USWNT Oneshots+WOSO Pairings

By soccerbasketball03

101K 1.1K 341

I have no idea what I'm doing More

Stomach Bug: reverse MoexCheney
Stomach Bug MoexCheney part 2
Sick- Harli
Sorry Guys...
I'll Love You When No One Else Will: Preath (and Mal)
Homework (Part 2 to Preath and Mal)
Prompts? Pwease?
The Princess is Sick: Preath and Mal
Sooooooo plz dont hate me
The Princess is Sick: Preath and Mal (Part 2)
The Princess is Sick: Preath and Mal (part 3)
The Princess is Sick (Alternate ending) (Penguin don't read this)
Bully - O'Solo
Endlessly - Preath
Hey guys!
Author Note
Angel With A Shotgun (Preath)
Camp Sickness (TobinxMoexCheney) (MAJOR FLUFF)
Camp Sickness (part 2) (PreathxMal)
Her Love Is My Religion - Krashlyn
Authors Note
STORY TIME (aka another A/N)
Death in Your Eyes (part 1)
Death in Your Eyes (part 2)
Flower Crowns - O'Solo (Half Shot)
Missing You - Krashlyn
Don't Cry - PreathxMal
Sick Days - HarlixJJ
Tag #2
My Story
I'm Here (Krashlyn)
Leaving Her With You (its a surprise!)
What's Happening
Christmas Fever (Krashlyn)
Parent Problems - PreathxMal
Parent Problems (part 2) - PreathxMal
Parent Problems (part 3) - PreathxMal

April Fools - Preath

3.2K 46 19
By soccerbasketball03

Okay the constant change of point of view is gonna make this confusing but trust me it'll make sense in the end please enjoy!

(Tobin's POV)

"Christen!" I called out, running towards her.

She hugged me. "I missed you," she grinned. "It's been way too long."

"It's been like two weeks," I laughed.

"Which is too long," she pouted.

I slung an arm around her. "You're so clingy Press."

"You're the one with an around me Heath," she teased, playfully rolling her eyes.

I laughed. As much as I hated to admit it, I had missed this so much, just talking and laughing with my best friend. We got to my house and she unpacked, before the two of us settled on the couch. We were on opposite sides, with a bowl of popcorn sitting in the middle. It was Friday night, meaning it was movie night.

"You know what tomorrow is?" Press questioned, popping a piece of popcorn in her mouth.

I thought for a minute. "The first of the month?" I gave her a confused look.

"April Fools Day," she had an evil smirk on her face. "And I have the perfect prank."

"Oh yeah?" I took a sip of my water.

"We should pretend to be dating."

I spit my water everywhere. "We should what?!"

"Think about it," she reasoned. "Everyone ships Preath, we should tell them we're dating, take pictures and post them of us doing cute and fun stuff tomorrow, and then come clean at the end of the day."

I looked at her skeptically. "I don't know, what if they don't take it as a joke?"

"They will once we come clean," she pouted. "Pleeeeeaaassseee Tobin."

"Fine," I agreed. "How should we do it?"

"Maybe take a picture of us snuggled up on the couch and then one of us can post it on Instagram tomorrow with a cute coming out caption?"

"Sure," I shrugged.

She grabbed one of my fluffy blankets and handed it to me, before snuggling close. I felt my face heat up as I wrapped it around the two of us, while also wrapping my arms around Christen's waist. She took out her phone and took a selfie as she kissed my cheek. "Perfect!" she grinned, moving back over to her side of the couch.

I'm not sure what it was, but as soon as she was back in her spot, I missed the warmth.

(Christen's POV)

As I headed to bed, I noticed how Tobin had barely moved since the movie had ended. "Tobs? You alright?" I asked, my voice laced with concern.

"Yeah," it sounded forced. "Just tired."

She yawned, giving me a hug. "I'll see you tomorrow," I smiled.

