Discovering Scarlett

By xBiancaRose

471K 18.5K 8K

When Scarlett's high school sweetheart of four years kicks her to the curb, he turns her world upside down. H... More

Author's Note
01| Gut Feelings
02| Numb
03| Amnesia
04| Daggers
05| Chance
06| Tame
07| Control
08| Grip
10| Torn
11| Storm
12.1| Hesitate
12.2| Beg
13| Reveal
14| Reality
15.1| Code
15.2| Godzilla
16| Snap
17| Suspend
18| Answer
19 | Anticipate
20| Focus
21| Past
22 | Fall
Testing... 1...2...3
23 | Spark
24 | Matched
25| Cut
26| Buzz

09| Haze

18.3K 733 408
By xBiancaRose

I rubbed my hands over my eyes trying to wake myself from my slumber. My skin warm under the soft velvety blanket. I decided five more minutes of sleep wouldn't do any harm. I swirled myself to my side to get more comfortable but a strong weight kept me in place. I opened my eyes, blinking them to adjust my hazy vision to find Thomas. He looked peaceful almost angelic as he slept completely unaware of my gaze.

His head laid on my chest as if it were a pillow while his arms wrapped around my bare stomach in a death grip reminding me that I was in nothing but my lacy undergarments.

I mentally noted that stripping in front of my ex-boyfriend to prove a point was added to the list of stupid things Angry Scarlett did without thinking. My heartbeat stilled as I replayed every single moment from Thomas dropping the marriage bomb, to him literally kidnapping me and sticking his tongue down my throat.

I would be lying if I said a small, very small part of me didn't enjoy his lips on mine. For a small moment, it took me away until I realized he was probably seducing me to forgive him then anger took place of the warm feelings.

He must really think of me as some foolish girl or maybe I was foolish before and now I was seeing him for who he truly was.

Part of me was like Scarlett, you are overreacting, he loves you forgive him the other part was like he is a lying piece of shit run far away now. The most logical choice was the latter, there's no way I could let him stick his claws into my heart again.

And with that thought, I broke myself from his tight hold as I grabbed my clothes from the floor and ran.

I had made my way to the bottom of the stairs before I slipped with my bottom meeting the cold hard step. I winced in pain, my breathing rapid, like a dog panting for air. I gripped my hand on the staircase as I lifted myself dropping my hands to my knees to try to catch my breath.

The bright idea of putting my clothes back on finally hit me, there's no need for me to go to jail for public indecency. I heard a faint noise coming from the bedroom, my stomach churned, as I hurried to put on my jeans. The noise grew increasingly closer.

I bolted to the front door keeping my eyes focused on the staircase. I pulled the handle repeatedly but it wouldn't budge.

I averted my attention to the door noticing the giant keypad above the lock. I pressed numerous codes, from Thomas's birthday to even my name but nothing.

Loud sirens rang loudly, so loud it was almost deafening. If Thomas didn't notice my absence he sure as hell would now. I tried to ignore the sirens as best as I could and continued trying to unlock the door.

Panic set in, as the loud sirens went silent.

I slowly turned my body around and saw Thomas steel eyes staring straight at me. Thomas walked slowly towards me his jaw clenching with each step. He was now dangerously close, my back trapped against the metal frame of the door.

I turned my head to the side in an attempt to avoid his threatening glare. He punched the door right above my head causing the metal door to shake violently. The force alone sent chills down my back. He grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him "Going somewhere, honey?"

I cleared my throat turning my head to look at him "Just thought I would go for a walk." finishing my statement with a fake smile. His face went from deadly to friendly real quick as he probably realized the fear in my eyes.

Thomas had never put his hands on me but that didn't mean I didn't know better than to rattle his feathers when he was angry. To say he had some unresolved anger issues was an understatement.

He inhaled a deep breath and let go of my waist "I'm sorry, for losing my cool, how about I make breakfast and we can talk about things in a civil manner? I had Carter bring you some clothes and toiletries so you can shower if you want."

I nodded and proceeded my way up the stairs. I bite my tongue knowing I needed to remain on his good side if I wanted to leave this hellhole. I mean sure I could strike up an attitude and piss him off more but I was clearly the one with a disadvantage here.

"Oh, and Scar your phone is in the master bathroom you left it at the diner last night when you ran out."

