Final Fantasy XV One-Shots

Od FFXVsummoner

183K 3.1K 530

~In commemoration of the seven day countdown to Final Fantasy XV release~ Final Fantasy XV x Reader only Fi... Více

Prince Runaway [Noctis] Day 7
Goodbye Laughs [Prompto] Day 6
Better than the Stars [Noctis] Day 5
Lifesaver [Ignis] Day 4
Promise of the Future [Gladiolus] Day 3
Letter Exchanges [Noctis] Day 2
More than Glaives [Nyx] Day 1
~Continuation Prompts Below~
Awkward Crushing [Noctis]
Camping Perks [Prompto Lemon]
Heated Loving [Ignis Lemon]
Brotherhood Reunion [Iris x Male!Reader 1/3]
Reminiscing [Iris 2/3]
Complications [Iris 3/3]
Happy New Year [Multiple Characters]
Chosen One [Noctis]
Disclosure [Ravus]
Sparring Lessons [Gladiolus Lemon]
Celebration [Ignis]
Realization [Noctis]
Sacrifice [Noctis]
Docile Prince [Noctis Lemon]
Destinies [Oracle!Noctis]
Alleviation [Ravus Lemon]

Escapade From Duties [Nyx Lemon]

5.6K 82 10
Od FFXVsummoner

Requested by xXxAi-chanxXx

Another day in absolute paradise. Exquisite wine glasses were distributed to all the guests of the ball, laughter and bantering reverberating throughout the expansive room. It was a ball filled with excitement and happiness yet a young princess could say otherwise. f-n Lucis Caelum lounged in a loose fitting gown, a single translucent shard dangling in replacement for a pendant along her skin aligned at the v-neck collar. A hand propped her head up from banging against the table, an assortment of delicious food collected on the white platters decorating the white linen surface. A soft tap on the shoulder beckoned her from her bored composure, her arm retracting back onto her lap.

"Need an escort back to your room? You don't have to cope with sitting around like that." Her lips twitched into a mellow smile, diverting her gaze back to her sibling's crystalline one. They inherited a compassionate and caring glint whenever they exchanged words, his lips upturned into a gentle smile only meant for his sister.

"I'm fine Noctis, really." f-n answered reluctantly, sending him a closed eye smile.

The prince sighed at her words of assurance, tugging an abandoned chair beside her before descending onto the seat. Noctis brought one of her hands onto his lap, stroking the back of her hand.

"You sure? I'm sure Specs wouldn't mind the difficulty of escorting you-"

"Noct." She interrupted his previous said statement, eyelids fluttering closed with a frown.

"I'm fine. I already have a car awaiting me in the parking lot." f-n assured, gesturing through her eyes towards the double set of doors connecting to the hallway leading to the exit.

"Good. I can't stand this either. Unfortunately, our old man ordered me to stay for political reasons." Noctis confessed with a shake of his head, a smile grown on his lips.

"Stay safe squirt. Don't have too much without me there." He gave her an affectionate pat on the crown of her head, rising from his chair.

"Have fun too Noct, but not too much. You know how small your perseverance is with alcohol." She reminded, grabbing his wrist before he'd leave to enjoy the remaining time at the party.

"Don't worry about it. I have Ignis watching my back."

"Still relying on others, it would seem." She said with a disapproving shake of her head.

Noctis clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, "You have no right to have me misjudged, f-n."

"I'm your older sis." She argued with a narrowed eyes, matching the inherited color of royal blue bestowed by their shared mother.

"By one year. One single year doesn't make a difference." Noctis defended, raising a dark brow.

"I'm becoming future sovereign of Lucis. Does that due you right?"

Noctis' lips protruded in a small pout. "That's no way to reason with your sibling."

"I win though. Have fun, baby brother." f- teased him before sauntering towards the double doors leading her to utter freedom.


Orange beams streamed down from the tinted passenger windows of the cruising vehicle, the alluring rays transmitted from the street lights bolstered into the ground serving as a purpose for light during such times. f-n's eyelids were beginning to falter, pressing the back of her hand against her mouth in order to soothe an exhausted yawn. A scowl carved into her features, rubbing the remaining residue of the lipstick stain marked on her skin with a tissue. The princess was exhausted. Tired from serving her relentless oaths and objectives to be served as future queen. It was time consuming enough just trying to replicate a perfect image of royalty around the public.

