The Unsung Hero《Sequel》

By Arrancar_

50.7K 2.8K 2.3K

It has been six years since that day. "The Unsung Hero? He wasn't just a Hero...He would have made the world... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Book 2 Chapter 1
Book 2 Chapter 2
Book 2 Chapter 3
Book 2 Chapter 4
Book 2 Chapter 5
Book 2 Chapter 6
Book 2 Chapter 7
Book 2 Chapter 8
Book 2 Chapter 9

Chapter 11

1.5K 92 123
By Arrancar_

I'm curious, how did you find my first story? Enjoy!

"We welcome you to the council, Toneri Otsutsuki"

"I am honored, thank you" vowed Toneri before the council. The colossal room filled with ten people with silky white golden robes. The room held a crimson carpet of the highest quality with columns made by the very known artists themselves, it was a place of the utmost prestige. This room was known as the war room.

"Now that you're a member of this council, we have a matter to attend to," finished an elderly man known as Homaru, an old timer, a man that has seen it all.

He stood amongst the ones seated and welcomed the vacant seat to Toneri which he gracefully took.

"Now! A matter has fallen into our lap, a matter that is by no means a slight problem" the many faces turned towards the elder man. Whispers amongst each other as they were kept in suspense.

"Akuma The Master Thief is in our custody,"


"I don't believe it.."

"Is the real Akuma..?"


"Lies!" shouted Toneri silencing the room completely, many members turned their attention by his outburst, giving him questionable glares.

Absolutely no fucking way he's alive, I killed him...I killed him with my own hands!

"We are scheduled to go to the court, our decisions will be done there" announced Homaru as the members remaining all stood up. They all calmly walked out in a civilized high-class fashion until there were only two left in the council.

"Don't overstep" said the elder Otsutsuki, "Don't make me regret this"

"Im deeply sorry, Momoshiki-sama" bowed Toneri suppressing his turmoil of emotions, why was he scared?

"Very well, let's go to the court and deal with this Master Thief trash"


It was an early afternoon over the city of Konoha. The rumors quickly spread like wildfire. Akuma The Master Thief was finally caught. The nightmare known as Thieves Landing would end today. Many high officials and clan members were required to attend to this court day. Silence fell a nearly every street as many wanted to know the outcome of this.

The courtroom was filled to its capacity, many whispers and conversations transpired as the eleven seats were vacant.

Soon enough, the council members set foot in the courtroom silencing every conversation just by their presence. They took their respective seats and waited patiently for the last remaining individual to arrive, and soon enough he came. Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage.

It wasn't by any means the easiest day of his life, he almost wished he didn't live long enough to see this unfold. His son was alive once again, traversing through the lands with a dead name. His face captured an emotion of endless stress, but he had a duty. He was going to see this through the best of his ability. Even if he had to witness him die.

"Welcome everyone, for this case I will be your speaker, Tsunade Senju! Bring forth the defendant!"

The wooden gates opened from the courtroom with a loud scream echoing throughout the courthouse. Naruto was chained in several places as the mass amount of guards entered the room, pointing their spears near his throat and vital parts. The sounds of chain rattling and dragging through the ground filled the courtroom, once Naruto was in front of the twelve individuals up high, he looked at each and everyone one of them until he set his eyes into the ones he's been dying to see. Ashen colored eyes filled with fear stared into Naruto's piercing cobalt ones.

"Kneel!" shouted Tsunade, her voice thundering across the room.

Naruto obediently kneeled before the very members that would decide his fate. His eyes never leaving Toneri's.

"You are here today by the many crimes that you have been accused of, we will begin the list and at the end, you will be given the right to object, is that understood?"

Naruto nodded softly rattling the chains that bound him.

"Naruto Uzumaki! You have been accused of illegal transactions, assassination hits, Theft..."

Every around him became white noise to him, his eyes staring at the man he has been hunting down. The hate struck gaze. The killing intent changing the tension of this very room.

Amongst that crowd, there stood Hinata along with Kushina and Sara and most of her friends. Her eyes filled with tears, her heart aching at every crime spoken. She knew about his past but hearing it like this was heart-wrenching. She looked over at Kushina, and found her hopeless face as if this very moment was just a moment that she will force to forget. She understood her pain, the pain of a mother watching her child being stripped of his name and whatever he had left.

