Mutiny Below

By PeterickPhan

19.6K 1.1K 368

So I did this before but I deleted it. This is basically beauty and the beast but peterick. Pete's a monster... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five


716 42 25
By PeterickPhan

I went into the store alone to buy some groceries.  Apparently Joe told everyone the gunshot didn't kill me when they asked because it was easier to explain than a sorceress.  I boredly rolled a cart through the aisles dumping food into it. 

"Patrick!" I heard someone yell.  I looked back at Mark.  I rolled my eyes and kept walking "No wait!" he ran after me.

"Go away" I said.

"Wait Patrick-"

"I don't wanna wait you wanna know why?  Because I trusted you and you stabbed me right in the fucking back as soon as you had the chance.  Pete and I almost died because of you and you don't even care!  All you care about is who the fuck you get to marry, well guess what it's definitely not me! So you can take your scrawny, self absorbed, pig headed ass out of my life and never come back!" He grabbed my wrist as I was talking "Excuse you!" I said.  He grabbed my fingers and stared at the engagement ring on my hand.  His eyes went wide.

"You're marrying him!?" he yelled.  I pulled my hand from his and stormed away with my cart.  I went to the self check out and got everything in bags.  I paid for it all then angrily stormed out of the store.  I roped Pete into buying a car to make my trips to the store easier.  We still mainly walked but at least now we could stop stealing shopping carts.  I placed all the bags in the backseat.  Pete finally got himself a cell phone as well so that was good.  He called as I loaded the last bag in.  I placed it between my shoulder and head so I could close the door.

"Hello beast"

"Hello human.  Are you coming home soon because I'm extremely lonely.  Everyone else went out to dinner without us"

"Thats a bit rude.  I'll be home soon"

"Okay.  I love you"

"I love you too" I hung up and shoved my phone in my pocket. 

"You're seriously marrying him?" Mark asked.

"God you're like a disease that won't go the fuck away" I snapped.  He grabbed my collar.  "What the fuc-" he kissed me but I pushed him back.  I rammed my fist across his face.  Then i took him to the ground kicking him hard. "Don't you ever put your hands near me again!  And how dare you try to kiss me!" I kicked his rib again.  Someone grabbed me from behind pulling me away.  "Hey!" I yelled.  I slammed my foot down on theirs and rammed my elbow into their ribs.  I turned around facing a cop.  "Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't know-"

"Save it Stump" he turned me around and put me in a pair of handcuffs.  Dammit.
I stared at the ceiling of the cell I was in.

"Stump" A deep voice said.  I looked over at a guard.  Pete was standing next to him looking worried.  I stood up and ran to the bars.  The guard unlocked the cage.  "You've been bailed out" Pete crossed his arms as the guard walked away.

"You assaulted a cop!?" he yelled.

"Heres the story okay, so Mark tried to fucking kiss me.  He put his grimy lips on mine and I beat the shit out of him for it.  Then some guys grabbing me from behind so of course my initial reaction is to beat the shit outta him too so I elbowed him and I turned around.  I tried to apologize but he took me in anyway" I said.  Pete sighed.  "Technically I didn't do anything wrong.  It was self defense that cop put his hands on me without consent and he could've just yelled at me to stop but he didn't so he deserved to get elbowed in the ribs and his foot stomped on" I shrugged. 

"Let's just go home" he mumbled.  We walked forward together.  I looked at the cop I elbowed and smirked.

"Next time you try to touch me without warning I'm not holding back" I said.  I started walking away "I hate being touched without permission" I grumbled.
"Patrick beat a cop up" Phil said walking into the room.

"Phil!" I scolded.

"I'm sorry I don't ever tell people your business but this ones pretty funny" he said. Pete sighed and rolled his eyes. He kept rubbing my shoulders like I asked him to.

"This cop touched Patrick" Phil launched into the story. I sighed and tried to drown him out.

"So Mark kissed you" Pete said.  Oh boy. 

"Yes.  And I took his raunchy, scrawny, weak ass to the ground" I said. 

"I know but, just one punch-"

"One punch man" I said.  He raised his eyebrow at me "Continue" I said without explanation.

"Just punching him one time would make me feel a lot better" He said.

"I took him to the ground" I said.

"I know that baby" he smiled and kissed my cheek "But, I'm still part dog which means I'm extremely territorial.  And that means I'm gonna tear his insides out" He stood up.  I went to stop him but I noticed the slowly growing claws on his hands and decided against it.  He left the castle slamming the door shut.  Well, it was Marks problem now.
Pete walked into my room.  He stared at me until I took my bookworm head out of my book. 

"I fucked up" he said.  Blood covered the entire front of his body.  Fuck.

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