Being entitled queen was baffling to imagine, the major differences affecting her schedule. No more outdoor strolls with her brother, Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum. Training was out of question, most believers recalling that such violent sessions were absurd for a woman to perfect. The Kingsglaive meanwhile were occupied battling Niflheim reinforcements in Grahlea or another foreign city to the isolated heir. Never took a single footstep beyond the boundaries of Insomnia. For the love of Six, even a single photo of the Duscae region could possibly engulf f-n's curiosity at this certain rate.

"Pull over for a second. I need to take a quick breather."

The driver gave a curt nod, maneuvering his hands across the wheel steering the luxurious car across the barren road. She shoved the door open, introducing herself back to the frigid front of the wind before scurrying to the nearby pub located on the street side. Alcohol overwhelmed the atmosphere once the double set of doors slammed open, the princess reluctantly entering into the storefront. Few customers were served during the late hours, a grimace crossing her face at the reeking scent emanating from the corner. An individual man hung his head low, forehead grazing the wooden surface of the table. Numerous amount of empty shot containers littered the furniture top.

"Ignore him. He's been going at it since he walked passed those doors like a drunken master." A male voice reached her ears, casting her attentive perception towards the much more sober man, a black coat slung over his shoulder. The carefree man wore a t-shirt, white washed out designs embellishing the sleek material.

"What's a random woman like you hanging around these parts?" He inquired with a mild tilt of his head causing the twin braids in his dark chestnut hair to shift.

"Just relaxing." f-n answered, slumping back onto the stool adjacent to him.

He threw back a quick shot of alcohol, drinking the intoxicating liquid. "That's an understatement. A breathtaking woman like you? I'd say my day keeps getting better and better."

Her head shook in disbelief, raising her forefinger silently towards the bartender in a silent gesture for a glass. "Perhaps there's more to me than I thought through the eyes of a man."

"Symbol of perfection and grace aren't you, Your Majesty?" A smirk crossed his lips, his tongue taking a brief sweep over his lower lip. How did he... Oh, the make-up and dress was at fault.

You murmured, running your fingers through your combed hair, "I knew I should have exchanged my attire for something more reasonable to wear on a rare occasion like this."

"You're not quite smitten with those fancy balls and all." The man commented with a smirk playing at his lips.

You rolled your eyes, "Who would be? Only the most delusional people who have nothing on their agenda could fancy extravagant parties."

"Glad the princess of Lucis opposes all those type of things. Well, I should take my leave before any guardsmen come to swoop you up."

"Hey! At least you could politely tell me of your name." You hollered towards the fleeing man, stopping him at the swinging doorways.

"Nyx Ulric." He answered over his shoulder with a sly smile, trudging off into the frigid night. The doors slammed closed after his brief exit sending a gush of wind inside.

The bartender continued to scrub the remaining residue off the smooth countertop, dodging passed the small shot glass presented for you.

"So," He began, eyes magnetized onto the countertop as if it was the most intriguing item in the bar. Besides the princess of Lucis sitting before him. "Not familiar with Nyx eh?"

"Why? Is he quite famous around the outskirts of Insomnia?"

"Guess the king doesn't speak of the Kingsglaive that often around his children. Nyx, is the most arrogant, but loyal man you'll ever meet in a lifetime. Very few men carry similar characteristics of him." The tender continued.

"Really?" You inquired curiously, propping your elbow against the now polished furnishing of the countertop with a curious stare. Your chin was bolstered by the palm of your smooth hand.

"Tell me more. Perhaps I could raise your tip if you would."

"No, a tip is not necessary to recite the tales of that glaive." He reluctantly responded, scrubbing at a rubbish mark on the surfacing.

"Glaive? As in from the official Kingsglaive that my forefathers had created a millennial ago?" You questioned with a surprised expression.

"You've got intelligence on your family's fruits of their labor, I'll give you that." He complimented with a lopsided smile before telling of the foreboding stories the odd man named Nyx was famous around the suburbs for.


"Nyx Ulric, member of the Kingsglaive." The chills of the lifeless night overwhelmed your spoken words, whirling about in their own foreign dance.

A soft aroma of alcohol wafted from your puckered lips, still stained with the previous amount of lip gloss applied before the ball. The leather jacket hugged around your shoulders to your hips, concealing the fashionable gown beneath the tight fitting material. Few cars toured around the vicinity, streetlights flickering off and on from their used light bulbs. Those bright light sources would keep the malevolent daemons at bay. Except in alleyways, where the darkness overlooked any significant defenders against it.

