Someone's Forever

By NeelamMenghani

594K 27.9K 6.3K

*Long Listed for Wattys 2018* E-Awards 2017 Winner *Best Hooked Story * *COMPLETED* Life, love, hate and b... More

Someone's Forever
1. Goodbye Normal, Hello Miracle
2. Let The Mystery Begins
3. Past, Present and Future
4. A Vow to Protect
5. Questions, Confusions and Amusements
6. Test of Patience
7. Deal that sealed Our Destiny
8. Consequences of Negligence
9. A Night of Dilemma
10. Faith and Myth
11. Enlightening Darkness
12. Breeze of Change
13. His Pain, His Relief
14. Old Pain, New Wounds
15. Shock One After the Other
16. Morning Mayhem
17. Stepping in the Arena
18. Calling out the Soul
19. Chaotic Afternoon
20. Just a Glimpse
21. An Evening Maze
22. A Little Further
24. And He Found Her
25. Conflicting Deception
26. Do Not Speak
27. Ancient Legends
28. Arrival of the Grey Sky
29. Closer to Appraisal
30. Meeting Mr. Mycroft
31. To Save the King
32. Check'Mate'
33. Defiance in Acceptance
34. Losing Her Chance
35. A Call from 'Treasure of Heart'
36. A Walk Unexpected
37. A Meet to Remember
38. Curve of Guidance
39. Conceptual Claws
40. Instinctive Step
41. Healing Wound
42. Webbing Deep
43. Reiterating History
44. Turned Table
45. Expectations Unexpected
46. You are Not Alone
47. Assurance from Guardian
48. Reaching the Surface
49. 'V' for A V
50. Lost and Found
51. 'Queen of Hearts'
52. Marvelous Majestic Meet
53. Old Rust but Gold
54. The Will of Time
55. Two Purposes, One Arrow
56. Apart from You
57. Mystery and Miracle
58. A Celebration so Special
59. Hide and Steal
60. You and Us
61. The Night Falls
62. Trust is Essential
63. Tussle to Throne
64. A Word with Divergent
The Slave
65. Your Answer awaits You
66. Privilege of Acceptance
67. Two Names in One Breath
68. Fire: A Lethal Game
69. Peace and Storm
70. Sweat in Smirk
71. The Mate Bond
72. Shield Defends, Sword Attacks
73. Heard Unsaid
74. Rational Rage
75. BitterSweet Sky
76. Defeated Victory
77. Knows More than Told
78. Desperate Diversion
79. Fragile Trust
80. Gust of Rush
81. Howling Heart, Quiet Eyes
82. Damsel in Despair
83.1 Dark of Light: Alicia
83.2 The Rising Dawn: Alicia
83.3 Balance of Nature: Alicia
84.1 The Preface of Pain
84.2 This Finally Concludes
85.1 Sparks & Pains
85.2 Is Pain an end?
86.1 Always Behind of You
86.2 Behind the Maze
87.1 Sealed Secret
87.2 A Fate Sealed
88. The Rise of New Dawn
89. Closer and Far Away
Whispers of Forever
Someone's Forever
Sacrifices of Sapphire

23. A Spark in the Dark

6.4K 304 65
By NeelamMenghani

This one is dedicated to  riyasjacob  

Thanks a lot for all your support. It means a lot to me.


"There are some questions that shouldn't be asked until a person is mature enough to appreciate the answers."

― Anne Bishop, of the Blood


In the last chapter of Someone's Forever

[A Little Further]

Niera's POV

"So, here we are." He announced once we were outside the main entrance of motel.

I sat there busy fidgeting with mobile, scratching the cover with my painted nails to answer or acknowledge his announcement.

"Niera!" Jerry called a little louder this time which made me jerk slightly at my seat.

"Huh?" I met my dazzled gaze with him.

"We are here." He moved his eyes toward the direction of motel. I followed his gaze before nodding. My face must be grim.

Jerry's brows furrow, forming a scowl at his face, "What happened?" he asked with the same frown.

What should I say... I have to ask so much... but again my questions will be buried under some just-so-irrelevant explanations. Yet, just answer this one please.

"Jerry can you please find about how he is?" I asked taking a step of courage.

My heart is beating wildly behind my rib cage. I was palpitating. The feeling is unsettling, unnerving. Even trying with every fiber of my mind, I can't keep his worry away from me. I smiled, worked, laughed during the day but every second it was him who ruled my concentration. My mind...

But what reaction I received from Jerry was utterly perplexed for a slow processing mind like mine. My dear friend was staring back at me but in place of a frown filled with worry, his face broke into a gleeful smile with mirth dangling on his eyes. He isn't slightest worried for his boss... big boss... that's what he calls him. No Majesty.... Right Majesty...

Way to go.....

I sat there in the warm air conditioned atmosphere of his car where my eyes staring at him and his eyes were focused on my face. Apparently mine were lacing the concern for the man who is responsible behind my current situation, that is: away from family and my routine normal life and my dear friend here who is smiling when we are talking about the man who provides him a living, a decent job. I agree this man is a bit bipolar —okay multi-polar but still he is his boss. Yet his eyes are filled with some hidden elation.

I would have impaled such person if it was in my hand. But.... But my friend here is not such degraded ungrateful creature losing human ethics and humanity. Jerry is a very nice and decent person who respects his so called Majesty with his life with humanity is runs in his veins like blood. Giving to the thought that he is red cheeks with blushing material, I believe he has humanity in abundance.

But then again, why the hell he is smiling with laughing eyes?

"Sorry!" he exclaimed.

"You should be Jerry. Why are you smiling when I'm talking about Mr. Valentine. Here I'm pulling my hair in frustration and—"

"Okay. Okay, don't hyperventilate. I wasn't smiling at... at this." He waved his hand at my face. Before continuing, "I was smiling because of you. You are very kind Niera. You have place for everyone in your heart."

"I have no one in my heart Jerry. I was worried for him because, at that time he was with me and he left like—like he was going on a battle field that's why I'm worried. Not for him but—but because it was all in front of my presence. That's it." I vomited, though in the real sense, these were utter corrupt in the deep reality.

"Do anyone ever tell you that lying isn't your forte. Your eyes reveal it all Niera. But if you want to believe this rubbish of that explanation you thrown on my face than do but we both know, no single word from that was true." He finished in a serious tone which was very unlike Jerry and cool demeanor.

"You care and care deeply but you hide." I announced in his deep dead serious tone.

"Why would I hide Jerry? Who matters and why?" I asked incredulously, my eyes were wondering around uncomfortably.

Or hiding the truth which he sensed a long ago?

"He matters for you." He answered, this time his voice was hard, deep. Almost different.

I didn't took the chance to peek at him once, afraid of my revealing gaze to alter something which I can't explain.

"No Jerry. No one matters. Apart from my family and my job. No one matters." I said decisively.

No one matter.... Just me and my.......

Do you matter??? A mocking part retorted fervently.



Mind never sit straight it needs thoughts, problems and mysteries to keep it busy, to keep it puzzled and to keep it living.

And with the Grace of Holy Souls, this day has provided us all so much to Solve, fathom and Alive.

"No Sir, the entire area was checked and inspected in afternoon. There is no sign of intrusion." McCoy said as disappointment lacing in his voice. He sat straight on the other couch in front of me; his hands intertwined resting on his lap while eyes gaze firm on the laptop screen on the center table.

"But McCoy, if the area is clear then how someone can invade. Because it's clear, no one with permission has entered the record library." I reasoned, averting my gaze from the screen to his flummox form.

As I was finished with the call with my Friend. McCoy busted the cognizance of intrusion in the Achieves. The intrusion took time to notice in front of us as our present inquiry running kept us busy and running on toes all day.

Unlike the matter in hand, which has a significant matter to work upon, this matter seems nugatory but intrusion in Archives.

What one can get from the records and data of our employees and historic documentations under the A V.

"I know Sir and that's what I'm trying to figure out. But what is beyond my imagination is what one wants from our record room?" he asked perplexed.

"Something they need or something they want for which they can't ask for permission. Something which the jurisdiction restricted." I answered, leaning backward on the couch, providing my back some much needed rest.

"You checked the CCTV footage?"

"Yes. That's how I found about this intrusion." He provided, I granted him silence to enunciate which he gladly followed.

"I was with Beta Theodore checking the footages during and after the event. When we reached to the footage of record area, I found some shifting. The shadows lurking behind the closed door. We got suspicious and inspected closely. That's where we found there it was. An intrusion in Achieves." He explained; brief and subtle.

"Do I need to pay a personal visit in this matter?" I asked, my eyes fixed on his confident face.

"No Sir, it'll be taken care of. You can rest assure."

"I'm pleased to hear that."

He nodded at my declaration with a spark of smile. A self satisfied smug.

"Sir, can I ask you something?"

I knew very well where his words are ascending but didn't impede him from asking further.

"Ask away, McCoy." I granted him permission crossing my leg over the other.

"It is about the new recruit." He initialed with hesitation. I knew it coming from the first sight of McCoy's on Niera.

Calming myself briefly, I asked, "What about her?"

"She is... I don't know how to voice It." he muttered.

"Go on." I encouraged.

"Her recruitment. She isn't appointed through our prescribed recruitment procedure. There is no record on her and more over she has the distinct command to interfere in all our respective departments. Is it a wis—I mean good idea? And most importantly, Sir Gerard she is a human. A human in our Kingdom?" he asked incredulously. His fingers are no longer intertwined with fatigue or boredom, his blank face with satisfied smug is washed over replacing a wide glint of peculiar interest.

"Are you questioning our decision McCoy?"

"I would never dare to Sir. I'm just—" he hurriedly tried to explain but was bluntly cut off.

"Plain curious, isn't it?"

Lowering his gaze to his intertwined palms, he nodded, "Yes. But this matter also concerns the security of the employees and the crucial documents safe in the custody of this building."

How a fragile human can be any harm to land of Supernatural? I asked myself before clearing his plausible doubts.

"I can understand your concern here. Let me help you." I stated before leaning forward meeting his hungry gaze.

"Miss William is an honest employee you can trust her. She has worked in our other subsidiary, since we employ humans there so I guess her being human shouldn't bother you. She is being selected for her impeccable knowledge and efficiency and command on her work. Theodore personally recommended her for this job and went through her background check. She is a harmless human not a notorious terrorist or in our world banished witch or rogue, to consider her a threat to our employees or any crucial data." I gave him the details which were already set in the accordance of our settlement.

We knew appointing Niera in such a short period of time will raise question. Even knowing the fact Banerjee won't raise a question as he sees her as his Cleopatra which was a relief to some extent. But we knew her arrival won't be an easy step.

"But what about her in danger?" he asked, sinking further on his couch, pulling me back from my reverie.

"Excuse me?" I raised my brow at him in question.

"She is a human Sir and I bet she have no idea where she has set her foot. The kingdom of Supernatural. What if something un-fateful happens to her? We are bound with Majesty's precept, we know our boudations." He paused for a moment to access my features before continuing,

"But in the end of the day we are predators. And how long one can hold when the prey is sauntering in front of us." He stated nonchalantly, but there a dark threat passed his eyes. The true sense of his words hit me hard. I was forced to take a sharp intake of breath.

Composing the errant mind, I gave him, brief last words on this discussion.

"We gave a brief thought to this matter and her arrival was approved only after considering all the aforesaid concerns. You have nothing to concern about apart from her safety inside this building. Can I rely on you for this?"

He sat there on the couch with a blank expression marring his features. After a brief moment of silence, he answered. There was acceptance in his answer which eventually I was seeking, "You can Sir. I'll keep an eye over her... safety."

"From distance." I injected, with infinite command in my words. "I don't want her or anyone suspicious."

"Yes Sir." He nodded, bowing.

"Are you planning to keep her here for long?"

We intended to keep our Luna Queen here forever.

"This shall be decided on her work." I replied curtly.

"I think I should take your leave now. Good night Sir." Announcing this, he started to collect his laptop with hard disk in which the footage are recorded.

"Good Night McCoy."

He left bowing, leaving me in utter silence.

I sat there on the couch finding solace for a moment of time but the poor thing was unable to provide. The sun is now set in darkness but from my eyes, the sky is far from the murk. It is embraced in the dark red halo of the Moon.

The moon of our world... The supernatural world...

The Crimson Moon...

The old delineate of the fortress is resting on the center table in front of me, disorientated, scattered just like the maze of the Royal Vault. I sat there is desperation. Desperation to find any lead; lead toward the cause behind the security block, fighting every plausible reason defending the security of Vault.

My thoughts are deterred, locked with the event and the old prototype of the fortress. The ringing of my mobile pierced through my thoughts calling me out in present.

Keeping the fragile papyrus scroll aside, I gave a brief glance on the screen with the thought to dismiss the caller but decided otherwise once my gaze read the name of the caller.

Quite unlike...

The cold wind of consternation passed through my conscience before answering the call.

The fear of denial.

"Yes, my friend?" I spoke, keeping my voice void of emotion.

"I called to advise something but I'm sure my words must have already crossed your mind." My dear friend initiated, the voice rich in his firm British accent.

"Is it about the shield on the fortress?" I asked getting up and streaking toward my desk.

"Yes." He affirmed.

"Then my answer must have crossed yours."

"Indeed." I heard a satisfied response.

"I assure you, another spell is casted over the Fortress by Banerjee. Not the strong one resembling earlier but a strong one and the fortress is being vacant apart from a few crucial servers."

Niera's thoughts invaded my conscience. She is inside the building with Jerry accompanying her.

Asking her to leave after the event of morning will arise more suspension on her, with her curious mind and hyperactive sub conscience. She won't stop speculating until we provide her a reasonable explanation.

Which I highly doubt can stop her wandering mind.

"Banerjee is capable of casting a stronger one why not the Absolute one?" he asked from the other side. A thick hint of suspicion was laced in his voice.

"The Absolute shield secures the place but forbids any intrusion. And I doubt, if it can overcast the Ancient spell." I answered, even if it could overcast the Old spell, I wouldn't allow Banerjee to before his arrival.

"Why people are still in there? In the Fortress?" he asked, this time I sensed a frown on his face.

"Checking the footage of security units and other formalities. The procedure we call it."

"Is it helping?" he probed.

"In one way or the other, yes."


"Midnight?" I prompted again averting the topic. Keeping my words at bay to avoid any sign of desperation.

"Yes, Midnight." His response provided me a new level of satisfaction.

"I'll be waiting for your gracious presence, my friend."

"Yes. You'll." I felt a strong urge to roll my eyes at his smug reply.

"I'll arrive there on aforesaid time."

"You'll be escorted."

"Now are we?" I heard his incredulous query.

"Agreed to disagree, right?"

The call disconnected without any reply. I removed the device from my ear and placed it on the desk. The sun is set completely leaving the world in darkness but for my eyes, the dark glow of Red Halo is illuminating in the sky.

Deterred, exhausted and drained, I decided to give it a pause till the arrival of my dear Friend.

Glancing at the clock on the wall, I made a decision to leave. Dexter mind linked earlier, apologizing for his inability to meet.

I collected the old fragile Papyrus carefully before depositing them in their old wooden chest.

Stepping out of my Office, I locked the door.

Before exiting, I thought to give brief visit to Niera. Her condition was hysterical when I found her with Alpha. Even after this bizarre was passed, her heart was beating errantly which gave an explicit hint of her anxiety.

Once I was near to her cabin, her sharp words halted my further steps.

"Jerry, the distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success."

"And I can't measure my success until I implement this—this." There was hesitation in her words but rage in her voice. I was well aware of the reason of her blazing anger. But her reaction didn't infuriate me but it provided me a sense of relief. My thoughts resonated inside the cabin in Jerry's words.

"No, you shouldn't. You shouldn't be sorry for stating what you feel. Standing for what you feel is right."

"You are strong enough to voice your opinion. Strong enough to stand, if standing alone but you deny to be leaded in a wrong direction, deny to be mislead, even with the people you trust. You're perfect, perfect for this title."

Indeed she is perfect for this title but the only the approval is needed, Their judgment.

And this can initial only after Majesty's acceptance.

I snap my thoughts back, restricting myself to mull over the plausible future and made my way to Werepire using my powers.


Once outside the enormous building I made my way inside through the sliding doors. The shattered crowd inside swiped away making a path for me whilst bowing. I nodded distrait. My concern is concentrated on the matter regarding My Queen and her prodigious Wound.

"Dexter!" I called him when I entered his cabin. The room stood in pure elegance in simple beauty.

His concentrated gaze on the screen of his system snapped toward my direction. Astound was clear in his feature which turned into frown lines.

He was taken aback with my surprised uninformed visit.

Rising gingerly from his chair, he bowed. "Welcome Sir Gerard." He greeted, his face broke into a genuine smile, but that smile failed to erase the furrow lines from his forehead.

Perhaps, he has a slight idea of my uninvited visit in WerePire.

Nodding, I made my way to his desk keeping an impassive face.

"Please have a seat." He offered, the low stress lamp in his desk was providing a serious atmosphere. While he was taking his seat, I gingerly roam my gaze toward the pile of books scattered on his desk and center table.

My simple stare turned into a deep frown once I read the subjects on the cover of the books. The bulky, large set of papers was related to biology books.

The books were titled with different sciences. The referential help from different experts on human science, detailed synopsis on body and their treatment. As far as I could read and persist, the books majorly related to the human science and prominently the healing science. Or whatsoever they call it. It couldn't took me long to find the reason behind these piles of books.

"For Niera." I heard a disappointed familiar voice. Averting my gaze, I met with Dexter's equally frowning stare on the piles of scattered books.

Equally distraught and disappointing.

"I know." I for the first time voiced my words.

Sighing, he lowered his gaze for a moment then met mine. The sullen traces of vex were fading behind his sharp perceptive eyes.

Leaning back, resting his back in the comfort of his chair, he asked, "What would you like to have Sir, t—"

"The truth would do, Dexter. Pure and simple. Truth – a complete truth." I abruptly cut him off in mid.

"I would prefer truth."

Deep furrow lines of confusion appeared on his face while he scrunched his brows momentarily. Soon, I caught a hint of realization on his face which I expected.

Dexter is one of those who carry a deep vivid insight of matters and events happening around him. His work is his greatest asset and his worship. He never leaves a dead end in his practice. The time is witness of his hardship. He is an intelligent sharp royal server, a gem of the Kingdom.

He lowered his guilty eyes.

Without giving much attention to his gaze, I leaned to the chair. Crossing my leg on other, I waited for him to answer, provide any explanation behind his steps. Hiding Niera's condition from us and the consequences she is facing right now.

"Sir Gerard I never lied to you." He murmured, his gaze still on the desk, not meeting mine.

"No you never Dexter but you hide. Keeping the truth hidden which were supposed to be disclosed is also considered as a lie, doesn't it Dexter?" I countered asked whist raising my brow.

"It does." He nodded. His head was casted down like a heavy burden was placed on his head, in a complex manner it was. The burden of guilt; guilt of hiding.

"I'm sorry Sir but I was still unaware of the exact cause of her condition." He explained after a moment of silence, his stare rose meeting mine.

"You could have informed me about this." I reasoned.

"It wasn't that easy."

"Enlighten me, then." I uncrossed my legs; restlessness was only an outer layer of what I was experiencing right now.

My eyes were stormy; I wasn't expecting him to keep things from me. Matters which were concern of the Future of our world.

Before heading toward the matter, he asked, "How is she now? Is the wound—" concern lacing in his soft eyes.

"She is fine. Safe with Jerry as we are discussing this," I gestured between us,

"—And about the wound I apologize to inform you that as the result of being in dark. I have no idea of how serious the wound is. But it is a fade red skin over the area of her neck, exactly where the mark of her mate should nest."

Leaning forward a little, resting my entwined palms on the desk, I continued, "The faint dark marks with burnt skin, to be precise. Now care to explain this little revelation, Dexter."

He remained quiet, his eyes on me whereas his mind I presume lost in trance with my spoken words. The air around us, thick with tension.

"I expect you to answer Dexter." I asked him the question which has shaken my peace and calm from a long ago.

"Niera's wound is not the result of any bug bite." He begins.

"That I surmise." I injected.

"Neither the Nectar of Wild white lilies."

I gave him time and space to continue, while my sanity locked itself searching the tenable arguments.

"At first I too thought, it was an adverse aftereffect of the Nectar of White Lilies. I wasn't sure that's why I took the sample of her skin for further testing."

"What did you found?" I asked eagerly, patience was far away from my mind.

"Nothing. I was left with empty hand." He whispered with thick layer of disappointment in his voice.

"Then, last night, I got a call from Jerry. He and Tiara were with her. He informed me about the condition, the wound on the neck was getting more critical. So, I asked him to get me a sample of her skin for further research. He—"

"Stop right there, Dexter! She is our Queen not some experimental mouse in a laboratory to do research on her wounds. I—" I cut him off in anger.

"I wasn't experimenting Sir." He interrupted exasperated, "For goddess's sake please understand. I can heal a supernatural but she— she is a human. To be honest, I wasn't aware of the exact reason behind her would. I was walking on a thin rope of knowledge. I—"

"Was?" I prompted, cutting him in mid.

"Yes, was"

I remained silent, waiting of his explanation. The atmosphere around us was thick with the gravity of seriousness and urgency.

"Before I proceed further, I want to tell to that this wasn't Jerry's fault. He—"

"Serene met Niera." I injected, saving him from further explanation.

His eyes widen momentarily before settling to a grim expression.

Nodding, he continued. I never knew his words will shake me with a new havoc, "It was all happened when Serene met Niera. I have a doubt that it all happened because of her protectors."

His words robe of my speech completely.

Serene's Protectors.

"I had this doubt so I—" he abruptly halted while fidgeting with his loosen tie. My stormy gaze met his with a severe intensity; I was walking over a thin thread of patience. It was getting hard for me stop my powers to surface and harm Dexter but I restrained myself taking deep breaths.

"I discussed this matter to Grammy." He whispered, his eyes wavered.

"Continue!" I growled.

Taking a deep breath, he faced me again. "Serene is with her and from what she sensed around her. There is something which is unusual. We need to meet Serene." He concluded.

"Only Serene have our answers."

I sat there rooted at my place with my palms clenched in fists to hold my railed up anger.

I'm standing at the same point where I started this day. A blind Hunch. With only the tail of cause and no vision of head. Left alone with my buried presumptions.

"We need to meet Serene." I repeated his words with dead tone.

"But she is with Grammy." He stated the obvious fact.

"Is that wound serious?" I found myself asking. My mind recalled the lucid vision of her wounded neck, the skin was burnt with fade marks. My heart twisted for the fragile soul.

"Her condition was critical; she was in severe pain the whole day and it was increasing in area also in severity but as Jerry described it this afternoon and you too, I think it is in better condition." He replied, his tone back to his brilliance.

"How much time will it take to heal her?" I couldn't control myself from asking while my palm rubbing my forehead.

"With the confirmation of this cause which is unusual and away from the reach of medical science, I can't give you any certain statement. But we can find the cure as soon as we can make Serene Talk." He asserted with his ever professional tone.

"How is she?" he met my steely gaze.

"As good as a numb doll. She wasn't talking, nor reacting until last night as I'm informed. Grammy is with her and she hasn't said anything yet." He murmured, his gaze averted to the closed window in his room.

I followed his gaze to the closed window.

Window, a source of light to the dark opaque room. Providing the freshness in the sullen stale environment. But here with us, there is darkness outside as it is inside.

"Brandon gave me a brief on her condition. She is changed after meeting Niera. I was left with a message, informed about her condition." I confessed, breaking the comfortable silence around us.

"Grammy's message?" he prompted.

"Her message." I responded affirmative.

The commotion of the door interrupted our discussion. Glancing back over my shoulder, I met with a familiar grinning face which was making its way to the desk.

Dexter sat up straight, his slumped shoulders found their strength back with each step taken to our direction, his direction, apparently.

"Hey Honey!" "Oh! Sir Gerard, What a pleasant surprise?"

She stood beside the desk facing both of us with her warm smile, bowing to me.

"Veronica." I acknowledged the lady in front of me with a smile of my own. Though, the current situation isn't allowing me to smile even the thought to smile seems corrupt yet somehow I managed.

She smiled back, her eyes flashed at her mate who was starting at her.

The previous stains of defeat and disappointment were now replaced by the gleam of light staring at her face.

Indeed a mate has the power to bring the life in you. Your ultimate savior, your shore around the deep ocean.

The sullen defeated air around us dwindles with her arrival.

"You here, at the time of the hour?" Dexter asked, clearly coming out of his world, peeping at the wall clock.

"Well, what a wife should do when her husband leaves her waiting and didn't show his handsome face at home for three days? I suppose she should raid at his work place and investigate what is keeping him occupied for not even glancing at his vibrating phone."

Even though, Veronica conveyed her words with an efficient amount of humor, one can catch her hidden worry behind her words, very easily. If not, one glimpse at her confiding eyes at her husband is enough.

I averted my eyes from them to glance at the shattered pile of books on his desk and center table.

Each one of them of either open or shattered in the pile. They were the witness of his efforts which he is paying for Niera. The reason for his absence and the prime cause of Veronica's worry.

The next moment, I regretted my outburst at him; indeed he kept her condition from us. Dexter wasn't sure.

"I was on a hunch. A research. I'm sorry for worrying you Darling." He apologized in a soft contrite voice.


"Yes. An important one."

She nodded, not alter another word at his monosyllabic explanation. The beauty of their relationship is they don't need words to communicate. Their eyes, their presence around each other convey their heart to the other.

A blink of the eye and they know the soul of each other.

She raised her unsatisfied gaze from his revealing face to the heap of references shattered around the room.

Her eyes widened slightly while mouth hang open in utter surprise, "So, this kept you. To be precise." She asked with her roaming gaze.

"Quite so." He glanced back at the reports in his hand.

"Is it about the same sample you sent in the lab?" she voiced her query which was touching to the hill of interest.

His reading gaze on the papers halted so was mine on his face. He raised his head to look at her.


"A human Sample?" she asked incredulously.

"We have a human patient in our kingdom, Veronica. Her treatment required these tests and this hunch on research." He shrugged, giving her explication.

Subtle, brief and most of it appropriate.

He didn't reveal the identity of his patient. No words spoken of her or about her status as the Queen. He kept his mouth shut, even from his Wife.

"Anything important about her, Honey?" she placed her palm on his stiff shoulder which visibly went relax on her touch.


"Yes." I intervened, saving him from lying further from his Mate. The overwhelming burden of grief and disappointment is already settled on his shoulder and lying Veronica would put nothing but just a new burden on him.

Both their eyes snapped toward my direction, Veronica's were holding plain Curiosity whereas Dexter had an uncertain shock marring his features.

"Everything about her is important Veronica. She is a crucial Gem of our Kingdom."

"I'm sorry Sir, you lost me." She stated quizzically.

I smiled at her words which were joined by Dexter, her stare swipe between us whilst her frown deepened.

"May I have the luxury to reveal this precious secret to my wife, Sir Gerard?" Dexter asked my permission.

"You may." I nodded.

The next words from Dexter were halted abruptly on the commotion of the door. We glanced toward the door only to find Morgan and Theodore stepping inside while Theo slamming the door closes pretty hard, resulting in the rattling of the painting on the wall.

With their arrival, the subtle temperature of the room dropped to degrees. The chills spread around us with a soft gust of cold air.

I eyed Morgan in silent query who seems unfazed.

"Sir Gerard." Morgan bowed, greeting others while Theodore chose to stand on the farthest corner with his arms crossed over his chest as leaned on the wall.

"Morgan." I gave a nod to him, my focus solely on Theodore.

With the ample of time I had spent with Theodore, I'm very well familiar with his etiquettes. Our Beta is perfectly capable of handling the toughest of matters. Holding an impeccable knowledge and technique to rule the business world but he can't stand a single secret not to be unfold to him. Apparently, I have a brief idea behind his sullen mood.

"So, you were saying something Honey?" Veronica prompted, once the greetings concluded.

"I'm sorry to interrupt Mrs. Baron. But may I ask you something Sir Gerard? It's important." Morgan politely interceded.

"Sure and Morgan, Veronica please." Veronica smiled.

I shifted my eyes between them. "Yes. Mrs. Baron." He nodded causing Veronica to roll her eyes.

"You may." I granted.

"Who is Miss. William and why she here and she is human. How? And the most important one—"

"So this is Miss. William we were talking about?" Veronica piped in.

I glanced at her, nodding, "Yes."

"She works here?"

"Yes Veronica." I could see the impatience in Morgan's features which were getting serious with the moments passing without answering his query while Veronica's interest was getting the best of her. The temperature dropping gradually, a mirror of Morgan's decreasing patience.

I decided to end this before he lose control over his wavering powers, "Veronica, I suggest we should let Morgan complete and then we'll find answers to all our questions. Can we please?"

She flushed hearing this; nodding timidly she crossed her arms behind her back. Waiting patiently and providing Morgan the much required silence.

The atmosphere of the room turned serious, like gravity hit us with severe intensity.

Morgan remained silent. I switched my eyes to Theodore who now no longer leaning leisurely on the wall but stood beside me, his absolute attention on us.

"Niera William is a human. She is going to stay here for a while because she is working on some Proposal with Majesty. I conceded this much, courtesy to Theodore's explanation. What I'm unable to comprehend even after his detailed explanation is that why in hell she is dying to know about his whereabouts and his well being. Haven't anyone told her to stay away from him. He'll kill her with one snap." He growled, his face grim, crumbled with frown marring his features, the look in his eyes steely.

I suppose not. He won't. He'll kill for her.

"Actually our plan is to keep her with him." Dexter muttered quietly, not intending for others to hear.

"She is dying to know about his whereabouts?" my eyes peeped over Morgan's serious ones. Delight can't even touch the expression which his words have provided me.

"Yes. She was worried. Acceptable. But her persistent query over his matter and—"

"What exactly happened Morgan?" I cut him off, a ghost of smile fidgeting to appear on my face.

"Why a human girl wants know about our Majesty?" A perplexed Veronica asked.

"Is she getting attracted to Our King? Oo... well he is improbable, outrageously handsome. It isn't her fault, to be honest." She giggled. Her face flushed with ghost of proud smile.

"Darling!" Dexter quietly warned, demanding her attention and sanity back to reality.

"Oh! Yes! But our King is Queen's fidelity. He is hers and only hers." She corrected herself decisively. Her eyes held high with her hand clenching to Dexter's shoulder.

"Let me complete Ma'am. Sir Gerard, she is taking too much interest on him and this isn't—" Morgan busted, his eyes shut in aggravation, the temperature around us decreasing exacerbation.

"Our King is her Fidelity. She has right on him, to be precise Every right over him. His soul, his heart, his each breath, solely belongs to her. He is Hers. Her being worried for him is her natural instinct. Her trying to take interest in his matter is her Right."

Though I tried to deliver the crucial announcement with calm joy, this bizarre spreading confusion in them was taking a serious test of my patience. My announcement left the room in utter silence of shocking bafflement. The air of seriousness suddenly flipped in the flabbergasted breeze of revelation. I left them reeling, providing them to decipher the meaning.

Two pairs of eyes were gawking at me in utter shock waiting for the confirmation in the exact same manner while the other two glued at this scenario.

After a moment of silence, Dexter found my gaze, silently asked permission to make an announcement which I silently granted.

"We have found our Queen, darling. The wait has finally ended." He announced. The loud gasp of joy erupted in the cabin with Veronica's excited clapping with her beaming smile. She leaps on her husband claiming his lips, completely forgetting the presence of their company.

Indeed. But the path is long...

Veronica stood there still shock locked gawking, gasping at the revelation in front of her but her balance slipped and Dexter hold her to him, letting her sit on his Chair while standing nearby. Her grin beaming, indefatigable.

"Is—she—we—really—?" Veronica stuttered, her eyes frantically flicking between her Husband and mine while gleeful grin in amazement plastered on her face.


"Is she with Majesty? Can I meet her? Please Honey." She pleaded to her mate, grasping his knuckles in her palms.

Dexter's eyes downcast, the inability of fulfilling his mate's wishes, the hesitation made him avert his eyes from hers.

"Veronica, she isn't with Majesty. At least for now." Theodore dared to intercede, speaking for the first from his arrival.

Her gaze snapped at him in bafflement. "What does this mean Theo?"

An almost inaudible groan resonated behind me which was unmistakably Theodore.

"You can meet her Veronica but before that we have to—"

"Why she isn't with Majesty and why in heaven I'm not aware of her arrival and you do Mister?" a very anger Veronica interrupted me while slamming her palms straight on the desk.

Dexter gulped visibly at her outburst while we averted our eyes in sheer ignorance.


"He was commanded to keep this revelation confidential. He isn't at fault for keeping this from you." Her flint features relaxed at my interrupted explanation.

"As for the question of her.. Ah.. She is staying at Vintage Motel." Dexter provided in hesitation, his mouth went dry.

"But a human? Our Queen! How?!" Morgan exclaimed hysterically. The change in the temperature around us is noticeable now, the chilling winds around are no more intruding the meet and temperature is setting back to somewhat subtle.

I gave a brief look at Morgan who was silence after the revelation in front of him while all our attention was snatched by Veronica's hyper active excitement.

He is to say least shaken, his face maintaining his stonic features, eyes down casted which sure a shimmering surprise in them. His powers are assuage, which was a relief.

"Wait! She is human and she is staying with Albert and Martha?" Veronica cried loudly. Morgan's hands flee to his face harshly rubbing his exasperated forehead.

"Veronica, Albert and Martha may be Vampires but they know their limitations. Niera is in safe hands under safe supervision." I spoke, entwining my fingers and resting them on my lap.

"But they failed to keep her safe. She went in woods in dark when she wasn't supposed to. They failed their duty." Theodore argued, sauntering toward the sofa and sagging leisurely.

The lightness in the atmosphere fled with Theodore's words recalling the dreadful night. Veronica gasp softly.

"I have a suggestion regarding her security concern, if may I? Sir Gerard." Dexter mumbled before Veronica could bombard us with another set of questions.

His words got my interest, as I directed all my attention to him. He left Veronica's shoulder while straightening up; his confident shrewd form is back. His gaze serious staring back at me, asking permission.

"Go ahead Dexter."

"As we know Ba—Miss. William has a very interesting habit of wandering to the places and matters which put questions on her security in certain discreet manner. I suggest we should think about appointing someone for her." He suggested. And from the very confident gaze of his, I have a genuine idea that he has the person in mind.

"Fair point, well made Dexter."

"I have a person in mind, perfect for this job." He suggested shoving his palm in the pocket of his trouser. A frown appeared on my face hearing this.

"Who Dexter?"

"Michael." Realization hit me hard.

"Michael?" two voices squealed simultaneously in sheer shock. Theodore and Veronica were gawking at Dexter while I tried to read his face.

It didn't shock me to hear Michael's name from Dexter nor his suggesting Michael's name for Niera's security concern. As I knew there is always a reason behind Dexter's each word.

I wander what it was this time?

"But why him? And you didn't even asked me Dexter, he is—"

"—Your brother, I know Theodore, very well." Dexter impede Theodore's paroxysm.

Shifting his gaze from Theodore to my face, he said, "He needs a distraction Sir. I know he failed his duties last time but Sir failing once doesn't means he is a failure. He should be given another chance. Not for Niera but for him."

His words send me in another deep pit of thoughts.

"And beside, I'm not suggesting to appoint him as her shadow. She won't handle it nor will Alpha but an eye over her from a distance." He concluded with a sigh.

"What do you suggest Theodore?" I faced him, his face a mixture of many emotions.

"What can I suggest Sir, the decision regarding my brother has been taken without my consent. Keeping an eye over her? Sir, Miss. William is unpredictable. She thinks after doing. Every step of hers is—. Princess Alicia, her matter was different but Miss. William, she is totally a different creature." He clenched his fist in fury.

His denial was agreeable. After all we are talking about his brother. His anger, exasperation and worry and persistence are prerogative.

"We are discussing Theo. The decision relating to your brother is yours. I was suggesting. We all know his condition, he is dwelling on past away from future and this responsibility will snatch him back to present. It's all he needs, a distraction. A responsibility. And we all know he is capable of this job. Above we all you know, Michael can do this job." Dexter tried to make him understand his point.

"I think we should discuss this later." Morgan piped in the heated argument. We nodded leaving it here.

Before Theodore can come up with another heated response, a thunderous howl of pain jerked us all from core.

"Alpha!" suddenly my mouth went dry.

I felt a heavy burden on my heart with the growl. My closed my eyes gracing the overwhelming burden, opening my eyes I felt the same burden seeping through others. It was just the glint of pain of what our Majesty was feeling. The vociferous howl itself evinces the agony of our Majesty.

But what? What is causing him this much pain, this much agony.

We took our time to endeavor the burden on ourselves. Theodore opened his mouth to utter but my strict glare toward Veronica stopped him.

"How is she like?" Veronica asked, her glistering eyes wide open. Seems like she is out of her shock.

Her curiosity redirected our mind back to Niera.

Her words brought smile on my face which was mirrored on Dexter's. Even Morgan came up with a hint of what we can call half smile. His smile was genuine.

"She is adorable. Breeze of life."

"She is the light, Veronica. Warm, bright, Majestic. She is a blessing, a blessing in his life taking away his darkness." Dexter smiled, seems like smitten under her charm, like we are.

"She is quite entertaining." Morgan whispered.

"What?" her forehead creased.

"Well you'll see by yourself when you'll meet her." Making all of us laugh recalling her special entertaining talent.

"She gives the real meaning to the word Luna." I proudly announced with splendor.

"She is worried sick for Majesty."

We turned around to meet Revin standing at the threshold, a grim expression lacing his face.

I squinted my brows at his greeting statement.

"Or apparently, she is dying to know about his whereabouts." He strutted our way.

"We can't do any help until Majesty comes back." Morgan commented grimly.

"What about the plan she is cooking to find that culprit here?" Theodore asked, curiosity gleaming in his eyes. I shook my head at his all wanting to know nature.

"She is brilliant. Her command over her work is impeccable. Even with a little field work experience, she knows this job even small nock are clear to her. No wonder why her firm has chosen her." He praised her, the previous signs of grimace subsiding with a smug.

"She'll very close to her target if we let her do what had planned." He enunciated further, standing a beside Theodore's sofa.

"It will be taken care of. Don't worry." I eyed Theodore who nodded curtly with a smug.

I sweep my gaze around the closed cabin to look over. Veronica's face was asking me so much in her silent eyes. I sigh heavily.

"Dexter will fill your query, Veronica so will yours Morgan." Suddenly I felt exhausted. Every limp of my body started to protest, fighting fatigue, not physically but mentally.

Today turned out to a long eventful day.

Giving a brief glance to the time, I decided to call it a night as I have to be present for the arrival of my Friend.

"Theodore, the reason and brief explanation on Niera's joining has been given to McCoy which soon will pass on to the other. Make sure it stays this way." I commanded him. He gave me a curt nod.

"I should take leave now; I have to receive an important person." I announced getting up from the Aaron chair; soon the other followed the suit.

"Is someone coming, if I may ask, Sir Gerard?" Theodore asked as I turned to head outside. The raw spark of inquisitiveness was prominent in his voice. I allowed myself a moment to answer him, letting them all dwell in the possibility of arrival of this highly important guest of mine.

Turning back, I eyed them all who were waiting for my next words in speculation, "Yes."

"Who?" this time Dexter prompted; his serene features allowed me a glimpse of conjecture.

You won't be happy to know.

"You know who." I spoke only to receive a still silence.

"Always him." Two loud groans resonated around us which didn't make an effort to hide the displease-ment. I allowed myself to smile; it was an obvious reaction to be expected on the arrival of my dear Friend.

I sweep my gaze around to access the change in the environment. Veronica had an affronted scowl on her face; her early excitement of finding our Queen is now seems faded with the news of the arrival of my friend while Jerry is lost in his trance. Morgan is deep in thoughts with his head resting on his intertwined fingers.

Whereas Dexter stood up straight, strode toward the window. His gaze straight, lost in the darkness of the night.

We were lost in our own thoughts when a loud ring resonated around, breaking the cold silence of the room. Fishing out his mobile Jerry glanced at the screen before meeting my gaze, silently asking permission to pick up the call.

My brows scrunched with bafflement at his permission while I gave him a curt nod.

He went outside the room, far enough to keep the call personal, out of our ear shots. Dexter met my stare, mirroring my thoughts with a furrow in his face.

I didn't gave much thought to this, as I was solely concerned on the matter concerning in hand.

"I think we should once again check in Princess's territory. After this news," he took a momentarily pause before continuing, "We need to locate him." Black finished with a grim face.

Theodore uncrossed his arms, "No. he isn't there. Fergal is there, shielding the boundaries. He hasn't sensed his aura around yet. We communicated just yet." He announced.

My concentration broke with Jerry's word on Mind link, which nearly shook me, the lost adrenaline in me rushed back as his words proceeded.

With my peripheral view, I saw the change in the demeanor of the people around me, everyone in the room, had their eyes transfixed on me as I was listening to Jerry's word.

There was sheer cold dark outside, but I saw a burning flame, warm ignited flame defeating the murk with its light.

As Jerry finished, the lost desert of hope in me met with the oasis. Heaving a deep sigh of relief, I closed my eyes in pure solace.

Smiling, I opened my eyes to meet the quizzical worries gaze of others.

Taking an elated breath of relief, I announced, "The Queen found the King."


March 10, 2017

Another chapter. Quite a LONG ONE I must add.

I hope this chapter was the answer to a few of your confusions, I guess.

Finally they found the Majesty. Or the Queen found him, to be precise.

Do share your views on this chapter; I'd love to hear them.

Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share.

Thank you,


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