Nothing Is Forever [COMPLETE]

By KillyBearHugs

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Fanfiction/Romance When a young singer's relationship and career falls apart, she vows to never fall In love... More

Character Profiles
Chapter 1: Dark Times
Chapter 2: Issues
Chapter 3: Truth Revealed
Chapter 4: First Impressions [ R & J ]
Chapter 5: First Impressions [ S & C ]
Chapter 6: Alone
Chapter 7: Colifer...?
Chapter 8: The Media Lies
Chapter 9: Guess Who's Back?
Chapter 10: Bonding
Chapter 12: Stay
Chapter 13: Rum and Relaxation
Chapter 14: Liar Liar
Chapter 15: Wrong Place Wrong Time
Chapter 16: Trust Is Key
Chapter 17: Life Goes On
Chapter 18: Christmas Is Nigh
Chapter 19: Family Reunion
Chapter 20: Dinner
Chapter 21: Jingle Bells & Good Bananas
Chapter 22: Bed of Lies
Chapter 23: The Drinking Games
Chapter 24: Banana Cocoroco Blunder
Chapter 25: Help Me Ryan
Chapter 26: Jealousy
Chapter 27: Tell All
Chapter 28: The FWB
Chapter 29: Not My Lover
Chapter 30: Brothers
Chapter 31: Closest Friends
Chapter 32: Parental Advisory
Chapter 33: AWKWARD
Chapter 34: New Year, New Plot Twists
Chapter 35: Falling in Reverse
Chapter 36: Comatose
Chapter 37: Giving Up On You
Chapter 38: Baby Daddy
Chapter 39: Since You've Been Gone
Chapter 40: Speak Of The Devil
Chapter 41: The Teacher
Chapter 42: Really Ryan?
Chapter 43: Getting Heated
Chapter 44: The Exam
Chapter 45: Thrill Seeker
Chapter 46: Go Away
Chapter 47: Good Things End
Chapter 48: Secret Lovers
Chapter 49: The Rebound
Chapter 50: Go Back to Her
Chapter 51: Suspicion
Chapter 52: Transfer
Chapter 53: He's Into You
Chapter 54: Tiffany's
Chatpter 55: The Kids
Chapter 56: Plotting and Scheming
Chapter 57: Valentine Heartbreak
Chapter 58: Brother V. Brother
Chapter 59: Running Out of Time
Chapter 60: Mrs. King
Chapter 61: Speak Your Mind
Chapter 62: Why take my word for It?
Chapter 63: Shield Your Eyes
Chapter 64: Good Woman
Chapter 65: Say Your Goodbyes
Chapter 66: No Colin Here
Chapter 67: Feelings Gone But Not Forgotten
Chapter 68: I Have No Regrets
Chapter 69: Déjà Vu
Chapter 70: Ryan - The Big EmbarrASSment
Chapter 71: Confession
Chapter 72: Come Again
Chapter 73: Hurting
Chapter 74: Talk To Me
Chapter 75: Cooling Down
Chapter 76: Alcohol & Tony Acker
Chapter 77: On Set Session
Chapter 78: Someone New
Chapter 79: Admit It
Chapter 80: Denial
Chapter 81: Everyone Seeks Approval
Chapter 82: Memories Last Forever
Chapter 83: Let's Talk
Chapter 84: Forever Yours
Chapter 85: We're Not Ok
Chapter 86: Leaving
Chapter 87: Tears of Love
Chapter 88: Crashing Waves
Chapter 89: Sinking Ships
Chapter 90: Mending Old Memories
Chapter 91: Callie Is Wonderful
Chapter 93: Poisoned Love
Chapter 94: True Love Prevails
Chapter 95: Saint Patrick's Day
Chapter 96: The Wrong Feeling
Chapter 97: Do You Want Me?
Chapter 98: Reliving Past Mistakes, Building A Brighter Future
Chapter 99: Settling Down
In The End: Nothing Is Forever

Chapter 92: Wrong Side Of The Table

114 12 87
By KillyBearHugs

POV: Savannah

Tony woke me up minutes before the flight landed, giving me just enough time to gather my bearings. Right as I had gotten everything together, the flight attendant announced that we had arrived at our destination.

"What time is it Tony?" I asked in a groggy voice, still not fully awake from the nap I had taken.

