Across Boundaries (COMPLETED)

By dare_to_dreamxoxo

160K 7.5K 1.3K

Update: I realised today (5 years after I actually started writing) that this book is cringe as fvck and need... More

Chapter 1 | I Really Didn't Do This Thing
Chapter 2 | The New Admission.
Chapter 3 | Did You Really Just Walk Into That Wall?
Chapter 4 | Your Order, Sir?
Chapter 5 | Dylan Delicious Scott
Chapter 6 | Take That, You Jerk.
Chapter 7 | I Seriously Needed To Stop Thinking About Her.
Chapter 8 | Saviour? My Foot!
Chapter 9 | The Perverts Here Aren't Even Racist.
Chapter 10| I Am Not A Nerd.
Chapter 11 | Tugged Heartstrings
Chapter 12 | The Game
Chapter 13 | Things On Mind
Chapter 14 | Fights, Princesses and Bribes
Chapter 15 | No More Sorrys
Chapter 16 | Just Trying To Figure Her Out
26 (II)
Chapter 33 | A Lot More To A Relationship
Chapter 34 | Lets Sleep Together.
Chapter 35 | You Know You're Amazing?
Chapter 36 | This Was My Home Turf.
Chapter 37 | There's Only So Much Beauty I Can Stand.
Chapter 38 | You Sure Wonder A Lot.
Chapter 39 | I Love You.
Chapter 40 | Of Holes And Rips.
Chapter 41 | What A Tease.
Chapter 42 | Back Off.
Chapter 43|Gisele
Chapter 44 | You Bet.
Chapter 45 | I'm Dylan...
Chapter 46| Don't Forget To Breathe.
Chapter 47 | Her Real Mr. Right.
Chapter 48 | Four Months Later
Chapter 49 | That You Love Me...
Chapter 50 | Break A Leg {FINAL CHAPTER} UNEDITED

26 (I)

2.5K 123 57
By dare_to_dreamxoxo


It was a nice morning. I saw the leaves sway gently with the light breeze. The sun was bright and the sky clear. It wasn't too cold neither too hot. A perfect day for a beach holiday. Yesterday Ash had called to ask me whether Mira would be in. We had been planning for a while now but the weather never seemed to be perfect, so we just put it off again and again but today the weather was perfect and the mood was set.

I had been entrusted with the difficult task of somehow persuading Mira, the biggest study freak ever to not study for one day and actually enjoy life. She really had me stumped when she asked me to study because I was bored. No wonder she was never spotted at any of the parties or university social events because she would probably be hiding in her room, locked away from the world as she studied her head off while other teens her age twerked their asses off in some random person's party to which they most probably weren't even invited in the first place.

I already knew she wouldn't own a bikini. I mean the chica hardly showed any skin except her face, hands and feet which was very very unusual in today's world but that demureness was one of the things that drew me to her, that I inexorably found myself falling for her smile, her laugh.

Yesterday at the mall, I knew she wasn't very happy with me buying her stuff and I could see there was so much that she wanted to say but I was the owner of my money. I decided whether or not to spend it. Although I knew that all the time she was itching to run away and somehow stop me from doing what I did, and that it was her extreme sense of self-respect and dignity forcing her not to accept the gift; I still couldn't help but wonder that did my wish matter at all?

Did it matter at all that I myself wanted to spend on her?

I did not know for sure, but then again had she not respected my will she would not have accepted the curtsy without a word. Acting as if nothing was wrong, as if it was normal for her to accept gifts from me, while on the inside she faced a great emotional turmoil. And I knew she was new to all this. Inexperienced and naive she was going through it all only with the help of sheer grit and determination and probably with a promise to herself that she would not give up however new, hostile and unfamiliar this country and its environment was.

I admired that about her. The raw courage she possessed and that stubborn attitude to keep going.

Never thought this would happen but I guess I was admitting that I admired her.

Clutching the black paper bag that had pink and golden embellishments in my hand, I walked through the hallway, running a hand through my hair. As I neared her door, I hesitated. It was nine in the morning and there was every chance that she might still be asleep unaware of my intrusion. And I didn't like the idea of walking in on her in her sleep too. Not that I minded walking in upon her as she slept. Afterall I meant no harm but it kinda seemed like an invasion of privacy to me and that was something I tended to steer clear of.

