The Gangleader Paction

By AverageClicheGirl42

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It's the middle of the night and it has finally come to your attention that you have mercilessly devoured the... More

Prelude: ➣ Boba with The Author
Synopsis: ➣ The Gangleader Paction
Chapter 1: ➣ You've Been Punk'd
Chapter 2: ➣ Bury You 6ft For Ab-DUCK-ting Me
Chapter 3: ➣ I Didn't Ask To Be A Part Of A Taylor Swift Song
Chapter 4: ➣ Doesn't He Have Anything Better To Do Than Kidnap Innocent Girls?
Chapter 5: ➣ Dead Duck! I'm A Dead Duck!
Chapter 6: ➣ When Voldemort Grows A Nose
Chapter 7: ➣ But He's My Sexy, Annoying, Uptight Gang Leader, Not Hers!
Chapter 8: ➣ I Don't Play Damsel In Distress
Chapter 9: ➣ Stupid Zoo Escaping Through My Stomach
Chapter 10: ➣ I Look Like A Walrus
Chapter 11: ➣ Xavier's Girlfriend
Chapter 12: ➣ Part-time Tycoon, Half-time Gang Leader, And Full-time Asshole
Chapter 13: ➣ They Just Can't Get My Nose Right
Chapter 14: ➣ Two Ghosts In Luigi's Mansion
Chapter 15: ➣ Yes, The Duck Can Cook. Surprise I Know.
Chapter 16: ➣ Happy...I Mean, Gabriel The Cat
A/N: Hold Your Fire!!!
Chapter 17: ➣ From The Deepest, Darkest, Blackest Part Of My Heart
Chapter 19: ➣You've Got To Be Ducking Kidding Me
A/N - 13 Reasons Why...
Chapter 20: ➢Deformed Snapchat Filter
Chapter 21: ➣ Short Girl Problems
Chapter 22: ➢ Bingo Boingo
Chapter 23: ➢ Anna Oop-
Chapter 24: ➢ Evil Loathsome Little Cockroach
Chapter 25: ➢ Frequent Kidnapping Card
Chapter 26: ➢ Bippity Boppity Bitch
Chapter 27: ➢ My Stupid Feathery Ass
Chapter 28: ➢ What In The Duke Of Hastings?
Chapter 29: ➢ Some Home Alone Shit
Chapter 30: ➢ It Can't Get Any Worse, Can it?
Chapter 31: ➢ Up The Stair, Not Down The Pole
Chapter 32: ➢ Doing The Harlem Shake
Chapter 33: ➣ Giving Fish CPR
Chapter 34: ➣ Looks Like Voldemort Finally Grew That Nose
Chapter 35: ➣ Daffy Duck PJs and Hello Kitty Band-Aids
Chapter 36: ➣ Xavier's Ex-Girlfriend
Chapter 37: Sorrows Sorrows, Prayers

Chapter 18: ➣ Why Couldn't I Be Born Normal?

15.2K 704 232
By AverageClicheGirl42

Wassup my raft?! (Raft is a group of ducks apparently) 

Past few days I wanted to go die in a hole or in other words I hate school. Ugh. But I hope your week was so much better than mine and I'm sure there are people out there last week who have aced all their exams, have a healthy relationship with someone, has friends, is happy with clear, flawless skin and amazing life...

*snorts* who am I kidding, we're all losers.

No! I'm sure there are some of you... but I just haven't come across any of you... ever.

ANYWAYS! So my friend Gossip_Central, decided to publish a story because she has better skills in keeping her life together than me. *chuckles sheepishly*  it's called The Tale Of Quinn Adams and an awesome story so far. Go check it out, she's a crazy weirdo, she isn't a duck I don't think so but still GO CHECK IT OUT!! :)

🐥 ---------------------------🐥

"Skyler, please stop grinning like that," Natasha muttered nervously from beside me, "You look like Jeff The Killer,"

I ignored her, my eyes darting to every pane of glass in the car to check my surroundings with a creepy serial killer look on my face. I sat, well barely sitting with the amount of inner squealing I was doing, in the back middle seat of Xavier's personal SUV, with Gabe passed out on the door to my right and Natasha looking creeped out on my left.


At least just passed it.