"Kay, thanks" I tried to say in the most neutral tone possible but it came out with a hint of annoyance.

The cold tile floor below my feet made me shiver as my racing heart settled when I twisted the lock on the bathroom door.

The massive master bathroom was probably twice the size of my bedroom. The shower door was glass with the rest of the shower being a white marble from top to bottom. To the left of the shower was a grey clawfoot bathtub and to the side of me was a mirror that went from one wall to the other beneath it were two double sinks with black marble countertops.

Laying on the countertops was a Bright blue blouse and black slacks. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the tag displaying my size. I wiggled out of my jeans and threw my shirt over my head. I pulled my hair out of my hair tie and turned the knob to the shower to a hot temperature.

Water cascaded from two water spouts that gently fell on my body. My body relaxed instantly, I closed my eyes and let the water run through my face. I am pretty sure this what heaven feels like.

I grabbed the tropically scented shampoo and lathered my hair. Fully caught up in my temporary bliss until I realized I had work today. I quickly finished rinsing the remaining shampoo and darted out of the shower. I wrapped the towel around my body and hurried to the counter to grab my phone.

I crossed my fingers and squinted my eyes opening them slowly to see that it was barely five am. A sense of relief washed over me. I unlocked my phone to see I had about 100 missed calls from my sister. I send her a quick text letting her know I was still alive and well.

I scrolled down to the rest of my unopened messages that mostly came from my sister, some from Natalia but I bite my lip when I noticed several messages from "My Awesome Boss."

A smile whipped across my face remembering that Elias had written that when he put his number in my phone.

My Awesome Boss: Watching dead walking as you advised. I haven't moved from the couch.

My Awesome Boss: My bad, I meant THE WALKING DEAD.

My Awesome Boss: Sorry, did not mean to type that All CAPS. Not used to texting.

I laughed loudly, for a second I completely forgotten the spiel I gave him the other night about TV series he had to absolutely watch. It did not shock me that a man as busy as Elias had no clue about any of the shows I brought up. My heart tingled that he actually followed through with my request. The thought alone of the very serious Elias sitting on his couch watching The Walking Dead made me happy.

I paced back in forth with my phone in tow wondering on what I should reply. I needed to text back something that sounded eager but not too eager. I finally decided on

"Ha-ha, you actually listened to me? *heart eyes emoji* * backspace heart eyes emoji because I thought that would look too eager* what season are you on now?

The sudden realization hit me that it was FIVE IN THE MORNING. I had texted my boss at 5 am when he had written me yesterday.

I gave myself a good facepalm as I leaned back on the counter. What if I woke him up and in return, he's grumpy all day because of me then fires me out of spite? I mean I doubt it but then again I had no clue how Elias would react if he was angry. The man intimidated me in his relaxed form I could just only imagine how I would feel if he was angry.

I looked down to the message and saw that he was replying. My heart sank, butterflies took over my stomach.

Had he already been awake? Was he lying in bed shirtless as he replied? Did he sleep in briefs or was he the type to wear pajama pants?

My phone dinged me back to reality and out of my imagination of Elias shirtless body.

My Awesome Boss: "Of course I listened to you. Just finished season 6. What the hell was that ending? Debating on calling into work today to start season 7."

Another text followed shortly:

My Awesome Boss "The last line was a joke. By the way."

I snorted as I typed "Ha I wouldn't have ever known you'd be the joking type *wink eyes emoji*

He quickly replied My Awesome Boss "And there's still a lot of things you don't know ;) See you at work, Ms. Delacruz."

A warm feeling ran up my thighs when I imagined his husky voice saying that last text. I'm sure he didn't intend to do that. There's was always so much tension when we were alone. Like a big elephant in the room screaming you guys kissed. I wondered how long it would take for the tension to go away but it only intensified the more I got to know him.

"Food is getting cold, almost done?" Thomas screamed through the bathroom the door.

I opened the door and Thomas must have been leaning on it because as soon as I opened the door he slipped to the floor. I tried my best to conceal a laugh. He quickly got on his feet and rested his hand on the door-frame.

"I'm going to get dressed and I'll be right down but I have to hurry I have to be at work at eight."

His mouth moved but nothing came out like if he was going to argue but decided against it "Okay, I put your jeep in the shop, So, I will have to take you to work."