My mom had taught me better than to walk in on someone sleeping, especially if the someone was a girl. And this was Mira we were talking about. And I swear I had absolutely no intention of disturbing her but I knew I had to wake her up. The boys were due to be here in thirty minutes and I had to wake Mira up, convince her to tag along which by the way was nearly impossible and also persuade her to wear the bikini that I had bought especially for her.

And hey, before your dirty mind comes up with any filthy ideas. The bikini was meant as a bathing suit for her to wear on the beach, so calm the freak down.

I paused with my hand on the doorknob as an internal battle raged inside my head.

What if she didn't like me entering her room without her knowledge when she was asleep and was still in her pyjamas?

What if she yelled at me for walking in her when her hair's a mess and her bed is still unmade?

Ugh, stop overthinking. My brain chastised me.

Oh god, I groaned inwardly and then gathering courage I turned the doorknob and walked inside, trying not to make any noise. The lights were still out and the curtains were drawn. The room was dimly lit by the few rays of the morning sun that slipped in from between the curtains. I could make out a dark, petite figure on the bed as my eyes adjusted to the darkness. Tiptoeing slowly I went up to her bed and gently placed the paper bag on her nightstand. From up so close I could make out her features. That full, pouty mouth and that long, straight nose. Dark hair formed a halo around her head as she slept, blissfully unaware of my presence, lost in the world of dreams.

God damn. I really needed some sense knocked into my head because I was turning into a sissy.

World of dreams.

F*cking really?

Shaking my head incredulously, I went up to the windows and drew the curtains aside as light poured into the room, illuminating everything. I turned around and my breath stuck in my throat.

Mira lay on her bed completely lost in sleep, her breathing calm and even. Her eyelashes fanned her face which held a slight blush even in her sleep as if she had been dreaming about something that made her really happy. Her dark hair looked so silky and smooth spread over the pillow. A few strands fell upon her face, entangling with her eyelashes and she stirred ever so slightly. As if of its own will my hand rose to brush it away. Very carefully I brushed her hair away from her face as I admired her beauty. She looked so pure, so innocent......untouched by malice that my heart ached at the sheer beauty of her.

She looked even more beautiful than she did that morning when we had fallen asleep on the roof. Her skin was creamy and buttery soft. Supple and sunkissed. It was perfect and I longed to touch her.

She had kicked off the duvet so that it lay surrounding her legs. Her long legs that seemed to go on forever. She wasn't wearing shorts, thank god. Or I wasn't sure I could have kept my control. It was still taking a whole new degree of self-control to keep my hands off her. Had she been wearing shorts, God knew all hell would have broken loose.

Ignoring the fact that my heart was running a relay race in my chest, I moved closer to ensure that she was still asleep. It would be very embarrassing, were she to catch me staring at her long, dark lashes, her cheeks tinged with pink, her extremely kissable mouth, her chin that jutted out defensively even in her sleep, her slender neck, her collarbone that I would love to-

Okay, I really need to stop.

I knew then that I could stand staring at her face all day long, but I really had to wake her up. As I was about to lean in, she tossed in her sleep so that the duvet that was previously covering her torso, slid downwards to reveal her belly. Her top had risen up to her midriff, giving me an irresistibly delicious view of her flat stomach. Her stomach wasn't muscular. It had a certain feminine quality about it that I loved.

At that moment, I realized that my brain knew that Mira was not the prettiest girl I had ever met. Not by a long shot. She was pretty in her own way but I had certainly associated with girls way more prettier than her. But my heart also knew that she was one hundred and one percent the most beautiful girl I knew and that there was no girl who could ever compare to her beauty.

I got on my knees so that I was face to face with her. "Princess, wake up." I muttered gently tapping her arm which lay across her chest. She stirred slightly but kept on sleeping. I felt really weird doing it. This was the way I used to wake up Valerie only. Would it have been someone else, I would have just yelled or played some loud music.

But not Mira.

Not my niña.

"Psst, wake up, sleeping beauty." I nudged her again. Again, she turned ever so slightly but her breathing turned calm again and she kept on sleeping. As far as I know she had hit the bed as soon as we had returned from the mall yesterday, which was around five in the evening. And considering the fact that she had been sleeping for so long, there was absolutely no way she could not wake up now unless....

