Wanted | Niam AU

De romancestorygirl

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Verbally abused by his mother for years, 18 year old Niall Horan always believed he would never be loved or w... Mai multe

Prologue: Niall
Chapter 1: Niall
Chapter 2: Liam
Chapter 4: Liam
Chapter 5: Niall
Chapter 6: Liam
Chapter 7: Niall
Chapter 8: Liam
Chapter 9: Niall
Chapter 10: Liam
Chapter 11: Niall
Chapter 12: Liam
Chapter 13: Niall
Chapter 14: Liam
Chapter 15: Niall
Chapter 16: Liam
Chapter 17: Niall
Chapter 18: Liam
Chapter 19: Niall
Chapter 20: Liam
Chapter 21: Niall
Chapter 22: Liam
Chapter 23: Niall
Chapter 24: Liam
Chapter 25: Niall
Chapter 26: Liam
Chapter 27: Niall
Chapter 28: Liam
Chapter 29: Niall
Chapter 30: Greg
Chapter 31: Louis
Chapter 32: Liam
Chapter 33: Niall
Chapter 34: Liam
Chapter 35: Niall
Chapter 36: Liam
Chapter 37: Niall
Chapter 38: Liam
Chapter 39: Niall
Chapter 40: Liam
Chapter 41: Niall
Chapter 42: Liam
Chapter 43: Niall
Chapter 44: Greg
Chapter 45: Louis
Chapter 46: Liam
Chapter 47: Niall
Chapter 48: Liam
Chapter 49: Niall
Chapter 50: Liam
Chapter 51: Greg
Chapter 52: Niall
Chapter 53: Liam
Chapter 54: Liam
Chapter 55: Niall
Chapter 56: Liam
Chapter 57: Niall
Chapter 58: Liam
Chapter 59: Niall
Chapter 60: Niall
Chapter 61: Niall
Chapter 62: Liam
Chapter 63: Greg
Chapter 64: Louis
Epilogue: Niall

Chapter 3: Niall

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De romancestorygirl

Two and a Half Hours Later

I was getting tired of waiting for the doctor to come back into my room with my pain medicine prescription. By the time I finished telling Greg and Liam what happened, I just wanted someone to shoot me. They both looked like they were ready to leave and go kick Harry's ass. A small part of me wanted them to. My hand hurt so bad I just wanted to cry. Thank God it was not broken. The urgent care doctor said it was a Grade 2 sprain. No torn ligaments but I needed to do something called R.I.C.E. Louis of course wrote down what RICE stood for. I couldn't think let alone try to remember some acronym.

Liam had been leaning up against the wall just opposite of me the whole time. I tried to keep my eyes either on Greg, Louis, the doctor or the floor. Every time I looked up at him he smiled, and I felt butterflies in my stomach. I would smile back politely and then look away.

No one has ever had this kind of effect on me before, not even Harry. It always bothered me that I never got those butterfly moments with Harry that all my friends talked about. I knew deep down inside Harry and I were never meant to be. I mean, I'm not even feeling upset anymore about what happened.

Of course it could be the incredibly hot guy standing across the room who was burning holes into me with his eyes. His beautiful chocolate brown eyes that just melted my heart and for the first time in my life, made my body tighten with anticipation...down there.

Oh holy hell...what is going on with me?

I shook my head to clear my thoughts again. I could not let this guy get under my skin no matter how freaking hot he was. I looked up at him again and this time I felt the heat rise up and flush my face. Liam let out a small laugh that made his whole body tighten. I licked my lips as I watched his body respond to his laughter. My god this guy had a nice body. All I wanted to do was inspect every square inch of it.

Wait...That fucking bastard just laughed at me! This is why I'm never going to have anything to do with men again. I will die a virgin and be proud of it.

"Sooo, what are the plans for Saturday night?" Louis asked while looking at Greg I'm sure the same way I had been looking at Liam.

"I know what my plans are, not sure about yours, squirt," Greg responded back to Louis.

"Oh. My. God! Can you please not call me that! I'm eighteen years old and not a child, you asshole," Louis hissed.

"Well you sure as hell act like a child squirt," Greg stated matter-of-factly.

"I thought we were having a party at the house to celebrate Niall's graduation," Liam said as he looked back and forth between Louis and Greg. He seemed just as confused about what was going on between them as I was. I would swear they were in a staring contest with the way they were looking at each other.

"Wait...wait just one damn minute. You're having a party...at your house? For us? Oh. My. God...this is awesome!" Louis jumped up and nearly knocked over the sharps container that was to his right.

