Hetalia Ghoul

By AngelxFlores

31.4K 1.6K 955

° December 25 2018 - #2 in Prucan° °January 5 2019 - #1 in Gerita° °April 24 2019 - #1 in Ameripan° °June 21... More

This is Me
Another One
Where Did He Go?
A Friend
Who's This?
An Idea
Mask Maker
The Hero
More Information
Hanging Out
Another Day
Frog Prince
The Revenge Deal
The Doctor
The Waiter
Memories and Secrets
The Rules
The Girl
A Picture
author's note
Moving Out
Run Away

The One-Eyed

572 31 24
By AngelxFlores

- Francis' POV -

"You called?"

It is not rare for someone like me to be told to go to headquarters in a day off from work. Especially if it is something important.

"There you are, Bonnefoy. I'm sorry I called you in on your day off,"

"It's fine but I have something going on tonight and you said this was going to be quick,"

"Another lady friend?"

"Oh hush. I didn't know you had a sense of humor, Mr.Wang,"


"Wang. Bonnefoy. Quit the chatter and let's get this over with," Another voice interrupted us.

"For someone younger than most of us here, you are quite serious and mature, Beilschimdt,"

"I take my job seriously, Francis,"

"May I ask what are we doing?"

The three of us started walking through the hallways until we reached the Cochlea cells where we keep imprisoned ghouls. Contrary to many people's knowledge, we rather capture ghouls than to kill them. It is better to get something out of them from being alive. It was my first time to face a ghoul other than at a fight.

"We are interrogating a ghoul. He is a member of the Kol Klan and since we have been tracking down that case for a while, we need as much information as we can,"

"Well, I know that the leader, Ursa, has been killed,"

"We all know, Francis. Don't start bragging about it,"

"You're just jealous you haven't accomplished much after years of being here, right Yao?"

"Back to the important thing. This ghoul is extremely weak and well contained so we can enter the cell without any worries about being attacked. We should still have our weapons, just in case,"

Having said that, Ludwig opened a door and had us follow him into a chamber. It wasn't a big room but there was enough space for all of us and the ghoul in front of us. He was younger than I expected and just like Ludwig had said, he looked very weak and fragile. The boy was wrapped around in chains and his back wasn't exposed to get rid of any chance to use his kagune. His arms were tied behind his back, and he even had a muzzle around his face. He started shaking at the sight of us getting closer. A guard was ordered to take off the muzzle and was almost bitten. It was obvious this ghoul was dying of starvation.

"What's your name? We know you're from the Kol Klan and we need answers,"


"You know that we won't give you anything unless you answer us. What's your name and how old are you?"

The boy looked at us and pleaded as he sat on the concrete floor. He finally looked down and mumbled, "My name is Raivis... I'm 15..."

We finally cracked him. Starving a ghoul is the most effective way to get them to do what you want. Ludwig and I did most of the talking and Yao took notes of the important details and recorded the conversation.

"You're from the Kol Klan and we need information,"

"T-the Kol K-klan?... No. No! I c-can't say anything... She... They will kill me..."

Kol Klan members are rare for us. They are hard to find and identify. And harder to capture and get information from. They are loyal and stubborn and it is known it is because of their fear of the clan.

"Katyusha is dead,"

At those words, Raivis flinched and his eyed widen.

"D-dead?... What about..."

"You don't need to hide anything,"

"I can't..."

"Do you have parents?"

I looked at Ludwig who have been asking the questions so far. We usually just get in to get information about ghoul activity. Although, it isn't rare to see his soft side. I have heard that he grew up knowing the CCG his whole life and I knew his father worked here. He doesn't talk much about his personal life.

The ghoul calmed down but was still shaking, "They're dead,"

Working here is hard. I tend to just do my job and not acknowledge the lives of these monsters. But if it were my son, I would understand.

"You're loyal and I understand that,"

"I'd rather die then say anything about my clan," he tried to say it with confidence but he struggled to choke out the words.

"Then let's talk about another topic,"

"Do you know anyone with a bunny shaped mask? They are not Kol Klan but we have seen some relation,"

The boy gasped and let a soft whisper, "The One Eyed? She's alive?"