"About half past ten," he smiled, "Your hair looks AMAZING..."

I glared at him as he stood up to leave, put my hair in a ponytail, and threw my carry on bag at him.

"Make yourself useful," I joked.

When we walked past Colin and Callie, Tony waved at them, whereas I walked on the opposite side of their isle, trying to avoid any and all eye contact.

We made it into the Dublin airport, got our luggage, and were on our way to find a somewhere to rent a car. On the way out, we ran into Colin and Callie, taking a photo together. She was holding her phone in the air, and Colin was flashing a big smile, accompanied by a thumbs up.

"Hey again!" Tony shouted, walking over to them, making it impossible for me to hide, "You come to Ireland a lot right? Where can I get a nice rental car?"

"We're actually waiting on a cab to take us to a place right now. You're more than welcome to wait with us if you want!"

Colin patted Tony on the back, and smiled over at me. I looked away and over to Callie who was texting on her phone. If I were with Colin, I definitely wouldn't be texting. More than likely I'd be hanging on to him, gushing about all the fun things we were going to take part in, not posting it all over Instagram.

I tried to calm my nerves by looking at the nature around me. Ireland was such a beautiful place and it was the first time I had ever witnessed scenery this breathtaking.

"So! I'm guessing we're all going back to Vancouver on the 20th?"

"That's what the ticket says," Colin replied cheerfully, walking back over to Callie and putting his arm around her waist.

"Look how cute you are," she insisted as he kissed the side of her cheek.

Colin laughed and smiled down at her phone. They we're talking relatively low, and I was staring off into the distance, eavesdropping on every word coming from their mouths.

"You should've used this filter," he suggested playfully, taking her phone, and snapping another picture of them together.

She chuckled, and I couldn't help but look over at them. It was disgusting... They were perfect and I hated it. I hated myself for being jealous of them together. Colin deserved Callie, she deserved him, and I deserved to be single forever. That seemed to be life's plan for me.

I had never been happier to see a cab in my entire life as it pulled around to the front of the airport, and I watched Colin remove his arm from around Callie.

We fit most of our luggage in the trunk, but put some of our smaller bags in our laps. I volunteered to sit up front, because there was just no way I was sitting in the back with Romeo and Juliet. Tony on the other hand seemed to enjoy their company, so he didn't mind when I told him that the front seat was mine.

While they had fun in the back seat, I made small talk with the cab driver. Kyle was a 20 year old guy in college who was driving cabs for money on the side. Apparently he had a pregnant girlfriend and was working on becoming a psychiatrist. I congratulated him on his success, wished him luck, and told him goodbye as we unloaded the cab at the rental car lot.

Tony walked inside, paid for the two cars, and brought the keys back out to us.

"Thanks, how much was it?" Colin asked, "I can pay you back—"

"No need," Tony insisted.

I realized he had a thing with money. It was almost like paying him back made him feel bad... It was weird. Colin just gave him a confuzzled look and took the keys from his hand.

"Suit yourself mate—"

"Hold on... Savannah and I were going to get sushi. Why don't you two come along?"

I glared at Tony who then smiled back over at me. Colin's face lit up, and he looked over at Callie.

"We'd be delighted," Colin proclaimed, "I know just the place, It's only a little over twenty minutes away, if you're up for the drive!"

"We'll follow behind," Tony insisted, heading towards the car.

We were almost at the car when we heard Colin call out to us.

"Remember, the steering wheel is on the right side of the car, and you drive on the left hand side of the road!"

Tony shouted back a thank you, and we got in the car.

"Savannah, I can barely drive on the right hand side of the road at home, much less the left here!" He claimed, psyching himself out.

"You'll be fine Tony just—"

"Wait... or was it the right side here and the left there?" He turned to me with a look of sincere confusion, "Which side does the steering wheel usually go on?"

It took some convincing, but I finally got Tony to calm down. He took some deep breaths, pulled out of the lot, and followed behind Colin. Shockingly, about half an hour later, we arrived at this relatively nice restaurant called Yamamori Sushi in one piece.

Since we were in Ireland, I didn't really understand why we went to a Japanese restaurant, but Tony really had his heart set on getting some sushi. We were shown to our booth, where Colin and Callie cuddled close, and I sat next to Tony.