Unless she was an insomniac (yeah there is a problem called acute insomnia)

Or she was REALLY REALLY tired.

I really hoped it was the latter.

I gently poked her elbow again. "Princess, get up," but I knew this wasn't gonna work. An idea struck me and I chuckled.

This was definitely going to work, I was ready to bet all my money. I was damn sure what I was about to say would have her up and running in no time, faster then you could say hi. So I added, grinning slyly, "Or you'll be late for your class."

It had the desired effect as Mira jerked up from the bed, alert all of a sudden as she looked around frantically. "What time is it?" She stifled a yawn as her eyes adjusted to the light.

Her gaze landed on me as I tried to look at her with a straight face, as I attempted to hide my laughter at her confused and slightly worried expression.

"Don't tell me, I forgot to set an alarm." She groaned throwing her head back while raking a hand through her hair. "I'm so stupid. Two days in one week. Mr. Brown's going to bury me alive, all thanks to my idiotic mistake and to this stupid sleep."

I could not control it any longer and burst out laughing as Mira watched me as if I had gone nuts.

"Why are you laughing? Its not funny." She glared at me when her gaze fell on the wall clock. "Oh my god, its nine fifteen!!" she exclaimed getting out of the bed, as she kicked the duvet violently off her.

"Oh my god, you're right," I said my eyes widening as I realized that I had a deadline too." Its nine fifteen."

Mira paused. Turning to look at me she said suspiciously," Its not a working day, is it?"

Ah, she finally remembers.

I burst out laughing again as she glared daggers at me. If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under by now.

"Not funny, Scott." She crossed her arms as she threw a pillow in my direction which obviously missed my head by a huge difference, annoying Mira even more.

"It is. A bit." I laughed. "You should have seen yourself. It was as if you were struck by lightening, the way you shot up from the bed." I grinned. "Someone's scared of being tardy." I winked at her laughing. The whole situation was just too damn hilarious.

"Whatever." Mira rolled her eyes as she walked into her closet, shutting the door before I could follow her inside. I shook my head and picked up the bag and walked over to her closet. I placed it near the foot of her door and knocked, " I have kept something for you just outside the door. Wear it, okay? We are going somewhere and you have to come, I'm taking you." I called. " And yeah, don't forget to wear something over it."

"Is it a d-date?" She called from inside and I chuckled.

"No." I said.

"Thank God." Came her reply.

"Oh come on sweetheart. No need to pretend as if that's not what you want. Like we all don't already know that you're dying to go out with me." I smirked.

"You wish, Scott. You wish." I could practically imagine her rolling her eyes as if there was a hologram of her in front of me.

"But really, tell me the truth." I grinned as I heard her command bossily.

"A date with me? No. A date with friends? Yes. We are going out together. You, me and the boys. Renee is coming too. Get ready soon. They'll be here any minute." I called back, grinning.



I showered quickly. I was very curious as to where we were going. Wrapping my towel securely around me I popped my head out of the door to ensure that Dylan was not there.

He was not. There was no trace of Dylan anywhere so I quickly picked up the paper bag lying at the foot of my door and closed the door behind me. I wondered what was inside the bag. It was pretty light. Why in the world did he want me to wear something over it?

Was it underwear?!?


I opened the bag and took out a black bikini top and my mouth fell open. So this was what he wanted me to wear?

I was shocked beyond words as I held the black scrap of cloth in front of me, There was absolutely no way I was wearing that. My hand fished out a black bikini bottom and black short shorts. It did not look like it was a part of the bikini but it matched perfectly. Anyone who didn't want much ass on show could don it and would be good to go.

But even then, my chances of wearing these scraps, with all due respect to Dylan, were zero. In negative probably. My mom would die if she saw me in this.

Suddenly I heard banging on my door and I realised that I may or may not have zoned out.

"M, you better get your ass up here, now." Renee hollered from the other side of the door. I could practically picture her frowning as she stood with her hands on her hips.

"Oh hi, Renee." I greeted her lamely.

"Yeah hi, good to meet you. Come out now." Renee banged again.

