For Your Eyes Only: HS

By Elll1234

42.9K 1.8K 754

Meet Miller. 19 years of age. Born and studying in Australia. Traveling to visit her family in England over... More

1. Fire for a Heart
2. It's a Beautiful Sound, it's a Beautiful Noise
3. I Hear them Calling for You
4. Baby I'm Perfect for You
5. Dreaming Out Loud
6. Let me Touch you where your Heart is
7. The Shining Distraction
8. And I'm In Riddles
9. Don't Look Back
10. It Goes Something Like This
11. I'm Still Wide Awake
12. Packing Up and Taking Off
13. There Will Always Be The Kind That Criticise
14. I'll Be Here For You
15. Never Knowing Where I Was
16. For One More Day
17. One Step Closer
18. In His Arms I Get Weak
19. Tired of Speaking
21. Been Away For Ages
22. Impossible To Resist
23. Bringing My Demons Out
24. Eyes Keep Saying Things
25. New Tattoos
26. Does It Make You Feel Alive?
27. Starting Up Trouble
28. You Suddenly Want Me
29. All I Ever Wanted Was The Truth
30. Kiss Me Where I Lay Down

20. Everybody Wants You

1.3K 64 22
By Elll1234

His lips are extremely warm, which is unexpected because of the chilly weather, and he moves them over mine like soft silk. It's honestly an inexplicable feeling. He's so careful, yet he's taking control over me in an endearing way. He's so hesitant yet it's not awkward at all. 

He places his hand softly on my shoulder, so mid kiss I turn my body to face him. After a few more seconds of tender kisses, I can feel his tongue asking for entry, so I grant it to him. The second his tongue touches mine, It's like lightning has ignited me... I swear I can feel sparks going off inside my mouth, but obviously in a good way.

A very, very, good way.

Like popping candy.


Harry begins lightly tracing shapes on the side of my neck with his fingertips, and it causes me to shiver, creating even more goosebumps than I already had before. I slide my hands down his arms, and I don't really know what does it for him, but all of a sudden he yanks my leg over his thigh, and we're closer again. To be honest, I don't really know if we could get much closer at this point.

The only thing separating us is material.

I can't believe this is happening in a bloody public bathroom. How much more classy could you get?

When was the last time I kissed someone? It's been so long. Too long.

In actual fact, I don't think I've ever kissed someone like this before. I can't describe how perfectly his lips feel against mine. It's like they're meant to be connected or something.

I'm out of breath, and it seems like he is too, but that doesn't stop us. 

This whole experience is so surreal, my brain can't actually interpret it properly. It's as if I'm floating out of my body and watching over.

I'm not am I? What if this is a dream? 

I want to casually pinch myself just to check but I think that would be weird.

Who am I kidding - I'm weird anyway. Harry knows that. Though there's obviously a lot he hasn't seen. I keep forgetting that we've only met a few times.

But I'm kind of scared for this kiss to end. Because what happens when it does? Is he going to leave? Will I ever see him again? Does he feel these weird emotions too? Jesus, I'm such an over analytical person, it disgusts me.

Without warning, Harry leans away, and the kiss has ended. The spark is still there, and so is the evidence on his plump, moist, and red red lips, but the atmosphere has changed.

"Are you alright?" He asks me. His hand is resting on my knee. He can obviously tell I started freaking out for a moment. Way to go, Miller, no wonder you did so well at Literature in year 12, you analyse everything to the bloody extreme.

"Sorry, yes, I'm great," I smile somewhat awkwardly, still trying to recover from both the steamy make out session and the worried thoughts I was having only mere moments ago.

"Are you sure?" His eyes are gleaming which is making it extremely hard to concentrate.

Uh oh, I think I'm going to be sick. 

Wow, ok. I can really feel it rising. Shit. What if I fucking vomit on Harry Styles. He would be so disgusted. Hell, I would be so disgusted.

Wait, no. It's not actual vomit - it's word vomit. Here it comes.

"What happened to Jana?" I blurt, and what the fuck. Where did that even come from. I literally was not even thinking about her in the slightest. The girl who Harry was supposedly with at the New Years Eve party, mere hours before we got the tattoos. 

