Fangs: The Fifth Marauder

By Hypergay

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After being expelled from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, Zentheya Melanie Black was forced to face her father'... More

Fangs: The Fifth Maurader
Chapter 1: Father's Wrath
Author's Note: Need help!
Chapter 2: Hogwarts Here I Come!
Author's Note: Me
Author's Note: Question
Chapter 3: I've Always Wanted to Slap a Snobby Pureblood
Chapter 4: The Sorting Hat
Chapter 5: First Day Jitters
Chapter 6: Classes
Chapter 7: Severus' Karma and Sirius' Courage
Holy Fire whiskey! 912 Views!
Chapter 8: The Annual Black Twins Prank War
Chapter 9: Finding my Magic Animal Friend
Chapter 10: Who Knew What You Would Discover When You Are Missing or Hiding
Chapter 11: Discovering Remus' Secret Part 1
Holy Butterbeer!
Author's Note
Chapter 12: Who Knew Werewolves could be so Captivated by Fire Part 2
Chapter 13: Quidditch Tryouts
Chapter 14: Making the Team
Chapter 15: Becoming a Marauder
Chapter 16: Sirius' Anger
Chapter 17: Becoming an Animagus
Important Not an Update
Chapter 19: Fangs is Born and Moony Imprints
Author's Note

Chapter 18: Hogsmeade

222 11 69
By Hypergay

Zentheya's P.O.V.
I woke with a start as I remembered the events of the night before, how Peter had left me to fend off Moony and even though I managed to produce a flame it was after he scratched me again. On the bright side the scratches were only a graze and there wasn't as much blood as last time, which I am very happy about. I smiled to myself as I caught sight of the phial sitting underneath my school robe. I knew the sun would be coming up soon and I knew how bad sunlight was for the potion. Without hesitation, I got out of bed and lifted the phial carefully, and began to tip-toe over to my trunk. "Amato Amino Animato Animagus," I whispered as I set the phial into the dark depths of my trunk. It was the perfect place for it as no one looked inside it and no sunlight could get through the wood. I just wanted this to work so badly!

I was pulled from my thoughts as a sudden knock on the door echoed through the dorm. Turning around, I couldn't help but laugh as I seen Sirius' head poking around the door. "Hey bro, you've become a floating head...I told you messing with potions was a bad idea!" I giggled as he rolled his eyes at me.

"Well aren't you in a happy mood," He chuckled, coming into the dorm and closing the door behind him. He was wearing his favourite leather jacket, jeans and a normal shirt. He frowned at me as he looked at me. "Are you only up?"


"It's time to go to Hogsmeade!"

I gasped in shock. I had completely forgotten about the Hogsmeade trip! How could I when I've been dying to go there since like forever! I guess I was just too busy focusing on becoming an Animagus that it had slipped my mind. "Merlin's beard! I totally forgot!" I said and began yanking my clothes out of the wardrobe.

"Distracted by the prospect of becoming an Animagus, eh sis?" Sirius chuckled as he leaned against the doorframe. That annoying smug smirk on his face as per usual. "Don't worry, it'll happen Ze! Merlin knows you're a much faster learner than I am,"

I bit my lip. "But Sirius, what if it doesn't work?" I asked him sighing heavily.

"You're an amazing witch sis, you'll be an Animagi by in no time!"

I smiled at my brother. He always knew what to say to me to lift my spirits and make my worries and self doubts fade into nothing. I was so lucky to have him as my brother. "I'll wait for you in the common room yeah?"

I nodded. "It better be as good as you said!" I warned him.

"Oh sis, it is better!" He chuckled as he left the dorm.

I smiled to myself as I started getting ready. I had heard at least a hundred of tales and stories about Hogsmeade from Sirius ever since he was first able to go in third year. It was all he talked about for weeks! I of course was jealous as there was nothing like that at Beauxbatons which was so unfair! I was so excited to finally be able to go as I just wanted to explore and see it for myself. I really wanted to go to every single shop in Hogsmeade and to have a look around the village. At the thought of exploring, my mind began to think back about the chambers that I had stumbled upon under the school. I doubted many people knew about them, if any. A smile spread across my face as an amazing idea popped into my head. I already knew how to make the Marauders Map, and it was meant to be of the entire school...why not expand it....