I rolled my eyes. "Could you take it down a notch please? My eardrums are bleeding Renee." I drawled joking.

"Yeah I will, but first you better get your ass up here." She answered back. "Now!!"

"Okay okay. I'm coming. Calm down, okay?" I called back hesitantly.

"Yeah, you better. Or I swear I will break the door and come inside to get you." Renee laughed evilly trying to sound sinister but I knew better.

"But what do I wear?" I whined. "I'm most certainly NOT wearing this.............bikini." I grimaced holding it up again, as I wrinkled my nose. "And by the way, that was horrible." I teased.

"Let me in, M. I'll solve your problem." Renee offered.

"What? Dude, no!! I'm naked." I called out horrified as I pictured Renee roll her eyes.

"I'm a girl, Mira. And your Best Friend." She emphasized the words and I groaned. "And its not like you have another option. I'm your best bet."

"O-okay." I muttered hesitantly and clutching my towel closer to my chest, opened the door letting Renee in. She was dressed in a pair of denim shorts and a black halter neck top.

"So." Renee raised an eyebrow. I handed her the bikini and she burst out laughing.

"Don't laugh. I can't wear that." I huffed stubbornly, eyeing it suspiciously.

Renee pointed to herself. "Can you see I'm wearing a bikini?" She asked as she turned around in her sundress.

I shook my head.

"Exactly." She said. "That's what you're going to do. Put it on. Ooooh and he has already got you shorts to go with it. Thoughtful of Dylan." She nodded appreciatively, as if she never expected this of him.

"You sure?" I was still apprehensive of all this and couldn't believe that I actually wore it and came out covering my torso with my hands.

Renee chuckled. " Stop being shy, Mira. Its okay. Wearing a bikini is normal here. No one cares."

"Just give me my top." I requested blushing. Renee laughed and tossed me a red and black cotton shrug. I quickly put it on and did not bother with makeup. I let my hair fall in soft waves around my face and slipped on my black flats. Meanwhile Renee packed the things we would need on the beach. Sunscreen, Sunglasses, Blankets, Extra clothes, Towels and other important stuff.

Hey, it was obvious.

We were clearly going to a beach. Doesn't need a genius to figure out that much. I mean who in his right mind would go shopping or skiing or dining or whatever with two bikini clad girls tagging along?

We went downstairs where the boys waited for us. They were all dressed in shorts and t-shirts. Chase and Dennis were busy bickering over something. Ash was lounging on the couch and Dylan and Jayden were playing 'Call of Duty'. I rolled my eyes. Boys and their video games.

Jayden's eye caught me first and he whistled slowly, his eyes lingering on my legs. I rolled my eyes and walked up to him. Smacking him on the head, with which Dylan looked very satisfied by the way, I asked. "Are we ready to go to the beach?"

"How do you know?" Dylan asked confused looking up from his game.

"I'm pretty sure even one bad boy like yourself wouldn't be taking me out for dinner wearing a bikini, Scott. And besides, it doesn't take a genius to figure that much out, understand?" I drawled, smirking victoriously at his shocked face.

I seemed to be taking him by surprise a lot these days.

Chase whistled behind me as the guys burst out laughing. "Feisty, I like it." Dylan smirked to which I just rolled my eyes as I pulled Renee outside with me.

We waited as the chauffeur brought the car. Meanwhile I felt Dylan beside me. He nudged me with his shoulder, his eyes glinting with amusement.

"Nice legs, by the way." He winked at me causing me to blush profusely but I composed myself quickly.

"Nice to know that you were checking me out." I winked back at him as he grinned at me.

"Was not." He shook his head, smirking.

"Whatever you say, Scott. Whatever you say." I smiled at him cheekily as he watched me intensely. The mischief in his eyes replaced by something else. Something much more deeper, much more stronger. Something I couldn't lay a finger upon.

The car swerved around the corner. It was a beautiful black sedan. I didn't know the name because I suck at naming cars and have absolutely no experience with them whatsoever. I could name all the chemicals though, if you'd like.



Hey guys, what's up?

Here is the 25th chapter. Hope y'all like it. I would love feedback. Don't be silent readers.

Vote. Fan. Follow. Comment.

Lots of love and flying kisses😘

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