I Just Got Adopted By...My Au...

By xXCharlotteNdubzXx

966 84 0

Aria Louise Contostavlos was placed into a care home called Elm Tree House and later moved on to Ashdene Ridg... More

Chapter 1:Goodbye
Chapter 2:Freedom
Chapter 3:New Neighbours And A Surprise
Chapter 4:Is My Dream About To Come True
Chapter 5:A New Day
Chapter 6:Shopping With Crazy Fans And The Rest Of The Night
Chapter 7:A Bright New Day
Chapter 8:Is My Hero Here To Save Me
Chapter 9:Are We Going To Get Caught Or Not
Chapter 10:This Is The Way You Are Meeting My Family
Chapter 11:Finding Out That Aria Has Gone Missing
Chapter 12:Is My Life About To Come Crashing Down Again
Chapter 13:Here We Come California
Chapter 14:That Was Amazing
Chapter 15:Party Which Is Not Going To End Well
Chapter 16:Where I Actually Belong
Chapter 17:Moving On
Chapter 18:Manchester
Chapter 19:Trying To Win Back The Love Of My Life
Chapter 20:I Have The Love Of My Life Back In My Heart Again
Chapter 21:Spending The Day With My Boyfriend
Chapter 22:Heading Back Home With A Surprise
Chapter 23:Going For The Job
Chapter 24:Finding Out That I Have The Job
Chapter 26:Aria's 18th Birthday
Chapter 27:Aria's Birthday Party
Chapter 28: My Perfect Boyfriend
Chapter 29:A Hangover And A Movie Day For Two
Chapter 30:Hanging Out At The Park With Ella Henderson
Chapter 31:Back At Work
Chapter 32:Treating The Boys
Chapter 33:Fun Day At Work
Chapter 34:Going Out With The Girls After Work
Chapter 35:A Day At The Zoo
Chapter 36:Date Night
Chapter 37:A Call From The Manager
Chapter 38:Starting My New Job At Work (Part One)
Chapter 39:Starting My New Job Part 2
Chapter 40:Josh Staying Over And Pizza Night
Chapter 41:Sleepover With The Girls
Chapter 42:Shopping With The Girls
Chapter 43:Party With A Surprise

Chapter 25:Starting The New Job And Making New Friends

56 1 0
By xXCharlotteNdubzXx

Aria's POV

I fluttered my eyes open and looked at the time. It read 8:30am and I turned over to wake Josh up. I kept shaking him but he wouldn't wake up so I left him. I climbed out of bed and went over to my wardrobe to grab my clothes for today. I picked out my striped button down shirt with my navy skirt and a white blazer to top it off. I picked out my red heels and my black Ted Baker handbag. I grabbed all of us my clothes and made my way into my bathroom. I left the door unlocked and placed all of my clothes on the toilet seat. I stripped out of pyjamas and turned on the shower. I hopped into the shower and started doing my usual thing. I heard the bathroom door go but thought nothing of it. Until I felt a pair of hands on my waist and I jumped a little but they whispered in my ear. I turned around and came face to face with Josh. I started to hit his body but stopped when I realised that he had the perfect abs ever.

Josh: What are you staring at princess?

Aria: Nothing

Josh: It didn't look nothing to me. You like what you see.

Aria: You are such an idiot

Josh: I'm your idiot

Aria: That one is right

Josh: Anyways (He glanced down at my body)

Aria: Josh my eyes are up here

Josh: You have the perfect body

Aria: Thanks but I should be getting ready

Josh: Whatever you say princess

Josh turned off the shower and hopped out. He picked me up and landed me on the other side of the bath. I grabbed his pyjamas and chucked them at him. I opened the bathroom door and pushed him out. I quickly locked the door and I could hear that Josh was banging on the door. I decided to ignore him and I started to get changed. I slid my underwear on and then my clothes. I was satisfied with my outfit and I started brushing my teeth. I finished with my teeth and washed my face fresh. I applied my make-up and dried my hair. I shoved my hair up into a messy ponytail and left it as it is. I picked up my dirty clothing and unlocked the bathroom door. I opened the door and stepped into my bedroom. I saw that josh wasn't in my bedroom so I chucked my dirty washing in the washing basket and I left my bedroom. I made my way downstairs and saw everyone eating their breakfast. I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and started munching on it. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and I glanced up to see it was Josh. He planted a kiss on my forehead and whispered in my ear 'It's time to go'. I grabbed my handbag and Josh unwrapped his arms from my waist. We said goodbye to everyone and left the house. We hopped into Josh's car and he started driving to the music store with my directions.


