Nothing Is Forever [COMPLETE]

By KillyBearHugs

19.8K 1.3K 3.6K

Fanfiction/Romance When a young singer's relationship and career falls apart, she vows to never fall In love... More

Character Profiles
Chapter 1: Dark Times
Chapter 2: Issues
Chapter 3: Truth Revealed
Chapter 4: First Impressions [ R & J ]
Chapter 5: First Impressions [ S & C ]
Chapter 6: Alone
Chapter 7: Colifer...?
Chapter 8: The Media Lies
Chapter 9: Guess Who's Back?
Chapter 10: Bonding
Chapter 12: Stay
Chapter 13: Rum and Relaxation
Chapter 14: Liar Liar
Chapter 15: Wrong Place Wrong Time
Chapter 16: Trust Is Key
Chapter 17: Life Goes On
Chapter 18: Christmas Is Nigh
Chapter 19: Family Reunion
Chapter 20: Dinner
Chapter 21: Jingle Bells & Good Bananas
Chapter 22: Bed of Lies
Chapter 23: The Drinking Games
Chapter 24: Banana Cocoroco Blunder
Chapter 25: Help Me Ryan
Chapter 26: Jealousy
Chapter 27: Tell All
Chapter 28: The FWB
Chapter 29: Not My Lover
Chapter 30: Brothers
Chapter 31: Closest Friends
Chapter 32: Parental Advisory
Chapter 33: AWKWARD
Chapter 34: New Year, New Plot Twists
Chapter 35: Falling in Reverse
Chapter 36: Comatose
Chapter 37: Giving Up On You
Chapter 38: Baby Daddy
Chapter 39: Since You've Been Gone
Chapter 40: Speak Of The Devil
Chapter 41: The Teacher
Chapter 42: Really Ryan?
Chapter 44: The Exam
Chapter 45: Thrill Seeker
Chapter 46: Go Away
Chapter 47: Good Things End
Chapter 48: Secret Lovers
Chapter 49: The Rebound
Chapter 50: Go Back to Her
Chapter 51: Suspicion
Chapter 52: Transfer
Chapter 53: He's Into You
Chapter 54: Tiffany's
Chatpter 55: The Kids
Chapter 56: Plotting and Scheming
Chapter 57: Valentine Heartbreak
Chapter 58: Brother V. Brother
Chapter 59: Running Out of Time
Chapter 60: Mrs. King
Chapter 61: Speak Your Mind
Chapter 62: Why take my word for It?
Chapter 63: Shield Your Eyes
Chapter 64: Good Woman
Chapter 65: Say Your Goodbyes
Chapter 66: No Colin Here
Chapter 67: Feelings Gone But Not Forgotten
Chapter 68: I Have No Regrets
Chapter 69: Déjà Vu
Chapter 70: Ryan - The Big EmbarrASSment
Chapter 71: Confession
Chapter 72: Come Again
Chapter 73: Hurting
Chapter 74: Talk To Me
Chapter 75: Cooling Down
Chapter 76: Alcohol & Tony Acker
Chapter 77: On Set Session
Chapter 78: Someone New
Chapter 79: Admit It
Chapter 80: Denial
Chapter 81: Everyone Seeks Approval
Chapter 82: Memories Last Forever
Chapter 83: Let's Talk
Chapter 84: Forever Yours
Chapter 85: We're Not Ok
Chapter 86: Leaving
Chapter 87: Tears of Love
Chapter 88: Crashing Waves
Chapter 89: Sinking Ships
Chapter 90: Mending Old Memories
Chapter 91: Callie Is Wonderful
Chapter 92: Wrong Side Of The Table
Chapter 93: Poisoned Love
Chapter 94: True Love Prevails
Chapter 95: Saint Patrick's Day
Chapter 96: The Wrong Feeling
Chapter 97: Do You Want Me?
Chapter 98: Reliving Past Mistakes, Building A Brighter Future
Chapter 99: Settling Down
In The End: Nothing Is Forever

Chapter 43: Getting Heated

149 13 46
By KillyBearHugs

POV: Savannah

The bell rang again, dismissing us from class, and the day went on. The whole time I couldn't focus because I had one thing on my mind, Ryan. The more I thought about him being my teacher, the less I felt like doing any school related activity.

The end of the day finally came around, and I decided that I needed to stop by Ryan's room and get everything off my chest. I stormed down the hallways and into his classroom where he was packing his bag to leave for the day.

"Oh hey Savannah, how's—"

"You think you can just come into my school and make a fool out of me Ryan? Well you can't... you can't just pretend to be someone else by putting on a suit every morning and—"

He slammed his bag on the table, "Contrary to what you may believe, I am a teacher here and you are the student... I don't answer to my students will," he said, raising his voice at me, "Now you sit down, let me do my job, and have a conversation with me like an adult, or you can get out..."

We both looked over and saw Hannah standing in the doorway.

"Is this a bad time?"

"Nope, it's perfect. Savannah and I are done here—"

"Whatever Ryan, your job doesn't involve hitting on students, just remember that..."

