Once Upon A Surf

By mahomie_naomi

209K 5.3K 340

***COMPLETE*** Meet Lindsey Fisher. She's your normal surfing addict, who adores being out on the waves and c... More

Once Upon A Surf
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter Twenty-Three

4.7K 117 9
By mahomie_naomi

The party could be heard from down the street.

I glanced at my phone anxiously, part of me wishing Donna would call and say she'd changed her mind, that I needed to work the Shack, that I absolutely could not attend Mitch Shepherd's party. Of course, the one time I had wanted her to say no she'd said yes, probably because of the publicity that would be there. Ever since I had won the finals, Donna wanted more and more publicity, sponsorships, the whole deal. And it hadn't helped that Drew had mentioned how great this party would be for that.

I just wanted to surf.

I took a deep breath, walking up the steps to the door. I raised my hand to knock but before I could the door swung open, revealing an incredibly cute boy wearing salmon colored shorts and a tight-fitting light blue dress shirt rolled up at the sleeves.

"Wow, you dress up nice."

Drew's face erupted into a grin and he caught my hand, pulling me through the door. "So the stepmonster really let you out for the night?"

I smiled, the feeling of his hand in mine making my stomach flutter. "Don't act so shocked."

"You look nervous." Drew said as he wrapped one arm around my waist, pulling me close to him.

"You know how much I like parties." I grumbled as we walked inside. I felt suddenly self-conscious in my blue flower-print shorts and white crop-top, a flowy off-white cardigan over top. There was music blaring loudly and I shook my head. "Ugh."

"You'll be fine. Want something to drink?" Drew reached over and snagged a diet Coke off the refreshments table.

"Thanks." I said, popping the can open and taking a sip. "So where's your dad?"

"Probably basking in the light from his glory days," Drew shrugged, gesturing towards the massive crowd of the party. "He's supposed to give a speech later or something. I think he's playing the video footage of a couple of his biggest wins, too."

My eyes widened slightly. "Like, real footage?"

"Yes," The corner of Drew's mouth turned up in a smile. "Are you actually excited?"

I tried to hide the smile on my face. "No."

"You're a horrible liar."

"I'm not lying," I said, taking another drink of my soda. "So what are we supposed to do until then?"

"Oh, I had a few ideas," Drew paused, leaning down to give me a quick peck on the cheek. "But I'm supposed to be socializing. And so are you."

"Excuse me?" I scoffed. "This isn't even my party."

"Don't think I don't know the real reason Donna let you come," Drew said with a pointed glance. "You can get some amazing scholarship opportunities here. My dad knows all the right people."

"In case you've forgotten, your dad isn't exactly fond of me."

"Then let's change that," Drew raised an eyebrow, lacing his hand through mine and pulling me through the crowd. I opened my mouth to protest but before I could say anything we had escaped the crowd and were standing in front of Drew's dad.

His cool blue eyes, so different than Drew's, looked over me with distaste. "Hello, Lindsey."

"Um, hi, Mr. Shepherd."

"Call me Mitch," he smiled, though it didn't reach his eyes. "Thank you for coming this evening."

"Thanks for the invite," I said lamely, before swallowing. "I'm really excited to see your footage later."

"Oh, so Drew told you about that?"

I nodded. "Are you showing the clip of your 360 spin move?"

Mitch's eyes widened slightly. "You know about that move?"

"Yeah," I shrugged. "I actually landed the same trick in the finals a couple weeks ago."

"So you're the girl who everyone's talking about," A bright smile, the first real smile I had seen, broke out on his face. "I had no idea...that was you."

"I told you, Dad," Drew smiled at me, wrapping an arm around my waist. "She's amazing out there."

"I'll make a point to come see you at the championship," Mitch raised his glass to me and I felt my cheeks burn.

"Thank you," I said, flustered. "That—that would be amazing."

"I have to go talk to some sponsors," Mitch said, raising an eyebrow at me. "I'll be sure to mention you."

An excited smile broke out on my face and I nodded. "Thank you so much."

He winked before slipping past me and Drew, back into the crowd. I let out a squeal and wrapped my arms around Drew's neck, hugging him tightly.

"I told you he'd love you."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"It's no problem, Lindsey," Drew laughed, gesturing towards the back porch. "Want to escape for a little while?"

"I'd love that."