I gave him a thumbs up as he walked away. I was going to try my best to keep talking to the minimal. The silent treatment seemed to fit as his punishment. Plus, I'm sure any communication right now would just lead to more arguments.

I ripped the tag from the clothes that were on the countertops and quickly put them on. I brushed my hair then flipped it over as put mousse in. I opened the cabinet to find a mascara, lipstick and my favorite foundation. Thomas definitely moved up my shit list for this. I was secretly thankful he had thought of everything I needed.

I wiped the steamy mirror with my towel and did a simple makeup look. After I ate I would add my lipstick as a finishing touch.

Making my way down the stairs the aroma of pancakes and syrup filled the air. I sat down on the metal barstool where he had served me two buttermilk pancakes with whip cream on top.

Mmm, just the way I like them.

I internally sighed, at least he gave me breakfast? Nope, still, hate him. He stood before me in grey sweatpants with his abs in full display as he handed me a bottle of water.

He sat on the barstool beside me and gave me a kiss on the forehead "You look beautiful baby" he paused as if he was trying to choose his next words wisely, " Uhhm I didn't know you had quit the company until I called Margaery this morning. I had left the country to try to get this deal overseas. It will fix the whole mess of not accepting to marry Abagail. If we don't get this deal, we are going to lose a lot of money. Anyways enough of that, you didn't have to quit, where are you working now?"

I paused knowing all hell would break loose in a matter of seconds. My voice so low I hoped he would not hear it. "I work at Castellano Enterprises as a consultant if I do well enou-."

His fists clenched as he put the fork down on his plate. He placed his hands over his head as paced around the room until, stopping and settling his body between my legs.

"You decided to work for the head – competitor of my company- " he scoffed. "Yeah, you can quit now you made your point. I get it you did this to piss me off, just quit now, I will pay you double whatever he pays."

I knew the minute I said where I worked he would flip out like 4 year old having a tantrum over spilled milk. There was always an underlying tension every time he had brought up Castellano Enterprises but I never put much thought into it before.

When I had applied for the position it was partially out spite but that wasn't the whole reason. I actually had admired the rising success of Castellano Enterprises and wanted to be a part of it. When I had actually got the position Thomas had been the last thing on my mind.

Not wanting to rattle the hornets' nest more I simply stated "No." but really I wanted to say how you dare tell me to quit my job! A job that would set off my career and after that scream pure profanities in his face.

He banged his fist against the quartz countertops  "Scarlett Rose Delacruz, do you know how it looks on me that my girlfriend is working for my competitor? I am already treading on thin ice by refusing to marry Abagail and this will not look good to the board."

"Thomas, I am not your girlfriend. You have no right to tell me what to do. You cheated on me and belittled me like I was nothing but trash. You expect me to just take you back after that and quit my job because you say so? You are out of your mind." I spat getting off the bar stool and grabbing my bag.

Who the hell does this guy think he is? My daddy? In his damn dreams.

He pulled my arm and yanked my attention back to him. "Scarlett, you don't even know who this man is, I mean come on, and you can't tell me you that you don't find it a little suspicious that he owns a multi-billion dollar company at 26? You can't be this stupid. You being hired there is a joke in itself because you're not qualified for the position he gave you. He probably just hired you just because you worked for me or maybe he did it to sleep with you I mean he probably thinks you have a thing for fücking CEO's."

I quickly wiped the tear that fell against my cheek turning my back against him. I yanked my arm out of his hold and made my way to the door. To my surprise, he didn't chase me.

There was one thing I was sure of my tough girl façade had finally cracked.
I had barely made it work in the nick of time, my Uber driver had to have been the most patient driver on the universe. Hell, I think a turtle would probably drive faster than him.

Luckily, I had not seen Elias this morning. If he had seen me he would be less than impressed that I arrived late.

He had made it abundantly clear that punctuality was important to him. Then I would just have to explain why I was late which I didn't think I could conquer without ugly crying. I blamed aunt flow for making me an emotional mess.

Hours seemed to pass by painfully slow. I did not get as much as I wanted to get done today which upset me and made me want to cry all over again. I twirled around in my office chair until I got dizzy, I had already given up trying to work on anything.

My mind would just not focus, no matter how hard I tried, Thomas last words loomed over my shoulder. He had gotten under my skin, burying seeds of doubt in my mind, ones that said I didn't deserve this job and the other about Elias.

