The Distance Between Us [Comp...

By lovestorieswriter

277K 5.1K 339

When Violet Brown gets the opportunity to interview an F1 driver in Abu Dhabi, she doesn't have to think twic... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
A/N - IMPORTANT! (again)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 29

5.7K 120 3
By lovestorieswriter

"A story I'd like to hear," Christian, Daniel's team boss, says to my surprise.

"Well, let's order and then we'll tell you all about it!" Daniel says and that's exactly what he does. During dinner, he tells the team all about the two of us. Stories from when we were younger, stories from the past few months, all kinds of things are mentioned. But one thing he doesn't mention is our current situation. He brought me here as a date, does that make me his girlfriend?

No matter how badly I wanted to talk to Daniel about the current situation between us, I don't get the chance. Sunday is a crazy busy day for him and I don't want to bother him, even though I'm getting more and more confused by the day.

The race goes by pretty quickly and I have a smile on my face as I watch Daniel cross the finish line in 4th place. I know he really wanted to be on the podium at his home GP, but P4 is still a pretty good result, especially considering where he started.

Even though neither Daniel nor Daniil won the race, RB is still hosting an after party as it's the first race of the season. I heard Daniel talk about it this morning, but he hasn't actually asked me to come with him. But secretly, I'm counting on it.

"Great job Dan!" I say as I hug Daniel.

"Thanks Vi, I'm so glad you were here today," Daniel says as he hugs me back. He is done with all his media responsibilities, which means he's done for today.

"I'm glad I was here."

"I'm also glad it's over, the home GP is always crazy."

"Yeah I understand. It's not fully over just yet though."

"It's not?"

"The after party," I say, hoping Daniel will get my hint and invite me to come. Not that I so desperately want to go to the party, I just want to spend the night with him.

"Oh, yeah you're right. Totally forgot about that!"

"Good thing I'm here to remind you then."

"Yeah, for sure. So, I'm going back to the hotel now, but I'll pick you up around 8?"

"Pick me up?" I ask, trying to sound confused. I know what he means, but I just want him to properly ask me. Assuming that I'm coming is something that would be okay if we were just friends. But we're more now, even though I don't know exactly what that means for us.

"Yeah, for the party."

"Am I invited then?"

"Of course, you're coming along with me."

"Oh, you didn't ask so I didn't know."

"You're right, I didn't, I'm sorry. I just assumed you'd come."

"Oh okay."

"Do you want to come to the party with me Vi? As my date?" Daniel asks, making me blush with the last part.

"I'd love to," I say, making Daniel smile.

"Great, I'll pick you up at 8 then."

"Can you first drop me off though?" I ask, making Daniel chuckle.

"Of course, let's go."

I straighten my dress out as I look in the mirror. The skirt of the dress feels soft against my skin whilst the top is tight around my chest. I smile and do a little twirl.

I grab my clutch and put in my phone, along with some make up I might need throughout the night. Now all I have to do is wait for Daniel to come pick me up, which can be any minute now.

"You can do this Vi, you're gonna have fun tonight and not worry about anything," I whisper to myself as I look into the mirror. Just then, there is a knock on my door. I quickly go to the door and open it to find my favorite Aussie.

"Hey," I greet Daniel with a smile on my face.

"Hey, wow," he replies as he gives me a one over, making me blush.


"You look amazing!"

"Thank you, you don't look bad yourself," I say, looking at Daniel's outfit for tonight, black jeans along with a white blouse with black dots.

"Thank you very much. Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go," I say before quickly grabbing the door key. I step out of my room and close the door behind me before following Daniel down to the lobby. The party is held not too far from the hotel, which is nice.

"Are you excited?" Daniel asks as we make our way to the party in a taxi.

"Yeah, I am. I've never been to a race after party before though, so I have no idea what to expect."

"It's a lot of fun," Daniel assures me as the taxi pulls over in front of the building the party is held.

"Well let's find out," I say before we get out. We make our way inside, where it's already pretty busy.

"Do you want a drink?" Daniel asks, his mouth close to my ear so I can hear him as the music is pretty loud. I feel his breath on my skin, causing shivers to run down my spine.

"Yeah, don't care what," I reply and Daniel nods before making his way to the bar. I look around and quickly spot some of Daniel's team members. I smile at them, but wait for Daniel as I don't really know anyone.

"A beer for the lady," Daniel says as he hands me a beer, making me smile at how well he knows me.

"Thanks Dan," I say before taking a sip.

"No problem. So, what do you want to do? Talk, dance?"

"You decide, I don't really care. It's your party."

"Well, technically it's not, but I'll take it. We'll go over to my team for a little while and then we'll dance later, okay?"

"Sounds good to me," I say before following him to some of his team members. I'm actually kind of glad he decided we'll dance later as I need some more alcohol in my system before I can do that without thinking about it too much. We really should've had our talk first.

Quite a few beers and a whole lot of talking on Daniel's part later, he decides it's time for us to dance. Now that I have enough alcohol in my system, it takes me about 2 seconds to say yes. I follow him to the dance floor, where we join some of Daniel's team members who I don't really know. I don't really care, I just want to dance with Daniel anyway.

"Dance with me Dan," I say, my mouth close to his ear to make sure he hears me. I move my mouth down slightly and press my lips against his skin just below his ear. Daniel doesn't respond, but wraps his arms around my waist and keeps me closely against him.

"You have no idea what you do to me Vi," Daniel whispers into my ear, making shivers run down my spine for the second time tonight.

"I know how you feel."

"We've been trying to avoid this for way too long."


"This," Daniel says before pressing his lips against mine. The last time I felt his lips against mine was when he told me he has feelings for me. I missed his lips, which is why I respond to his kiss in a matter of moments. I hear cheers in the background, but I don't pay attention to them. I only pay attention to the man I'm kissing, who holds me close to him and has one hand on my cheek to make sure I don't move, which I don't plan on doing.

"Let's get out of here," Daniel says into my ear after he pulls away from me.


"You and me, let's get out of here."

"Are you sure?"

"Never been more sure," Daniel says, his signature grin on his face. I smile as well and nod, which is enough for Daniel to grab my hand and lead me out off the dance floor and out of the building.

"This is crazy," I giggle as we get in a taxi.

"I'm crazy about you," Daniel says, making me blush. The taxi starts driving and even though the drive isn't that long, it feels like hours pass by before we get back to the hotel. Probably because everything other than Daniel seems to move in slow motion. My entire body is focused on Daniel in one way or another and I don't want to change that in any way.

"Thank you," Daniel says as he pays the taxi driver, making me realized we've arrived at the hotel. I get out and follow Daniel inside. We go up to his hotel room and stumble inside. For a few moments, all we do is stare at each other. This is the moment. If we continue now, there's no going back. If we do this, we've moved on from friends and we're something more. I don't know what exactly, but we're more.

"Are you sure?" Daniel asks as he takes a step closer to me.

"Yes, I'm sure. Are you?"

"Never been so sure in my life," Daniel says again, making me smile. Daniel keeps taking steps closer to me and I back up as he does until I'm with my back against the door. Daniel puts his hands on either side of me and smiles at me before he presses his lips against mine.

A bit of a longer one :) What do you think? What's gonna happen? What will happen 'the moring after'? Let me know all your thoughts and feelings in the comments! Also, don't forget to vote for this chapter!

Also check out my new book, it'll have one shots about the 2017 season! I'll post one shots after each race weekend about either Max or Daniel. The other one shot book will still be posted, don't worry ;)

Love you all

Instagram: readracewrite

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