The Originals: Forgotten

By Lilly-JoElliott

593K 12.9K 3.5K

"I'm Aria Mikaelson, pleasure to meet me I know." She smirked. "Cocky much?" He laughed, eyes shining with am... More

Arrival of the Original
Allies. Enemies. Cheese balls...
The Curse is broken
Dead but by magic she comes back as a unicorn!
What a depressing sacrifice
The be or not to be different I choose...
This sexy Original has Changed
Why must you talk to me?
Torture, how fun.
Bickering about me? You shouldn't have.
Humananity switch, bitch.
Weirdness comes in twos.
Dream schemes
Break out
The Plan
Story telling and Papa Original
The day of tears, memories and taco's.
Betrayal and Homecoming deaths.
Its about time Elena dies, isn't it?
One on one time
Bitches be hatin' cause I am.
Coffins above all plus a mother...
I'm skilled in the art of dyeing
An Originals path of death
We're all linked somehow
Whats the best way to serve a slaughter eh?
I must say, heroic actions aren't my forte
Mortality issues, apparently.
I'd rather kill him mate.
Sired Sired you are Sired.
There is no sanity.
Burn. Baby... Burn.

Eenie Meenie Miney Hoe

2.2K 57 36
By Lilly-JoElliott

Third Persons POV

One week had passed since the remainder of her family had regrouped in Seattle. They had decided to split for the time being.

Rebekah left for Paris, to finally have the alone time she had yearned of for so long, it also helped her come to terms that she wouldn't be human.


Elijah disappeared to run an errand that he would not disclose to his siblings. Aria rolled her eyes, typical, she thought, as he got in his car to drive away.

Aria herself had decided that she would visit New York, to bring an end to the annoyance that pesky group had caused to her. She wanted to end it, more then needed. Loosing Kol took a toll on her and she needed to release the pain on those who had been a thorn in her side for too long.

Burning half of Mystic Falls wasn't enough.

"I'm not going to be there for very long brother."

Klaus threw the last of his belongings into the SUV before turning his attention to her. "I'd much rather you accompany me to New Orleans. Going to New York does nothing for us."

"Nik, I need to deal with this," Aria started, trying to convince him. "They've messed around for a decade, until recently I never cared to end it. I need to now though, not go to New Orleans, of all places."

"There is a coven of Witches plotting against me, that makes it your problem." Klaus replied, a frown edged between his brows.

"Yes and I'm all for destroying them with you, but you are the all mighty Klaus Mikaelson!" She threw her hands up dramatically, Klaus rolled his eyes. "Surely you can do it on your own until I arrive? And wouldn't it be better to let them assume your alone?"


"Nik," Aria said flatly. "I'm going to sort this out, feel free to come with me, and then go to New Orleans, otherwise let me deal with it and I'll join you as soon as I can. I need to kill them."


New York

Aria walked down the one of the few silent roads in New York. She wore a more business dress attire, fitted navy dress pants with a buttoned blouse opening just above her chest.

Where she was, the crime and death toll were very high, and just about everyone knew it. That's why it was as abandoned as it looked, Aria rolled her eyes at their actions, it would of been smarter to be discrete, she thought before scowling, God I sounded like Elijah.

She could sense the small group of Vampires in the buildings around her. Aria had convinced her brother to let her do this, aside from letting some steam off, she actually did have a few motives behind her visit alone here.

The leader suddenly dropped down in front of the Original, not ten feet away.

She raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed.

"What was that?" She scoffed, amused. "Twilight? Who does that."

He was taken aback, she wasn't afraid. Every person he had done this too had screamed, not referenced Twilight.

He motioned the remaining Vampires to drop down from the buildings. They followed in suit of their leader and made a rough circle around Aria, who remained in the one place.

Their leader had been out teaching the younger Vampires how to prey on humans, as they were quite untrained and would not be able to take on groups. So he wanted to practice on a single person and show them what to do.

The plan seemed to be backfiring, as his current chosen victim seemed indifferent to being surrounded on her own.

The leader spoke, his voice sounding almost hypnotic. "Now what's a person like yourself, all dressed up in fancy clothing, walking around in the dark side of New York?"

Aria smirked. "Come now Sparkles, I wouldn't exactly call it dark, would you?" She gestured to the dull yellow street lights above them. "Looks lit to me."

He growled at the response, a girl on her own, here, and with the audacity of that nickname? "I would, you clearly aren't from here are you. What is your name?"

Aria, quickly tiring from this conversation, rubbed her temple. "Clearly Sparkles," she mocked him. "You are quite stupid. Just bring your boss to me darling I don't have all century."

"I don't know what your talking about." He chuckled ignoring the nickname now, as far as he was concerned she knew nothing and was about to die.