I had never questioned Elias success, I had actually admired it. There was nothing that came off suspicious about Him or his company. I would just have to trust my gut instinct that He was an honest businessman.

I checked the time on my computer and a hint of solace washed through me knowing it was time to head home. I sashayed out of my office flicking off the lights and headed towards the end of the hall where Alexanders office was located.

Elias had required Alexander to sign off on my work every day to make sure everything was done correctly. I found myself eyeing Elias's office as I walked passed. The lights were on so he must be in there. I opened the door to Alexander's office remembering he had told me that our relationship was on a no-knock basis.

He stared at me with his piercing green eyes "What do I owe the pleasure Morenita?"

I sat down on the brown leather chair in front of his desk crossing my legs over in the process. Secretly, hoping he didn't realize my flushed cheeks. My cheeks weren't flushed in the 'oh that was hot' kind of way more like in embarrassment. I really was not a fan of the pet names he used to talk to me. It made me feel inferior.

I stared right at him my face stone cold or least I hoped it was "Mr. Marquez, I'd appreciate if you called me by Scarlett or Ms. Delacruz and I need you to sign my work for the day." I handed him the stack of manila file folders.

He grabbed the pen from the inside of his black suit jacket before smiling "I'm sorry, about that Scarlett sometimes I get carried away with a beautiful woman such as you. How was dinner by the way? Sorry for canceling, my cat sprinkles, May her soul rest in peace was the best companion a man could ask for. I really hope Elias didn't bore you to death with work talk. "

I picked up on the slight diss towards Elias and cleared my throat before speaking "No, we had a good dinner, he even let me drive his car to the restaurant which was actually quite exhilarating, I've never driven a fancy sports car."

I held back a laugh, Alexander looked at me like I had told him they discounted his favorite Hair gel. He stopped writing and put the pen down. "Damn, Elias let you drive his beloved Maserati?"

"Yeah, I don't think it was that big deal really, he was probably tired and didn't feel like driving."

He sucked in a breath "That's where you're wrong, Elias doesn't dare to let anyone drive his cars. He's a complete control freak when it comes to them. He barely trusts the damn Valet to drive them. Your kiss must have done some voodoo magic on him."

I leaned forward "My kiss? What are you talking about?" My words left my mouth but I already knew what he was talking about. My blood started boiling, so much for it being 'our business Elias".

He handed the files back to me and avoided my gaze he probably just realized he messed up. He stayed silent, the most silent I've seen him since I've met him. I got up from the seat and shook my head.

The words Thomas threw in my face now in my mind again.

He probably just hired you just because you worked for me or maybe he did it to sleep with you I mean he probably thinks you have a thing for f*cking CEO's.

I made my through the hallway and into the elevator my vision blurry, my mind in a fog. I heard a voice call out my name but I continued walking without looking back. I grabbed my phone to call another Uber. Who knows when I'll see my jeep again. Thomas had yet to tell me anything about it. Which I'm glad because he was the last person in the world, I wanted to talk to.

A hand stopped the elevator from closing and guess who waltzed right In Mr. Elias Castellano himself. The second person in the world I didn't want to talk to.

I tried hard to control the resting bitch face I had. I glared at my phone completely ignoring his presence. Maybe Thomas was right about Elias.

Did he hire me just because we made out before? And Why did he did he tell Alexander about our kiss?

His deep voice startled me sending my heart in a frenzy "Did you have a good day Ms. Delacruz?"

I looked up to see his crooked smile, a smile that could melt any woman's heart I'm sure. Just not me. Well at least at not at this moment.

Huh, Ms. Delacruz. The professional businessman as always. Why couldn't I be like him and turn off my feelings and be a professional zombie? I couldn't help that I wanted to pounce on him like a tiger and not in the sexy way I had pictured before more like ripping his head off kind of way.

How could he just act normal around me like I was a nothing but an acquaintance? As if his tongue hadn't been in my mouth. You know he was probably used to making out with a woman and forgetting them just as quick. I mean look at him of course he did. I am stupid for putting so much meaning behind it.

I was about to open the app to call the uber when Elias stood in front of me. "Are you upset?"