The lovey dovey stuff was really starting to tick me off, and it wasn't just because I was jealous. There was no need for them to be that close to each other 24/7. Not to mention most of the time her nose was in her phone, bragging about being with Colin O'Donoghue, and how she was the luckiest woman on Earth...

We looked over our menus for a little bit, and a waiter came to our table to take our orders. Callie asked for a small sushi plate, accompanied by a glass of plum wine, and Colin ordered some fancy Bento box. Tony ordered the biggest plate of sushi he could get, some kind of fruity pink drink, and a banoffee pie, while I closed my menu and handed it to the waiter.

"Ma'am, would you like anything?"

All eyes fixated on me as I shook my head.

"No thank you, a glass of water is fine—"

"No it's not," Colin sighed, "She'll take the number four, and is there any way I can get that with chicken?"

"Just chicken?"

"Yes, only chicken. No beef, shrimp, or anything like that. She's a very picky woman—"


The waiter smiled and tried to refrain from laughing, but Callie looked concerned. He knew me a little too well for her liking. He knew me better than I knew myself...

"I'm kidding," Colin smirked, "Also, Is there any way I could ask you to make Gyoza? If it's too much trouble—"

"I'll see what we can do sir. Just chicken in that too?"

"Yes please."

What the hell was Gyoza?

"Will that be all?"

"Eh, give her the number three from the dessert section, and whatever fruity nonsense the lad is having—"

"If I change mine to red wine will you guys be happier?" Tony Interrupted.

"Would you like to do that sir?"

"Yea I guess..." he said disappointedly.

"Do you happen to have any rum?" Colin questioned.

"Yes sir"

"I'll have a glass of that—"

"Do you really think you need alcohol?" I questioned.

"Make that two glasses my good man," Colin insisted, smiling and nodding his head, "That'll be all, sorry for the trouble."

"It's alright," the waiter smiled, "Your food will be out soon!"

"Thank you."

Moments later, we were brought out an appetizer by the name of Namasu.

"Namasu? I'm used to eating bread sticks—"

"Well, here they have namasu," Colin explained to Callie, "It's basically pickled vegetables and seafood—"

"So basically Japanese sauerkraut?" Tony asked.

"Ehh, I guess," Colin replied unsurely.

Within a relatively short amount of time, considering the amount we ordered, the waiters were coming out of the kitchen with our food. Everyone's plates were handed out along with the drinks, and mine came out on a separate tray. I was surprised with a platter of five dumpling-type things lined up neatly in a row, and four chicken skewers with special dipping sauce on the side.

Lastly distributed were the deserts. One slice of pie went to Tony, and another platter  with three scoops of ice cream, perfectly drizzled in zig zag formation with chocolate syrup, went to me. I was blown away by the array of food on our table.

The waiters bid us adieu, and we dug in. The first thing I did was cut into the gyoza dumpling-thing, and see what was inside. The looks of it were ok, so I decided to pop the whole thing in my mouth. My mouth exploded with flavor, and I glanced over to see Colin's face lit up in a smile.

"What do you think?" He asked cheerfully.

"Its amazing!" I exclaimed.

"Try this," he insisted, holding out a piece of something purple that came with his meal.



"No Colin—"

"Do it Savannah! I'll pay you if you can eat that."

I looked at the octopus sushi and had the sudden urge to vomit.

"There's no way I'm eating that..."

Tony frowned and whispered into my ear.

Over the past few weeks I had spent with Tony, he had learned a few things about me that I had never told anyone, and vice versa. Let's just say he threatened to tell Colin something that I didn't really feel like explaining right now, and I was forced to give in.

"If I die it's your fault," I claimed, grabbing the slimy thing with my hands.

"That looks so bad," Tony laughed nervously, covering his hands with his mouth.

I popped the wad in my mouth and began chopping it up with my teeth, just enough so that I could swallow it.

"Make sure to chew up the little sucker bits," Colin insisted, "They'll get stuck to your insides if you don't—"

"WHAT?" I asked, spitting the squid remains out onto my plate.

"I'm joking," he insisted, "That's only if its alive!"

Everyone though it was funny, but I wasn't laughing. I looked down at my plate and refused to talk to them until I finished the rest of my food. They tried to get me to crack, but I was determined to stick to the silent treatment.