"...Conspiracy of the assassination of Danzo Shimura, Conspiracy on the attack of Konoha, the brutal murder of two civilians of Nobles Cape, Conspiracy of the genocide of the Yatzu clan in the Land of Stars, the conspiracy of the massacre of the House of Wraiths.... do you have anything to say towards these accusations?" Tsunade finished, slipping the scroll back together waiting for the silent blond, his head hung down in shame as his bangs flowed freely through his eyes.

"Yes...I've done those things, I took on illegal contracts, assassination hits, theft... I killed Danzo Shimura..." Naruto seethed the name as he raised his head to meet his father's blue ones. His eyes held nothing but regret and sadness "I did attack Konoha, I was the man in the mask..."

Minato looked at his own son in shock, his heart rapidly beating as memories of that night flashed in his mind. It was you, Naruto, I've failed you as a parent, If I only knew it was you! Minato silently cursed himself, he clenched the armrest while he shut his eyes upon hearing his own son continuing.

"I did wipe out the Yatzu clan in the Land of Stars, I did burn down the House of Wraiths, I did assassinate Oscar and I did murder those two men at Nobles..." Naruto continued, coming to a realization of his crimes was such a foreign feeling, was it relief? Will he finally atone for it all?

"Is there anything else you want to confirm or deny?" Tsunade asked looking at the figure that kneeled before her.

"I killed them all..., I wiped out Thieves Landing...I even killed my own master...Jiraiya..." Naruto said, his voice breaking ever so slowly by the mentioning of late master.

"Jiraiya... No..." whispered Tsunade, her heart felt like it shattered into a million pieces, her long lost friend she looked for years was now dead, the very man down there, bound in shackles erased him from this earth.

Then another voiced boomed through the room "Did you really save my daughter Hinata?"

Naruto looked towards the source to see one of the members stand to shake the very room.


"Were you responsible for the deaths of the other Notorious wanted Master Thieves ?" spoke a man with a pineapple hair like-look, a pair of scars running across his cheek and forehead.

"Yes..." again Naruto responded looking towards the ground.

"Did Toneri Otsutsuki really kill you?"

Silence once again fell upon the courthouse, Tsunade wanted to object as Momoshiki also too wanted to break it. But Minato quickly raised his hand to stop any sort of objection, he needed to hear this himself.

Naruto raised his to meet the pair or onyx eyes that asked the question, then turned his gaze to the fearful Toneri, watching his eyes frantically quiver.

Naruto opened his mouth uttering his response that shook everyone.

"No, he didn't kill me..."

Hinata and the rest along with Sasuke couldn't believe it. This was his chance, this was the trump card for his survival.

"Naruto what the hell are you thinking?!" whispered Kiba with the many whispers that filled the room.

"Naruto-kun, Why?"


"We will now cast our votes, Death or Life, I Tsunade Senju choose Death!" shouted Tsunade with hate in her voice, many whispers ended, the shocked faces of the the Uzumaki's and Hinata's friends.

"I Homaru Mitokado choose, Death..." said the elder man as he took his seat watching the very faces in the crowd.

"I Shikaku Nara choose, Life..."

The crowd's whispers began as Hinata silently thanked Kami for the man's decision along with the rest.

"I Tsume Inuzuka, Choose Life!" she said sitting back down earning herself a grateful gaze from the twelve.

"I Koharu Ututane choose, Death!" her voice boomed throughout the room, Sara was trying her best to control her emotions, she clenched her fists so tight, always looking at her father for some hope.

I Momoshiki Otutsuki, Choose death..." the prestigious man spoke as he sat back down with the biggest smug look.

"I Chouza Akimichi choose, Life!"

"That's my tou-chan!" shouted Choji fisting his hand in the air along with Kiba. Hinata was still a wreck, she still feared for the worst.

"I Inoichi Yamanaka, Choose Life!" smirked Inoichi towards the not well-composed elder Otsutsuki. It was four for life and four for death and only three votes remained. The tension in the room was something from a surreal place. It was suffocating.

