Mind Games>>Ricky Horror AU

By bittersweetlovings

11.3K 473 64

I created him a year ago. He was suppose to be just a friend. Just someone I could talk to. Ricky saw my girl... More

Fücking Perfect
Ricky Burrito
Stop messing with my girlfriend
Make me
That was assault, bïtch!
Don't touch me!
I know you don't forget but I will
No one says no to Ricky Horror
He thinks he's a stud
You need a guitar?
Morning, turtle doves!
I know Ricky can't play Vanessa
Please, don't leave me.
I said I'd never let you go
You used my stage name?
Alice with Josh, Andy with Ashley
I'm thirty-one not seventy-five
Kids are jerks
Time to be serious, A/N
You guys are scared of everything
Could your boyfriend be stalking us?
Are you two like...Married?
And I'll kick his äss if he touches you
It was me!
Everything is going to be okay
I really love you...
If only you could, runt
Q/A comments and PMs
It's a blood letter
I am glad you know how to get laid 1940s style
You're Ricky Olson not James Bond
Incubi and Succubi
...Ricky, I'm scared
They're going savage...
Congratulations, it's a brat
He's a lying snake
I'll see you on the better side
Ms, are you alright?
A Final Note/Disclaimer
Author's Note

Thery're the only family I have left!

119 9 2
By bittersweetlovings

[So Josh sadly left Motionless In White, but he will still be in the story and part of the band in the fanfiction don't worry. i was a little sad that he left, but if he finds what he wants to do and what he thinks is best for him i support him fully. he'll always be the guy i tripped and the guy that had some pretty good runs on the keyboard. may he continue being successful outside of miw🤘]

I feel something inside my chest squeeze and breathing is feeling hard to do. "I think I need to get some air..." No one stops me from walking outside into the night, I take a deep breath in and sit down on the outside couch, crossing my legs and placing my chin on my fist with my elbow resting on my knee. They still aren't telling me the whole story, why would they need me?

I cast my gaze down upon my high-knee neon socks. Ever since I have gotten mixed up in all of this it seems like someone or something is always paving my road for me when it's my job.

I look up across the street once more to see a black shape.

I shift umcomfortably as I begin to have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. It stays still for a minute, but when it starts moving I feel pure panic rack my body. I quickly stand up and go back inside the house, locking the doors and shutting the blinds. "Hey, Chris...There was someone across the street,I think they were walking over to me..." Chris stands up from his seat and walks over towards the front door. "Did you see their face?" I see Ryan tense up before he pops himself up onto his chair, squating and ready to fly from the chair. "No, it was to dark." As soon as Chris places his hand on the door knobs a knock sounds at the door.

The dread returns to me and Chris bites his bottom lip. Ryan crouches a little lower in the seat, and I see Ricky appear from the kitchen with his jaw set. "What is it?" Chris hesitates and looks out the window. "...It's a kid?" All the guys walk over to the door, I try to peek over Chris's shoulder but Ricky places me behind him and puts his arm around me protectivly. I see the door open slowly and the men cast their eyes downwards. "Hey, um...My phone kind of died while I was out on the town and I need my Dad to pick me up. Can I come inside and borrow a phone, get out of the street, you know?" I grip onto Ricky's shirt at the sound of a boy's voice, he sounds about eighteen.

"Why are you out this late in the first place, kid?" Chris's voice questions and I hear shifting from the boy. "That's a long story, can I come in?" That's when I feel all the guys immeditly back up, Ricky knocks me over and the rest of the guys follow my action like dominos. "Why?" I say before looking at the door and gasp, figuring out why they men were spooked. He looks like a normal teenager, like one we'd see at our concerts. Pale skin, black and blonde hair that is long yet curled on the ends. A red flannel and white t-shirt covers his upper body while black jeans and white vans cover the lower. He looks normal, till you look at his eyes. They are so black, no whites at all. As black as a night sky without stars. He is horrifyingly creepy. The boy smiles, showing off wicked sharp fangs. "Sorry, did I scare you? Come on, I really want to go home." Chris quickly is on his feet. "Get lost!" He slams the door on the boy, but he does not leave. I manage to see a glimpse of him staring into the window with his head tilted to the right.

"A demon?" I whisper to Ricky, still gripping his shirt while trembling. "Kind of, he's a Black Eyed Child." All the guys begin to regroup and stand up, Ricky pulls me up. "Explain."

