Behind you #Wattys2014

By Ilovefingerprints

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The car pulled up closer and closer, I squint to look at my new house. My heart stops when I lay my eyes on i... More

Behind you
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty- one
Chapter twenty- two
Chapter twenty- three
Chapter twenty- four
Chapter twenty- five
Chapter twenty- six
Chapter twenty- seven
Chapter twenty- eight
Chapter twenty- nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty- one
Chapter thirty- two
Chapter thirty- three
Chapter thirty- four
Chapter thirty- five
Chapter thirty- six
Chapter thirty- seven
Chapter thirty- eight
Chapter thirty- nine
Chapter forty
Chapter forty- one
Chapter forty- two
Chapter forty- three
Chapter forty- four
Chapter forty- five

Chapter six

574 20 12
By Ilovefingerprints

By summer vacation, I got more used to my new life, living with apparitions. Well kind of. This whole thing isn't that bad, actually. I never knew that you can stay on Earth after you die; I actually think that there may be a way; I can see my grandmother again. She was the best, I loved her so much, but she died last year.

And him.

I can never forget about him. Jamie. I met this guy in second grade, Emily and I became friends with him, he was sweet, and cute. We started dating in 8th grade. I thought I was lucky, and that went on until sophomore year. Jamie died in the store he worked at; I remember driving there, to meet him, when I saw all the fire.

I remember how desperate I was, as I shoved people out of the way, there were people screaming that day. When I couldn't find him anywhere, I practically ran into the fire. The firemen had every one step away from the store, but I ran inside without them seeing me, I couldn't wait to find him, to ask him what happened, but that was when I saw his burned up body crumbled on the ground. I refused to believe that he left me without saying goodbye, without letting me say goodbye. I remember screaming his name at the top of my lungs, I did my best to wake him, I even tried hitting him.

But he never woke up. Jamie was gone.

After that unfortunate incident, I never dated anyone, and if it weren't for that prom is something that's 'once in a life time' I wouldn't have went with Andrew.


"Why are you here?" I ask, surprised. Kimberly and her sister, Katelyn, walks in, they ignore me.

"Nice little house?" Katelyn says her voice full of sarcasm. "Where's Cole?"

"In his room." I say, exiting myself to the kitchen, I try not to go to the kitchen too often; Eleanor told me that her brutal killer broke in through the side window in the kitchen.

"Cole won't be stuck here for long, after a while, we'd get married." Kimberly blushes. "He won't have to see his annoying little sister anymore, thanks to me." She snaps. Her friend giggles. I run out of the haunted kitchen, glaring at her. 

"Sorry but the truth is, he can move out, whenever he wants to, with or without you." I snap. "I mean he's done with college and everything, just doesn't have a job yet."

"Shut up." Kimberly runs up the stairs, I hear her complain about the broken railing.

"Molly, it's so hot in your house." Katelyn, who looks identical to Kimberly, groans. "Turn on the A/C."

"Sorry," I pause, knowing how dumb this would sound to her. "We... we just don't have air conditioning."

"In summer!?" Katelyn puts an arm around me. "Oh I feel so bad for you, Molly." she rolls her eyes and leaves. I take a sip of coffee.

"That girl is so rude." someone says, I thought that it was Alicia, so I nodded. But then, I recognize the voice.

"Oh um, she's Kimberly's sister, Eleanor."

"Can't you tell her to leave?"

"I don't think she'd listen to me."

"Um HELLO? Molly! Who are you talking to?" Katelyn's back. "I'm trying to ask you where the stupid bathroom is."

"It's down the hallway." I answer, flatly.

I notice that I can hear her footsteps and cursing for a long time, guess she needs some help, I drag myself over to the hallway where the bathroom is. I stop, and so does my heart. Katelyn is jiggling with the doorknob of that room, where the bodies are.

"No!" I scream, and grab her arm; I pull her away a little too hard. "That's not the bathroom, this is!"

"Um, so?" She shoves me away. "Why are you making this such a big deal? It's just the wrong door."  I sigh in relief. I can't let anyone know about the secret, I don't want anyone to feel scared, the way I felt, even Kimberly and Katelyn who really deserve to feel that way. I stand in that hallway, making sure that Katelyn doesn't try that door again, after she comes out, I need to make sure she doesn't, before it's too late. That's when Cole and Kimberly walks down the hall.

"Where's Katelyn?" Kimberly asks

"Uh, in the bathroom."

"Hey, Cole, what's in that room?" Kimberly points at that room. I hold my breath, as my brother squints his eyes.

"Uh..." He walks over and twist the knob, to me in slow motion. I grab my brother and yank him to the ground.

"Leave that door alone!" I scream.

"Molly, what is wrong with you!?"

"She's mentally illed." Kimberly smirks and reaches for the knob, herself. I try to tackle her, but Cole grabs my hand.

"Tell her to stop!" I shout. Kimberly smirks at me again, and twists the knob. Just as the light flashes. Whatever apparition just went into her body brings Kimberly away from the door. I sigh in relief, immediately. But my heart doesn't stop pounding. I forget that Cole's still holding me tightly. When two apparitions lead Kimberly and Katelyn out of our house without a word, Cole whispers in my ear.

"Whatever secret you have, you better tell me."

"I don't have a secret."

"I know that you do, and it's something about that room, isn't it?" 


That night, I crept into the room with the bodies, deciding that I need to do something about the bodies, but the second I step into that room, all I can do is stare and feel my heart thumping so hard, my chest hurts.

Shane looks scarier than he did last time, he looks like a vampire to me, and somehow his eyes aren't pushed in anymore, their bulging out. This makes his eyes seem too huge to be true.

I have to admit the truth, there's nothing I can do about these bodies. But I do decide on doing one thing.

I slowly walk over to Eleanor, if I don't know her, I wouldn't do this, but she really seems like a girl who would like to have a friend and that's all she wants. Her heart is still well, fresh. My fingers close around it, as I stare into her lifeless eyes. She was pretty.

Her heart is stuck to her apron, so I slowly peel it off. I make sure that no one's out in the halls when I open the door and leave. I walk back to my room with something precious in my hand. I'm saving it, for her.  

Eleanor's heart.

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