My Highlander, My Heart

By koulouristheodora

1.6M 64.5K 2.7K


Dream world
Green eyes
Am I Still Dreaming?
On fire
Time To Wake Up
Snap out of it.
Is this real?
Use my body, but not my heart!
Alexanders thoughts, and Pain
Sweet temptation
My Sexy Highlander
Alexanders big fat ego
Believe in me
My one true love
She says the magic words
It has begun
The Emarald Tablets
The Magical Sword
Marry me!
Twinkle twinkle little star
Flame of my heart
The Truth is Revealed
Hurt not my heart, for I shall die of pain.
Infused with love
Heaven on earth
Honeymoon over!!
Lady of the fountain, Druidess
Brendans true colors
touch me not
You belong to me!
Rage in my heart!
The huge insult!
Betray not my heart
The punishment does not fit the crime!
My painful remorse.
Capital punishment. :(
Hurt my flesh and not my heart
Herbs and oinments won't heal the heart.
Daddy's little girl
I will not live without her!
The mighty warrior weakened by fear!
payback time!
The final farewell
Heal my wounds, for I suffer deeply.
Hide my heart, for they are watching
Sweet revenge
A bitch in heat
There is magic all around us
authors depression
Fay world
The chosen ones
Ocean waves of pleasure
Queen of Fay
Seelie Queen Tatiana
Eyes cold as ice
To whom does your heart belong to?
Never sell your soul to a Fairy!
Sex slave
An eye for an eye!
Two hearts, only one love.
Everything comes with a price.
The plan is set into action.
Liar liar pants on fire!
The plan.
Brendan's hope.
How can I live without you?
City street lights
violets and pain
Dreams and visions
Desperate measures lead to desperate acts.
Playing with fire.
Visions of prophecies fullfilled
Out of the trance.
Brendans first love
Come back to me.
Brotherly love
My heart pulls in your direction.
Following my heart
Out in the starry night.
Babe on the way!
Papa's pride and joy.
Crawling and walking so soon? Oh my!
Alexanders secret
Tears that formed a river
The word of the Seelie Queen
The Gentle Waves
Glittering Magic in the Air.
The deed is done, the bargain has been completed!
I leave no regrets behind.
Regrets and pain.
Shame burdens the soul.
Too many questions and no answers
Start praying Aleaxander!
Shame upon my marraige
Confession time.
Take away my pain.
I do not deserve you.
Isobel's frustration.
The written word.
Papa, and Mama
Then Tatiana it will be.
The queen and I.
Alexanders love letter, words spoken from the heart.
Flames that burn within
The truth in bits and peices.
Hungry for you.
The Golden Chalice, and the Magic sword.
Christopher's very own Fairy God Mother
The last straw!
I learned a lesson the hard way.
Up to her old tricks again!
Kaylas return
Tonight you will be mine.
Oh where oh where can my baby be?
A night without you.
Sweet revenge
A tooth for a tooth!
A new friend to be made.
Christophers abilities.
The walls are down!
The Missing Sword.
Christopher discovers his many talents.
My son.
The Hidden Sword.
The young warrior
The Twelve Council
Isobel's sexual desires
Back home!
Mary's advice
Tatiana's change
Tatiana's true love
Tatiana and Kheelan
A Chapter Closes
The strength of a lion
My Son the Warrior
Father and Son Bonding
Leave the future alone
The Spiritual Sphere
Desperate love
My Stubborn Wife
I will sell my soul
The word is binding
Shame and Devastation.
Stripped of his Dignity
Tatiana and Kayla
The water boy
Suspicious minds
Overwhelmed With Love
Our Last Day Together Before the Battle
The battlefield
The Dungeon
Im Coming Home
The burials
The Heated Kiss
A Lunatic on the Loose!
Christophers Thoughts.
The Starry Night
The Twelve Council in Agreement
Out in the Cold Night
Believe in me
Into your thoughts
A spiritual awakening
Love hurts
Gardens of Eden
Seduce me
The power of love
There must be a way
Time square
Dessert time
Shopping in New York
The Secrets of the Masters of the universe
Happy Mothers Day!!!!!
I will guard her with my life.
Dont ever leave me
The friendly skies
A story to be told
Home sweet home
Castle Brodie
Wedding preparations
Wedding day
The blushing bride
The vows
A Toast to the Bride and Groom
You reap what you sow
Bella's tormentor

Dare to dream?

53.1K 945 56
By koulouristheodora

Arizona, May 2014

It feels like I have been walking for miles and miles, but the scenery remains the same. How could that be? Am I going round and round in circles?I am lost! The sun will go down soon and I have no idea where I am.

This morning I was enjoying a peacefull walk in a park by myself, to try and clear my head from all the stress in my life, and somehow, I ended up here. But where is here? I looked around me and all I saw was grass, tree's and a small river up ahead banked with an assortment of beautiful,colorful flowers.

I looked at my wrist watch and it was almost eight o'clock. I have a dinner party to go to tonight and it looks like I will be late for it. My cell phone died hours ago because I forgot to charge it last night. My stomach is growling. I have not eaten since this morning, and to top off all that, I am now officially lost!

Today was really a weird day. All sorts of things happened and by far the weirdest was this morning when a strange, old man with a walking cane approached me and told me the weirdest thing. He warned me not to roam this part of the park after sunset because legend says that a portal opens up at sunset every ten years in May on this exact day, and people have been known to dissapear through it. I started to laugh thinking he was playing a joke on me, but I was stopped short by the expression on the old mans face.

"You dont believe me do you? No one ever believes me! My wife dissapeared through that portal over fifty years ago!" He looked at me dead serious without blinking. "I have not seen her since. All I know is that she dissapeared right in front of my eyes." he cried. "I loved her. Mary was the love of my life." he said softly, lowering his eyes that were full of tears, before he walked away.

He was probably senile, poor thing.

By now the sun was almost gone. I frantically looked around me, I must find my way out of this park before nightfall or I risk spending the night in this park all by myself. terrified of that thought, I started running until I ran out of breath, and as I stopped to catch a breather I saw up ahead of me, about five yards away, a weird kind of light about seven feet in height and four feet in width. The bright light looked as if it was water and waves of light swayed in front of me, as if it was inviting me to step through it. I was hypnotized.

Moving closer, I stared at it not believing what my eyes were showing me. Could this be real or is it some kind of trick? Slowly I inched foward and stretched out my arm and with

my finger I tried to see if it was pokable.

Immediately something grabbed my hand and pulled me into the light.

AUTHORS NOTE: Hello everyone, thanks for reading the beginning of my new story. I hope you stick around and keep reading as i write this story, i would love your support, if you can please hit the vote button and show your support. thank you kindly, and i will update right away.


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