It only took me around ten minutes to get ready as I was contemplating whether or not I should bring the phial with me in case there was a storm during the trip, however I decided not to due to the risk of sunlight ruining the potion and I was too close now to wreck it!

"There you are Ze, I was getting old waiting for you!" Sirius teased smirking as I entered the common room.

"Oh aren't you so funny today Dumb-dumb!" I retorted, rolling my eyes at him.

James laughed. "By the way Ze, you were amazing last night! The way you calmed Moony it was bloody fantastic!" He exclaimed as he got off the sofa and hugged me.

I blushed. "Thanks, he seem to really like the flames," I said. "I'm just glad that I didn't burn him..." My grey eyes slid to Sirius as the guilt from years ago was still there. I was so ashamed of burning him and I was so scared that it would happen again!

"You aren't going to burn anyone!" Sirius reassured me.

I shook my head in disbelief. "You don't know that! I've burnt you before!" I reminded him. The sheer thought of it made the beginnings of a panic attack start to fester and develop within my stomach. I bit my lip and looked down, avoiding Sirius' eyes.

"Ze hey, that wasn't your fault! I spooked you and besides you have more control over it now!" I felt Sirius pull me into a hug, calming the raising panic that I was experiencing.

"Come on, let's head to Minnie's office and see if we can stop by the hospital wing before we head to Hogsmeade," James suggested. I was glad that he didn't ask questions about me burning Sirius. He truly was like another brother.

"Do you think he'll be alright?" I asked them as we made our way over to the door.

"Oh yeah, I mean any time he went to hurt himself or any of us you just distracted him with the flames, not like Pettigrew was any help..." Sirius said, his eyes darkened as he said Peter's second name and I knew that he was thinking about last night and how Peter and left me.

"Yeah why the hell did he leave you to face Remus alone?" James agreed annoyed.

I shrugged. "Maybe he went to check on you two, I mean he knows I can handle myself and he knows that I can calm Moony with my ability..." I suggested. You're probably thinking why the hell am I defending that weasel after how he has been treating me...well he's one of my brother's best friends and I'm not letting them fall out because of me.

Sirius' P.O.V.
The difference in Moony's behaviour whenever Zentheya was around was unbelievable! It was like the flames somehow tames him! Whatever it was it was amazing and it was like Remus was able to regain some control. I smiled to myself as I walked beside my best friend and my twin. It was such a relief to know that she was felt welcomed even with Peter's childish and ridiculous behaviour towards her, and if I wasn't mistaken I'm pretty sure that I have seen her blush a few not only around Remus but also at the mention of his name. I couldn't help but smirk at the thought of the two of them together. Then I shuddered, okay I do not want images of my twin sister and one of my best friends making out inside my head! I mean if it happened then I wouldn't be angry, I just didn't need to have those images in my head!

"Ah there you three are, Mr. Lupin will not be attending the trip with us but you may visit him after the trip," Minnie said as she greeted us outside her office. "Mr. Black, I don't know why you wrote an apology to Mr. Malfoy since he was attacked by a dog, I suggest you get rid of this before someone gets the wild idea of you being an unregistered Animagus!" She narrowed her all knowing green eyes at me as she handed me the letter.

I smiled at her relieved that she didn't think badly of me after what I had done. McGonagall had always been like the mother I never had and was always looking out for me. There were even times where I dreamt that she had adopted me, Zentheya and Regulus. She was probably the only teacher who knew that me, James and Peter were Animagi.

"Sorry Minnie," I said tearing up the letter. I guess I still felt guilty for nearly killing Malfoy. He did deserve it but I had never felt closer to my Father and I never ever wanted to feel like that again. It bloody terrified me!

"Of course not Minnie, we'd never do anything as reckless and irresponsible as that!" James piped in.

Zentheya spurted the start of one of her laughing fits but quickly covered it up with a cough. "Honestly Professor, I don't think they're smart enough, let alone cool enough to be able to pull something like that off Professor," She added smirking at us.

James and I gasped at her words, spinning around dramatically to face her with such hurt looks on our faces. "I am hurt! Hurt Zentheya!" I cried dramatically.