In that moment, it actually felt like my lips weren't connected to my brain.

Harry's demeanor has changed twice in the past minute. It went from being maybe slightly turned on (if I do say so myself), to concerned, and now to extremely blank.

Oh no. Why did I have to say that. He's going to hate me now. 

Despite his obvious discomfort, he opens his mouth to speak. "Jesus. Ok."

Fuck. I've really out done myself this time. Well done. Well bloody done, Miller.

"I'm really sorry, I don't even know where that came from. You don't have to answer, Harry, it's none of my business at all, I just--" He places his hand back on my arm, but it feels different this time. Reassuring, yes, but definitely not as intimately as before. I really hope I haven't gone and stuffed it up with my big fat mouth.

"It's ok, Miller." He even cracks a small smile, though I can tell it's slightly forced. "Jana and I... we haven't spoken properly since that... night. We've texted back and forth a bit, but obviously, you know, I can't trust her again. So it's over. Honestly, it was over since she... kissed- that guy. Whoever he was," he mutters. I can hear the pain in his voice, and that tells me that she was obviously quite important to him.

It surprises me when he continues speaking. "Jana and I were together a couple months, like 8, or so. It doesn't seem that long, now that I think about it. But I really liked her. And I thought she really liked me."

"Did... did you, um, love her?" My voice is full of caution. I don't want to tread to harshly. Not when he's opening up to me like this.

"No, no. And, I dunno, maybe I could've. It's just..." he stops for a couple of seconds, finally looking at me in the eye, with that forceful gaze that constantly gives me goosebumps. I rub my arms to try and calm down. Harry's face then changes into frustration. "I'm sick of not being able to trust anyone. This industry... I mean... don't get me wrong, I'm so, so thankful for where I am. I wouldn't be where I am today without the support I've gotten, but it's just hard when you think you can trust someone, and then it turns out that they weren't who you thought they were. Maybe Jana wasn't with me because of my 'fame'," he says this sarcastically, cringing at the overused word, "but, oh, I don't know. I'm rambling." He gives me another minor smile.

"You can ramble anytime. I like your rambling," I smile back, not speaking for a few moments, and that's when I realise that the rain has stopped.

"Just so you know, I know we've only known each other for a tiny, tiny, while, and this might not mean anything to you, because I know that you find it hard to trust anyone, but... you can trust me. I just want you to know that. I'm just putting it out there." I raise my hand in a joking surrender, and he laughs. 

"Don't take it the wrong way, but it'll probably take me a bit over a week to be able to trust someone fully. Even if it is someone as kind as you," he says playfully, and I giggle. 

"But a week is such a long time!" I jokingly whine, and we're both in laughter for a few more seconds. 

"I should probably put my clothes back on," he says, looking down at himself with a grin. "The rain has stopped. I still can't bloody believe we got these tattoos the other night."

"Me neither!" I'm smiling so much, the muscles in my face hurt.

"You sure you don't want to show me yours...?" Harry winks in an extremely flirty way, and there it goes again. My heart is beating a million miles a second. That's record breaking.

And maybe it's the champagne. Although I highly doubt that because I'm pretty sure I've sobered up from the kiss.

Or maybe I'm drunk on Harry's lips.

Oh my god, I'm an idiot. 

'Drunk on Harry's lips'. Ha.

I'm pretty sure I externally cringed just now.

Anyway. Whatever it is that makes me do this, I'm doing it. I can tell Harry's surprised, but he still has that smug look on his face, the cheeky bastard. 

"Fine." I say with a smirk as I begin lifting up my jumper. "But only the tattoo. No boobage will be revealed at this point."

"At this point? Is there going to be a later point? If so, when?" He wiggles his eyebrows and I just about smack him.

"Be quiet, you're winning in all this, you get to see the tattoo." Finally, I've lifted my jumper up just enough so that Harry'll have a clear view of my tattoo surrounding my third nipple, on the bottom of my breast. 

And-- is that a squeal I just heard come out of Harry's mouth?