I listened as they all made small talk, and in the process, learned a few things about Callie. The more I knew about her, the more jealous I became, and the more perfect for him she became. I finished my main dish and moved on to the green tea ice cream.

"Excuse me Colin," Callie insisted, "I need to go to the ladies room—"

"Of course love," he replied, sliding out of the booth.

The table fell silent as she walked away. Once she was out of earshot, I looked over to Colin and saw him exchanging wicked smiles with Tony.

"Your girlfriend is so hot man... I mean she is hot as—"

"TONY—" I interrupted.

"I knew I could get you to talk!" he exclaimed, "I didn't really mean it Colin, sorry. I mean she's not ugly, but—"

"Stop talking and eat your pie lad," he suggested.

I smiled and brought a spoonful of ice cream to my mouth.

"Have you ever had this?!" I blurted, directing my statement to Colin, startling him a little.

"No, but it sounded like something you'd order—"

"It's amazing, you have to try it!"

"I'm fine," he insisted.

I got up and moved to the other side of the table beside Colin.

"C'mon," I pleaded, "You made me try something that could possibly kill me—"

"Only if it was alive– Which it wasn't!"

I made a pouty face and gazed into his eyes.

"Fine," he sighed, watching as I scooped the ice cream off of my plate.

He took the spoon from my hand and hesitated to swallow as it made its way into his mouth. I watched his facial expression carefully as his senses decided on their feelings towards this new flavor.

"Good right?!"

"It's alright," he smiled.

"You love it," I insisted, nudging his arm, and scooping a bite for myself.

He opened his mouth to reply but instead just sat, staring at me with an alluring look on his face, as I licked the ice cream off of the spoon.

"What?" I asked innocently, going in for another spoonful.

"Nothing," he said softly, gazing lovingly into my eyes, "It's just... the memories I get from the way you lick that ice cream..."

He trailed off and bit his lip, looking down at his plate. I blushed and put the spoon down on the other side of the table.

"I'm going to get up and go back to my side now," I insisted, leaning in to whisper into his ear, "When your girlfriend comes back, and ask why you're so turned on, tell her you're turned on because you love her, not because you have dirty memories of me licking things running through your mind okay?"

He nodded and I sat back down next to Tony, just in time for Callie to come back moments later. Colin folded his hands over his lap and we all knew exactly what he was hiding, except Callie...

"What'd I miss?" She asked curiously.

Colin and I stared at each other and she quickly grew suspicious.

"Nothing!" Tony insisted, "We were just getting ready to leave, isn't that right guys?"

"Yeah..." I said slowly, breaking my gaze with Colin who looked like he would have his way with me right now if Callie weren't around.

I slid out of the booth and Tony followed behind, along with Callie and Colin. We hopped in our car and trailed them to a nice hotel a few minutes away from the restaurant, where we booked two separate rooms, across the hall from one another.

Tony and I parted ways with Callie and Colin, told them goodnight, and shut the door behind ourselves. I immediately located the California king bed and plopped down on it. Tony laid down next to me and sprawled out.

"You're not a cover stealer are you?" He joked, "I can't stand cover stealers..."

"Shhh," I insisted, turning over to face him, "Let me sleep..."

He laughed and got up to turn off the light. He flicked the switch and jumped back in bed, body slamming me in the process.

"Don't go to sleep without me!"

I let out a huff of air, and shoved him off of me.

"Stop Tony," I pleaded, "My stomach hurts—"

"Aww, alright..."

He laid beside me once more, and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"I love you so much," he insisted, kissing me cheek, "You're my best friend, you know that? I never thought I'd come to love you as much as I do now. When I first met you, I just thought you were some desperate chick sleeping with Ryan to pass his class—"

"How thoughtful," I said sarcastically.

"Yeah, but now I see that you aren't! You're so much more than amazing... This time I've spent with you had made feel so much better about everything in my life. I've never had anyone I can talk to, and it means a lot to have someone to open up to... Thank you Savannah..."

"No problem Tony," I replied softly, on the verge of crying.

Tony had definitely helped me out too, more than he would ever know. He was kind of like Reece, but ten times better. I regretted not meeting him sooner...

Eventually, the clock ticked on, and the minutes passed by, until the last click rang out and I was sent off into dream land...



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