A loose strand of hair swayed over your eyes, obscuring your perception by a little as you watched swirls of purple black smoke resonate through the ground onto surface level. The goblins cackled with mischief, claws sharpened and emitting a luster of red at their tips. Known for stealing items with a fleeting slash of their demonic fingernails.

"You thieves will regret this day of dueling against me." You murmured with a unique touch of confidence, manifesting two swords out of thin air. The weapons twirled in place before appearing in their true forms of power. Created with brandished metal, handle encased in sleek polished silver.

"Do not underestimate me." Your eyes radiated in the darkness, sending the goblins a harsh glare they'd never forget.

One sprung forward talons first, meeting its brief fate as your blade plunged straight down through its gaunt figure. It squirmed in agony before vanishing in a cloud of black dust particles. You taunted your other unused sword towards the other four creatures.

"Would the rest of you like a taste of my power?"

The goblins stole quick glanced at one another, creeping backwards deeper into the alleyway on their arms and legs upon their rash, but correct decision.

"That's right you better ru-" Your mouth was clamped shut by a callous hand, instinctively elbowing the assailant from behind.

A low groan of annoyance reached your ears, swiveling around towards the random person on your heel.

"N-Nyx, what the hell are you doing here?" You questioned with an agitated stare, absorbing your weapons back into crystalline blue shards.

Nyx grumbled a complaint before assuming a straight posture. "Your brother told me to keep a close eye on you. Apparently, Prince Noctis informed on your habit of dueling with daemons around the city. Some even referring to you as the secret daemon slayer of the kingdom."

"There's nothing wrong with wanting to eliminate all the evil spirits lurking here. Makes it less of a danger for the people living on the streets. My conscience is crystal clear." You retorted, glaring at the glaive.

"Losing a fight to one of those demon spawns isn't on your bucket list either, is it?" Nyx questioned with raised eyebrows.

"Insomnia isn't yearning for a dead princess." He continued, striding towards you.

Truth be told, hunting daemons without the allowance from your father and brother was an actual habit nurtured from acquiring powers from the last remaining crystal itself. It all happened upon receiving the abilities on your sixteenth birthday.

The process was odd during the beginning. Wearing a black colored dress, honoring the gods through clothing. The so-called, life changing event, began as an ordinary ceremony. It was only you and your father standing inside the crystal chamber, the vault door sealed shut upon anyone entering or exiting. Once the metal panels serving as makeshift barriers separated from the forsaken crystal, everything was swallowed in colors that could be compared to the Northern Lights.

Blue, green, and white auroras overwhelmed your vision. Your body floated in midair, like in a parallel universe where no source of gravity ever existed on the face of Eos. Then, a humble and bellowing voice hollered from the heavens above, shards of translucent shards piercing through your skin into your blood system. A painful process indeed, but the probability of gaining the Lucis kings powers of yore without losing your life was eliminated.

The excruciating process of having needle like crystals enter your flesh and hearing a god's chanting voice, along with the quiet murmurs of the others would be worth the trial. Soon enough, your subconscious seeped back into your original body, in the true reality of the world where meeting the gods would be impossible in the fate of a mortal. Except, being a champion of the crystal changed any opinions on you being normal.

"Don't you worry about my well-being. I'm not as naive as you think."

"Hey, what's that over there?" Nyx raised a finger, pointing towards something in the far off distance behind you.

You crossed your arms with a solemn expression, "I'm not stupid either."

He withdrew his arm back towards his side, shaking his head. "I'm sure we'll be getting along just fine inside the palace."

"Agreed." You compromised, winking playfully.


Another year had passed upon meeting the heroic glaive. And if anything, it had been the greatest year of your lifetime. Still at the age of twenty two, strict restrictions of having a noble boyfriend affected your romantic aspect of your life. Noctis relaxed on his strict rulings, aware that you could handle yourself since you were the eldest between the two of you. Your father, King Regis, supported the idea of earning yourself a boyfriend and perhaps a future king to follow if things went the correct pathway. Seemingly, Nyx received the stamp of approval of being your boyfriend upon his standards. Even though Nyx belonged to the Kingsglaive, King Regis shed a few intellectual words upon his decision.

The quality of a man is what decides their fate, not the job or ranking he holds in society.

Beautiful words indeed. Under that arrogant and stubborn demeanor of Nyx, was a man nourishing the richest heart of gold. And a little envious and passionate as well about what was his.

That's how you found yourself screwed in the situation you posed in. Legs curled around firm hips, wrists tied in a double knot against the headpost of your own bed. The springs squeaked beneath the combined weight of the glaive and princess, both of their skin flushed crimson in arousal.

