ARTEMIS ( Kaname Kuran) {comp...

By Usakoxoxo

65K 1.7K 154

Artemis, Goodesss of the moon and the hunt falls in love with the great Pureblood, Kaname Kurama. This is the... More

so Bored
taming the horde(^.^)
acceptance and a new friend
Truth Revealed?!!
Princess Artemis
Sasha's wrath
Twin's curse
Moon Dorms
Moon Dorms part 2
Moon Dorms part 2 continued
kaname x Artemis one shot special(^.^)
Artemis X Kaname Valentine One-Shot Special ^//^
Moon Dorms Pt.3
K-kiss? (•\\•)
True Nature
White Day (ホワイトデー) part 1
White Day (ホワイトデー) Part 2
Stolen Kisses
Oops...I did it again
Ending it?

First Day

2.7K 68 1
By Usakoxoxo

Artemis woke the next morning craving sweets and tea under an umberella for lunch. She dressed in her day class uniform with her usual cat hoodie.She told her companions as such over breakfeast Lilianna made for the group.
Areti clapped her hands together,

''I think that is a splendid idea, Artemis-sama! Maybe we could ask the dayclass girls to join us.''

Everyone more or less agreed int heir own way. Sasha just continued to scarf her food down with vigor, Lilianna nodded, Areti clapped enthusiastically and Kiki groaned in annoyance but agreed nonetheless. Tyhe only one who didn't was Mari who was probably worrying again.

''What about the sun? He will be able to see us.

"Right! Forgot about that tidbit."
Kikia mumbled. Mari jumped from her chair.

"Tidbit? He is able to see everything under the sun! Which means-

"Which means we can't do it."
Kikia said happily. She wasn't really into these kind of things. Artemis pouted and rubbed her paw against her cheek. It was something she did when she was upset and when she was embarrassed. Areti saw this and held her other paw.

"Don't be sad, Artemis. We don't have to do it outside."
Areti said trying to cheer her up. She didn't like seeing anyone sad, especially her friends.

"We could do it outside."
This came from Lilianna and that suprised the group. She rarely spoke, but when she did, people listened. Everyone's attention was now on her.

"I know someone who can hide us from his eye."

Artemis wanted to ask who, but you didn't ask questions with Lilianna. She was overjoyed at the thought of her desire coming to life.

"Oh, thank you so much! Lilianna you are the best!",
Artemis exclaimed and tackled Lilianna , but she did not move an inch. Lilianna was a woman who trained her body and mind to withstand attacks from creatures who were much bigger and heavier compared to a little thing like Artemis.

"Your happiness is all I care about." Artemis had saved her and for that she was eternally gratefully.

* * * * * * * * *
Time skip***

Lilianna had been true to her word and gotten a cloaking ring for all of them. Artemis was so happy she had given a peice of her strawberry cake to her, It was the ultimate thank you Artemis could give anyone.

''Lilianna thank you so much! You are the bestest friend ever! Please have some of my cake!''
Artemis did not think of them as guards, but as her friends. Lilianna gave her a small smile in thanks. Arttemis turned back to eating her own cake.

'' So, Artemis-sama how do you like Cross academy so far?'',
Mimi leader of the Artemis fan-club. Artemis came up for air and paused her devouring of her to adress them. She had not noticed there was a bit of cake on her nose and her chin. They blushed furiously at her cuteness. Her eyes sparkled with mischeif. Artemis's pink tongue darted out and licked the frosting at the corning of her mouth. Some fainted at that point and others got nosebleeds.

''I am enjoying my time at this school. That is because of you, my angels.''

They talked and enjoyed their tea and cakes. Ten minutes later she pushed ack her chair and stood up, slipping on her cat hoodie( she hadn't wanted to dirty it), causing Mimi and the rest to give her questioning looks.

'' I feel like playnig a game, would you angels like to join me, it would be more enjoyable with you girls.''
The happily agreed and joined around a tree.

"So Artemis-sama what game are we going to play?",Mimi asked.


"....hide and seek?", Mimi was shocked and was having difficulty with understanding her choice. All the girls were.

" don't want to play with me?", Artemis asked seeing their reaction.

"No we do! It's just- just- never mind! Don't mind us, so do you want to be the one to hide or to seek?",
Mimi changed the subject in hopes of cheering Artemis-sama up. It worked, five minutes later Artemis was running through trees, trying find a good place to hide. She found herself at a building taht looked simialr to the sun dorms where she stayed.
'This must be the moon dorms. Headmaster Cross said not to got there.'

"Let's check over there!", she's heard a voice say a few meters away from her. Sh looked yo the moon dorms again.
'I can't lose! But if I disobey headmaster cross I could get into alot of trouble! Possible expulsion!'

She heard her the crunch of shoes behind her.

She made her decision.

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