"Um, no squirt, I'm having a party at my house for Niall. Not you." Greg said as he turned to look up at me. I smiled my biggest I-love-the-shit-out-of-you smile as I looked at him.

"Are you for real? I mean I finally get to meet all of your friends and go to a college party!" I was about to act like a total fool myself and jump up and down. If Liam had not been in the room, I so would've done it.

"You bet I am, Ni. You only graduate from high school once. It's one of my presents to you!" Greg said as he got up to come and hug me.

I was so excited I could hardly contain myself. When I looked over Greg's shoulder there was that drop-my-pants smile again. This time I didn't mind it so much. I smiled back at him just as big as he was smiling at me. I have to admit I think I was more excited knowing I was going to be at a party where I knew for a fact Liam would be. I had been to their house before, but Greg always made sure Liam was never home.

They lived in a two-bedroom house that belonged to Liam's grandfather. He bought the house when Liam moved to Austin to attend UT. Greg and Liam hit it off within days of meeting each other and Liam asked him if he wanted to bunk with him at his house. That was a no-brainer. Greg would do anything to get out of our house with our drunken mother. I spent most of my days at Louis's house anyway. Mansion, I should say. His dad was a big-shot lawyer but you would never know they had money by the way Louis acted. That was one of the things I just loved about him.

"Am I at least invited to my best friend's graduation party, dickwad?" Louis asked with so much sarcasm it was dripping off of him.

"If he wants you there, squirt, that's fine by me," Greg said as he rubbed the top of Louis's head like he was five years old.

"Fucker!" Louis said as he pushed his hand away. Greg and Liam both laughed.

Oh. My. God. That laugh of his. Like his smile, or his touch, or his massive chest was not enough to be my undoing. His laugh about dropped me to the ground. A feeling ran through my whole body every time I heard this guy laugh. What the hell?

The doctor came back in right at the exact moment I thought I was going to combust from the look Liam was giving me. He gave me my prescription, another round of how to take care of my hand and out the door we went. Thank God. Between Louis and Greg going back and forth with each other and Liam standing across from me sending me looks that about had me wanting to rip his clothes off...I was more than ready to get the hell out of dodge.

"Hey dickwad, can you swing back by the school so I can pick up my Jeep?" Louis shouted over Maroon 5 blasting out of the stereo.

"Niall and I both have our last shift tonight." Louis and I both worked part-time at Flipnotics. It was a little coffee shop near downtown Austin.

"Oh, fuck no is Niall going to work tonight? He has to rest his hand and he is on pain meds. Are you fucking insane, Louis? Thinking Niall is going to work tonight," Greg shouted back to Louis.

"Yeah, that is not a good idea -- going in to work tonight, Niall. You need to keep your hand and wrist elevated to keep the swelling down," Liam said to me as he turned around and looked at me.

Wow, he really looked like he was worried about me. My heart started to beat faster and I felt the blush creep up into my face.

No! Wait...I needed to stop this right now. I could not let Liam Payne get into my heart. No. It was closed for business. Shut down, never to be opened up to any hurt again.

You will never be wanted by anyone...Would I ever be able to get my mother's voice out of my head?

Louis sat there and looked stunned. He just kept looking between Greg and Liam and finally just laughed.

"What? Are you both his freaking father? No, I think not. Niall can do whatever he damn well pleases and you two asswipes have no say in it whatsoever. If he wants to go to work or not go to work that is his decision to make. I can't believe you two...my god," Louis said in a harsh tone, directed more at Greg than Liam.

Liam gave me a small smile and turned back around and looked out the side window. For a brief second I was pissed at Louis for hurting his feelings. He was only worried about me. Just the thought of it had me thinking things I should not have been thinking about Liam.

Holy shit...I started to blush just thinking about what his touch would feel like. Greg brought me out of my wayward thoughts.

"You know what, squirt, you're right. I'm not his father, but I am his brother. Ni, I don't think it is a good idea. Plus you are taking pain meds and you really cannot use your hand."

Maybe Greg was right. It had been such a long day and I was so tired. My hand was killing me and all I really wanted to do was curl up somewhere and go to sleep and forget this whole day even happened. Well, maybe not the whole day. If Harry had not cheated on me, I wouldn't have been graced with the presence of Liam all afternoon.

Liam...even when I think about him my stomach takes a dive. Does that really even happen to people? According to my mother, all men are evil bastards. Greg isn't an evil bastard. He would never purposely hurt anyone. Although he does seem to be doing a good job at getting Louis all fired up today. They are currently going back and forth about what is better for me again. If I didn't know any better...