I followed him through the screen door, stepping out into the fresh air. A rush of calm spread over me as I leaned against the banister, closing my eyes and breathing in the salty air.

"What are you thinking about?"

I blinked my eyes open, turning to look at Drew. "You."

"Me?" Drew stepped closer to me, a smile dancing on his lips. "Why, I'm honored."

"Want to go down to the beach?" I asked, gesturing towards the sandy banks. Drew nodded, slipping his hand into mine and leading me down to the water's edge. We walked in silence for a moment before he spoke.

"Thank you," his voice came out hoarse and he cleared his throat. "For coming, I mean. Thank you for coming."

I looked at him, shaking my head. "I wouldn't miss it."

"That's a lie," the corner of his mouth turned up in a smile. "You hate parties."

"Yeah, but I love you."

The second the words were out of my mouth Drew froze, his brow creasing, something unrecognizable flashing behind his eyes. I turned, staring at him with concern.


"I love you, too," the intensity in his eyes almost scared me, the way he seemed to look right through me, as though he could see the life behind the surfing girl. "Lindsey Fisher, I love you."

I smiled, and before I knew it Drew pressed his lips to mine. The kiss was soft yet captivating, a mix of salty sea water and root beer. Suddenly the world seemed to disappear, and Drew's hands were on my waist, and my arms were wrapping around his neck, as if we were the only two on the beach.

The kisses became more rushed when suddenly a cold breeze swept over us, carrying with it a call for Drew. Our lips pulled apart, the heat rushing out of me as suddenly as it had come. Our breathing came out in short, desperate gasps, the rest of the world coming into focus, and along with it, another shout of Drew's name.

Drew pressed his lips to mine again, one last attempt at rekindling the moment. I heard the crashing waves in the background, the faint sound of someone calling Drew's name from his house. I could tell Drew heard it too, because I felt him smile into the kiss before breaking away.

We were silent for a moment, staring at each other, trying to catch our breath. Finally, I spoke. "Back to reality."

Drew shook his head, grinning. "C'mon. We'll go see what they want."

We headed back up to the beach house, where Drew was pulled away by a few of his dad's friends. He shot me a worried glance but I waved him off.

"I'll be right over here," I said, smiling. "Don't worry about it."

He seemed discontent but didn't have space to argue as his father came and pulled him away. I headed over to the snack table, grabbing a plate of crackers and cheese and turning before bumping into someone.

"Oh!" I said, my eyes widening in surprise. "I'm sorry—"

My words cut off when I realized who it was I was talking to. My face fell slightly and I lowered my plate, offering a fake smile at Courtney.

"Lindsey," she said, nodding slightly as the boy with her wrapped his arm around her waist. "Fancy seeing you here."

"I was invited," I said simply, turning and smiling at the tall guy next to her. "Hi, I'm Lindsey Fisher."

"Matthew Kent," he said, his voice much lower than I expected. His dark eyes shifted from me to Courtney, who offered me a slight smirk.

"I'm assuming you're here with Drew?"

"Yeah," I said, rubbing my fingers on the paper plate anxiously. "He had to go talk with his dad for a few minutes."

"Hm," Courtney said, obviously looking me over before her gaze reached my eyes again. "You ready for the championship?"

"Yep. You?"

"Better than ever."

"It'll be a good competition," I said, my eyes flickering up towards the crowd as I looked for a way to escape this conversation.

"No more trick moves up your sleeve, Fish," Courtney said, making my eyes snap back to hers. "The judges have seen all you've got."

"You don't know my moves."

Courtney let out a laugh. "Oh trust me, darling, I do. Your 360 is your only good move, and my double kickflip can beat it any day."

Double kickflip?

"Since when did you have that move?"

"Since I realized your plan for the championship was ten points ahead of my plan," Courtney smiled victoriously. "I added a few moves and I've been landing them perfectly."

"Ten points—you know my layout," I said, the realization dawning on me. Courtney's eyes flashed triumphantly.

"Don't worry," she said, patting my shoulder lightly as she moved to walk past me. "Second place is still second best."

I stood still, confused as she moved on with Matthew glued to her side. How did she manage to figure out my layout? How can I beat a double kickflip? I tossed my crackers in the trash before brushing through the crowd, suddenly needing to get away from all of these people. I made it halfway out the door when I felt someone catch my hand. Turning, I was surprised to find Mitch Shepherd.

"Leaving so soon?"

