Swan Song

By Erin398

517 78 2

Hook has made a deal with Rumpelstiltskin in order to save his girlfriend, Milah, but with terrible consequen... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 6

26 5 0
By Erin398

Milah's POV

I can't believe what I just heard. I was about to bring Killian his dinner when I heard voices. I didn't know who my love was talking to, but I heard him call the mysterious boy "Pan," so I'm guessing that was Peter Pan, who I heard so much about from Killian.

They were talking about a girl called Emma Swan - who Killian wants to meet because of some silly dreams he has been having. Why wouldn't he tell me this?? Does he not trust me?

Well I guess not, because Pan was suggesting killing me and he was didn't brush the idea aside or even protest. So much for showing me his undying 'love.'

I decide to follow Pan and Killian because I want to know what they're planning exactly. I crouch down low behind a thick bush and watch as Pan leads Killian to a treehouse and opens the door, motioning for him to enter. But before going inside himself, he stares at my hiding place and looks deep into my eyes - even though I'm pretty sure I'm hidden. Then he steps inside and shuts the door firmly behind him. I have a feeling of unease and tiptoe to the door. There's no one in sight.

Pan's POV
I lead Hook down the stairs which lead underground. It's a dimly lit room by a lamp in each corner, and illuminated in the middle hangs my dream catcher.

"Okay Hook. This is a dream catcher. You place it on your forehead and you'll be able to see whatever you want to - it works kind of like a magic mirror, if you've ever used one."

"Can't say I have. Are you sure this will work?" Hook asks me. I give him a sarcastic look.

"Of course it will work." I smirk. Hook sighs and unhooks the dream catcher from where it's suspended from the ceiling by a string. He touches it lightly to his forehead and gold streaks encircle his head.

Hook's POV
I touch the dream catcher lightly to my forehead and close my eyes. I try to centre all my thoughts on Emma. I open my eyes again and am pleasantly surprised when I see a moving image of the blonde haired girl in the centre of the dream catcher. Images are now flashing in front of me - mostly of me and Emma. I smile as I see a lot of her hugging me or of us fighting side by side. The memories - or snippets from the future - make me want to meet her even more. Even though its ridiculous, I'm falling in love with her, with this possibility of being with her. Then the dream catcher freezes on one image.

"That's Emma right this second." Pan explained.

It was a picture of Emma - obviously younger than in my dreams - and she was with a man who looked the same age as her. They were both laughing and hugging each other.

"Who is that?" I ask Pan.

"You know him, Hook." I stare at the frozen image, confused.

"What's his name?" I ask finally.

"Baelfire." Pan replies.


I look out over the sea from my beautiful ship, the Jolly Roger. The view is beautiful - the sun melting into the horizon, casting a soft red glow on the water, and a flock of birds flying over the great dome of light, making it look like a painting. Suddenly the moment is interrupted by the crew members shouting, followed by a splash and more shouting, this time a young boy's voice.

"What's going on?" I demand, walking over to the crew, who are standing in a circle around something, staring at it. I push through the men, and they step back to reveal a small, very wet boy with a mop of dark brown hair and dark, sincere eyes.

"Ah! A stowaway! And just who might you be?" I ask him.

"I didn't stow away - I just escaped from Peter Pan's shadow an he dropped me here. My name is Baelfire."

"Well we could always use another deck hand. Come - tell me more about yourself." I say, signalling to the crew to get back to work and putting an arm around Baelfire, lead him to my cabin.


"So, Baelfire. Tell me your story. How did you end up on my ship?" I ask our guest.

"I was staying with a family called the Darlings - Wendy, the oldest child, took me in after my father abandoned me. Then one night Pan's shadow came to take away Wendy's brothers, but I couldn't just stand and let it split up their family, so I sacrificed myself for them." I place a hand on his shoulder.

"That was very brave of you mate." I say. Baelfire smiles at me. "Who is your father?" I ask him.

"My father is the Dark One, and-"

"What did you say?" I gasp.

"My father is the Dark One. He's called Rumpelstiltskin." I grimace and look down at my shiny silver hook - which I have thanks to Rumpelstiltskin - this boy's father. My whole being is telling me to throw this boy overboard - to have nothing to do with the Crocodile's son. I am currently just sailing to get my revenge on him - but how could I tell Baelfire that?

"Okay... How did he abandon you?"

"Well the Blue Fairy gave me a magic bean, which I used to create a portal to this world - a land without magic. My father promised me that if I found a way for him to get rid of his magic, he would do whatever it was. But when I opened the portal, he was too cowardly to come with me. He couldn't get me out of the portal in time, and I was brought here. Alone."

"Once a coward, always a coward." I mutter.

"Do you know him?" I debate whether to tell the boy the truth or not about my past with Rumpelstiltskin. I decide not to tell him. I don't want to ruin any chances of making friends with this young boy at the very start.

"No, I've never met him." I lie.


"Bae! Come help me steer!" I call to Baelfire. We have been on the ship together for a few months now, and I've become surprisingly close to him. He's like a son to me, and he loves learning about how to sail the ship, sword fight and act like a pirate.

"Coming, Captain!" He calls to me.

"Okay Bae. Do you remember which direction we're going today?"

"Umm... I don't remember, sorry."

"That's alright, mate. Here maybe this will help you." I engrave a small diagram of a compass in the wood beside the wheel. Baelfire smiles up at me.

"Thanks, Captain."

"Bae, you can call me Killian." I say. He laughs.

"Thanks, Killian, then."


"Killian?" I hear a voice ask me.

"Yes, Bae?"

"Where are we actually going?" I have been dreading this question for a long time, but I think he trusts me enough to know the truth.

"Actually Baelfire, I have something to tell you. I do know your father. He and I had a bit of... history. He is the reason I have this." I say, pointing to my hook with my good hand. "I'm going to get my revenge on him." Bae's eyes well up with tears and he looks broken.

"How could you?! You lied to me! I trusted you!"

"Bae don't be angry. I'm sorry but I must have my revenge. Your father is a monster!"

"He is not a monster. He loved me!"

"He abandoned you, Bae! How is that loving someone?!" Just then, Pan's shadow swooped down and tried to grab Bae. Perfect timing, as always, I think to myself. I tried to pry the shadow off him, but he clung to the boy with iron grip.

"Bae! I'm sorry!" I say. "Please don't go."

"I don't want to stay with you anymore." He says sulkily, and gives himself up to the shadow. I watch as he soars away into the sky.

*flashback over*

"Bae." I say, breathlessly.

"So you do remember him." Pan says to me. I narrow my eyes at him.

"Of course I do." I snap. "He's Milah's son."

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