The Gangleader Paction

By AverageClicheGirl42

475K 20.1K 6.4K

It's the middle of the night and it has finally come to your attention that you have mercilessly devoured the... More

Prelude: ➣ Boba with The Author
Synopsis: ➣ The Gangleader Paction
Chapter 1: ➣ You've Been Punk'd
Chapter 2: ➣ Bury You 6ft For Ab-DUCK-ting Me
Chapter 3: ➣ I Didn't Ask To Be A Part Of A Taylor Swift Song
Chapter 4: ➣ Doesn't He Have Anything Better To Do Than Kidnap Innocent Girls?
Chapter 5: ➣ Dead Duck! I'm A Dead Duck!
Chapter 6: ➣ When Voldemort Grows A Nose
Chapter 7: ➣ But He's My Sexy, Annoying, Uptight Gang Leader, Not Hers!
Chapter 8: ➣ I Don't Play Damsel In Distress
Chapter 9: ➣ Stupid Zoo Escaping Through My Stomach
Chapter 10: ➣ I Look Like A Walrus
Chapter 11: ➣ Xavier's Girlfriend
Chapter 12: ➣ Part-time Tycoon, Half-time Gang Leader, And Full-time Asshole
Chapter 13: ➣ They Just Can't Get My Nose Right
Chapter 14: ➣ Two Ghosts In Luigi's Mansion
Chapter 15: ➣ Yes, The Duck Can Cook. Surprise I Know.
Chapter 16: ➣ Happy...I Mean, Gabriel The Cat
A/N: Hold Your Fire!!!
Chapter 17: ➣ From The Deepest, Darkest, Blackest Part Of My Heart
Chapter 18: ➣ Why Couldn't I Be Born Normal?
A/N - 13 Reasons Why...
Chapter 20: ➢Deformed Snapchat Filter
Chapter 21: ➣ Short Girl Problems
Chapter 22: ➢ Bingo Boingo
Chapter 23: ➢ Anna Oop-
Chapter 24: ➢ Evil Loathsome Little Cockroach
Chapter 25: ➢ Frequent Kidnapping Card
Chapter 26: ➢ Bippity Boppity Bitch
Chapter 27: ➢ My Stupid Feathery Ass
Chapter 28: ➢ What In The Duke Of Hastings?
Chapter 29: ➢ Some Home Alone Shit
Chapter 30: ➢ It Can't Get Any Worse, Can it?
Chapter 31: ➢ Up The Stair, Not Down The Pole
Chapter 32: ➢ Doing The Harlem Shake
Chapter 33: ➣ Giving Fish CPR
Chapter 34: ➣ Looks Like Voldemort Finally Grew That Nose
Chapter 35: ➣ Daffy Duck PJs and Hello Kitty Band-Aids
Chapter 36: ➣ Xavier's Ex-Girlfriend
Chapter 37: Sorrows Sorrows, Prayers

Chapter 19: ➣You've Got To Be Ducking Kidding Me

13K 545 302
By AverageClicheGirl42


*readers impatiently tapping their foot*

Yeh okay, read ahead, and forgive me at the end? 

🐥 ---------------------------🐥

I stared at Xavier's lightly streaked brunette hair sweep over his eyes as he continued to drag me down the empty corridor of the warehouse, his deep green eyes glaring ahead as he walked... more like flew, with his shoes barely touching the ground as he rushed through.

Man, he looked like a pissed Latina about to backhand some ignorant little bitch.

"Hey, Xavier?" I tested his name quietly, looking down to stare at the grip he had on my wrist, almost squeezing the life out of me.

I think my wrist is losing oxygen.

"What?" He questioned gruffly, not slowing down on his journey to rip off my arm.

"Thanks," I smiled at him, actually being serious for once in my life.

The only other thanks, I ever give is to the lady that checks out my Ben and Jerrys and hands it to me in a bag and neutral expression. Yes, apologizing and thanking people is not in my vocabulary.

Xavier's gaze shifted to me for half a second before looking back and shrugged uncaringly, "Whatever,"

I frown. Guess accept thank yous isn't in Xavier's Vocab either. What a loser. He doesn't even accept a genuine Skyler thank you. His loss.

In a few moments, the group of men that we had earlier abandoned emerged in view and by then Xavier had flown over to them. Tash, Jason, and Gabe stood in front of the crowd, their anxious faces dissolving into relief upon seeing their leader unharmed.