"See ya," she headed up to her room, but I was still worried.

The next morning, I found Tobin in the kitchen making pancakes. "Morning Chris," she grinned when she saw me. "I made your favorite."

I smiled at her. "Thanks Toby!"

She raised an eyebrow. "Toby?"

"We're a couple today," I reminded her.

"Oh... right."

I gave her a worried look. "You okay?"

"Headache," she mumbled.

I placed my hand on her forehead. "You don't have a fever," I furrowed my eyebrows. "Maybe you should go sit down, get some water too, you're probably dehydrated."

She nodded, grabbed a water bottle, and headed to the couch. I shut off all of the machines she had been using, grabbed the plates of pancakes she had made, and brought them over to her. She looked a little flushed. "Feeling better?" I asked softly, setting the plates on the coffee table.

"Yeah," she smiled. "Thanks Press."

"No problem," I returned her smile. "Now eat up, we have big day planned."

As soon as I finished, I took out my phone to post the picture. I captioned it, 'The best movie night with the best girlfriend' and posted it. Tobin finished her pancakes and got dressed, and we headed to the car. "Where are you taking me?" she asked.

"You'll see," I winked.

I noticed that I had several notifications on Instagram, and smiled to myself. I looked at the picture one last time, and noticed, for the first time, how beautiful Tobin was.

(Tobin's POV)

Christen pulled the car into the parking lot of the movie theater two blocks away from my house. "Really?" I asked. "Another movie?"

"Beauty in the Beast," she said matter of factly. "And you're gonna love it."

I rolled my eyes, as she stole my snap back. She put it on and then took a picture of herself in it. She posted it on Instagram with the caption, 'Movie date part 2, featuring Tobin's snap back'. I chuckled to myself.

We walked into the theater. "You get the tickets, I'll get the snacks?" I asked her.

"Works for me," she grinned.

I kissed her cheek, before realizing what I had done. She blushed. "Uh, see you inside Toby," she looked down.

"Yeah see you," I mumbled, quickly making my way inside.

I got us popcorn and sodas, before sitting on one of the benches outside the arcade. She came in a few minutes later, triumphantly carrying two tickets to our movie. "You would not believe how popular this movie is," she laughed. "I almost had to fight a kid to get these."

I chuckled. "You would too, wouldn't you?"

"Yes," she admitted, taking her soda and handing me my ticket. "Let's go."

We walked into the movie, hand in hand, looking like the most stereotypical lesbian couple you've ever seen. I'm not kidding. She was in ripped jeans and flannel, her brown hair flowing and her eyes shining bright. I was wearing jeans and a tank top, with a snap back on my head. As soon as the movie began, she leaned her head on my shoulder and I put my arm around her.

After the movie, she was singing. As we walked out to the car, I spun her around and we half walked, half danced. I never noticed how childlike she was until that moment, how her eyes were bright and how she looked at me like nothing else in the world mattered.

(Christen's POV)

"Where are we going now?" Tobin asked as we got back into the car.

"You'll see," I smirked.

After Tobin had gone to bed the night before, I had gotten something ready. I drove her to the park, before going to the trunk and grabbing a picnic basket and a blanket. "You're kidding," she looked at me as if I were crazy.

"I'm not," I smiled. "C'mon, you'll love it."

She sighed dramatically, and we headed out into the park. I set up the blanket and we began to eat. I took a silly picture of Tobin with a sandwich and posted it, captioning it 'Lunch date' with a heart emoji. About halfway through, my phone began ringing. "Hang on," I said as I looked at it. "It's Kelley, I'll put her on speaker."


I laughed. "Kels, chill."


"Kelley shut up," Tobin mumbled, her face redder than a tomato.


"Bye Kels," I rolled my eyes.


I hung up the phone. I noticed suddenly, how sick Tobin looked. "Tobs, is everything alright?"

She shook her head quickly, looking ready to throw up. I scooped her up. "Let's get you home," I said softly, setting her in the passenger seat of the car.