"The One Eyed?"

The boy stayed hesitant now and looked away. Then he whispered, "Food..."

Hearing that, a guard brought in the "stuff" we feed them. I'm still not quite sure what it is. Not enough to give them full strength but enough to keep them alive. The boy leaned in and started to eat like an animal.

"One-Eyed Ghouls are ghouls who are born half human and half ghoul, right?"

"Disgusting beings..." He said with spite. I wouldn't be able to imagine this kid with full emotion and strength.

"Is she-"

"She is even worse. She wasn't born ghoul. She was made ghoul..."

"Made? What do you mean by made?"

"She's half human. But she was once full human. She got turned into a monster,"

"I didn't know that was possible,"

"We didn't either,"

"Do you know how this happened?"

"Not much... I just know that she is extremely strong. One-eyed ghouls usually are stronger but she seemed invincible. She was genetically engineered. Katyusha wanted to recruit her but wasn't able to,"

"Was she stronger than Katyusha?"

"I would like to say no one can defeat Katyusha and her bloodline. And it's not because they fought. It's because One-Eyed didn't want to let go of her brother,"

"I saw them at the motel with Arthur. She wore her mask and made him escape. She made me thought I had her trapped..."

"Her and her brother are inseparable. I heard that her brother was the one who made her that way. He was a doctor,"

"Katyusha didn't like that?"

"She despised the human race. But she wanted to let him join too. If he could make a little girl powerful, imagine what he can do to the clan,"

"Do you have a way to find her?"

"They left not so long ago and since you said you saw them here, I'm guessing they will stay here until they fix their mistake,"


"They left the Kol Klan because they made a mistake. Katyusha wasn't happy with that,"

"What was their mistake?"

"They let the other experiment escape..."

He trailed off and then there was a quiet. I think he realized that he was being too open.

"Kill me," he interrupted the silence.

"What?" We said almost in sync. It caught us in surprise.

"I let myself get caught and betrayed my clan. I have nothing left..."

None of us dared to speak or move. He was so young to be saying things like this.

He shoved away the food and looked down, "When I die, put my kagune to good use, OK?"

Yao finally sighed and turned off the recording, "I think we got a lot out of him for today,"

We both nodded and turned to leave.

"The One-Eyed's name is unknown but her brother is Vash Zwingli..." He paused and took a deep breath, "The Kol Klan will not die yet. Not when the other two are around. And let me tell you something, you do not want to mess with the young cubs of Katyusha. They will come back even bigger and will stop at nothing for revenge. They scare me..."

When the boy stopped staring at us with his red eyes, we left.

I let out a huge breath and shuddered, "How do you guys do this all the time?"

"Meh, you get used to it after a while,"

"He was just a boy, Mr.Wang,"

"It's our job, Bonnefoy. We shouldn't make a big deal out of it,"

"I just didn't expect it to be like that,"

"At least we have good information now. I really didn't expect so much from him,"

"This is defiantly going to be helpful,"

"Vash Zwingli and the One-Eyed... Quite an odd pair of siblings,"

"I'm going to bring this information to the higher ups. You two are free to go,"

"I'm going home, aiyaa..." Yao stretched and watched Ludwig leave to an office, "Good luck on your date to Arthur if you even make it on time,"

"Mon Dieu! What time is it?!"

"Almost 7, buddy,"

"Arthur is going to be pissed! How did you know I was going to see Arthur though?"

"Who do you think he rants and talks gossip to at work?"

"Of course. I must leave now if I don't want to be killed. Au Revior Mr. Wang!"

"See you later, Bonnefoy," He chuckled and waved as I ran out running.

Arthur is not going to be happy.


Look at me being productive and motivated. I deserve a gold sticker ヽ( ´¬')ノ

A lot of new info and more Confusion as well

I feel so much motivation seeing people were actually excited when I uploaded the last chapter so I am trying to write as much as I can.

I will try to upload a new chapter every Monday like last time I promised (¬_¬)ノ

Let's see if I can keep a streak this time.

Thank you for reading, commenting, and voting! I really appreciate it! (。・ω・。)

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