"Are we there yet?" I questioned enthusiastically, hardly containing my jitters.

"Ask me that again and I'll shove your ass out the window, Sky," Xavier grumbled tiredly like the tight ass he always was, and a threat I completely ignored.

"It's Skyler," I mumbled, my mood still not deflating. In all honesty, I had no clue where we were going or what Xavier's initial task is but all I care about is seeing my precious bed and T.V once more, so I went along anyways.

Also since I've been borrowing Natasha's expensive as looking clothes for the past few weeks, I might as well pack all my stuff for the rest of my extensive stay at Hôtel le Xavier.

🐥 ---------------------------🐥

"A duck!"

Someone screamed in my ear, jostling me out of my yellow dream about the feathery animal I love. Quickly my eyes flipped open, the one word registering in my mind as I went into a frenzy.

"WHERE?!" I screamed back at them, bounding forward with my eyes searching my surroundings for the adorable creature. Only to be greeted by the dull atmosphere of the car interior.

"I knew that would work!" Gabe grinned, showing off his pearly white as his head stuck through the open door of the SUV. Hey, we stopped moving!

"Asshat!" I grumbled, placing aside my plan to murder him and instead stared around, trying to found out where the hell Xavier has stopped his black contraption of a car. "Where are we?"

"It looks like a clearing with a warehouse," Gabe shrugged, reeling his head back out of the open door and he squinted at the huge gray dwelling that stood in the middle of a clearing a good distance away from where the cars were parked.

"No shit you idiot, but what are we doing here?" I rolled my eyes at him. I swear this boy is stupider than me sometimes and that's really saying something. "Where's Xavier?"

Gabe grumbled something about calling him an idiot under his breath before tilting his head to point at something. Groaning as my body unraveled itself from being in a ball for god knows how many hours I wormed out of the door, hearing the crackling of my joints as my feet touched the dry gravel ground.

Man, I'm getting old.

Being 19 is not a young and colorful age I tell you.

Stretching out my rickety bones, I yawned weirdly and gazed around the area. Well mainly just eye raping Xavier Dante who stood just a few meters away from me, his head ducked under the back door of another SUV, staring intently at the open black briefcase in it.

"So what are we doing here?" I questioned Gabe, who has taken residence on the car, head back against the roof as he was possibly taking a nap. A catnap. Get it?

Gabriel The Cat.

"Xavier has business with some dude named Theo," Gabe answered lazily, arms crossed over his chest and waited for orders.

Wait a sec...


Definitely can't be that little duck-shit Theo Raeken that fucked with all of Scott's plans, mind you I'm a crazy Teen Wolf fan, but...

"What's his last name?"

"Jameson...Jake-son... I dunno-" He began until I cut him off, eyes wide with realization.


"Yeah, that's his last name," Gabe nodded absently for a second, before he registered my words, and jolted up, "Wait how do you know his name?"

I take that back, Jackson is worse than Raeken!

"Uhhhhh...lucky guess?" I tried nervously, my fingers fiddling rapidly behind my back. I suck at not looking obvious.

Gabe's eyes tapered into two slits at me, trying to figure me out. "Sk-"

"Alright, move out!" Xavier's voice boomed from behind me, almost making the hair on my head run away screaming. Immediately Gabe straightened, abandoning all thoughts of questioning me and disappeared.

Jesus Christ!

Almost everyone within earshot suddenly halted their task and scurried towards the entrance of the warehouse, joining the team that was keeping a lookout. Even Jason and Natasha who I hadn't gotten a chance to talk to walked ahead, preparing in front of the team.

This is too organized for my whacked out mind.

"Okay, cool, you guys go ahead, I'll wait in the car," I told Xavier promptly, spinning around to make and attempt to run back to the SUV. Until he grabbed my wrist, halting my escape plan even before step one.

"Where're you going?" He questioned gruffly, his dark green eyes questioning my every move.

"You know, I just realized...I'm allergic to dark creepy warehouses!" I blurted, flapping my arm around dramatically.

"Allergic?" He repeated, a perfectly carved out eyebrow raising in question. I swear to god, I praise you every day for hand carving such a beautiful specimen...

Too bad you didn't give him a personality.