"I Toneri Otsutsuki, Choose Death!" shouted Toneri looking towards the crestfallen Naruto, the sheer satisfaction he felt was extraordinary, knowing the next vote would be his ultimate death.

"Hiashi Hyuga, cast your vote" said the elder Otsutsuki, smirking at the other members who chose life.

Hiashi stood still in silence as he took his stand, the crowd stayed silent, his mouth opened, he couldn't say anything once he looked at her. His precious daughter, how her eyes with shut closed, preparing herself for the worst. He looks over at this Naruto and took a long look. A look of a man that has lost hope, to think he was the one that brought his daughter back, the one who made her the happiest woman. The smiles, something he longed for so long since his late wife's passing. And in the corner of his eye, he could see the pair of Otsutsuki smirking ever so victoriously.

The Hyuga clan will no longer shadow and serve the Otsutsuki, No more!

"I Hiashi Hyuga...Choose..."

This is how it ends, I'm sorry Hinata, Sorry Sara, but it looks my story ends here. Naruto smiled softly at the ground, tears threatening to fall. Guess I'll be seeing you Jiraiya-sensei. Nah, I don't think I'll be going where you went.


What?!, Naruto instantly looked up to the stoic man sit back down, gasps filled the room and whispers began to exchange.

Hinata silently cried for joy as cheers were heard all around her. She looked up to her father and whispered thank you. She cupped her hands over her heart and silently cried.

"Silence! We have the last vote!" Shouted Tsunade in an angry like tone shutting every single person in the room.



I'm scared

Naruto sat on the ground in darkness, his hands hanging over his knees. The chains that restrained his hands, a chain tied to his neck against the wall. His hands shaking every so slightly, he hasn't felt fear in so long. He hated every second. The cold dark walls around him as he awaited what was coming to him.

Then the sounds of creaking doors could be heard, and his surprise it was Sasuke. He calmly walked towards his cell looking down on Naruto.

"Hey" he calmly spoke, looking closely at Naruto for any reaction.

"Yo" Naruto responded back lifting his head from his knees. His cobalt eyes that lit up in the darkness of his cell. Sasuke carried a torch that illuminated this hole of endless darkness. The warmth he felt from the embers that flew off was ever so comforting.

"I saw you die that day, how? I saw the life leave your eyes. How?!" Sasuke shouted losing control of his bottled emotions.

"..." Naruto didn't say anything back, but hung his head back down, "Everyone will know in due time"

"Naruto! Why!? Why didn't you say Toneri killed you?! Do you have any idea what every went through to get this information across?! Why?!" shouted Sasuke as kicked the bars of his cell causing huge echoes across the dungeon.

Naruto simply looked up and formed a sinister smile. "Leave him to me"

"Damn it Naruto! I-I've lived with this guilt for so long! Fuck! Now I'll be witnessing-"

"Sasuke!" interrupted Naruto standing up facing the Uchiha eye to eye. Naruto could see it, his cold stone heart wasn't there anymore. He was glad he found someone in his life.

"You're not the same anymore, not the one from six years back...Go to your family, and don't let them go..." Naruto said surprising the Uchiha. Sasuke took the torch from the stand and began walking away.

"I'm sorry Naruto, I truly am" Sasuke whispered back as he was leaving the blond man back to his darkness.


Hours passed by that seemed like days for Naruto. He was hungry, thirsty and cold. He traced the cold stone ground with imaginary circles, hoping for anything. Hoping for time to go slower.

Soon the doors of the dungeon opened up once again, the warmth of the flame of the torch radiating. Naruto could hear the person stop at his cell. He didn't bother looking up. He could already feel the tension of the atmosphere change.

"Naruto-kun..." whispered Hinata, her hands trembling as she placed the torch on the nearby stand. It hurt, it hurt more than anything to see him like this. His body so badly malnourished, his head crestfallen.

"N-Naruto-Kun... please look at me..." whispered Hinata placing her palms of the cage.

"P-Please, I-I need to see you, P-Please...."