"We don't know exactly what they are...We just know they aren't good kids. The need to be invited inside a house like a vampire and then...Well...Nobody really knows what happens if you let them in. They are pretty new to us, and to humans to it seems." Josh tells me as he continued to stare back at the still awaiting boy. "Does he...Drink blood?" I look at the boy again as well, my heart quickens. "We don't know that either, we just know they are pretty evil."

The boy knocks again, this time a little more harder. "Come on, man! I'll be real quick!"

"Like hell it will!" Josh yells back at him, the boy sighs and leans his head on the door. "Leave him be, Vanessa, he's no good." The men begin to scatter back to their places, I can't believe how calm they are. Nothing scares them.

The boy glances at me and grins. "Hey." Is all he says, I find myself curious and walk over to the door. I touch the glass that kept us apart, he is beautiful. "Vanessa, don't encourage him! He's dangerous!" Chris tries to yank me away from the door, but I protest saying that I can take care of myself. "He's behind the door, he won't hurt me unless we invite him in, right?" Chris grumbles a 'fine' and stalks off back to the couch.


"What's wrong?" His grin grows he wider and his breath fogs the slit of the window up slightly. "Why would there be something wrong?" I ask trying to sound confident to him. "Do I scare you?" I look at the sharp canines in his mouth and the pitch black eyes, he has yet to break eye contact. "No." I glance upstairs where my daughter is sleeping, I hope she isn't affected by him. Josh seems unconcered, but doesn't he always.

"People that lie are not good people."

"What's your name?" I quickly change the subject to prevent from running away and into Ricky's protective arms. "Damon." I giggle a little, his smile turns to a frown.

"What's so funny, Snow White?"

"It's just such a unique name for a demon." I say sarcastically, I feel a tug at my leg and look down to see Gabe hugging it. "Hi, baby, what do you need?" He looks up at the door and trembles. "I-I just wanted to know who you were talking too."

"Vanessa!" Ricky calls to me from the kitchen, I pick up Gabe and he screams at the sight of the "friend" I just made. "It's okay, he can't hurt you when your with me and inside the house."

"I refuse to leave till you let me in this house." Damon says as I begin to walk to the kitchen to Ricky's voice. "Yes?" He hands me a ham sandwhich with a smile and takes Gabe from me. "Quit talking to that weirdo, it only makes them more excited."

"He's a nice kid."

"Pfff, if you say so, just don't go outside to see him." I hear Ricky chuckle as I then leave the kitchen and find myself going back to the door, not only is Damon beautiful, but he is very easy to communicate with. "You torture me?" I raise an eyebrow as I eat my sandwhich. "I haven't eaten in two weeks." Guilt settles into my system, I glance at the sandwhich, he's hungry and probably tired and it gets pretty cold at night especially with just a flannel as a jacket. "I'm sorry...You could just go over to Jack Elliot's house...I hate him, you can eat him and he's stupid enough to let you inside too probably." Damon laughs one of those gentle yet psycotic laughs that could make even a man man get goosebumps.

"I like to have humans who are nicer, but thanks for the tip off. I'll let my siblings know." This small bit of information caused me to tighten my fist. There are more of these things out there. "Siblings?"

"Oh yeah, I have a lot of siblings." His voice put an emphasis on the words 'a lot.'

"I have at least hundred and eighty-nine in this state alone. I can't imagine how many I have oustide the state though, probably hundreds. I guess you can say I get quite a few hand-me-downs from my older brothers." I can tell he's joking, he probably has never met any of his siblings considering most demons haven't either except for full-bloode siblings. "How many are close to this house?" I hear a knock at the back window, Chris groans, I turn back to Damon who is now accompanied by two other boys his age. I jump at the sudden added number. "A lot." Damons says with yet another one of his famous creepy smile.

"I told you to stop talking to that creep, Vanessa!" Chris yells at me, he had opened the window blinds for me to see a few other of Damon's "siblings." A mix of females and males were staring into the window. "Get out of here already!" Chris slams his hand on the window hard enough to make the window to vibrate. "Vanessa," I look at Damon to see he is leaning his head on the glass so I can no longer see the other boys "we are friends, yes? Let us in, it's really cold out here and it's been a while since I've had a young, demon girl in my presence."