Oh my god! Oh. My. God. Greg likes Louis! Holy fuck, how did I not see this? The way he keeps looking at him and talking to him. The time he beat up Luke Hemmings. Once Louis started high school and really started looking more like a guy than his little brother's...squirt friend. OMG! Greg pretty much dumped us both and no longer hung out with us right after that.

How could I forget he used to call him squirt? Wow...this was something I would have to think on later. Right now trying to deal with my hand and these crazy intense feelings for Liam was enough to handle.

"Oh my god will you two please shut the hell up!"

Louis and Greg immediately stopped talking and Louis looked over and took my good hand.

"Louis, I hate to admit this, but I really am so tired and my hand is killing me. Maybe I should rest a bit. Today has been such a long day and I'm ready for it to just be over," I said as I looked up to Greg, who turned around quickly to give me a smile.

"You're right sweets, I'm sorry. I will let them know what happened and why you can't come in. Tonight was our last day anyway," Louis said as he leaned over to give me a hug.

"Thanks Lou, you're the best!" I noticed Greg's body tense up right at that moment. He must have thought of something.

"Ni, maybe you should plan on staying the night at my place. If mom is home she's going to ask you a million questions, and I'm not sure if you want to talk to her about that douchebag Harry. You always keep a bag of clothes and stuff in Louis's Jeep right?" Greg asked as he pulled into the high school parking lot.

"Oh, um, yeah I didn't even think about mom or anything. Last thing I need is to hear her saying I told you so," I practically whispered as I thought about my mother and how I'll never hear the end of it when she finds out about Harry.

Greg wants me to stay at his house...Liam's house...

Oh holy hell...this is going to be bad. Please, please, pleeeease say that Liam is going out all night or has some big thing he has to leave town for. Please don't let him say he is going to be there. I mean Greg has never even let me meet any of his college friends, even his best friend, and now he is wanting me to spend the night in the same house with the guy who practically just has to look at me and I'm ready to jump him.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

"I mean, if that's okay with you, Liam? Niall can take my room and I'll sleep on the sofa," Greg said as he jumped out of his truck to help get my things.

"Of course, it's cool with me! Niall can stay over any time he likes. Our place is his place as far as I'm concerned," Liam said as he turned back and looked over at me, winked and then gave me that freaking-ass boxer-melting smile.

Bastard! He knew what he was doing. He can't fool me any. He knows he has an effect on me, and I'm probably nothing more than a game to him. Hmph. I'll show him!

Giving him back a very seductive smile, well at least very seductive for me anyway, I purred back in a very loving brotherly way.

"Ahhh, Liam how very sweet of you. Now I feel like I have two big brothers looking out for me. You are such a good friend." His smiled faded quicker than a Texas sunset.

Hah! Take that you bastard. I'm sure that just threw about a gallon of cold water on his libido. Huh...made me feel pretty damn good too! I had to smile at my small victory and do a little mind fist pumping.

Greg had opened my door and was waiting for me to get out of the truck. He looked between Liam and me and frowned slightly as he helped me out.

Louis came up behind me and whispered in my ear, "I am SO looking forward to those white nikes." I quickly turned to look at him and gave him the angriest look I could manage.

"Never going to happen Louis....ever!" I hissed through my teeth at him. Louis just threw his head back, laughed and handed Greg my overnight bag I kept in his Jeep.

"Whatever you say, sweets."

"When you two are done talking in riddles can we get going? Liam has someplace he needs to be," Greg said as he walked over to his truck and threw my bag in the backseat. Liam gave Greg a strange look.

"Have fun, Ni! I'll give you a call later tonight to see how your night went!" Louis said with a laugh as he got into his Jeep, ready to head off to work. He had the top off of his Jeep and he was running his hand through his hair. He truly was beautiful. Hard to believe he didn't have a boyfriend. I looked over at Greg, who was staring at him before he seemed to get his wits about him and started to walk over to the driver's side of his truck. Louis honked his horn, and all I saw was his pink spare tire cover as he drove off.

I stood there and watched my bitch of a best friend drive off and leave me to fend for myself. Pesh, I will remember this. I turned and headed to climb into the back seat and Liam took my arm. My breath instantly caught, and if I didn't know better I would have thought he had the same reaction.

"Why don't you sit upfront with your brother, Niall. I'll sit back here."

Boy, did he stress 'brother'! Oops, wonder if I made him mad. The thought of making him mad or upset seemed to unsettle me. My stomach started to feel sick. What the fuck? Maybe it was just my hand hurting.

