Destined || Luke Hemmings

By taylorms4

777K 13.1K 4K

Summer has finally arrived and Taylor can't wait to leave her boring town and go to her beach house. She's be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
The Party (Part 1)
The Party (Part 2)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Author's Note
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
*Another Author's Note*
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 26

15.9K 320 151
By taylorms4

(Taylor’s POV)

I wake up feeling calm, but its short lived. Memories of last night flood my mind, overwhelming me with immense pain. I can’t believe what I did last night, I really screwed up. I turn my phone on, silently praying for a missed call or text from Luke. When it finally turns on, I see I have nothing. No missed call, no text.

To: Luke


We really need to talk

I stare at the blank screen, waiting for it to light up, signaling I have a reply. 10 minutes go by, then 10 more and 10 more. Half an hour later and Luke still hasn’t replied. I check the text and see that Luke read it 20 minutes ago and ignored me.

To: Luke



Another 15 minutes go by, another text read and ignored by Luke. Sighing, I roll out of bed and get ready for work.

(Luke’s POV)

Taylor has sent me two texts in the past hour, which I’ve struggled to ignore. I want to talk to her, but I can’t. What she said really hurt; it struck me like an arrow through the heart. I love her so much but our love isn’t equal. She doesn’t love me as much as I thought she did, as much as I want her to and that blows.

There’s a knock on the door, followed by a tentative Calum who slowly makes his way from behind the door into my room.

“Hey, you okay?” Calum asks me with worried eyes. When I came home last night I went ballistic, the moment I stepped in the house I completely lost it. I was throwing chairs and knocking contents out of shelves and cabinets and when I finally calmed down I started to cry. Loud, aching and painful sobs for hours.

“No, I’m not okay. I miss her” I drop my head in my hands, resting my elbows on my knees as I sit on the edge of my bed.

“Well, what do you wanna do about this, Luke?” Calum sits beside me

“Its not about what I want, she doesn’t love me as much as I love her. She feels suffocated by me and wants space while I feel liberated by her and never wanna be without her. It sucks” I sigh deeply, looking up at Calum for advice

“Its up to you, Luke. If you wanna follow through and give her space then give her space. Your choice” he pats my back and exits my room, leaving me to think.

(Taylor’s POV)

The bell chimes, signaling Brittany’s entrance into the shop. She gives me a friendly wave, to which I weakly return.

“Hey, how’d the talk go?” Brittany asks as she puts on her apron and visor

“Like shit” I laugh sadly. Brittany looks as me puzzled, which I take as a sign to explain further, “Luke got really offended. He got really mad and upset and stormed out of my house before I got to finish and now he’s ignoring me”

“Fuck, I’m sorry. This is all my fault, I put words in your mouth and thoughts in your head” Brittany apologizes

“It’s not your fault. I was always feeling suffocated but it took you saying it to make me realize it” I shrug

“What are you gonna do?”

“Not much I can do” I sigh, “I’ve tried to fix this but he won’t answer any of my calls or texts”

“Well, you love Luke right?”

“I do, I love Luke so much. This is just going so fast and its so new and scary, which I was trying to tell him but he wouldn’t listen”

“Make him listen” Brittany says, then turns to help the customer that just walked in. I stand back, taking in what she said. If Luke won’t listen to me virtually, then the only way is to get him to listen is in person.

I spend the rest of my shift devising plans, and by the end I have a plan that will hopefully work. It has to work. I need it to work. I don’t need space. I need Luke.


“You know what to do?” I ask Amanda, nervously. We’re on our way to the boys’ house.

“I got your back” Amanda smiles at me, then knocks on the door. When the front door opens I duck to the side of the house, hidden. 10 minutes later, Amanda walks out of the house with Ashton, Calum and Michael. But no Luke

“Shit” I groan to myself. Luke was supposed to leave with them and the planned has failed before it even started. My phone vibrates in my back pocket, I dig it out seeing Amanda texted me.

From: Amanda


Luke refused to leave the house, said he was “too depressed to be in public”


To: Amanda


I’ll think of something. Just keep the rest of them away from the house for a bit. Thanks for helping me


From: Amanda


Anything for my best friend! Now, go get ya man back ;)


I step out of my hiding spot, taking a deep breath before walking to the front door. I take another deep breath before knocking on the door and preparing myself.

I hear shuffling coming from inside the house and soon enough the door opens, revealing a very disheveled looking Luke. His eyes are red and puffy, his hair is matted to his forehead and he’s wearing a tanktop, sweatpants and only one sock. Luke’s eyes widen when he realizes it’s me at the door.

“Luke, I…” I start but Luke interrupts me

“Look, now’s not a good time. Michael and I are in the middle of songwriting” Luke lies and begins to close the door

“No!” I yell, sticking my foot in the doorway so he can’t close the door on me, “We really need to talk, we didn’t finish our conversation yesterday. You need to listen to me, Luke”

“No, we’re done talking. I don’t need to listen anymore, I heard you loud and clear. Move your foot” Luke shakes the door but I don’t budge

“Luke, please. I love you” I beg

“You say you love me but obviously not as much as I thought you did, as much as I need you to. I’m giving you space just like you want” Luke pinches the bridge of his nose, looking up at me tiredly

“What does that mean? Are we breaking up?” I feel my eyes start to fill with tears; I blink furiously, desperately trying to push the tears back

“I…I don’t know”

“A break?”