As we drove home, I continued to glance worriedly at her at every stop we made. I realized, as soon as we got home, that maybe I didn't want this to be a prank.

Maybe I wanted this to be real.

(Tobin's POV)

When we got home, I tried to tell Press I could walk, but she wouldn't let me. She carried me all the way to my room before dropping me off on my bed. "Change into some pajamas," she said softly, pressing her hand to my forehead. "You don't look so good."

I nodded. When she left I put on sweats and an old t shirt. She came back in carrying a wet washcloth and her laptop. "Lie down Toby," she smiled sympathetically at me. "Time for movie number three."

I grinned at her. She placed the cloth on my forehead and set up her laptop. I snuggled close to her as the movie started, but I didn't really pay attention to it. After only a few minutes I had fallen asleep.



"Hmm?" I mumbled groggily. "What time is it?"

"Almost five," Christen responded. "Are you feeling any better?"

"Yeah," I sat up, sleepily rubbing my eyes.

I looked at her and found that she had also put on her sweats and t shirt. "Uh, I had one last thing planned, if you felt up to it."

"I'm game," I smiled. "What is it?"

"Well there's this local band playing downtown and I thought you might wanna go watch. We could go out to eat afterwards."

"Sounds good," I leaned my head on her shoulder. "When do they start?"

"Six," she responded, running her fingers through my hair. "Just put on what you had on earlier."

"Works for me."

I got up and noticed that her face was a little red. "You feel alright?" I questioned.

"Mmhmm," she smiled. "Just sleepy."

I smiled back. "Well get ready Press, we have a date to go on."

I only had one thought as she walked out of the room to get dressed. There is no woman more perfect.

(Christen's POV)

"Tobs! You ready?" I called from the living room.

"Be there in a minute!"

I sat on the couch and waited for my best friend. Almost fifteen minutes later she came down, looking sheepish. "Sorry, I got a little dizzy," she explained.

"Maybe we should stay back," I said worriedly. "You might be coming down with something."

"I'm fine," she assured me, smiling.

"Tobs, are you wearing makeup?" I asked, noticing the blush on her face.


"Tobin Heath did you dress up for me?"

"Possibly," she said sheepishly.

I put my arm around her. "That's the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me."

She smiled and leaned her head on my chest. I walked her outside and then we drove downtown. As the band began to play, Tobin took a picture of us under a tree, her lips on my forehead. "My turn," she smiled, posting it. She captioned it, 'Wish this night didn't have to end'.

We listened to the band for a little while, before heading to an Italian restaurant that was also downtown. I held Tobin's hand until we got in there, and it must have been the lighting because her face looked a lot redder than usual. I kissed her cheek. "Dinner's on me babe," I whispered.

I wasn't sure if I was looking at Tobin's face or a firetruck.


As we were waling back to the car, my hand clasped firmly to hers, I noticed Tobin leaning on me, and I felt something hot and wet run down my arm. I stopped suddenly and looked at her, tears were running down her cheeks. "Tobs?" I worriedly looked over her, searching for some kind of injury. "Do you feel sick? What's wrong?"

She shook her head. "I'm fine Chris," she assured me, before collapsing in sobs.

"Tobs? Toby talk to me," I cooed, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her close.

I don't know why I did what I did next. I don't know why the sudden urge came over me, but it felt right. I leaned in, putting my face only centimeters away from hers. "Chris," she breathed shakily, her eyes locking with mine.

I kissed Tobin Heath.

It didn't last long, but as we pulled apart I saw all of the fear leave her face, I saw happiness in her eyes, so I did it again. This one lasted longer. I only finally broke out of it because of the need to breathe. She grinned at me.

"Maybe we were wrong."

"What do you mean?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

She pecked my lips, and kept her nose pressed against mine, looking straight into my eyes.

"Maybe we were the April Fools."

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