His followers, however had all felt the dangerous warning underneath Aria's amused words, but their leader had become too arrogant over the past few years to pick that up as the others had.

What the actual-

He cut off her train of thought. "Anyways, name, honey, I need it. I'm trying to teach these guys a new way of life, a better one. And your not being a very considerate victim."

Aria almost wanted to laugh.

Alright, she thought, I'll play along.

"My name is whispered among Vampires, Witches and Werewolves alike." She began dramatically, a gleam in her eyes. "For centuries, my name has been both envied and respected, but also very, very, feared. No one would dare appose me, for not a single being could ever match my power."

The young Vampires shuffled in their position, growing more wary by the second.

"Get on with it!" He interrupted abruptly, taking a few steps toward her.

You'll die for that, she thought, amused.

"My name is Aria Mikaelson, now kneel bitch."

As soon as she said her name it was obvious that the leader had lost much of his arrogance, he hid it quickly, trying to appear strong, rather then his true cowardly self.

"That name, is purely mythical. She doesn't exist!" He said, his voice becoming slightly higher, "You are not her. No one is!"

"Are you stupid?" Aria grinned, "I am Aria and I know your boss would just love to see me, considering he's been persistent in annoying me."

"It's a myth." He argued.

"Is it now?"

"Enough of this!" He shouted. The leader pointed his finger at her. "Talking time is done. It's time to end your life."

"Go on then." Aria's grin widened, all but excited.

"You think you can possibly beat me?" He said, his voice turning cold and more arrogant by the second, "I'm older then those stupid rumours about Aria Mikaelson. I'm, an Original!" He shot back, waving his hands around.

Aria rolled her eyes, dumbass baby Vampire, she thought, appearing in front of him suddenly and shoving her hand into his chest, gripping his heart. He choked, feeling his own blood splutter from his mouth.

She immediately started sucking his eternal life source from his body, leaving just enough to allow him to feel his fear and body dying.

"Alright buddy, if you say so." Aria agreed, shaking her head, before yanking her hand from his chest, his heart, along with it.

"Now," Aria turned, facing the remaining Vampires. "Take me to your leader, peasants." Motioning the cautious Vampires to show the way.

After a moment of stunned silence, they warily began walking.

She hummed softly, hiding the growing anger and impatience for the baby Vampires around her. Do they know what Vampire speed is or is walking like a turtle the normal now? Aria rolled her eyes again, if they keep this up it'll hit New Year again.

"So," Aria drawled slowly, eyeing the people around her as they walked. "Are you usually this uneducated? I mean the fact you thought for even a second, that I couldn't see you crouching on the rooftops tells me you all haven't been Vampires for long."

They shifted uneasily, not liking the circumstances they had been put in. Their team leader of sorts, was killed by this woman and now they were leading her right into their territory.

This is so boring, Aria thought, nothing like when I was in charge.

Soon Aria saw the mansion she had left behind, and as the large oversized door opened and revealed the same foyer, a smirk edged its way to her lips.

"Hasn't changed." The Original said, eyeing the many Vampires rushing about.

"It's changed a hell of a lot since you left us Aria. Nothing is the same."

She turned her head and grinned. "Explain this house then," Aria spread her heads, speaking clearly, full well knowing each and every Vampire could hear her. "This is my mansion, my city your living in and my blood that goes through your veins. You'd do well to remember who runs this show love."

He appeared in front of her, as he went to throw the first punch she caught his fist in her hands mid air. Her eyes hardened, fingers closing around his fist as she crushed it.

"Aria-" He stammered, falling to one knee.

"Ah, ah, ah," The Original drawled, looking around. "You know better then to attack me, yet you did it. You know better to antagonise me." She hissed crushing his hand completely, he whimpered, unable to free his hand from her grip. "I will decapitate your head from your body and put it on a spike if you ever do this again."

She released her grip with a chuckle, watching him slide across the polished floor, cradling his hand against his chest.

"What do you want!" He spat, getting to his feet.

She shrugged. "Personally I'm taking over my operations again, you've been demoted."


"No!" She cut off, glaring at him. "I left you in charge, to continue my work while I was away and what do you do?" Aria asked, before continuing. "You had a sook, sending humans and Vampires alike to mess with the shit I had to do. Now this place is like a bloody daycare!"

"You left me!" He yelled, pushing himself up and taking a few steps toward her again. "You left me for him!"

Aria just stood there, silently. Why did this Vampire have to be sired to her, of all people. His devotion to her happiness is revolting and hilarious at the same time.

She often wondered why she didn't just compel him to get over it.

I guess she liked the loyalty.

"Look," Aria started, sighing. "I said run things effectively and get angry if you have to. That does not imply you get angry at me for leaving you behind."