"Yes!" I nodded pretending to look grave, "Very deathly, deathly allergic,"

Xavier's downright confused expression morphed into a chilling evil smirk as he tightened his grip on my wrist, "Well, that's very unfortunate, but you're still coming with us, Sky,"

"No Xavier!" I squirmed under his grip reaching out trying to grab at least something to help me escape, "You don't understand the situation! I could die!" Well not technically, but if I lock gazes with the little dickweed in that warehouse, I might as well just dig my own grave!

"Skyler!" He snapped harshly. We were sort of out of earshot so the rest of the gang couldn't really see me try to rip the ground out trying to escape Xavier Dante, "You are coming with me, and that's final!"

I say it again, god, why didn't you bless him with a personality?

Walking me over to the group of men much to my protesting, Xavier finally released his grip on me and signaled the team to follow him in. I watched his godly body strut forward confidently as he walked ahead, gun loaded in hand.

This man is too much for me.

"Hey, there you are!" Gabe whispered, appearing beside me as we approached into the warehouse with the rest of the group.

Oh great, here we go.

"Now are you going to tell me how you know Theo Jackson or do I have to tell Xavier?" He smirked, threatening me all the while. I swear this gang is made of cunning little weedwhackers!

"No! Listen here yo-" I began, about to give him a piece of my mind when suddenly everyone stopped. Safety clicked off almost 20 guns and everyone looked moments away from shooting someone.

Gabe and I exchanged looks before weaving through the group to see what was going one.

Xavier, who stood at the head of the group, cocked his head over his shoulder, his dark eyes catching my gaze as I funneled myself to the back and waved his hand, dismissing the guns.

"Only X.D is allowed to enter," A voice I knew well informed. I rolled my eyes at the authority his voice has held now. Geez, do they still think they're top gun gang members?

In front of Xavier's robust figure stood my high school classmate, Jeremy Vale, Theo's best friend. Even though he was a fair height off of Xavier's he still was ripped and built, just like back in high school.

Xavier's stared at Jeremy straight in the eye, making his stance waver a bit, possibly scaring him to the core even though he didn't let it show. Xavier is one scary man.

"Fine," Xavier sighed, raising his hand before Gabe, Tash or Jason could cavil with him on his choice. "Stay here. Gabe, keep an eye on the perimeters," Xavier turned his head, locating Gabe's figure, that stood confidently beside my shriveled one, trying to hide.

Why must he mention Gabe out of all of them?!

Just as expected, Jeremy's eyes followed Xavier's, but instead of locking in on Gabe, he found me instead. Kill. Me. Now. I watched the realization flash through his wide eyes and his mouth fell open, "Skyler Brooklynn?!"

Uh oh.

Everyone's eyes snapped to me in surprise as I shriveled up more, looking anywhere but Xavier's expression right now. God help me.

A cocky smirk wiped itself across Jeremy's face and he instinctively stepped forward as if advancing towards me. Oh boy not good for me.

I swear I had squared up on the spot to run the duck outta there until Xavier's figure side-stepped blocked him and stopping him from reaching me with a dark warning glare.

I gulped. This is so not good for me on Xavier's terms now.

"Apologies X.D, I think Theo would prefer it if Ms. Brooklynn came as well," he added to his initial words.

"No," Xavier snapped, stepping forward making Jeremy take a step back cowardly. "She isn't involved in this deal," Please don't say-

"She comes, or the deal is off," Duck.

Why in hell am I always involved in all Xavier's goddamn deals?!

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I watched Xavier's jaw clench visible. I think this just moved me to solid number 2 on Xavier's hate list, right under Christmas.

"Skyler!" Xavier growled, almost making my soul leave my body, "Let's go," If I could run away right now, I would've.

Instead, I hobbled forward with my feathery butt quivering in fear as I reached him and his piercing gaze. I'm so dead, why couldn't I just be born normal? Not involved with troublesome people and being such a duck?!

Jeremy smirked, the same smirk I wanted to smack back in high school, and I stood beside Xavier, who glared at me dangerously. With that, Jeremy spun around leading Xavier deeper into the warehouse while I followed him like a little duckling.

