hate to love you.

By hermosaddlovato

41.2K 1.2K 243

don't you just find it so hard to hate someone that you love? sounds crazy huh? demetria devonne lovato. yes... More

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Mental Health Day :)


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By hermosaddlovato

demetria devonne lovato.

a.k.a demi lovato; the loving, sweet, singer that everyone loves. well tbh, not me. hate her.

"how could you hate demi lovato?" they ask. but, what they don't know is that the bitch is my sister.

if i could kill anyone i wanted and not get in trouble for it, i'd choose demi.

she's just... not my cup of tea.

everyday i look into the mirror and i see nothing. that's only because she's made me see nothing.

don't understand how she prevents bullying and everything, but when it comes to me... she bullies me. she talks bad about me. tells me im worthless.

and what do i do?


don't know why i even bother. at home, im the weakest soul. why am i still alive?

but, there's something that keeps me going. my ability to stand out in the worst place ever.


you see, at school im the most popular. im free to be me, and im happy doing it. the only bad thing about it is that i have to hide my wrists as much as i hide my home life.

oh, before i forget... my name is gabriela gonzalez. you may notice that my last name isn't lovato. that's only because demi and i have different dads.

i forever wish that i could live with my dad. don't get me wrong... i love dianna so much, but ya see, demi lives here. i hate that and her if you didn't realize.

my dad is way cooler and im upset that i can't live with him. he has no custody whatsoever and that makes me mad. partially because i didn't have a say in whether or not i wanted to stay with him. i want to move with him.

he calls me everyday, sends me flowers at school and orders clothes and have them shipped to my house. my dad is perfect.

now, back to my mother. my mother is really sweet and i love her with all of my heart, but sometimes i wish she didn't love me as much. the problem with that is that demi  is mad and jealous and decides to hate me because mom loves me more.

i can't help it and mom doesn't realize that. she knows that demi  and i have our differences, but she doesn't understand how much of makeup i end up using at the end of it all. i wish demi would give me a break.

demi is 19 and i am 15. four years difference which means that she still isn't that older than me, and can act like a big sister acts. ugly to me. i just wish that she'd grow up and act like a mature big sister who does everything right.

her fans argue at me constantly telling  me to stop being mean to her considering her past, but i know something that many of you fans don't know. but, we'll save that for another time.


"demi!" i heard my mother call from the bottom of the stairs. just like everything else, my house is so big that you can hear the echoes for a while.

"yes, mom?" her devilish sounding voice called out. well, not really. that's just how it sounded to me.

i heard demi go down the stairs, falling at the bottom. i dared not to laugh. last time she tried to make my life a living hell.

btw, that's another thing she does. she likes to mess up my social life. hacking into my twitter or even tweeting about her "sister". many of my friends follow her and love her. i pretend to love her too.

when she tweets about the "sister", my friends ask if it's me. and i am forced to say that it's one of her close friends that she claims is her sister. if they found out our relationship, they would never like me, and i could seriously use some friends.

maddie de la garza.

maddie, and i haven't always gotten along.

"hey mads, what's up?" i said while watching her type on her computer.

"what's it to you?" she said and then rolled her eyes.

maddie loves to get attitudes. guess she's on her period.

"why do you --" you know what? i just walked away. why do i have to put up with her shit? as i was walking out the door and back to my room... i decided to read on my phone.

walking down the hallway, i felt myself bump into another human. looking up, i saw that it was demi.

"watch where you're fucking going, bitch." she said to me. we exchanged looks.

there's times where i don't test demi, and there's times where i do. today is the day that i do.

i looked at her mug, and then back at her. she had a confused look. carefully, i gave her a smile.

all of a sudden i pushed up the bottom of the mug causing the scorching hot coffee to settle on her face and in her clothes.

"what the FUCK!" she said dropping the mug. as i heard the glass shatter i ran as fast as i could down the stairs as she chased me.

i ran towards mom who was on one side of the table. demi came after me so i ran around the table about five times. after five times, she stopped on one end and so did i. she was screaming at me all kinds of names.

she was angry, i was laughing, mom was confused, maddie was... maddie.

"i HATE YOU!" demi screamed to me. mom came over to me and hugged me and began to talk to demi.

"demetria! watch your mouth! go upstairs! and if you can't love your sister then get your ass out of my house." mom sounded serious this time. i think she's had enough.

as demi stormed out of the room i held her back my touching her arms. she pulled away crisply.

"what's your favorite dish?" i said smirking and laughing. her face grew even more red. she reached out to grab me, but mom turned me away.

im that easy to lift. demi made her way upstairs taking a breath for each step she took. she slammed her door and before i knew it began punching the walls.

yes, demi still has problems and she gets over angry. that's when i heard maddie walk to demi's room.

looks like im  going to have a hard night.

i will be next to mom, for the.... rest of my life.

wish me luck.


new book - by @hermosaddlovato

show some love, updating next friday.

vote, comment, etc.

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