Nothing Is Forever [COMPLETE]

By KillyBearHugs

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Fanfiction/Romance When a young singer's relationship and career falls apart, she vows to never fall In love... More

Character Profiles
Chapter 1: Dark Times
Chapter 2: Issues
Chapter 3: Truth Revealed
Chapter 4: First Impressions [ R & J ]
Chapter 5: First Impressions [ S & C ]
Chapter 6: Alone
Chapter 7: Colifer...?
Chapter 8: The Media Lies
Chapter 9: Guess Who's Back?
Chapter 10: Bonding
Chapter 12: Stay
Chapter 13: Rum and Relaxation
Chapter 14: Liar Liar
Chapter 15: Wrong Place Wrong Time
Chapter 16: Trust Is Key
Chapter 17: Life Goes On
Chapter 18: Christmas Is Nigh
Chapter 19: Family Reunion
Chapter 20: Dinner
Chapter 21: Jingle Bells & Good Bananas
Chapter 22: Bed of Lies
Chapter 23: The Drinking Games
Chapter 24: Banana Cocoroco Blunder
Chapter 25: Help Me Ryan
Chapter 26: Jealousy
Chapter 27: Tell All
Chapter 28: The FWB
Chapter 29: Not My Lover
Chapter 30: Brothers
Chapter 31: Closest Friends
Chapter 32: Parental Advisory
Chapter 33: AWKWARD
Chapter 34: New Year, New Plot Twists
Chapter 35: Falling in Reverse
Chapter 36: Comatose
Chapter 37: Giving Up On You
Chapter 38: Baby Daddy
Chapter 39: Since You've Been Gone
Chapter 40: Speak Of The Devil
Chapter 41: The Teacher
Chapter 42: Really Ryan?
Chapter 43: Getting Heated
Chapter 44: The Exam
Chapter 45: Thrill Seeker
Chapter 47: Good Things End
Chapter 48: Secret Lovers
Chapter 49: The Rebound
Chapter 50: Go Back to Her
Chapter 51: Suspicion
Chapter 52: Transfer
Chapter 53: He's Into You
Chapter 54: Tiffany's
Chatpter 55: The Kids
Chapter 56: Plotting and Scheming
Chapter 57: Valentine Heartbreak
Chapter 58: Brother V. Brother
Chapter 59: Running Out of Time
Chapter 60: Mrs. King
Chapter 61: Speak Your Mind
Chapter 62: Why take my word for It?
Chapter 63: Shield Your Eyes
Chapter 64: Good Woman
Chapter 65: Say Your Goodbyes
Chapter 66: No Colin Here
Chapter 67: Feelings Gone But Not Forgotten
Chapter 68: I Have No Regrets
Chapter 69: Déjà Vu
Chapter 70: Ryan - The Big EmbarrASSment
Chapter 71: Confession
Chapter 72: Come Again
Chapter 73: Hurting
Chapter 74: Talk To Me
Chapter 75: Cooling Down
Chapter 76: Alcohol & Tony Acker
Chapter 77: On Set Session
Chapter 78: Someone New
Chapter 79: Admit It
Chapter 80: Denial
Chapter 81: Everyone Seeks Approval
Chapter 82: Memories Last Forever
Chapter 83: Let's Talk
Chapter 84: Forever Yours
Chapter 85: We're Not Ok
Chapter 86: Leaving
Chapter 87: Tears of Love
Chapter 88: Crashing Waves
Chapter 89: Sinking Ships
Chapter 90: Mending Old Memories
Chapter 91: Callie Is Wonderful
Chapter 92: Wrong Side Of The Table
Chapter 93: Poisoned Love
Chapter 94: True Love Prevails
Chapter 95: Saint Patrick's Day
Chapter 96: The Wrong Feeling
Chapter 97: Do You Want Me?
Chapter 98: Reliving Past Mistakes, Building A Brighter Future
Chapter 99: Settling Down
In The End: Nothing Is Forever

Chapter 46: Go Away

135 12 35
By KillyBearHugs

POV: Savannah

The last bell of the day rang, and I was so thankful to get out of there. Even my other teachers were talking about Ryan... I was honestly tired of hearing his name. Reece refused to talk to me and wasn't answering my texts. I tried to stay positive and be glad that I was going home where I wouldn't have to worry about him anymore...

I walked out to the parking lot and got in my car, taking a moment to text Reece one last time before he could get to far from campus. All of a sudden, I was startled by a figure standing at my window. I reached over to clicked the button that roll it down.

"Jesus Ryan! What do you want?"

"You, but that's besides the point..."

"You're right," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Anyway... I just wanted to say I'm sorry, and I deserved to be punched—"

"You deserve to be punched a lot..."