I feel a strong hand lead me away from my front door by my free hand, but my eyes stay glued to Damon's eyes. "V, look at me." Ricky whispers before taking my face into his hands to make me look at his blue eyes instead of Damon's pitch black ones. "He can hypnotize you, I don't want you letting him in." I nod, I look at my sandwhich in my hands and then take a quick bite from my sandwhich. Hunger never finds a good time to strike.

I look over Ricky's shoulder to see Chris staring back at the children as the slowy begin to walk away from my house. "Stop it!" I hear Damon's voice from the front door and his fists slam into the door making me jump. "Knock it off, they're the only family I have left! Don't do it! I'll leave! Just stop already!" Damon's voice is sad and pleading, but I notice Chris is still staring down the last child. The child is staring back, she seems much younger, maybe seven and she looks much like Damon.

"No, please!" I felt Damon's begging voice tug at my heart, I stand up from the couch and break the staring contest by shoving Chris away from the window. I look over at Damon, he perks up and I only now notice that black tears run from his eyes. "I-Is she okay?" He wipes the odd tears away with his flannel. The little girl just looks at me, she looks fine as ever. "Not a scratch." It's when I notice I had shoved Chris so hard he had stumbled into the curtains and causing him to fall into the floor. His grumbling is present before he thrashes in the curtains and then stands to his feet after throwing the red curtain on him aside.

"What was that for?" I seem to always manage to worm my way into trouble somehow. "What were you doing?"

"Getting rid of them?" I glance at the litle girl again and them back at Chris. "And how did you plan to do that?"

"He's not the only one who can presuade people and demons into what they don't want to do." I suck in an angry breath and punch his chest with my fist. "Out of all the people in the world, I'd think you would be the one who would understand a need for family and love the most." I cross my arms over my chest as Chris appears confused. "You're kidding, these things don't have feelings they aren't like you and me. They fake feelings so you feel sorry for them like you are now." I puff out my chest, I know I can't intimadate him, but I suppose there is nothing wrong with trying. I bump my chin up to lock eyes with him.

"I'm letting him in." Chris's pupil's widen, he grabs my wrist tightly. "No, you aren't."

"Last I checked, Christopher, you anwser to me." The room grows silent and I can feel the guys' eyes upon us, the tension is heavy before Chris throws my wrist back at my side. "Yes...I guess you're right, excuse my actions." That was quicker than I thought he would give in. Chris sighs and begins to walk upstairs. "Wait!" He looks back at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Can you stay?" I'd be lying if I said I'm not scared of the consequences of inviting Damon in, and the only person who makes me feel more secure than Ricky has to be Chris. "That's the thing with you women, you act like you are so powerful. You think everyone loves you all when really everyone thinks you're all selfish and cruel, then you make us do all your dirty work because in reality, you're weak! You can't protect yourselves! I'm sick of protecting someone who pushes me away whenever they get a chance for someone who won't even love them back!"

"Chris!" Ricky stands up from the couch with a shout up towards Chris. "You're out of line! Do what she tells you." Chris frowns before leaning towards the living room. "No."

Chris then storms upstairs, I hear door slam and I bite my bottom lip, things can't get any worse. "Vanessa?" Damon's voice reenter my ears, I look over sadly at Damon. "You don't have to...I was just...I was just lonely, I don't hurt humans or other demons...I'm just...alone...We all are, I'm sorry I made you all scared and upset..." I didn't know if he is trying to presuade me again, but I am now more guilty for all of us shutting him out. I turn my head to the window, the little girl is gone along with any traces of herself or her companions. I walk over to the door and set my hand on the glass. "I'm sorry everyone shuts you out because of your looks." I set my hand on the cold doorknob. "Vanessa, No! Don't do it! He's manipulating you." Ryan yells at me, I take a breath in and open the door.


People always judge someone just by taking a look at them, a beautiful girl is most likely more popular with people than the scary boy who puts his hoodie up in the back of the class because he's not only tired, but he's alone, depressed, and scared of people who encounter him...

This scary boy is how Damon is.

When he first enters the house he looks about and confirms that the house is much nicer than the bench he has been sleeping under for the past three hundred years. I notice that he is much more dirtier than what I saw outside the colored glass and from on the floor. His white shirt and white shoes has patches of dirt upon it and his jeans are torn in the knees and the side of his right thigh. His face is also slightly dirty and well, he doesn't smell the best either.