"We thought you knew us so well!" James added with his hands over his heart. "Oh the pain of betrayal! Siri I think I see the light!"

That sent Zentheya into a fit of laughter which I never got tired of seeing. It was nice to see her being so cheerful and happy most of the time now instead of watching her on the brink of an anxiety or panic attack. I enjoyed this very much and I was so happy to see her getting on with James, who I thought of as a brother, so well.

"Now I know you boys enjoy playing drama queens," McGonagall began, clearing her throat while looking at us, "however, if the three of you do not begin to make your way to the courtyard where the rest of the class is waiting, then the entire class will have less time at Hogsmeade!"

I don't think James and I have ever left a classroom so fast. Clearly the sheer thought of having less time to show Zentheya around Hogsmeade was something that just couldn't be allowed to happen. I wanted her to experience all of the good things here at Hogwarts so that she would have some amazing memories to think about during the Christmas break.

In no time at all, the three of us were standing with the rest of the year in the courtyard. I could see how excited Zentheya was about this trip and I never got tired of seeing her childlike fascination. It was always amusing. Suddenly, I pulled from my train of thought as I felt two slender arms wrapping delicately around my waist. I smiled to myself as I turned around and seen the most beautiful girl in the whole world standing behind me. "Hey El, how are you love?" I asked her, kissing the top of her head.

"Yeah, I'm doing better, still a bit jumpy when you aren't around..." She said smiling at me as I hugged her close.

"Good, because I was really worried," I knew what I would do if Lucius had of finished what he was trying to do to her. The sheer thought of it made me pull her even closer with childish protectiveness. I couldn't lose her, not now, not ever!

"Really Siri, I'm fine," Elodea smiled as she looked up at me.

"I'm never letting him anywhere near you ever again!"

Elodea smiled at me as I kissed her soft lips gently with love and passion. She was all I cared about with the exception of my friends and siblings. I was happy that Minnie wasn't looking at me, she was too busy giving her usual list of rules and regulations about the Hogsmeade trip. This meant that I couldn't help but kiss her again and again, each kiss become that little bit more passionate. Somehow I managed to forget about where I was and that I was surrounded by other people, just like every other time I was around Elodea...

"Yo Elodea," James' voice suddenly pulled me back to the present as Elodea and I pulled apart, both of us blushing wildly. "I just wanted to warn you that you had a Padfoot attached to your face but you're all good now!" He smirked at us chuckling.

I glared at him with friendly offence. "You ass! You couldn't let me have a nice minute with my girlfriend even though you're sucking the face off Evans every chance you get!" I said, smirking as I seen not only Lily blush the same shade as her hair but James Potter was also blushing as bright, if not brighter than her hair!

"Hey! I-I do not suck the face off Lily!" James began babbling like an embarrassed baffoon, which too me was incredibly amusing.

"Oh cut it out Sirius, James might just melt away if you don't knock it off now!" Zentheya giggled sharing my smirk as James blushed even more.

I smirked as he stood there with his mouth hanging open like a stag caught in the headlights of a speeding car. I had never seen him so speechless despite the amount of times he was around Lily before they were together.

"Alright class, follow me to Hogsmeade, we only have a couple of hours so make the most of it," Minnie explained as she began to lead the way towards Hogsmeade.

Zentheya's P.O.V.
The walk from Hogwarts to the village of Hogsmeade took about an hour or two, however I was far too excited to think about the journey, I just wanted to get there as quickly as possible.

When we arrived, I was in awe once again. It was probably the most incredible little village that I had ever seen. There were so many buildings but not as many as any normal town or city. There was nothing like this at Beauxbatons! I wanted to see every single place but there was no way in hell that I would have the time!

"So I'm guessing by your awe consumed facial expression, that there isn't anything like this at Beauxbatons?" Elena's voice snapped me from my awe consumed thoughts.

I shook my head and blushed, embarrassed once more. "Nope, the only remotely interesting thing at Beauxbatons besides the Wood Nymphs, grand gardens and fountains that were magically created from the mountains, is a fountain in the middle of the school park that was rumoured to possess magical healing and beautifying properties," I explained to them shrugging as though it wasn't a big deal.

