Super Duper Short, Short Stor...

By FailureToFollow

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Here's a little something I did during exams. If you guys comment and vote to show that you like my stories I... More

Love at First Sight..
The Pizza Boy
I saw a rainbow. And it changed my life.
Through the eyes of a madman.
Mime Squared
My Desire
The Pain.
The Chicken Egg
Having Cereal Under a Chandelier.
The Spot.
The Sadist
The Land Above the Rainbow
Rainbow High Jumper
Trapped in the School.
Adventures of a Ninja Wannabe
A Lucky Day
Ignorance is Bliss..
Totally Random
Cookies, cream and milk
Two parts hydrogen, one part oxygen life form.
The blank screen
Jack without the magic jelly bean
The Red Mug
A Day of Delirious
A Parallel Universe
At Night
Her Very Own Fairytale
Once Upon a Posse
E's Ingenious Theory of Love
A Mother's Day Poem

Save All The Dragon Eggs!

727 5 5
By FailureToFollow

It was a tiring day for Ares Lock, a promising young warlock in the year twenty sixty. He had done his chores and was now getting ready for bed. Amidst brushing his teeth, a bright light emanating from his bathroom mirror overwhelmed his eyesight and blinded him with a vision.  In his vision, Tinkerbelle told him that he was ‘the chosen one’ and that his mission was of utmost importance. He was to save the dragon race. Being as tired as he already was, the young boy was then hit by the freight train heading to Dreamland right before he was able to recover from the vision.

The next morning, Ares woke up and memories of his vision for his mission came flooding back to him. He was determined not to fail his quest and followed as he was instructed in the dream. “You are to activate the identity of the dragon eggs by using a blow horn” he remembered Tinkerbelle say. “Use the blow horn twice anywhere in a rocky area. If there is a dragon egg, the rock will morph into its true form.” She added.

So the young Lock did as he was told and started in his very own backyard, which was ideal as it had a rocky terrain. After an unsuccessful first attempt, Ares started to plan the route he would take to cover all the rocky areas in the city. One city, two months and three dragon eggs later, the evil sorcerer who first enchanted the dragon eggs into hibernation learns of the young wizard’s mission and she will stop at nothing to annihilate him for he had foiled her plan.

Ares Lock did not know what, or rather who was coming for him that day when he left his house for the next city with his blow horn and backpack. On his way to the train station, an old lady approaches him and offers him an apple but he politely declines. Nialliv Oddessa, the woman in disguise starts to lose her temper and knocks Ares out cold with a powerful magic spell. However, the odds were not in her favor that day because a giant mole rat emerges from between the two beings and saves Ares.

When Ares wakes up, he is in his own bed. He wonders for awhile at what had happened and realizes that he was just having one of his wild dreams. “Too much TV, too many sci-fi books” he reasons with himself. Relieved that the whole ordeal was just a dream, he dresses up and gets ready for school. Outside, there is a commotion among the residents of his neighborhood. They point up towards the sky- at a large figure looming over them. Ares could not help but think… “Could it be?” Now he can’t help but wonder… if he really is a warlock with a destiny. 

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