gangster » namjin

By namjintrash

297K 16.8K 7.4K

seokjin craves a certain kind of love and no one else can give him that other than the countries top gangster... More

Quick Warning!


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By namjintrash

Jimin walked through the door after knocking, Hoseok and I hadn't moved on from our topic of discussion. Which was, who is Jungkook's prized possession. We created a little theory, it sounds dumb but we were bored and being detectives is fun. If our boyfriends could be gansters we could be play detectives. Our theory was that Jimin was the possession Namjoon said he had. We didn't believe someone could be so cold hearted to Jimin which leads us to think Yoongi may have made Jungkook break his brother's heart after realizing that Jungkook had genuine feelings towards him. Hoseok said Yoongi wouldn't do that but who knows. Maybe Yoongi thought it was best that Jimin and Jungkook were no more. The kid's weird, besides it's just a stupid theory.

"Jimin! Have a seat, bud!" I opened my arms and gave him a hug. I was still very grateful towards him for helping me escape and I made sure to ask Jimin if Namjoon punished him. He said he didn't which we found odd. So of course, I asked Namjoon about it.


Things were still a bit tense but the air around us was clearing up. Namjoon seemed to be avoiding me though. Always sending me to the room because he had stuff to take care of, running off into his office and saying he was busy, showing up in bed late and waking up drastically early. I frowned and slammed my fork down.

"What's your deal?! I've basically forgiven you! Do you not want me anymore? Is that what's happening?" My heartbeat quickened. I just wanted him to deny my statements and apologize with a valid explanation for his behavior. But it never came, he just sat still. His lips were in a line and his face held no expression. I waited though, if this was the end I'd wait for an explanation before leaving again. Although it will hurt, I can't stay in a house with someone whom I love but suddenly doesn't love me back anymore. Namjoon's eyes remained on me, it looked like he were trying to read my emotions and as hard as I'd try to cover them up he could see right through me.

"Actually, I just assumed you needed some space." He held an amused expression which made me look down in embarrassment. Of course he still fucking loves me, I'm Kim Seokjin. "I thought I was doing you a favor but I was wrong." Namjoon paused and looked down at his food. "I'm always wrong nowadays."

"Joonie, don't say that..." I prodded quietly and made my way towards him. He looked up with a sad expression. At that I cupped his face in my hands and leaned closer, still speaking softly. "You just want what's best for the people you love. Your intentions are always good. I promise. And I love you so so much for that, I really do..."

"I don't deserve you." Namjoon whispered, he was vulnerable in this moment. I never thought I'd see a day where Namjoon was weak. I felt content, nonetheless. Content that I was the only one who could make him this way. It may be used against him but this gave me assurance that he still cared about me and he always will.

"No one deserves me, I'm a fucking God." I joked, well partially. That statement is basically true. Namjoon laughed gently before leaning closer and giving me a soft kiss. "Now that we've got that cleared up, I have a question."

"I wonder what it could be this time." Namjoon said facetiously before taking a sip of his drink. I did ask a lot of questions though so I see why he said that.

"You didn't happen to... you know... punish Jimin for me escaping, right?" Namjoon only chuckled which made me even more curious.

"I didn't. I relieved him of his duties and had him in his quarters, I knew Yoongi would come get him. Plus, you'd resent me more if I did happen to bring punishment upon him. I didn't want that."

"So you knew Yoongi would get him? How?"

"You must still not realize that I'm the country's top gangster. I didn't get here by not reading in between the lines. As inconspicuous as you think you are, Princess, I knew your plan the entire time. Jimin was gonna help you escape when you went to the bathroom. You wanted to stay with Hoseok who happens to have Yoongi whipped. Yoongi would do anything to make sure Hoseok is happy so I knew right away that he was the brains behind the plan. Plus he's Jimin's brother so I mean, that part was easy to figure out. I saw it before it even happened."

"What about when you ran out and had the guards try to catch me."

"All part of the play. I figured if I let you escape, you'd come back to me, somehow someway. Then I'd be able to redeem myself of my wrongdoings."

"Smart. So I actually didn't manage to get away? You let me?" Namjoon nodded.

"After a few minutes of you in the bathroom passed I sent a code out to all the guards. Look for Seokjin when I say, but do not hurt or fully engage him. Just let me know how he slipped away." I pouted.

"And here I thought I was James Bond or something." Namjoon chuckled and kissed me again.


"How've you been?" Jimin shrugged.

"Okay, I suppose. Just not happy with the circumstances." I knew what he meant. Who wouldn't be upset when hearing that the guy you loved who only toyed with you is now after your brothers empire. Yoongi was second in command so Namjoon's empire was basically Yoongi's as well. "I assume you both know what happened..." Hoseok and I nodded.

"Wanna talk about it?" Hoseok said sincerely, patting Jimin on the back. I scoffed mentally because yes, Hobi wanted to genuinely make sure Jimin was okay but he also wanted to know what actually happened between Jimin and Jungkook.

"If I would've just listened to Yoongi, I wouldn't of ended up heartbroken." Hobi and I frowned but didn't say a word, allowing Jimin all the time to vent. "Jungkook was amazing, handsome, sweet. He was a dream come true. I was too dumb to see through his charade. Yoongi tried warning me but Jungkook managed to get me to turn against my own brother. I swear, the things I did out of love for him. Until one day, I noticed. I was in too deep though, despite the smell of someone else's scent on him, despite his rude remarks at me, despite him avoiding me at all costs, I stayed. I thought maybe it was just a bump in the road, but when he came home drunk and spewing cruel things at me I knew what was coming next. He told me everything, about how he never loved me. Jungkook had no mercy when he spat out that I was merely a toy, a pawn in his game. I ran so fast out of that house, I called Yoongi and he picked me up at where I had stopped. Yoongi wasn't mad at me, he didn't do the 'I told you so' remark. He just took me to his house and comforted me." Jimin was sniffling, silent tears running down his face. Hoseok immediately wiped them away as I just gazed in sadness. Imagine if that were me, Namjoon were just toying with me. A one-sided love that against all odds would never last. Another knock came and after mumbling a come in, a man, that I've come to know is Christian, walked in.

"Am I interrupting something?" He asked softly. He was a hacker, from what Namjoon's told me he's loyal and always gets the job done. But since he isn't out in the field he isn't as rough and tough as everyone else. Christian pushed his glasses up, his gaze set on Jimin for a little too long. Hoseok and I noticed and shot each other a mischievous look. Jimin happened to avoid eye contact with the other so this only meant one thing. I grinned.

"No, no! What is it?" Christian cleared his throat before answering.

"Boss says he wants you all to see something." I raised my brows and glanced at the confused looks of Jimin and Hoseok.

"This should be interesting." I spoke as we all stood up and followed Christian out. Just what did Namjoon have in store for us?

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