"I know, but in my defense—"

"Dont you ever get tired of making up lies?"

"Yeah, but this isn't a lie..." he insisted, "I was high earlier—"

Oh boy... another lie...

"That's funny, but you've proved to me that you've been clean so—"

"I was clean..."

I looked into his eyes and I could tell he wasn't joking. There was something about the solemn look on his face that didn't seem like a he was telling a lie.

"If you are telling the truth... I'm sorry to hear"

"You definitely shouldn't be. I'm a messed up guy, and I'm sorry you still deal with me, but I'm thankful you're still around..."

He put his arm in the open window and rested his head down. He was really starting to worry me. His actions were even more careless than usual...

"Do you need help Ryan?"

"Yeah... I need help with a lot of things..."

"When did you start using again?"

"Within an hour of seeing my wife... it was awful Savannah... I need my kids back—"

"Why was it so awful?"

"It's a long story..."

I smiled weakly and gently ran my fingers through his hair.

"I'm here for yo—"

"Don't be..."


"Promise me you won't speak to me or acknowledge my existence until I get better... From here on out I'm just your teacher. Nothing more, nothing less"

He looked up to me with sympathetic, pleading eyes.

"But Ryan if you need help—"

"PROMISE ME," he demanded, "I can't keep hurting people I love..."

He basically just told me he loved me, but he didn't want to see me... I didn't know how to respond...

"Okay," I sighed, "if that's what you want..."

He smiled, "Ive always wanted to be a better man Savannah. I just needed a reason for it... I'll see you Monday"

I gave him a confused look as he waved and turned around to walk back to his car. I waited for him to back out first, and I followed behind.

When I made it to my house, I saw Reece's car sitting in the driveway.

This can't be good...

I parked my car next to his, and got out to go inside. When I opened the door and walked inside, Reece and Colin were waiting for me on the couch.

"Hey Reece," I said suspiciously, "what are you doing here?"

"We all need to talk..."

"Listen, If this is about earlier—"

"NO, YOU LISTEN," Reece spat, "I told Colin about everything that's been happening at school"

"There's nothing to tell..."

"I also told him about you and Ryan—"

"NOTHING happened that I was in control of! He forced himself on me... I was pushing him away!"

"I don't care... my work here is done... you need to talk to your boyfriend"

Colin got up and hugged me, causing Reece's face to grow darker... We were both shocked by the immediate hug.

"I trust you Savannah..."

"Thank you. Not that there's anything I did wrong..."

He let go of me and rested his hands on my waist.

"How could you—"

"BECAUSE I TRUST HER," Colin said, raising his voice at Reece, "but that doesn't mean I trust my brother with her..."

Reece and I exchanged confudled looks and focused our gazes back on Colin as he grabbed my hands.

"I told you I would always love you, and I wasn't lying—"

"That's such a relief because—"

"Savannah, please let me finish... this may be one of the most important decisions I ever make in my life and I don't want to second guess myself when I say this"

He gazed longingly at me and a terrible feeling grew in the pit of my stomach as water began building in his eyes.

"Ok Colin, let's not do anything you might regret —"

"I still love you..." Colin explained, cutting Reece off, "but I think maybe you have a thing for my brother, and I don't know if I can keep competing with him like this..."

My heart dropped... I pushed him away from me and stepped back.

"Maybe you and I were never meant to be—"


Reece tried to stop him, but he had already said everything he needed to say.

"Are you happy now Reece?" I asked, speaking through the pain you could hear in my voice.

"I didn't mean for this to—"

"It isn't your fault Reece... This has been a long time coming—"

"A long time coming? How long have you been unhappy!?" I asked, feeling betrayed.

"That's not what I meant... I always knew Ryan would come back sometime, I just didn't expect it to be so soon..."

I put my hand over my face and began crying uncontrollably.

"So what Colin? You always expected to break up with me? You sure didn't have a problem with anything this morning—"

"Hey, let's not fight about this Savannah," he insisted, going in for a hug.

I walked away from him and sat alone on the couch...

"I want both of you to get out," I demanded, keeping my tears contained for the moment.


"Hold on a second—"

"Colin, until you find another place to live, you can stay here, but for now I'd like it if you left," I wiped my face and continued, "as for you Reece, I don't ever want to see you again..."

"Savannah, you're upset—"

"Exactly... you ruined everything"

"I was just trying to protect you," Reece insisted.

"Thanks for trying," I said, forcing a smile, "I hope you and Jennifer have a good life together..."

"You're not serious—"

"We're not friends... I want you out reece"

He turned around and headed for the door. It hurt me to see him cry, but I managed to stand my ground as I stood and headed upstairs, not thinking twice about any of my decisions that day.

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