"It's so cute!" He exclaims, and I laugh, pulling my jumper down once again. "I think I already said this, but I don't regret it one bit. I reckon it's unique, and I'm all about 'unique'."

"I don't regret it either, though I don't think I'll be showing it off every chance I get."

"Oh, I definitely will! How could I not? Maybe tomorrow I'll leave the house in nothing but my boots and trousers, that would be funny," we're both laughing almost uncontrollably now.

"That would cause a riot, Harry Styles. You don't want to be the reason for millions of girls' deaths, do you? That would be at least one million life sentences in prison, and I'm sure you wouldn't want that, now would you?"

We both begin to stand up once Harry's fully clothed, however he decides to just hold his beautiful red jacket because it's still drenched.

"I'm going to take this to the dry cleaners. Would you like a lift? I'm sure Paul wouldn't mind dropping you off at your hotel." Harry opens the bathroom door, and there it is again, the serenity. Plus the smell of fresh rain, which I'll admit I actually enjoy. 

"Oh, thanks for the offer, Harry, but I can just catch a taxi. It's no big deal," I tell him, but he frowns.

"Actually, I didn't mean it to come out as a question, it's actually an order. We'll drop you off." He smiles warmly at me and I can't help but agree.

So we walk through the outdoor area that's till drenched to the core, until we reach the door. This time, once we knock, there's an answer right away, and the person who opens the door for us (I'm guessing he's a waiter) looks gobsmacked. "Were you out there all this time? In the rain?" He takes in the sight of our wet hair and clothing. 

"We really like rain," Harry says, and I burst out laughing, in turn causing him to as well. The waiter looks very confused, but leaves us to it, and so we walk through the cafe to the exit. 

"We're going to have to hurry, as I'm not sure who's going to be around, but Paul said he would be waiting right out front. If there are any cameras, just look straight ahead and don't listen to what anyone says. I know it's hard, what they say can be quite triggering, but I'll take care of you." After he says this I look into his eyes with silent appreciation. 

This man...

...can't be real.

So off we go, through the front door of the cafe and towards the car. It's busy, so I can't really tell if there are any paparazzi or fans. For all I know, this street is just a really busy street.

"Miller!" I hear all of a sudden, and I stop in my tracks. 

"C'mon, Miller, we have to hurry if we don't want to be seen," Harry looks at me pleadingly, but I know the voice that just called out to me.

"Miller!" The voice says again, bringing more attention to Harry and I.


"Miller, it's me, Joseph! Wait up!" Of course. The one and only, second cousin, Joseph.

"Miller, we have to go," Harry whispers softly in my ear, and I start to notice people recognizing him.

Do I ignore Harry, or ignore Joseph?

"How's it going, Mills?" Joseph asks when he reaches us, his smile reaching his ears. I look over at Harry, and though his expression is still calm, I can tell he's alert because there could be cameras coming from any angle at this point.

"I'm sorry, Joseph, I really have to be somewhere, we'll catch up soon, ok?" I ask, but Harry has let go of me. 

"Wait, Miller, we need to catch up! How've you been lately?" Joseph is being a pest and he knows it. What is his deal?

"I'm really sorry, Miller, but I have to get going... you can probably just go back with Josh, or whatever," he says, climbing into the car. 

And ouch.

That burns.

"Harry, wait!" I shout, but he slams his door.

I'm left wondering if he had to leave because of being seen by paparazzi, or because of seeing me with Joseph. My second cousin.

Or maybe both.

Well, that's about the bijillionth time I've fucked up today.



That was weird. So, what do people think of Hiller so far? Who knows what's gonn happen after this, will Harry stay mad...FOREVER????

And why tf is Joseph being so weird. Seems fishy to me, but that's just my opinion ;)

ANyway, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed, and PLEASE comment and vote because i luuurrrrve it when you guys do!

By the way, I'm sorry if my updating is a bit infrequent at the moment, I'm really busy with school and I've been having to look after my mum who's going to be sick long term. I'll still try to update as much as possilbe though.

catchya on the flipside legenddssss xoxo

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