No one really cared about the duck that seemed to have all her feathers intact too. Thankfully.

"Was it successful?" Jason questioned quickly, as Xavier made a stop in front of them, he didn't reply, instead held up the envelope and a grin washed over everyone's face.

What the hell is in that envelope?

Without another word, Xavier glanced down at his wristwatch, a pondering expression taking over his blank face, "What time did we get here?"

"around 6," Jason piped in, his gaze shifting from his boss down to me, "Because we had to make so many pitstops," He glared at me and I grinned sheepishly.

"Hey, it was an emergency," I told him simply, receiving an eye roll. When I need to pee, I need to pee! God didn't build humans to have expandable bladder to hold another 6 liters. If so I would've had a store worth of Mt Dew.

"It would be late by the time we head back to the mansion," Natasha explained. As soon as the words escaped her mouth a rare expression appeared on my face.

"Lightbulb..." I muttered to myself before grinning suggestively at the group. "How about you guys just stay at my place?"

"No," Xavier answered almost instantly not even sparing me a glance.

"But...but...but..." I repeated trying to think of a good argument, "C'mon, please?"

"No means no,"

Gabe stared at me thoughtfully, his eyes trying to search through mine and I could see the inquiries that filled his own. "That's not a bad idea Xavier," He finally put forward, making a smile light my face.

God I love Gabe in situations like these.

"Yeah," Natasha agreed after a few moments, a smile marrying her face as she stretched her arms, "I'm too tired to make the journey back,"

Jason didn't say anything, except look displeased at Xavier, silently begging him to say no as the final answer. What a little duckweed!

After a painstakingly long moment Xavier sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose tiredly. "One fucking night-" He didn't even get to finish the sentence before I squealed happily, clapping my hands like the little spastic I am.

Flashing me an annoyed glare, Xavier looked at the rest of the group, "I want all of you up and in the cars by 5 in the morning, are we clear?"

A chorus of yes boss's were heard while I stood there grinning stupidly, not really registering the wake up time tomorrow. Oh well. At least I'll be back in my own cozy home in a bit.

Xavier looked at me for a split second before sighing in defeat, "Get your ass in the car, I don't want to stay here another fucking minute," He snapped, pointing to the sleek black car the rest of the gang was pouring into.

Grinning like an idiot, i followed through what he had pretty much just ordered me with. I dont wanna make him change his mind out staying at my place.

🐥 ---------------------------🐥

"I gotta hand it to you Sky, you actually managed to fit an entire gang into a small house," Gabe chuckled. An impressed look wiping across his face as he sat on my breakfast bar.

"See, I knew I could do it," I uttered confidently. Not true. I was contemplating just letting Xavier shoot me on the spot when i realized how small my house was to fit the entire Silver Ravens in. But heck It actually worked! Even if it meant there was a bunch of people sprawled on the couches from one end to the other of my little home.

"First of all, I can't believe Xavier agreed to this," He mumbled more to himself taking a sip of the hot chocolate he had helpd himself to from my kitchen.

"Yeah me either," I nodded. Why did Xavier agree to this anyways? I mean he is known to not give into anything. Shucks, this man confuses me more than Crossword puzzles.

It was 11 by the time everyone had settled down into the couches and rooms, so pretty much everyone was on the verge of passing out. There were only three rooms to the entire house, my room, my father's and a guest room. I obviously wasn't going to cocoon up into any other duvet other than my own, so Natasha and I have my room, Gabe and Jason agreed to dad's room and Xavier has the guest room all to himself.

Bed hog.

"Well, I'm going to go crash before Jason decides to take the entire bed to himslef," Gabe chuckled, downing the rest of his cup and quickly washing it. "Goodnight Sky," He bidded, giving me one of his dazzling smiles before disappearing from the kitchen.

"Goodnight Gabe!" I called after him impulsively, hearing his footsteps quietly pat away.

Standing awkwardly in front of the kitchen bench i stared at the dark doorway Gabe had taken, leaving me stranded alone. In the dark, for the dead.

Okay. I was afraid of the dark. How pathetic.

I mean, how was I suppose to command a duck army to murder those imbeciles who throw away ice-cream when i'm afraid of the dark?!

Dang it, should've made Gabe walk me to my room.

Slowly walking over to the kitchen doorway, I peered out into the endless darkness of my corridor. Holy crap that's dark.

You got this Skyler.