There was a brief pause before James spoke up. "Well then, I think it's time to introduce you to the second best place in the Wizarding World," He announced dramatically.

"And people say I'm the over dramatic one," Sirius whispered to me, making me giggle slightly.

"I heard that Dumb-Dumb!" James laughed, glaring at Sirius.

It was nice to see how brother-like Sirius and James were. They clearly had a close bond. "Why don't you guys show Ze around and we'll catch up?" Sirius suggested as he and Elodea began heading off towards a row of shops.

I couldn't stop myself from calling out to him, "Oh Sirikins, make sure to use protection and do try to let Elodea breathe now an again!" Watching my brother bring externally and internally as the others sniggered and laughed made the biggest and maybe even the smuggest smirk dance happily across my face. Sirius said nothing but shot me the finger before continuing on his way.

"Oh wow! I've never been able to make him cringe like that before!" James exclaimed putting an arm around my shoulders.

"I don't think anyone has James!" Lex chuckled.

I shrugged. "It is a twin thing boys, you have to know which buttons to push at the right times!"

"Teach me your ways oh great one!" James got down on his knees and pretended to bow down to me, making me laugh even more.

"Oh come on Potter! Quit wasting time, you can beg Ze for Sirius Embarrass Pointers later," Gideon said as he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, we want to have fun," Fabian chimed in, "We can watch you grovel any day!"

Me and the others laughed as we watched the twins duck out of the way of a snowball that James had thrown at them. "Fine, the best...well one of the best places is Zonko's Joke Shop, and I do not grovel!" He muttered embarrassed.

After spending a good hour or so collecting various items for practical jokes, I followed James and the others to a sweetshop called Honeydukes. It was incredible! There were rows upon rows of the most amazing and mouth-watering sweets that you could ever dream of! I couldn't believe my eyes, I just wanted to buy everything there, but I decided to settle on some Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, a couple of Chocolate Frogs and some of Honeydukes' Best Chocolate for Remus. I remembered how Sirius had always said that he loved that chocolate.

"This place is amazing!" I exclaimed as I held on to Lex's arm so I wouldn't get lost in the insanely busy shop.

"Yeah, it's pretty awesome," Lex smiled at me as he led me to the counter where I was able to pay for the chocolates and the sweets.

"If you think this is amazing, then you should see the Three Broomstix," Frank suggested as we made our way out of the shop. "Madame Rosmerta makes the best Firewhiskey, not to mention the Butterbeer!"

"Cool, why don't we go there then?"

"Yes!" Gideon cried excitedly as he hugged me.

"Firewhiskey!" Fabian exclaimed pointing in the direction of where I assume the place was.

I laughed at their idiotic and childish behaviour as they raced off in that direction, while Lex pulled me after them.

The Three Broomstix was just as amazing as everyone had described. I didn't taste any Firewhiskey or Butterbeer yet as I had class later. The inn was an adorable small building with a lot of other wizards and witches sitting down and having drinks. I believed that nothing could ruin this amazing experience, how naive I was... I soon realised that the universe was no doubt against me just like it had been for the majority of my life, for when we came out of the Three Broomstix, we bumped into the Slytherin least favourite people in this entire school...

"Well look who it is, Lucius' bitch," Avery sneered at me as they stepped in front of us.

I swallowed back the tears and panic that were beginning to rise. I just wanted to leave, to run away and curl into a ball and cry as flashbacks of what Lucius tried to do to me started to plague my mind. Barty smirked at me. "What's wrong Bloodtraitor? I though you Black's always had a comeback!" He mocked me.

"Shut up Barty!" Lex snarled as he clenched his fists and stepped in front of me.

"Why are you defencing a Bloodtraitor slut, Baraz?" Avery scoffed, turning to face Lex.

"I said shut up!"

I felt my chest beginning to tighten as a panic attack was rising inside me. What had Lucius been saying!? What had people heard about what he tried to do to me!? "J-Jamie..." I managed as I felt my breath slowly become silent wheezes.

James growled as he reached for his wand. "Shut your mouth before I shut it permanently!"

Sirius' P.O.V.
By the time Elodea and I made it to Dogsweed and Deathcap, I had finally calmed down. "I am so sorry about Zentheya!" I apologised once again to Elodea, who was smiling brightly and blushing adorably.