"I wasn't flirting, I swear to Bahamut. You're being delusional." You murmured, panting at every possessive bite beneath his brazen ministrations.

Nyx continued to teasingly brush his nose against your inner thigh, purposely missing the very spot yearning for attention. Just a few more inches and he'd be sucking your weeping slit into absolute oblivion.

"Stop teasing me, damnit Nyx!" You complained, digging your fingernails into the duvets.

Nyx chuckled, dragging the flat of his tongue along the sweating surface of your thigh. "Patience never is your favorite thing in withstanding our foreplays." His breath tickled your core, dripping with arousal.

The back of your head sunk into the pillows supporting it, thighs twitching closed as his mouth attached to the savoring area between your legs. You drew in sharp gasps and whines, his tongue diligently flicking over your clit. Even experiencing your first time, the skill of his curious tongue was quite the treatment to relinquish in. Your fingernails dug into his scalp, entangling themselves in the thick Galahd braids twirled into his smooth hair.

"How are you holding yourself up, princess?" Nyx asked with a wicked grin, capturing your eyes in a heated gaze of annoyance and yearning.

"You, are the most sadistic person I have ever met." You accused him, a high pitch moan reverberating from your lungs as his tongue continued with its exploration.

The rope rubbed tightly against the flesh of your wrists, discouraging any thoughts of escaping. It would be an easy task of retreating from your submissive position. A simple flick of manifesting a small dagger to cut the durable rope in two, tying the glaive up instead for punishment. Yet, something nagged for you to sustain the teasing and stay captured beneath Nyx's skillful fingers and tongue. Maybe the sense of someone dominating over you, one of the highest rulers of Lucis. A whimper broke through your lips, your orgasm wreaking havoc throughout your body causing you to shudder underneath the harsh restraints.

Nyx slipped on a condom in a fluid motion, positioning himself at your entrance. He plunged himself to the hilt without warning, a scream that could be heard throughout the whole palace ripping through your throat. Still previously sensitive from reaching your high, his hips continued to thrust at a relentless pace, fueled by the evident jealousy from watching you dance with another man at the party.

Being princess beared the duty of having to communicate with royalty from other lands, socializing with both genders. Unfortunately, Nyx may or may not have taken the wrong precaution on watching you dance with a prince from another foreign kingdom. Even when waltzing, Nyx's keen eyes immediately caught how the male's hand dipped even lower than your hip, crossing the border between kind humility and perving motives.

"How's it feel, taking all of me as punishment?" Nyx grunted between wavering breaths, sweat beads developing on his forehead.

You cursed beneath your shuddering breaths, trying to meet his quick thrusts.

"I belong to you. I," You moaned, squeezing your legs around his hips. "I'm yours alone."

Provoked by your brief words of assurance, Nyx immediately increased the pace of his thrusts. His fingernails dug into your hips, his lips swallowing all of your desperate and quaking moans upon reaching your high again. You squeezed around his long cock, Nyx releasing a minute afterward. His whole figure was coated in a thick sheet of sweat, slipping himself out from your dripping core. He disposed of the used condom into the trash bin adjacent to the bed, running a hand through his mullet.

Your wrists stung from the agitated rope burn, shoulders locked into an uncomfortable position. Nyx pulled one of his daggers from underneath his Kingsglaive uniform, cutting the restraints loose from your wrists. Your hands massaged the agitated markings, examining the remnants of the makeshift handcuffs.

"I hope I didn't go too far this time around." Nyx said, voice still husky from diminishing lust.

"N-Not at all." You murmured, crawling closer to the relieved glaive.

"I'm glad I somehow alleviated your jealousy at least." You teased, giggling softly in exhaustion.

"Even in the aftermath, your mouth can never stay shut." Nyx complained with a genuine smile, pressing his wet lips against yours.

"That's why you love me, am I right?"

"Truly." Nyx responded, placing a fleeting kiss on your forehead.

"I don't even believe any amount of concealer could shield all of this." You gestured towards the numerous amount of bite marks littering your whole body, most associated with your thighs and neck.

Nyx smiled in amusement, stroking your cheeks affectionately, "Then don't, so everyone will know you are greatly fancied by another."

"I'll be punished for not being an unkempt princess." You forewarned.

"You never were formal in the first place. We met at a bar, remember?" He reminded, folding his hands over your own before leaning his head over to place a few chaste kisses on them.

"Right. Where it all began. I love you, my sweet heroic glaive." You murmured.

"I love you more, my badass princess." He responded with flirtatious smile.

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