Clutching my pyjama top with one hand, I placed my free hand on the light switch of the kitchen beside the door. Stepping into the darkness, I walked as far into the pitch black hell as my arm would stretch from the light switch. as fast as you can...


My fingers flicked the switch and I squealed to myself, running...well more like waddling as fast as I can down the hallway. Man I have an unattractive run.

Light! I see light!

Wait...why do I see light? I'm not suppose to see light, it's the middle of the corridor, I haven't even reached the bedroom section yet. Slowing down my mad rush, I came to a complete stop at the open backdoor of my house, leading onto the lit up veranda.

Pretty sure no thief has the death wish to break into a house brimmed with armed gang members who possibly sleep with guns under their pillows.

Sticking my head out cautiously, I scanned the pretty much empty veranda. Maybe someone accidentally left the lights on and went to sleep? Grumbling to myself, I straightened up. Dang flabbit I could be in bed right now snuggled in my princess cover, BUT NO!

Some idiot can't seem to turn the lights off!

Stepping out into the chilly air, the smell I had accustomed to for so many year filled the air. Man I missed this place. I've lived here pretty much my whole life. I remember my mom and I used to come out into the veranda every night, and wait for the lights on dad's car to flash into the driveway.

All that stopped when she passed. My father was barely home and I barely came outside into the veranda. I guess, losing my mother was the biggest change I had ever encountered, I had become a different being as soon as I ran dry of tears upon her hospital bed. Man I miss her so much.

"Are you done reminiscing?" A deep voice interrupted my train of thoughts, scaring me shitless.

"WHAT THE DUCK?!" I shrieked, springing into a retarded defence position, eyeballing the intruder into my thoughts.

Oh of course, who else would it be scaring an innocent duck at this time of day other than Xavier fucking Dante. I glared at his smirk as he leaned against the brick wall of my house towards the corner of the veranda. No wonder I didn't see him.

Well now that I am staring him down, I realised his hair was damp and matted gracefully to his head along with the fresh loose tee he had pulled over those navy pyjama pants. Man if he shows up in front of me with any less clothes, Niagara Falls will break a dam.

Thought I've never actually seen Xavier look just about ready for bed before. Maybe that's because I pass out every night before him and gets scared awake after he does. A-class lazy ass I am.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned, crossing my arms over my chest childishly, still mad he scared me.

"Why? Can't I be here?" He shot back, making me gape at him like a fish not knowing what to say next. Damn this man.

"No! No you can't!"

He chuckled deviously before slowly pushing himself off the wall, his body making a path towards me. "If you haven't forgotten Skyler," He drawled, circling me as I pretended to look unfazed. "This is the second time I have declined the option on selling your useless ass to someone,"

Useless?! I'm not useless!!

I opened my mouth to protest before he cut me off, "In fact you should be fucking thanking me instead of telling me where I can and cannot go!" he snapped, making me jump.

Definitely bi-polar.

"Okay..." I mumbled under my breath before glaring at him with all my duck might, "First of all, I'm not useless! And second of all, I could've easily dealt with Theo!"

Xavier raised his eyebrows amusedly, before sinking his hands into his pocket and slouched, still making him look 5 heads taller than me. Damn my short height! "He looked like he would've taken you on that warehouse wall," He said casually, making my face heat up furiously.

Damn his vulgar mouth I could kiss any day...wait what?

UGH! THE ONLY PERSON WHO CAN TAKE ME ON ANY WALL IS YOU! Not that he needed to know I need to keep my hormones in check.

"Arghh! I can handle him!" I snapped back angrily. I could handle Theo perfectly fine, if i had a shovel with me. Clenching my teeth together I raised my small hand, about to point at him accusingly, "You need to- HEY!"

He grabbed my wrist in one shift movement, smirking broadly at me. Oh this little dickweed! "Now that I think about it, didn't he grab your wrist like this Sky?"

"It's Skyler!" I grumbled, raising my other hand to assist in freeing my dominant hand from his death grip. Oh look, he grabbed that too.

Duck my life. Well... I am a duck so basically- UGH focus Sky, Xavier has you hostage right now!

"Now what Sky? If I were Theo, can you handle me?" He chuckled evilly, holding both my wrists, immobilizing me from smacking that smirk off his gorgeous face.

"Let. Go," I struggled against his unfazed grip. I squealed, wriggling my hands wildly, except they were concrete in his grasp. For the love of ducks! "What do you want Xavier?!"