She giggled. "It's alright Siri," She reassured me again as she rose up onto her tiptoes and kissed my lips.

I smiled and chuckled. "Merlin, I keep forgetting how small you are!" I smirked teasingly as I gently wrapped my arms around her slim waist, my hands supporting her back so that she didn't strain herself too much.

She pouted at my words. "Shut up!" She giggled, an adorable blush spreading over the bridge of her nose. "Come on, I need to get a few things,"

I chuckled and took up her slender hand in one of mine. I loved how her hand fit so perfectly into mine, she truly was the special puzzle pieces that I had been missing within my puzzle of a life. I led her into the Herbology shop, some students giving us strange looks as we entered. The looks were directed towards me rather than at her as anyone who knew me well enough would know that I'd never usually spend time in a herbology shop, but for Elodea I'd do anything. Seeing her smile and hearing her delicate laugh was my favourite thing, and I'd happily spend the rest of my life doing just that if she let me....

When we finished in Dogweed and Deathcap, I decided to take Elodea to the Three Broomstix Inn for a drink as it was where we had our first date. Unfortunately, on our way there I could hear the sound of James and Lex giving off about something.

"An what are you going to do Mudblood lover?" Avery's obnoxious and snobby voice echoed in my ears. I felt anger and confusion build up inside me as we moved closer to the inn.

"Why don't you keep insulting Ze and my girlfriend and we'll find out!" I heard James threaten.

Curious now and filled with brotherly protectiveness, I gently pulled Elodea with me as we walked around the corner to see the pompous, snobby and idiotic Slytherin gang standing in front of James, Lily, Marlene, Ze, Daisy and Lex. Avery scoffed at James' words. "You're all talk Potter, your girlfriend is a filthy Mudblood and you're defending the biggest Bloodtraitor slu-" Avery never got to finish his sentence as Lex punched him hard in the face with such a force that it knocked him off his pompous pureblood feet and onto his fat arse.

There was a brief pause of stunned silence as the onlooking Slytherins watched shocked as one of their own defended a Gryffindor. "I warned you!" Lex snarled as he shook his hand out.

"What the hell do you think you're doing insulting my sister, you low life asshole!" I snarled, whipping out my wand as I stormed over and pointed it at Avery. My eyes darkened at him as he sat on the snow covered ground holding his bleeding nose.

Barty chuckled. "How humorous, the Bloodtraitor defends his pathetic slutty si-"

"Adoperrheno!" A flash of light shot from my wand as I pointed it at Barty and within seconds he was covered from head to toe in fur. No one messed with my sister and got away without unscathed!

"What the hell did you do to me Black?!" He snarled at me, making me smirk.

"I think it suits you Barty, I mean if you're going to speak like an uneducated animal you might as well look the part, especially if you dare insult my sister!"

Barty narrowed his brown eyes at me as they filled with anger and hatred. The boy was only a fourth year but in my opinion, he had made the wrong choice when it came to friends. "Why you worthless bloodtraitor!" he snarled at me, raising his wand.

"Don't you dare Crouch!" James snarled, pointing his wand at Barty.

"Back off Potter," Snivellus snarled, taking his wand.

"Leave him alone Snivellus or I'll curse you into next week!" I warned him, flicking my wand at him.

Tensions escalated as Snivellus and I glared at each other, while James and Barty did the same, yet each of our wands were locked on to a different opponent. I had almost forgotten about Avery, however he soon reminded me of his pathetic existence as he spoke. "I always thought that the biggest disgrace to pureblood witches and wizards were the worthless Black twins, but you're slowly catching up with them Baraz," He snarled, wiping the blood from his broken nose, "Wait until your father hears about this!"

"Like I care, I'd break your nose again in a heart beat if you talk about anyone like that again!" Lex threatened. I was glad to have him defending my sister. It was nice to know that he hadn't and wouldn't change.

"Aculeus!" I was suddenly reminded of the situation I was in as I had to duck to the side when a vast number of small thorns were thrown at me from the tip of Barty's wand. This was the beginning of an all out duel as Zentheya hit Barty with a powerful jinx which sent him flying off his feet. I smiled at her in thanks as she stood by my side with James and Lex.