“I guess so” Our eyes meet, both of them shiny with tears

Luke and I stare at each other for a while, both unsure of what to say now. Eventually, I nod and walk away. I know I’m about to cry and I don’t want Luke to see me cry. So, as soon as I turn the corner of Luke’s street, I run. I run until I’m out of breath and can’t run anymore. Before I can steady my breathing, I break down. I begin to sob in the middle of the sidewalk, crouched down on the pavement with my head buried in my arms. I feel a hand on my shoulder and when I look up I see Sean looking at me worriedly.

“Taylor?” Sean says but I don’t reply. I spring up from my crouched position and collapse into Sean. He wraps his arms around me in a hug as I sob into his shoulder. After what seems like an eternity, my sobs die down and I stop crying. I pull away slightly from Sean’s shoulder, looking up at him, though still in his hold and, for some reason, I laugh. The whole situation is so painful it seems ridiculous.

“You okay?”

“No, I’m not okay” I sniffle

“Do you wanna talk about it?” Sean asks gently and I shake my head softly

“Not really. Basically, Luke and I are on a break” I shut my eyes, the words feeling more real now that they’ve been said aloud.

“Wanna come back to my house and watch a movie?” Sean releases me and I nod, following him to his house.


“You’ve seriously never seen Ferris Bueller’s Day Off?” Sean gasps from the movie cabinet

“Nope, never seen it” I giggle from my spot on the couch

“Then we have to watch it, you have no choice” Sean winks and places the disk into the DVD player.

Sean sits down on the couch beside me. As the movie plays, I can see Sean inching towards me from the corner of my eye. Every so often, I would inch away from him, slightly uncomfortable and regretful of my decision to come over.

“You realize sooner or later you’ll end up hitting the armrest” Sean smirks

“I’m sorry” I blush, embarrassed about being caught

“No need to apologize, I just thought you could use a body tonight” He shrugs, his lips curled into a small smile and a pinkish tint in his cheeks

“You’re right, I could. Thanks” I scoot over to Sean and lean against his chest. He places his hands on my stomach and I try to focus on the movie instead of the foreign feeling of his touch and how desperately much I wished Sean were Luke.

The ending credits roll on the screen, the movie is over.

“That was a really good movie, thanks for forcing me watch it” I laugh, looking up at Sean

“Thank you for watching it with me” Sean whispers and when I feel his hot breath on my face is when I realize how close his face is to mine.

“Sean…” I start but he shushes me

“A body includes lips” Sean presses his lips to mine and I surprise myself when I grab onto the nape of his neck and kiss him back. Sean tugs on my waist, repositioning us so I’m straddling him. I thread my hands into his hair, tugging lightly as he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. I suddenly realize what’s going on and I pull away instantly. I scramble off of Sean’s lap and run to the front door, bending down to put my shoes on

“Tay?” Sean says, standing beside me when I stand up

“Don’t call me that, Luke calls me that” I flinch, “ I shouldn’t have come over, this was a mistake. I wouldn’t have agreed if I knew your intentions”

“That wasn’t my intention. I wasn’t planning on kissing you, but I’ve wanted to since the moment I met you. But I backed off, because you were taken and I’m not an asshole. It was an in-the-moment type thing. I saw the opportunity and I took it, seeing as you’re no longer taken” Sean explains, staring intensely into my eyes

“You don’t have an opportunity right now, I’m still taken. Luke still has me. I still want him. We’re still dating, well technically not I guess but a break doesn’t mean we’re not together anymore. I’m sorry, Sean. I think I should go home”

“Taylor, no. Please stay” Sean begs and grabs my hand but I shake out of his grasp

“I can’t” I sigh

“Do you really think its gonna work with Luke? What happens when the summer is over and he goes back to the other side of the world? I actually live here. Give me a chance” Sean’s words sting, because they’re my exact thoughts. If Luke and I got back together, what would happen to us after September rolls around? A long distance relationship is practically impossible with a 14 hour time difference. No, I love Luke. We’ll make it work.

“Maybe after the summer” I shrug, pulling the door open and stepping outside.

I begin to make my way off the porch but Sean pulls me back to the doorway and kisses me.

“I’m holding you to that” he whispers in my ear and lets me go, allowing me to leave.

I finally make off Sean’s porch and run the whole way home.


im so mad i had the whole chapter written on my ipad and i went to email it to myself so i could post it and IT DISAPPEARED FROM MY NOTES. i completely lost the chapter and had to rewrite it but i think i got it back to what it was originally. 

what do you guys think??? comment/vote/share :)

i wanna thank you guys so much for 60 votes on the last chapter thats literally insane i asked for 30 for me to post Correction (WHICH I DID CORRECTION IS POSTED GO CHECK IT OUT!!!!!) and i got double that. you guys make me so happy :) also, destined was ranked this week!!! its been going in and out of the rankings but its been so cool to see how popular my story is getting.


dont forget to go read the first ch of correction!! second chapter should be up by sunday hopefully

until next time...

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