"For you to admit that you're dependant on me to save your pathetic ass," He told me coyly. I watched his sculpted face hove over mine as I struggled once more before looking up at him.

Sighing in defeat I looked at him straight in the eyes before glaring "Over my dead body!" My ego is massive for even little admissions like this.

"That can be arranged Skyler," He cocked his head to the side, as I continued to struggle more. Ugh I want to go to bed, instead I'm stuck in the grasp of a hot headed gang leader asking me to put away my pride and ego.

Like hell that'll happen.

My patience was wearing thin as I continued to squirm around in an attempt to free myself, damn this man.

"Arghhh! Why don't you kill me now then huh? Why keep me alive if I'm so much trouble for you?! Get rid of me then Xavier!" I burst not realizing what I had blurted. Instead of shutting my mouth at that I continued, "No one told you to keep me, you should've killed me off when I was kidnapped on the very first day. Would've saved you the money, the attacks and the extra ducking food! I don't wanna stay here with you, I would rather ducking die," Well duck. Tht last one was a lie but still..

Guess I'm dead now. Goodbye world.

Xavier's jaw clenched, and I watched it tick in anger. I had signed my death wish right there. I shrunk back, watching his emerald eyes glaze over in pure fury.

"Because I didn't pay close to fucking 100 grand for a shooting target!" He hissed, dangerously close to face. I gulped, not realizing in one swift movement he had slammed me on the brick wall of the house.

My eyes widened at the sound of a gun safety flicking off and I before I got a chance to even decipher what the duck was going on, Xavier was pressed against me, my wrists tied to his grip as he held a pistol to my temple.

Ha. Roast duck for breakfast tomorrow then?

"You have been a fucking ass pain for me since day 1! I'm ending you here, right where we found you." He said lowly, making me possibly pee slightly.

Was he actually going to kill me?

I looked up at him, breaking my neck to gaze up that high, my own eyes coming in contact with his blazing green ones. He was angry as heck right now, and I was silently praying to whatever god was listening to me right now. 

Shit, did anyone actually tell Xavier how hot he looked when he was moments away from blowing my brains out? 


He glared at my blank expression, his teeth visibly gritted, pressing the gun harder to my temple, making me squeak at the cold gun barrel against my skin. "Any last fucking remarks?" He growled, his minty breath fanning my face.

God, why is his face so close to mine? This is not good for my hormones. Ugh, he's so close!!


Before he pressed down on the trigger of the gun, his body loosened against mine. There's your chance! Without even thinking I ducked, pushing myself away and off the wall. Xavier's eyes widened as he realized I wasn't at gunpoint and the gun slipped from his grip, resulting in him suddenly moving off me rapidly.

What the...?

Everything at this point happened in slow motion for me. Xavier's hand seemed to veer away from my head as a gunshot rang in my ears and made me lose my footing in my attempt to escape my kidnapper. 

Stupid Sky! I'm not even walking and I managed to trip.

Toppling forward straight onto Xavier, I reached to grab whatever was available to save my ass from tasting the wood on my veranda at his feet, which just happens to be Xavier's shirt collar. I didn't realize what i grabbed until I had yanked him down with me in my attempt to regain my balance.

Funny thing is, his face came down at the exact moment I looked up, and just like that, my eyes widened as I felt a soft sensation connect with my lips. I lost my footing AGAIN, and we both collapsed in a heap on the decking of the veranda. 

Him on top of me. 

My lips on his. My breath hitched upon the feeling, this can't be happening. This can't be fucking real! Our faces mirrored in utter shock as we both realized what the duck was going, but it was already too late.

Shoving him off me, I straightened up, my mouth agape staring speechless at his blank expression staring back at me. There was a massive bullet hole within the side of my house, a smoking pistol on the floor, and most importantly...

I accidentally kissed Xavier Dante...

You have got to be ducking kidding me!

🐥 ---------------------------🐥

Am I forgive yet? 

I'm so sorry, my days turned into weeks and my weeks turned into months. And I have excuses to be honest, sorry. I'm not giving up on this story, no matter how bad I wanna, but I really wanna start a new story soon and I hope ya'll support me with that.

Also I had read every single one of your comments and yesterday I was staring at my phone whining like an idiot at how much I love you all and yet how much I hate writer's block.

So please spare my ass for now, because without me, you will never get to know what happened after this. Hehe. 


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