"No," I said with a half-smile. "Just needed some fresh air."

"Ah," he said, releasing my wrist and tucking his hands into his pockets. "Mind if I join?"

Surprise flooded my brain but I shook my head, smiling. "Sure."

We walked out the front door and Mitch shut it behind him, walking with me into the sand. For a moment it was silent before he spoke.

"Drew is inside talking to some sponsors," Mitch said. "He speaks quite highly of you."

I flushed. "He's a good guy."

"He is," Mitch nodded thoughtfully before glancing at me. "Lindsey, I overheard your conversation a moment ago."

I blinked, turning to look at him, but not saying anything. He took it as sign to continue. "I've seen you land that 360, and you do it incredibly well. You deserve that championship, even if your competition is trying to rig the points."

I nodded slightly. "Thank you."

"I'd like to help," he said, glancing down at the sand. "You have a few weeks before the championship, and I think I can transform your 360 into my best move."

"The Superman Aerial?" A high-flying rotating flip into a reverse 360.

Mitch shot me a wide grin. "You know it?"

"Of course I know it," I said, shaking my head emphatically. "But there's no way I could land that move."

"I'd like to help you try," Mitch said. "I haven't seen talent like yours in ages. What's the worst that could happen?"

"I—" I clamped my mouth shut, letting out a sigh. "I need it, don't I?"

"It would secure the win for you," Mitch said, nodding thoughtfully. "But I'm also asking you to do it for me."

"For you?"

"Drew was never into competing," Mitch said. "He's my only son, and I love him. But I miss the drive of competition. Training you would allow me a window back in."

I felt heat rise to my cheeks as I met his eyes, surprised by his words. "Wow. I mean...I would be honored to have you help me."

"That's what I'd hoped you would say," Mitch smiled as we arrived back at the house. "I can meet you every day at 6:00 A.M. precisely."

"That would work for me."

"And in the afternoon, after school," Mitch continued. I shot him a sheepish grin and he laughed. "I didn't tell you this would be easy, Lindsey."

"Of course not," I said with a smile. "But I'm in."

Mitch nodded as the door opened and Drew peeked his head out, shooting a confused glance between me and his father. I smiled at Mitch as he gestured at Drew.

"Go on back in," he said. "I'll be starting film momentarily. You can see your new move in action."

"Okay," I said, hopping up the steps. "Thank you."

Drew caught my arm and closed the door. He turned to face me and before he could speak I reached up and pressed my lips to his, cutting off his words. I pulled back, unable to keep the smile off my face, my eyes sparkling.

"What was that for?"

"A taste of the celebration," I said, taking his hand in mine. "I'm going to win the championship."


I let out a sigh as I walked into my room, half glancing at Jenna. She sat at my desk, doubled over some homework, looking up as I walked in. I walked to my dresser, setting down my things before getting ready to shower.

"How was the party?"


"Meet anyone exciting?"

"Not really."

Jenna was silent for a moment before she turned to face me. "How long are we going to keep doing this?"


"Me trying to talk to you, you giving me stupid one word answers."

My brow creased and I stared at her for a moment before shrugging. Her eyes hardened stubbornly.

"Lindsey, please just talk to me."

"I'm talking right now."

Jenna pursed her lips. "Can we at least try and fix things?"

"Funny," I said, crossing my arms over my chest. "Remember when I asked you the same thing?"

"That's not fair."

I laughed. "Are you joking? It's not 'fair'? What about any of this situation has been fair, Jenna?"

"None of it has!" Jenna rose, her face flushed. "Nothing about this has been fair for either of us!"

"You're right," I said coolly. "Except that you took your anger out on me, and Abbi, and all the people who cared about you. You became friends with Courtney because you knew that would hurt me. You quit talking to us altogether. You threw my dad's death in my face. So please, explain to me again why I should try and fix things."

Jenna blinked, for a moment silent, her face a mixture of emotions. She swallowed before speaking. "You're right. You're right, and I'm sorry."

I nodded. "Okay."

Jenna ran a hand through her hair, obviously exasperated. She turned, grabbing her notebook off the desk and stuffing it in her bag.

"I'll be at the library."

She left the room without looking at me and I let out a deep breath, clenching my jaw and letting out a low curse. I grabbed my phone, texting Drew before heading to the bathroom to shower.

Jenna could wait. I had other things to focus on.

Tomorrow began the road to being a champion.

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