Lady of the fountain, Druidess

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The bright sun rays filtered through the tall windows and their warmth kissed my skin. Alexander was not in bed with me, nor was he in the room. My mind fell back to yesterdays events and a slow smile curved my lips. He was wonderful in bed as always, a Druid worthy of his title! I cupped my swollen breast and sucked in a low breath, my eye lids fluttered closed and my mind fell back into the sensation of him. 

My concentration was interrupted by a loud noise and I turned my head in that direction, and saw a monstrous size bird with two heads sitting outside the window ledge. The two heads had black, scaley skin, and their beaded eyes stared at me viciously. Fear struck me, and I jumped out of bed and wrapped the silk sheet around my naked body and ran to the trunk by the bed, and I opened it, and pulled out the magic sword.

As soon as the giant bird saw the sword, the two faces had a knowing look on them and it stretched out its massive wings and flew away. They either feared the magic sword or they validated that the sword was here and took off. My heart pounded, and I panted for breath. The time is closing in, the veil is almost down, and we must find the Emerald tablets before then.

I raised the magic sword in the air, it was ornamented with gold stones all the way around, and had blue and red glass and rock crystals. It was beautiful and very powerful. I have to hide it in a different place, now that the giant bird has seen it. 

At that moment, two servant girls walked in and they both eyed the sword, as they walked to the chair and deposited another gown, a pair of sandles, and hair trinkets for me to wear. A third servant girl walked in with a tray of bread, cheese and wine. She placed the tray on the table and all three curtsied and left the room closing the door behind them.

I walked over to the chair and picked up the gown. Its gold shimmering material, glittered as I placed it on my body and I walked over to the mirror and admired it. It was a beautiful gown and I pulled it over my head and it dropped over my body smoothly all the way down to my feet. There was an opening on boths sides of the dress, revealing both my long legs. I wore the sandles and brushed out my hair with my fingers, and picked up a gold, flower hair pins and pinned them in my hair.

Staring in front of the mirror, as I was admiring myself, I thought I saw something dark flutter behind me, but when I turned quickly there was nothing there. Maybe it was just my imagination, I thought. Then why are there goosebumps all over my entire body?

I quickly grabbed the sword and hid it behind the bed until Alexander takes it and puts it in a safe place. I walked over to the wooden doors and swung them open. I heard commotion downstairs, and I ran down the flight of stairs and saw alot of activity going on in the great hall. Warriors were preparing for something as they marched out into the courtyard.

I wondered where Alexander was.  

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