"Oh, okay, um thanks. I mean, I'm sorry if I kept you from something you had to do this afternoon. Thank you for all your help by the way. I really do appreciate it." Good lord, I somehow managed to get that all out without sounding like an idiot.

"It was no problem at all, Niall. Besides the fact you have a hurt hand, I've rather enjoyed my afternoon," Liam said with the sweetest smile. Okay, this guy really knew how to confuse me already.

I looked down to where he still had his hand on my arm. He quickly dropped his hand and opened the truck door for me. I turned to smile at him right as he was shutting my door. Once Liam was in, Greg fired up his truck and started to head to their place. He reached over and messed around, looking for a song and then "Truck Yeah" started up again.

"Nooo!" Liam and I shouted at the same time. Greg just threw his head back and laughed. He looked over at me and gave me a wink and pulled out onto the main road.

I am so going to delete that song from his iPod the first chance I get!

My heart was pounding and I felt like I was fighting for every breath. What was wrong with me? I had been to Greg's place plenty of times. It was a cute house and I loved going there. The house was a two-bedroom house with a huge backyard in Hyde Park. It was a white house with blue trim. The front porch had a porch swing on it and I always thought how nice it would be to just sit on that swing and read a book. I'm sure Liam's grandfather paid a small fortune for it, but Greg said it was a good investment.

Liam has never once asked for rent from Greg. They just split the rest of the bills. The only problem with this place was it was for sure a bachelor's pad. The few times I had been there I noticed all the football and architectural stuff everywhere. I'm still amazed that both Liam and Greg had decided to major in the same field. It's no wonder they became best friends. They both loved football and architecture and FOOTBALL.

We turned down Avenue F and my heart started to pound so loud and fast I was sure Greg and Liam could hear it. Greg pulled up and parked next to what I'm guessing was Liam's truck. It was an older model F-250 beige truck. What was it with Texas boys and their trucks?

"Is that your truck, Liam?" I was regretting it the minute it came out of my mouth. I mean, come on, Niall, who else's truck would it be?

"Yep! That's my girl! My Gramps gave her to me when I got accepted into UT. She's a 1998 F-250 that was used on the ranch, but she has never failed me yet," Liam said, jumping out of the truck and opening my door for me.

Hmm, manners, good looking and a rocking body. Yeah, this guy is too good to be true. I would do good to keep telling myself that.

"You refer to your truck as a girl?" I looked over at the truck and back at Liam. Oh mistake...there was that damn smile again. Wait? When did it go crooked? Maybe it was just the way he was smiling right now. I don't think I would have missed that...would I? My head was spinning and my hand was throbbing. Good lord I'm so fucked with this guy.

Liam let out another one of those laughs that made me go all Jell-O on the inside. Shit! I should have just taken my chances with my mother.

"Yes Niall, I refer to her as my girl. This way I know the only way my heart will ever get broken is if she breaks down on the side of the road and leaves me stranded," he said as he gave me a wink.

Holy hell this guy was killing me, what a flirt! Okay...I can play this game! I dug down deep and pulled out my sexiest voice.

"Well...I'm sure your heart is safe then...aren't Fords pretty reliable? I mean, I would hate to think of your heart being broken. It would just make me all sad," I said as I looked up at him through my eyelashes. His crooked smile got even bigger, and for a moment he looked like he wanted to kiss me.

My heart started to pound even harder...holy fuck...was eighteen too young to be having a heart attack? I mean what the hell else was this?

"Liam!" Greg called out and snapped me out of my moment of weakness and I spun around to look at my brother, who was holding my overnight bag and giving both of us a curious look.

"Dude, can I talk to you for a minute?"

Oh. My. God...what was I doing? I just flirted with my brother's best friend, in front of my brother and now he was going to chew his ass out. Or worse...beat the shit out of him.

Oh great! There goes my party Saturday night. Fuck me.

"Hey Ni, you mind heading in and I'll bring your bag to my bedroom?" Greg asked as I slowly started to walk towards him.

"Umm, yeah sure, no problem but, um, is everything okay?"

"Of course it is, I just need to ask Liam to do me a favor," Greg said as he pushed me up the stairs of the front porch. I turned back around and watched as Liam ran his hands through his beautiful messy hair while he walked up to Greg. Oh how I would love to run my hands through his hair. He took one look up at me and smiled. I felt my lower lip going numb and realized I was biting the shit out of it.

I turned back towards the door and opened it. As soon as I walked in I had to smile. It smelled just like Greg in here. And it smelled just like...Liam...oh yeah...

I was fucked for sure.

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