to this school. 


Levi interrupted me from my thoughts when he reminded me, "We have to get to class. I don't want to be late."

 "OK thanks. So what do you think about that new girl?" I asked while walking to class. "Well, I don't know anything about her, we've only seen her for the fist time, but she looks like the type that doesn't want to be spoken to." 

For some reason, I started to feel kinda unsure about this new girl 'Natsumi'. She seems kinda strange to me. Why am I acting like this? I've only just met her!

Ah, whatever. Need to get to class, and be prepared for the first lesson of the day.

Levi X Jealous Reader: When Jealousy Strikes!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon