Hetalia Ghoul

By AngelxFlores

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° December 25 2018 - #2 in Prucan° °January 5 2019 - #1 in Gerita° °April 24 2019 - #1 in Ameripan° °June 21... More

This is Me
Another One
Where Did He Go?
A Friend
Who's This?
An Idea
Mask Maker
The Hero
More Information
Hanging Out
Another Day
The One-Eyed
Frog Prince
The Revenge Deal
The Doctor
The Waiter
Memories and Secrets
The Rules
The Girl
A Picture
author's note
Moving Out
Run Away


637 36 19
By AngelxFlores

- Alfred's POV -

This is an emergency.

I hurried to get out my phone to call Matthew. Of course, he didn't answer since it was 11 pm. So I had to call Arthur. My foot tapped the shoe as I waited until he answered.



"Woah, Alfred, quiet down,"

I realized that it wasn't Arthur who answered.

"Francis? Shoot, did I interrupt something? Sorry, I can call later!"

"What? Non, no. Arthur just got drunk and fell asleep. I left him on the couch and I was about to leave but then you called,"

"Man, I told you not to let him drink! They never listen... Do you got a video?"

"You know I do, Mon Ami. But besides that, what do you need help with?"

"What? Oh yeah, I remembered now! And thinking about it, it's better I tell you than Arthur,"

"What is it, Alfred? Are you alright? It's kind of late,"

"Well... It's not that bad. I'm going to stay over with Kiku. He's in the kitchen making some coffee but there is a small problem,"

"Which is?..."

"I think... I like this guy?"

"Oh~ Kiku, was it? And that's a problem?"

"No, he isn't a problem. On the contrary, he is far from a problem to me. The thing is, there is a guy who kind of threatened me..."

"Oh? Do explain, please,"

"So I went to go to Kiku's..."



After I waved Arthur and Francis goodbye, I headed to Kiku's place.

When I arrived to the place, the sign was turned to read 'CLOSED'

He knew I was coming so I texted him to make sure he was there.

The Hero: Leeks!


Keeks** dammit autocorrect :/

Keeks: Kiku.

The Hero: I'm at your place dude

Keeks: Sorry, I was getting something and got caught with the time. You should be able to get in. I think Hercules is inside.

The Hero: Is he your roommate or something?

Keeks: No, he just likes to visit me a lot.
You can get in.

Getting approval, I opened the door and got inside.

"Who's there? The shopkeeper isn't here. You can come back later," Hercules appeared from the bedroom, yawning and petting a cat. He stopped when he saw me.

I smiled, feeling a bit awkward, "Hey dude! Keeks told me you were here,"


"My nickname for Kiku,"


The guy wasn't much of a talker but he stared at me as if he was observing me. Not knowing what to talk about, I walked around the store.

"Sooooo... How long you have known Kee- I mean, Kiku?"

"A very long time... And you?"

"Uh, not really. I just rescued him a couple days ago from one of those nasty ghouls,"

Hercules squinted his eyes and walked closer go me.

"Don't CCG members usually mind their own business?..."

"Huh? Depends on what type of business you mean..."

"What do you want from Kiku?"

"What do I want? I don't know, man. I kinda just wanted to get to know him and-"

"Do you like him?"


"Or are you planning to do something with him?"

"Dude, chill out!"

"Let me warn you, I care about Kiku very much. He is the closest person I have and I will not let anyone hurt him," even if his voice was very quiet and soft.

"Alright, dude. I get it. But I would never imagine myself doing any harm to Kiku. He is a cool guy and I just wanted to get to know him better. I'm sorry if you thought I was getting cozy with your boyfriend,"

"What? No, we're not toget-," he paused and sighed, "Just know that I will not hesitate to do something if Kiku is in harm,"

With that, he left. I stood there in shock for a while, processing what just happened. I didn't know Hercules much but Kiku have told me that he usually just sleeps and space out with his cats. Maybe he was jealous? I know they are close friends. And Kiku and I barely know each other.


"Hmm... By what you told me, he does sound a bit jealous,"

"I know, right? I mean, at first he seemed chill but then I realized how scary he can be..."

"Are you jealous of him?"

"A little... I mean, he know Kiku way more than I do and for a longer time... By the way, you know Yao Wang, right?"

"Yeah, he works in the CCG with us. Why?"

"I think there is some issues with him and Kiku,"

"Why would you say that?"

"Kiku seemed really nervous when I mentioned him and then when we saw him, he hid..."



After some minutes, Kiku arrived.

"Sorry, Alfred. I was talking to someone and forgot the time,"

"It's alright dude,"

"Did Hercules leave?"


"Weird. I invited him to come with us. I guess he has other things to do,"

"Let's go eat! I know an amazing burger place!"

"Uh, actually... I'm not hungry. But we can go to a coffee shop I know,"


"No. It's a small shop run by a family I know,"

"Sounds cool. Lead the way, my dude,"

We walked all the way to the other side of the town when we reached the coffee store that I had seen before. We entered and took a seat.

"Feliciano?" Kiku called out to the man on the other side of the counter. The young man was talking to another guy and didn't notice us until Kiku called him name again.

"Oh Ciao Kiku! Hold on Ludwig, I have to take this order," the man said and walked up to us, "What will you guys like?"

We talked and drank our coffee for a while until Kiku started to look nervous.

"Something wrong, Keeks?"

"Hm? No, no. I'm fine,"

Then he looked down at his cup, look up at the window, and quickly glance back and forth. I turns around and saw he was staring at someone outside the window.

"Hey, it's Yao! He's works in the CCG with us. You want to meet him?"

I stood up to go outside but Kiku quickly grabbed my arm to stop me.

"Alfred! Please don't..."


"I already know him but we aren't really in good terms..."

"Huh? Why is that?"

"I... I can't tell you. But he cannot see me. He can't even know I live around here!"

"Woah, is it that bad?"

"Yes. Never mention me to him, please," he begged.

"Why though?" I said worried, "Is it really a bad deal? I don't see why you have to hide it from me,"

"Alfred, I just can't tell you. Please trust me on this. I... I might tell you. One day. But for now, I'm trusting you. Please. I'm begging you,"

"Did he... Hurt you or something?"

"No... Alfred please don't ask. I really cannot talk about it. I'm sorry,"

He had a look of pain and sadness. He usually was quiet but he had a range of emotions on his face.

"Kiku, I'm your friend. Of course I will promise. But if you're in danger of something, I want to be able to protect you. I'll be your hero!"

"Thank you, Alfred... But I'm afraid that you wouldn't understand..."

Seeing him vulnerable made my heart feel some sort of pain. I didn't want him to feel lost and I defiantly didn't want to him like this. I liked it when he smiles and even if he doesn't talk much, his conversations are always great and interesting.


"And I'm guessing that's when you starting to have feelings for him,"

"Francis, that's not the point right now,"

"I know. Sorry, Mon ami. But he does sound terrified. I don't know if Yao had some sort of relation to a Kiku. We were in the same class when we were training for the CCG but I never knew much about his life. Unless..."


"There is a possibility..."


"Hm? Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts. I was just thinking of an incident that happened long ago about Yao,"

"Can you tell me later, Kiku is coming back,"

"Ok, don't go quick on the poor boy. He doesn't sound like the type to go for it from what you've told me,"


"Just joking. Goodnight, Mon Ami,"

"Night, Francis,"

Just as I turned off my phone, Kiku came in with two cups.

"You sure do like coffee, Keeks,"

"I like staying up late," he shrugged.

We stayed quiet until I broke the silence, "Hey Kiku, we're friends, right?"

"Friends? Well, yeah,"

"Do you like being my friend?"

"... Yes. Honestly, I didn't think I would have considered you a friend before but I guess I just can't help but feel close to you that way,"

"Do you trust me, Kiku?"

"... Yes,"

"... You wouldn't lie to me, right?"

"... I wouldn't imagine it,"

"... If you're ever in trouble, you can count on me, Kiku. Cause that's what heroes and friends do. So don't ever hesitate to call me,"

"... Thank you, Alfred,"

- Ivan's POV -

"Why are those idiots taking so long?!"

"Natalia, calm down,"

"No! Why are they taking their sweet ass time when we are waiting for their slow behinds to tell us where Katyusha is?! She has been gone for weeks, Ivan! Weeks! You expect me to be calm about this?!"

"I'm worried too but you don't have to destroy the room," I said quietly as I watched my younger sister trash the room for the third time with her kagune. I love my sister but she has little patience and when she's mad, she is hard to control. The only one who actually can in my older sister, Katyusha. Katyusha usually leaves for 2 days or 3 but she hasn't come back for the longest time.

"Natalia, why should we worry? Katyusha is the strongest ghoul we know. There is nothing that can stop her,"

Suddenly, someone knocked the door from our room. Right now, the clan have been located in an abandoned building in the middle of nowhere. Surprisingly, we haven't been disturbed much by humans or doves.

"Who is it?!"

"Natalia, please sit down. Who is it?"

"Torus and Feliks, sir. We came back with the news about Katyusha,"

I opened the door and let them both in, "Comrades,"

"What took you two bozos long?!"

"Sheesh, Natalia, if you were in a city that you never been in before, you would have known. But then again, you never go out because you're scared to get your precious little weapons dirty,"

"Why you little -"

"Natalia. Feliks. Not now."

"Sorry, big brother,"

"Excuse Feliks, sir,"

"About Katyusha, Toris,"

"Right... This is not easy to say but Katyusha... She was cornered and killed by a dove,"


"No. No! That's absolute bullshit!" Natalia yelled, "Katyusha, my older sister, is smarter and stronger to be killed off by some stupid human dove! This can't be! She is the leader of the Kol Clan! She can't be dead..." Natalia voice slowly trailed off and she turned around and paced around the room and kicked the walls, "Damn it! Fuck! Who did this, Toris?! Who is the filthy scum who killed my sister?!"

"Katyusha was attacking a human who caught her taking human parts back on her way here but another ghoul interfered. The ghoul attacked Katyusha to protect the human. After fighting, the doves found them. The ghoul escaped with the human and left Katyusha distracted and weak which led to her be cornered by the doves and killed off,"

I sat down and put my hands over my head. It was so much to take in. Just a couple of days ago, she gives me a scarf and says she will be back soon and now I'm receiving the news about my older sister was killed.

"What will we do now, sir?"


"You're second in command so, you're like, our new leader Braginsky,"

"Big Brother, the idiot is right. Katyusha have told us that she wanted you to continue the clan. You must lead us now,"

"Me? I don't know how! I never thought I would have this responsibility! At least not this soon,"

"Brother, we need to come back stronger than before! With Katyusha dead, the clan will fall apart without your leadership! We cannot let these ghouls nor human scum believe that we're weak!"

"And how will we do that, Natalia?"

"Simple. We must take vengeance for Katyusha,"


"Da! We must show that we are still ruthless and ready to kill if someone threatens our family, our clan, and our power! If anything happened to us, Katyusha would have done the same thing. We must do this for our sister. We must hunt down those awful pieces of trash who dared hurt the Kol Clan,"

Natalia always go for the violent approach. When I was younger, I promised that I would make the Clan peaceful and safe. But now it seems impossible to do so.

"For Katyusha. Toris, who are the ones who killed me sister,"

"The ghoul who attacked here is one of the Spade duo,"

"I heard that he's, like, one of those weird One-Eyed hybrids,"

"And the Dove that lead the group and killed her is named Francis Bonnefoy,"

"Get the clan together. From now on, I will be the leader of the Kol Clan. Natalia and Toris, you will both be my second in command,"

"Why Toris? I'm your little sister. You don't need two second in command,"

"Natalia, you're my little sister and you know I love you but you're reckless. I don't want you in any danger and I know that is the first thing you will get into,"

"I see you're already acting like Katyusha. She never let me go out..."

"And I need Toris' logic and smarts to help me devise a plan for the revenge. So you two have to deal with it,"

"As long as the blond one doesn't come too,"

"Too bad, honey. I go where ever Toris goes. Think of it as a Two-for-one special,"

"Sir, before you go and announce the leadership, you need to talk to a special member,"

"Special member?"

"Katyusha was supposed to introduce him to you soon. His name is Yao Wang. He is a dove,"

"A dove? As a member of the Kol Klan?! That must be a joke!"

"Natalia, quiet. Care to explain, Toris?"

"Yao is a dove but he has an alliance or more of deal with Katyusha,"

"How do you know we can trust him,"

"Katyusha had this deal with him for the past 10 years,"


"Inside information. He can provide us with a lot of information that we can't get by hacking into the system,"

"No, I mean why would a dove do this?"

"It's simple, he wanted something and he has an ability we needed. And if he breaks our trust by telling the doves about our information, we have an easy target to threaten to take away from him. I would explain more but you will see him tomorrow night,"

"What did he wanted so badly that he would betray humanity and give us information. What could we have possibly given him?"


"Revenge? Hm... Interesting, da? Yao Wang... Could revenge really make a human become a monster?"


I didn't really think people were actually gonna like this but I have been proven wrong

Thank you guys so much! I love you guys so much that it's a long ass chapter with two POV!!

Now we know more and understand less! I also love Natalia/Belarus ok? And now Yao/China is a mysterious guy?? And Alfred is GAY for the Keeks??? Stay tune for the next chapter!

Also, did you know this is already 1 year old since I published the first part??? Who would have guessed I would continue writing?

I am planning on publishing a new story on Fridays but I need help deciding which one. If you go in my conversations, I posted a summary of all the stories that I have been writing beside the ones uploaded. I would really appreciate it if you guys tell me which one you would like to read!

Also for those who are wondering why "Keeks"? When I started reading Ameripan fanfics I noticed a lot of them had Alfred calling Kiku "Keeks," and it kinda stuck to me and I really liked it.

I appreciate all your comments and votes and thank you for reading so far! Until next Monday!

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