All sorts of hexes, jinxes and curses were fired from all of our wands, filling the surrounding area with cracks and sparks with each one that was cast. It was a miracle that the four of us managed to barely get hit, unlike the Slytherin dweebs. However, what was more surprising was the fact that we hadn't been caught by a teacher yet.

"Sectasem-" Snivellus was in the middle of casting no doubt an incredibly powerful and painful curse at James when all of our wands suddenly vanished from our hands. Turning around in shock, it was no surprise that we found ourselves faced with a very angry and very stern face McGonagall. I gulped as I had never seen her this angry before...

"What in the name of Merlin is going on here!?" She demanded to know as she held our wands in her hands. Her green eyes scanned both groups, trying to see who started it.

"Lex punched me for no bloody reason Professor!" Avery squealed, pointing at Lex who looked down ashamed.

Professor McGonagall looked shocked at Lex as it was completely unlike him to resort to physical violence. "I'm very disappointed in you Mr. Baraz, but I expect you have a very good explanation for your actions as do the rest of you," She began, "I expect to hear each of them during detention tonight!"

Zentheya's P.O.V.
I sighed as I sat in Professor McGonagall's classroom, thinking back on the events that occurred a few hours ago. It wasn't my most honourable moment, especially when they were all fighting because Avery and Barty insulted me. Yet I was glad that Lex defended me tell way he did, along with James. I looked up at him and smiled. "Thanks you, for sticking up for me, I really appreciate didn't need to..."

Lex smiled at me. "You're welcome and yes I did and I wanted to," He told me. "They need to know that they can't talk to you or anyone else like the way they spoke to you..."

I blushed wildly. I always felt so relaxed whenever I was around him or Remus. They always seemed to know what to say to me to make me smile. I smiled at him, amazed at how different he was to the majority of the other Slytherins. He seemed to genuinely care about other people, regardless of the house that they were in or what lineage they were. He was just interested in them as a person, making sure that they were okay and that no one was being bullied or felt unwanted...

"Well...I hope that you have all learnt a valuable lesson," Professor McGonagall's voice snapped me from my dazed thoughts as she looked over the top of her spectacles at each of use, narrowing her eyes at Barty, Severus and Avery. "How dare you insult another student in such a degrading, disgusting, horrible way!"

I felt the three of them glaring at the rest of us, me in particular. I just tried to ignore their hate-filled looks as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I smiled at Sirius, to let him know that I was alright. "The three of you will be attending detention with me for the rest of the month and you will report to Professor Dumbledore's office every day so we can discuss the rest of your punishments, I will also be reporting this to Professor Slughorn and each of you will have 500 points deducted from your house for this hideous behaviour!"

I looked at the others in shock and maybe even intimidation as I had never seen nor heard of Professor McGonagall being this angry before. Sirius mentioned that she could be strict but Merlin's beard, I'd hate to be on her bad side. Her words were followed by an uproar of outrage from the three Slytherins.

"Now get out of my sight, before I change my mind and transfigure the three of you into dung beetles!" She warned them over the top of their complaining.

I don't think I've ever seen someone run out of an office so fast. It was intimidating but also quite amusing. However, my amused smile soon faded as she turned her attention to the rest of use. I gulped and looked down. She was my favourite teacher and I'd hate to think that I had disappointed her!

"Since you four also participated in the unauthorised duelling you will each lose 100 points for your houses," Professor McGonagall began, "however, Mr. Baraz due to your chivalrous behaviour that you should in defending another student I will award you 150 points for your house but that does not condone any punching, understood?"

"Yes Professor," Lex nodded as he rose from his seat and began to leave the office.

"And you two," I heard Sirius and James gulp as Professor McGonagall turned her attention on to them, "why is it that you two are in here more than anyone else?"

"Honestly Professor, we didn't start it...this time..." James explained.

"I'm aware of that Mr. Potter but, and do not take this as a condonation to your behaviour, I am awarding you both 150 points for defending another student, now off to bed with the three of you!"

Hey guys sorry for the wait, I hope you enjoy the chapter, please comment, vote and follow!

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