There was nothing but silence, he could hear her silent sobs as he continued to ignore her. Every sob breaking his heart. He wanted to rid himself for causing her this misfortune. The misfortune of their paths crossing. Before he knew it, tears began to drop, the soft drops echoing through the room-silencing the indigo haired woman.

She could see his tears hit the ground, how his cheeks grazed with wet trails. How his hands trembled as he clenched them. She wanted to run and hug him, whispering sweet words to him. How she cursed this cell for separating him.

"Hinata...You don't want to see me like this..." Naruto spoke through his tears, sniffing as he placed his hands on his face, covering his eyes as the tears spilled.

"P-Please Naruto-Kun, I-I've been so lost...I prayed every night just to see your smile, y-you're eyes, you're voice...E-Everything about you!" sobbed Hinata, she clenched her palms harder on the bars trembling in sheer depression.

Naruto having a mental struggle finally decided to pick his head up, his heart wrenched at the sight and instantly regretted it. She looked so frail, pale, she wasn't taking care of herself. The wet stains on her cheeks, she's been crying for days he assumed. She was on her knees placing her forehead against the cell while she held onto it for dear life.

The sounds of chains broke her from her spell of sobs, he walked closer and closer away from the darkness until he kneeled in front of her face. For the first time in six years, she was face to face with her Naruto-Kun. How the small changes from a hardened boy to a man right before her, his soft features now more defined, his jaw well toned, his hair so untamed, it was breathtaking. She grazed his whisker marks with whatever little room she had. Tracing her fingers ever so gently, his blue orbs piercing into her lavender ones. How she stared into them, how she would get lost in his darkness. How she would search deep and beyond just to see his hidden side. She sobbed even more while she smiled. This was all too unreal for her.

"You're still beautiful" Naruto softly said flashing a small smile. A smile she fell in love with since she was a kid.

Her eyes traveled even lower and noticed how badly he was bruised, the scars that were still there along with new ones. The ones that told the story of his last days. How her heart ached at every scar. How his right hand pulsed ever so slightly, a crimson like color with jagged edges.

"What h-happened to your a-arm?" Hinata softly spoke wiping the remaining tears.

"Oh, this...I lost my arm that day, next thing I knew I had this, I don't know if this mine of not" Naruto replied back looking at his arm, he flexed it and began wiggling his fingers. Examining it ever so closely.

Hinata then reached into her pocket and stuck her fingers through the cell making the blond raise his brow. It was a small black-like pill.

"Take this" Hinata instructed as it fell into his palm "It will numb the pain...I can't see you like this, the things they will do to you...I-I"

"Hinata, their my sins, I must atone for them without any help" Naruto seriously said touching her fingers with his. Relishing the contact he so desired.

"B-But please! I can't! I won't be able to h-handle it! Please, N-Naruto-Kun!" Hinata desperate begged, tears returning as Naruto just stared at the ex-heiress with solemn eyes.

"F-Fine..." Naruto responded back closing his eyes.

"T-Thank you I-"

"Times up!" shouted a guard, the sounds of chainmail filled the dungeon, Hinata looked towards the flame that got closer and she understood. The guard finally made it to where Hinata was and paused looking at the puffy eyed woman. Naruto slowly crawled back to his original position in the dark.

"Is everything alright Hinata-sama? Did he hurt you?!"

"No, No! Nothing like that! Thank you for your time" Hinata quickly bowed handing him her torch as she zoomed past him leaving the dungeon. She wanted to cry so bad. How would she explain this Boruto?! How would she explain it to Naruto?!.


Boruto currently was in the Uzumaki clan house, learning their ancient fighting stances with a crimson haired aunt. He was having a blast.

"Did I do it right?!" Boruto exclaimed finishing up the pose with a strike while his aunt just clapped cheerfully.

"Yes! Wow! Boy did you learn that quick, it took your aunt Sara months!" Latin exclaimed giggling to herself "Pst! You didn't hear this from me"

Boruto laughed all too freely, just imagining his aunt's face was too much, he would tell her how long it took him to master this and brag about it.