Hatred filled his eyes as I walked out of the room.

"I can't believe I actually liked you! If you're gonna be two faced, at least make one of them pretty!" He shouted down the hall.

I was already well out of screaming range to say anything back to him, and I wasn't trying to get expelled because of his petty remarks. I walked out to the parking lot and got in the car with Reece.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, don't talk to me. I just wanna go home..."

Reece decided not to say anything, and began to back out of the parking lot.

When he dropped me off at home, Colin was already there waiting for me.

"Hey, how was your day?"

"Terrible, awful, the worst—"

"What? Why?"

"I don't wanna talk about it. I just wanna go to bed," I said, walking upstairs.

I entered my room, flopped down on the bed, looked at the clock, and fell asleep.

* * *

I was woken up in the middle of the night by the rustling of Colin climbing into bed next to me.

"Ughhh," I groaned, "we have separate rooms for a reason..."

"I know, but we didn't spend any time together today," he said, lying next to me and gently placing his hand on my arm, "now what's wrong?"

I looked over at the clock and saw that it was almost nine o'clock.

"Colin... what's the worst thing you can possibly think of for our relationship? Who's the one person that always causes problems for us?"

"Ryan? What'd he do now? Did he text you?"

I let out a sigh and flipped over to my back, "no..."

"Then what's wrong love?" He said, laying his head on my chest.

"He's back..."

Tension filled the room as we sat in silence.

"What do you mean– why would he—"

"My school transferred him there as a temporary substitute..."

Colin lifted his head and looked into my eyes. He didn't speak, he just stared... It felt like I was looking at a stranger.

He laid back down on his back and looked up to the ceiling with his hands over his face, "goodnight Savannah..."

Goodnight Savannah? Really?

It had been a long time since he said my name like that. Ever since we'd been officially dating, he would use sweet nicknames and kiss me goodnight. Tonight he didn't even do so much as give me a high five...

"Goodnight Colin...."

* * *

I woke up to my alarm clock at 6:30 the next morning and debated whether to get up or not. I didn't want to go to school... especially since Ryan was teaching, but I also didn't want to get expelled for not showing up.

I fought with myself for a while and decided It'd be best if I went... maybe I'd get lucky and we'd have a new substitute, since Ryan practically made a fool of the assistant principal and slammed the door on him.

I carefully got out of bed, making sure not to wake Colin, and grabbed my clothes from the closet. Once I gathered everything, I headed downstairs and hopped in the shower.

I was completely dreading school... more than usual. Normally a hot shower could relieve all of my tension and worries, but not today. The last time Ryan and I spoke, we were on good terms... I couldn't understand why being a teacher changed anything, especially since it was only bringing him closer to Reece.

I was completely thrown off from my thoughts when I felt someone's arms wrap around my neck.

"Don't move," he whispered, hugging me from behind and resting his head on my shoulder, "or else I'll be forced to pin you down and tie your hands behind your back..."

I let out a delicate laugh as he released his grip, and his hands made their way elsewhere.

"Colin," I said impulsively, turning around to face him, "what are you doing?"

"I'm trying to ease your nerves... just relax love"

He gripped my waist and pushed me against the shower wall, causing me to lose my balance.

"Easy there tiger, I'm slipping," I laughed, reaching out to grab the closest item in view.

"I'd love to hear that more often," he smirked, "would going down be such a bad thing?"

I gave him a disappointing look and continued with my shower.

"Colin you have to let me finish... as hot as you are, I'm on a schedule. I have to be at school in less than an hour and—"

"Why are you in such a rush to see Ryan?"

"I'm not, I'm just in a rush to get to my class," I explained, "don't be jealous—"

"I'm not jealous... I know that I could teach you far more advanced things," he said suggestively, raising an eyebrow.

I smiled at him, and opened the door to get out. He followed behind, turning off the shower in the process. I bent down and grabbed a towel from the cabinet below the sink.

"Let me help," he said, pressing his body against mine and taking the towel from my hand.

I watched water droplets roll down his chest as he unfolded the towel and began using it as an excuse to put his hands on me.

I was getting caught up in the moment when I saw the clock and realized I only had fifteen minutes left to put on my clothes and do my hair.

"Colin," I groaned, pushing the towel back against him, "I have to finish getting ready..."

"I think you look great... you should dress like this more often—"

"In nothing?" I smirked


I gave him a kiss and began putting on my clothes. Midway through, I glanced over and saw Colin gawking at me.

"Having fun?" I asked uncomfortably.

"Mmhmm" he moaned, letting out a heavy breath of air.

I studied his hand placement and a smile crept onto my face.

"Okay well, don't break anything over there..." I murmured, making his face flush with embarrassment, "hey, at least you already have a towel!"

Colin stood up and walked over to me, pulling on his briefs, repositioning himself, and tugging his shirt over his head.

"I helped you," he said lustfully, biting his lip and combing his fingers through his wet hair, "wanna return the favor?"

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