His hair also has a few blades of grass that stand out of the blonde and black mass.

All the guys seem rather tense as Damon continues to look around the house. He smiles before looking at me. "It's a lot warmer too." I see Josh look at me with his hands on his hips and one of those looks that asks 'are you stupid?'

"Do you need a shower?" I finally speak up for Josh, who then contorts his face where his nose is scrunched and he leaves the room.

"Yeah, um, that would be really nice." Damon is very shy and obviously an anti-social mess, I show him to the bathroom and turn the shower on. No telling if he even knows how to work a modern bathrub. "I'm not stupid, I've taken a bath before it's just be a month or two, you don't have to treat me like a baby."

I blush before nodding. "Sorry, I'll bring you some of my boyfriend's clothes you both look about the same size, if not I am sure a little bagginess never hurt anyone." I leave Damon to his shower and raid Ricky's closet. Finding a black t-shirt and some black sweatpants for him to sleep in. I then choose his clothes for tomorrow with a Slipknot shirt and black skinny jeans, along with one of my larger dark blue flannels. I knock on the bathroom door, Damon tells me he's still in the shower so I quickly walk in and set the clothes down before power walking out.


"Goodnight." I hear Ricky and Ryan exchange before Ricky appears in front of me. "I'll check on JoJo and the other kids, you just keep tending to the new guest...Is it just me or are kids seem to be appearing a lot more?" I laugh as I watch Ricky head to the end of the hallway to check on our daughter and his niece and nephew. The door behind me opens to reveal Damon now in the comfortable clothes with his black hair dripping wet. "Give me your towl." He does as I tell him to do, I ruffle his hair till his hair is slightly drier.

"There maybe you won't get sick." Damon shakes his head, small water droplets fall onto the floor and onto me. "Easy, Sparky." He runs his finger through his hair to slick it back, the shirt lifts up slightly to show off an edge of his pale hip. "I can sleep on the couch." I shake my head.

"That's not necessary we have one more bed downstairs next to Ryan and Josh's room." I lead him downstairs to the room, opening the door to show him the small bed with a nightstand and small TV. "It's not much, but it's comfortable." Damon walks to the bed and sits down, a huge smile on his face. "It's just fine, this is luxary compared to what I use to sleep on."

"You aren't a bad guy, Damon." I tell him before sitting next to him. "I try not to be, but sometimes it just...Happens. I was so desperate for someone to talk to other than my siblings that I would scare people into liking me, I'd make them let me in, to talk to me...Then, I felt I had to live up to this monster I am like my siblings and..." He looks at the palms of his hands with a frown, they begin to tremble and I see his shoulders shaking as he begins to cry again. "I killed so many innocent people...So many people, all because...I'm a monster and because they were scared of me, but you...You weren't scared of me." I laugh and shake my head at him.

"No, you terrified me honestly."

I touch his back to comfort him, but he buries his head into his knees.

"That wasn't fear for yourself...That was fear for your family and friends, there's a difference." He lifts his head to make eye contact with me, the tears are gone and he seems more confident. "I admire you, Vanessa. You put yourself before others, something that isn't common in this century. Nothing is going to hurt you as long as I am around you."

Damon fell asleep quickly, the poor kid probably hasn't slept properly in a while. And when I shut the door behind me to go to my own room, I knew for a fact:

Damon isn't a bad guy.

[I am sure you guys are probably annoye with the fact I didn't follow the last chapter exactly, but I had an experince at school that inspired the character Damon. Probably my biggest pet peeve is how people judge a person by their apperence and I think we've all been both the victim of this as we are the person doing the action. Damon is based upon a teenage girl that use to go to my school, I switched the gender because I have plans for Damon later on in the story that involve the male gender instead of the female. If you wish to hear more of Damon's background or the girl's history with me simply PM me.

This chapter is for those judged and those hurt by the judgment, I am here for you to lean on. The background of Black Eyed Children will be added to the last information chapter later in the week, also a picture of Damon will be added later along with the chapter's song as well. But if you have Instagram Damon's looks are based off of this guy's:

@ conner_dennis I think is the profile name. Edit: someone just recommended instagram: colby_brock as Damon too, i dunno, they are both good choices. PM me what you guys think.]

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