He scoffed, glaring at the ground like a child in defiance.

All except the Vampires that had taken Aria to the mansion recognised the Original, all feeling the same crippling loyalty to please her every desire.

"You shouldn't of left us." He said finally, locking eyes with her. His eyes were green, wind swept light brown hair scattered loosely across his forehead. It was shorter now, comparing to the last time she'd seen him.

"I know," Aria agreed, inwardly rolling her eyes at their childishness. "As much as I looked out for all of you I had family that needed me."

"We're your family!" One of the sired snapped, crossing her arms. "We matter!"

Just kill me now, Aria thought, sighing loudly. "It will honestly make me so happy if all of you got over the fact I left you briefly and just be glad I'm back."

And as if on queue, they all just smiled and started going back to the jobs they'd been doing before Aria walked in.

Jesus take the wheel, she thought, I forgot how intense it was here.

Aria regarded her first sired, the man she left in charge. He had healed now and was intently looking at her.

"Thomas," The Original started, regarding the needy look he gave her. She walked up to him, gently running her fingers down the side of his face and along his jaw. Thomas leaned in, eyes fluttering closed. "Do you still love me?"

"Yes of course Aria."

"Good." She smirked, "I want to know exactly how you have been going with the number of Vampires that you have made for me. I am in need of my army."


"So Marcel lives."

Aria just about choked on her iced coffee, coughing for a few moments until she cleared her throat. The younger Original had called her sibling to see how it was going in the city she hated so much.

"Surely not?" Aria replied, "Marcel burned. Or at least he would of come looking for you, or Rebekah?"

"Yes I quite thought so myself but he's here, living, breathing, in our family home." Klaus paused, scowling. "He has taken my city and is now calling himself the King of New Orleans and somehow also controls the Witches."

"Which is why they lured you there I'm guessing?" Aria mused, leaning back against the arm rest of the new apartment she'd acquired. "Poor Haley!"

"Like you care sister." Klaus rolled his eyes.

Aria shrugged, although knowing he couldn't see that. "Your right about that, I don't care for some random Wolf girl you did it with. I do however, care about that apparent child that she's carrying of yours."

Klaus scoffed, pulling away another dusty white sheet off of the old furniture in one of the old mansions they had owned. "I hardly believe it's true, she says she didn't sleep with anyone else but I can't be sure." He paused, gritting his teeth, "I will not be controlled by some back water Witches!"

Would explain that ever annoying heart beat I keep hearing, Aria thought, frowning. "The child is yours, stop pretending like you'll do anything other then look after the Wolf girl Brother."

There was silence.

"Your such a sook Nik," Aria mused grinning as she picked dry blood from her nails. "You'll be a fantastic Father."


Aria tsked lightly, "I do believe I won this conversation. Now get off the phone I won't achieve anything here if you keep talking like an old woman gossiping about her neighbours!"


She hung up, laughing to herself as she shoved her phone back into her pocket. Clearing her thoughts she looked over the sun set of the city, coming to terms on what action she wanted to take next.

Maybe destroying this annoying army of Vampires isn't what I should do, squinting her eyes at the thought of alternative uses they could be to her.


She turned, seeing the broken vase on the floor. Her piercing eyes met the shaking Vampire. Within a second The Original grabbed his throat, latching onto his neck with her fangs.

Another head dropped to the ground, Aria let go of the quickly graying  body, wiping the blood from her mouth. The Original looked around for a moment, noting the several desiccated Vampire bodies scattering her floor.

It hadn't taken long for Aria to realise feeding from Vampires, rather then humans, allowed her constantly draining energy to last longer.

She hadn't stopped trying to find a way to bring Kol back, despite the massive toll it took on her magic.

The buzzing of her phone caught her attention. Briefly she thought Klaus had called back with a delayed come back to their earlier discussion.


"You called me?" The voice shot back, irritation clear in their voice.

Aria rolled her eyes, "I know Rebekah." She shifted, sighing. "Look everything aside I'm sorry that you are finding out this way but Marcel is alive. In New Orleans."

Aria was met with silence before she heard items being thrown through the phone.

"How?" She all but seethed. "How could he do this to me, we where going to-" Rebekah cut herself off, not finishing the sentence. "Thank you sister, I think I might pay a visit."

"So-" Aria was cut off when her sister suddenly hung up. "What the heck, bastard."

Aria sunk into the chair, not like I had anything else to say to you, she thought sourly. Aria had actually called her sister to discuss something else, but now the younger Original regretted starting with the Marcel news.

"Thomas!" She called suddenly, only seconds passed before appearing in front of her. "Bring the Witch in please."

"Yes my love."