Karin stared into the happy blond and couldn't help the nagging doubt in her mind. News hasn't reached yet, Boruto or any of the kids didn't know the infamous Akuma was being tried. She felt sad for Boruto and felt terrible for Hinata. How would she break her little boy the news? How will he react?

"Aunt Karin! Do you have any other lessons?!" the boisterous boy asked, his eyes glowing with excitement for her next set of words.

This brat is acing every lesson, Tch! Better think of something quick.

"Right. Umm-Kunai!?" Karin sheepishly offered.



"Are you sure?"

"Yes, please bring Boruto, it's time he knows"

"Hinata, this isn't smart," said a man shaking his head with canine teeth.

"I'm the mother here" Hinata barked back silencing any further protests "Please Tenten..."

"Sure, I'll bring him..." Tenten smiled back, not completely agreeing with this idea at all.

The rest of the gang just remained silent, they patiently waited inside the courthouse waiting room. Nobody was having a good time. Soon, the announcement of Naruto's ultimate punishment would occur. Inside the dungeon of torture.


Naruto sat there in silence, he didn't take the pill Hinata gave him. He smashed it to pieces in his hand. Soon they would come and retrieve him, and everything will begin.

He was scared, his body trembling, he hated this.

Was this how they felt, all those people I've killed..?

Suddenly, the noises of chains rattling, feet marching and armor shuffling filled the dungeon. The torches that lit up the darkest corners. Naruto looked up to see several smirking guards, some didn't care and some just downright felt pity.

"Get up! We'll be taking you!" shouted the officer as the other guards drew their weapons. The sounds of locks undoing could be heard, the cell finally opened, weapons drawed towards him.

"Walk forth!" commanded the officer and Naruto did as told. He cooperated walking towards the edge of the cell. One of the guards undid the chain around his neck while the others undid the shackles around his ankles that prevented him from walking any further. Once they were released, he was kicked in the knees making the blond man groan in pain as the guards began to laugh.

"Enough laughing! Put the shackles!" commanded the officer once again, the laughter slowly dying down. Naruto was forced on his knees, his eyes forced shut as his lips were pursed feeling the pain. He was sure they broke something in his knee, maybe dislocation.

Once Naruto was once again bound by chains, the guards roughly stood him up and began shoving Naruto out of the cell. The waves of laughter and remarks continued, the taunts of his soon to come agony while others just simply remained silent.

"Akuma?! Pff, know that they will literally break you"

"I oughta just kill you myself right now!

"Fucking criminal"

Naruto was shoved once again which caused him to lose balance, he fell down on his knees again shouting in pain as the guards began kicking him from all sides.

"Enough! Let's the executioners do their work!" shouted the officer again stopping the assault.

"You're no fun captain" complained one of the guards who purposely stepped on Naruto's left hand making him howl.

"I said pick him up!"

"Hai, hai"

Naruto heaved, his breath rapid as blood mixed with saliva slid from the corners of his mouth. His bare feet continued walking on the cold sharp ground, leaving a trail of blood with every step. His punishment didn't even start, and already he was enduring so much pain.

Finally, the reached a wooden large door, inside were four men all in black hooded sacks. The guards quickly rushed towards the middle of the room. The masses of people Naruto could see, he couldn't tell any of their faces for his vision was blurred. Gasps and laughs could be heard from the crowd. He could hear his chains being undone as he was roughly tied to the post. His hands were above him tied together by a chain, he then stripped until only his trousers remained. His body full of scars in full display.

"Hello, Naruto, I'll be handling your torture" smiled a shaggy white-haired man, the last person Naruto wanted to see "You see since I'm new, I've been giving this case to see how well I perform"

Naruto just remained silent, watching the Otsutsuki sit back down in his desk in the corner, far from the blood that would be spilled.

"I'm going to enjoy this..." Toneri cynically smiled.


"I...Itachi Uchiha, choose life..."


"Your torture will last two hours, have you way with him" ordered the Otsutsuki.

The four hooden sacked men all surrounded Naruto, each all picking up tools of torture, tools that would make any man shiver in fear.

Fuck, it begins...


Thank you for the continued interest in thi story everyone! Like and comment! I love reading through them, next chappy will be brutal. Thank you!

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