Long story short, Theo, his gang and I went to the same messed up school as everyone else who lived in this isolated little town did. So yes, you could say we knew each other as acquaintances, he sat in the back of the class that killed my brain in digits. We didn't really take notice of each other until I being the born idiot I am, shoved him into a pond on a school field trip by accident and then he tormented me since then for revenge.

Ta da. Call it stupid but it was the best way to piss off a pompous dickweed. One of Theo's kind especially.

So that's the short and cliche story of how Theo Jackson became my bully. Award winning, I know. But I had no idea Theo came close to even being near someone of Xavier's standards much less come in contact.

Then again, I probably would've laughed if someone had told me beforehand that I would be kidnapped by Xavier Dante.

After a bit of walking, Jeremy led us into a fairly sized little section of the beatdown warehouse. No lights were in the room, it was merely lit by the sunlight that seeped through some cracks and holes in the walls and it had a nice coat of dust. Very inviting.

Sitting on one of the several wooden cartridge boxes was the thing that made me cringe the most in high school, other than broccoli. Theo Jackson. Ugh, kill me now.

His light brown hair was shaggy and out of place, and his almost pitch black eyes didn't fail to triple in size when he caught sight of me, but didn't say anything because seconds afterwards his eyes zeroed in on Xavier's sturdy figure, standing armed in front of me with a pissed off expression.

Theo opened his mouth, preparing to greet the hot-headed gang leader before him until Xavier cut him off cleanly, "Where are they?" He pronounced each syllable individually, making the chill run down my back.

"I have them," Theo nodded, gazing down at the hand he had in his pocket. "They're yours, as soon as I get what's mine,"

Xavier rolled his eyes, and reached back into his own pocket, pulling out a bundle of green notes folded and worth more than my house and fridge put together. 

It may seem like a casual quick trade between two people, but looking closely you could see their empty hands looming closely to the possible guns in their waistbands ready to shoot someone, which is what freaks me out even more.

Theo's eyes glistened at the amount of money in Xavier's grasp before pulling out a small envelope from his own. "They're all yours Dante," he confirmed, stepping forwards to reclaiming his trade, before Xavier clenched his fist, making Theo freeze instantly.

"First I want to know something," Xavier's gaze snapped to me, his dangerously narrowed eyes zeroing in on me, "How do you know Skyler?"


Jeremy snorted from behind Theo while Theo's face took a cunning smirk and I possibly got ready to carve a hole in the walls and escape, "You could say history..."

Ew, what the hell?! He freaking bullied me! The little dickweed! Oh, I'm so gonna wrangle him!

"We did not!" I snapped, storming forward, about to grab him by the neck when I realized I probably didn't even reach his knees with my short height. Bad idea. "You little dickweed! You tortured me all throughout high school!"

Theo chuckled, giving me a sadistic look before he cocked his head down to my face, "How cute you are Sky, moving from one gang leader to another,"




That's it! He's a roast duck, I'm ending his existence right here! Raising my wing I possibly had to jump a bit to be able to smack him across the face, before he caught me wrist, giving it a warning squeeze. Why is it that I never succeed with anything? "Now now, is that any way to treat-"

"Jackson," Xavier snapped, making almost everyone in the room jump. Shit, I forgot he was still here. "I suggest you let go of my property if you value your life," He threatened lowly, the safety of the gun in his grasp slowly being pulled back.

Theo's and Jeremy's eyes widened at the menacing look Xavier had before Theo released his grip on me and took a careful step back, "Apologies Sir,"

Even though I didn't appreciate being called Xavier's property, it still made my day that my high school bully was just then put in his place.

With that, Xavier snatched the envelope out of Theo's almost shivering hands before slapping the bundle of money in his empty palm. I held my breath to stop myself to rolling around laughing at the sight of this. 

Definitely, a day to remember.

"I don't want either of you ever going near her." Xavier gritted his teeth, glaring face to face with Theo, making both boys gulp and nod vigorously. Wait, what? "She belongs to me and I don't want anyone else affiliating what's mine," What he said would've been possessively cute coming from anyone other than Xavier Dante. 

From him, it was just plain scary.

"Skyler!" Xavier turned around, his expression blankly staring at me as I quickly recovered from trying to hold my laughter and stood straight.


"We're leaving," he commanded and even before I could comprehend to words he grabbed my wrist, dragging me out of the warehouse.

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