Aria grimaced, yuck. "Thomas take it down a couple of notches before you materialise my brothers to take out your heart."

He paused momentarily, nodding his head, before running out the room to retrieve her request.

Aria had her Vampires scour the city for a particular Witch that dabbled in un-sacrilegious magic. Her power was draining, becoming more difficult to keep up the ties that bound her.

Her ears began to ring, making her scowl.

Thomas threw open the doors, throwing the older woman into the large room.

"Ah thank you Thomas," The Original waved her hand in dismissal. "You may go."

Once the doors closed Aria crouched in front of the woman, who cowered against the hard cool marble floors, as if any minute now she would be swallowed up and escape the piercing gaze of the immortal monster she knew was in front of her.


The woman looked up at her. "W-What am I doing here?"

"I need..." Aria trailed off, making a gesture with her hand, "I need a favour, if you would. You have a particular bloodline and your magic is unique."

"I can't help you." Lucy slowly pushed back along the ground as Aria stood. "I won't."

Aria chuckled dryly, running a hand through her hair as she eyed the Bennett Witch. "You do know there isn't much of a choice. You Bennett's are always so self-righteous, so annoying. I don't need to kill you, just do as I ask and you can be in your merry little way, hmm?"

Pushing herself off the ground, Lucy swallowed her pride and nodded meekly. She promised Bonnie after betraying Katherine to the Salvatores, that she wouldn't ever let another Vampire control her.

Lucy failed.

"That's better. Now I have a particular annoyance. There is this let's say vision," Aria began walking around her with a hand behind her back, like a teacher taunting a student. "I keep having it, every day, seemingly never ending. Not until I awake, even then it's still there."

"Yes?" She questioned, not understanding how this involved her.

"You fancy the magic most Witches don't want anything to do with," Aria stated, pausing as she looked at Lucy again. "If you could kindly made it go away, that would be great."

Lucy regarded her for a moment, before warily asking the question playing at her mind. "What is the vision you see?"

Anything that this powerful Vampire couldn't handle made her worry for her safety.

Aria waved her hand, shrugging. "Not of your concern. Remove it and you are good to go."

"I don't-"

"Don't lie to me." She seethed, suddenly inches from Lucy's face. Dark veins appeared beneath her eyes as they turned colour. Aria gripped Lucy's head, hands digging into the Bennett Witches temples as she struggled to no avail. "Of course you can, you can take the visions from me."

Without another word the powerful Vampire closed her eyes, feeling the loud and aching vision flashing against her closed lids and into Lucy. Black veins crawled down her arms before pooling under Aria's hands.

Lucy screamed as Aria let her crumple to the floor. She tore at her eyes, "Help me! Please help-" Her words died in her throat, becoming incoherent.

Aria sighed, almost feeling something for the mortal Witch. She knew exactly what was happening, though her pain threshold was significantly higher and had the handy ability to heal.

Thomas yanked the door open, looking down at the writhing mess on the floor.

"What happened?"

The Original smirked. "Oh she's well and truly going insane I imagine." Aria rolled her shoulders, feeling the annoyance of a kinked neck. "She is seeing one of many possible futures that I care no longer to see. Throw her to the streets, she is of no use to me anymore."

Thomas nodded, walking over to her and gripping her arm before yanking her body up from the bloody floor. Lucy screeched at the touch, saliva dripping from the corners of her mouth as she failed to form words.

"Yep, insane alright." Aria commented, eyebrows raised. "Would've thought she could handle it with all the magic she practiced, or at least lasted longer... Oh well."

Thomas paused by the door, watching as the Original turned away from them to look through the floor to ceiling glass walls. "I take it there's a plan?"

She remained silent, waiting until the doors closed and she was alone once more.

Aria couldn't let the visions come true, which meant she couldn't avoid the city she loathed. Aria had hoped the Witch could of provided more use, rather then giving way under a basic transferal spell. She was disappointed at the outcome, not fully realising how much her own abilities exceeded the Natural Order of power.

"New Orleans, here we come."



It has been a long while and I do apologise. I cannot believe how life flies past so quickly!

Please let me know if this is a story you still want, I do have a storyline and it's mapped out in my brain but I would love to know if this was something you all still wanted to actually read.

Also, please let me know how you feel about me possibly going back and amending my old chapters. If you would prefer me to write the new chapters first before stuffing around with the old ones then thats totally cool!

Anyways, thank you again and honestly still shook how weirdly different Wattpad is nowadays! Half the books I loved I can't find anymore sadly...

Just to throw in as well while here, I have had a Werewolf book in my drafts that is not related to any series but just of my own making that I think I may finally publish. If you think 'Heck no mate' on that idea let me know.

Always and more regular updates pending responses/reactions of this chapter, Lilly xo

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