"No, of course not why would I be upset? I'm peachy, fantastic, greater than ever." My voice dripped with sarcasm which I didn't intend to have.

"I asked you a question and you never answered and I can tell your avoiding to look at me, so it must be something I did. "He stepped even closer towards me so close I could feel his breath on my neck. "Tell me, you are clearly upset."

I bit my lip trying to think of the less bitchy way to say what I was about to next. I mean he was still my boss after all I needed to tread lightly. But him standing this close to me was hard to focus on anything but his biceps that bulged out of his shirt.

I looked down at the white floor then back into those deep brown eyes of his "You told Alexander about our kiss when you said it was no one's business, Mr. Castellano. And I can't help but think that the only reason you hired me was because of that kiss. People seem to think I lack experience for this position and I can't help but believe them. No one at my level would ever dream to get the position I have now. "

He stepped back putting his hand in his pocket as he pulled out his phone as if he was trying to act unaffected from my words. But what I said had clearly upset him his jaw stiffened and he didn't dare to look my way.

He ran his hand through his dark hair and pinched the bridge of his nose. Before I knew it he had pulled the lever to stop the elevator. He started to make his way towards me his eyes never leaving the sight of mine. He stopped inches away from me if I moved slightly my chest would be on his.

His settled his hand on the wall behind me. "I told Alexander because he wouldn't stop pestering me about it. He had an inclination that something had happened between us. And to answer your question No, I didn't hire you because of the kiss we had that night. Do you think I have a successful company because I hire people on the basis of how well they kiss? Do you think that Alexander got his job that way too? I hired you because I thought you were qualified for this position. I see your potential. It's a vergùenza, a shame that you don't see your own potential."

He turned his body away from me and pulled the lever to start up the elevator again. My heart was pounding out of my chest. My body tense with his deep tone sending chills from head to toe. I was a tad embarrassed that it also sent a tingle between my thighs. Damn, he sure told me.

The elevator opened and he stormed off not turning around to look back in my direction.

My heels clicked on the concrete floor as I chased after him "Elias please wait, I was out of line for even suggesting that. I've been burned in the past to think my only good qualification is the person I'm with. You know the asshole, I mentioned the night we met? He is the person that seems to believe you only hired me because of what's between my legs. That same asshole just so happens to be the heir to Anderson Corporation. The only reason they hired me there was because of him. And just as I'm moving on to get over said asshole he comes marching back in my life, kidnaps me, and shoves his damn tongue down my throat. I've just had the worst weekend the only highlight was yo- I'm rambling again, aren't I? I'm sorry is what I meant to get across from all that."

Elias' face turned red as he loosened his tie. "He did what to you?"

I froze in my steps seeing Elias angry caused goosebumps to raise all over my skin. My knees threatened to buckle under his intense gaze.

My throat tightened as I tried to get the words out "I'm sorry I did not mean to lay all that out on the table. I really need to think before I speak."

His swallowed harshly as he gently pushed me against his Maserati. "Explain."

I inhaled a deep breath still nervous with the intensity of his stare "Well,uhhm long story short, he asked me to meet him to explain things or whatever, so here I am waiting for an explanation but he gives me a bullshit answer I get mad so I leave right well my car doesn't start so he puts me over his shoulder and brings me to his car and takes me to his home and sticks his tongue down my throat and well I slap him and yeah that's the end of that."

My eyes were on the verge of tears as I replayed everything that occurred in the past 24 hours. I averted my eyes away from his and tried to gather my composure the last thing I want is to cry in front of him yet again.

He pressed me against his chest as his big arms swallow me whole giving me a tight squeeze. I lifted my arms from my side and snake my arms around his chest bringing our bodies even closer together. I went from anger, devastation, to completely melting into a puddle in his arms.

His heartbeat was beating rapidly against my ear. The smell of his cologne eerily soothed me as laid my head on his hard chest. I closed my eyes in pure bliss. We must have stayed this way for what felt like minutes. I felt safe in his embrace, which comforted me more than any words could.

He slowly let go of his tight hold and cupped my face. "You aren't crying on my watch again." His hands fell slowly off my face down my neck before he stopped and took a step back from me."Next time tell me, I don't care what time it is. I take pride in taking care of---employees. "

He opened the car door to his Maserati and signaled his hand to the seat. "Get in, the least I can do is buy dinner after the day you've had."

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