30 minutes later, we have arrived outside the music store and I unstrapped myself. I gave Josh a quick kiss on the lips and hopped out of the car with my handbag. I shut the car door behind me and made my way on to the path. I waved Josh goodbye and he drove off. I made my way into the music store and the manager came out straight away. She made her way towards me and guided me to her office. We both took a seat in her office and we started going through the process of what I am going to do.

Manager: Aria I am glad that you came by today. I was hoping after this you could start the job

Aria: Yep that's fine by me

Manager: All I want to know is do you have any thing skilled with music

Aria: Yes I do. My parents are Tulisa and Fazer. They were in a band called Ndubz with my Uncle Dappy that I live with at the moment. I also write my own songs but at the moment I am doing cover songs for my YouTube channel.

Manager: Ah I know Ndubz. One of the girls in here are a big fan of them but I'm sure you will get along. That's great that you do cover songs and if you don't mind, can I check your YouTube channel out

Aria: Yeah that's fine

The manager passed me a pen and a little piece of paper. I wrote down my YouTube channel name and passed everything back to the manager. We both got off our seats and she told me to follow her. We went back into the store and she gave me a quick tour of the store. Last she showed me where to put my handbag and she gave me a code for my locker. I put the code into my locker and put my handbag into my locker. I shut the locker door behind me and the manager told me that I will be stacking or checking the shelves. The manager left me and went back to her office. I moved away from the lockers and started getting on with my job.


I finished for today and the manager told me that I did a perfect job for my first day. She spoke to me about what days I would be working but we had to be in agreement. She told me that I could work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I told the manager that I had leave early tomorrow because it was my birthday. Of course she was understandable about that but I was going into work tomorrow. I had a great day at work because I met some new friends. They are called Skylar, Lola, Summer and Lacey. We all get on very well but of course I get on better with Skylar because she is the one who is fan of Ndubz. We all finished 5pm and we went back to our lockers. We grabbed our things from our lockers and chatted for a bit before the manager told us to go. We all left the shop and the manager left with us so she could lock up the store. I decided to get a taxi back home and everyone else decided to come in with me except our manager.

Summer: So Aria where do you live

Aria: I live in Salford Quays. 100 Brick Lane Road

Lacey: That's where we all live in that street

Lola: So you live in that mansion at the end of the road

Aria: I guess you could say that but I don't see it as a mansion

Skylar: Seriously girl you need to open your eyes a bit wider

Summer, Lacey and Lola: I agree with Skylar

Lacey: So it is your birthday tomorrow

Aria: It sure is

Lola: What do you have planned?

Aria: Well I am going out for a meal with family tomorrow but the day after I am having a party

Skylar: Sounds fun

Aria: Well I was wondering if you guys want to come to the birthday party

Summer: Seriously

Aria: I'm being serious

Skylar: Will I meet Ndubz

Aria: Of course you would. They are my family and you will meet my other friends along with my boyfriend

Lacey: OMG you have a boyfriend

Lola: Please tell us who it is?

Aria: It's Josh Cuthbert

Summer: The one from Union J

Aria: Yep

Skylar: So that means Union J is going to be there as well

Aria: Yep and Ella Henderson

Lacey: You are joking with us right

Aria: No I am not

Lola: OMG girl so are you famous then

Aria: Nope but when I am with Josh there are photos being taken of us

Skylar: That makes you famous

Aria: Whatever

The taxi came to a stop in our road and we all paid the taxi driver. We all hopped out of the taxi and the taxi driver drove off. We all hugged each other and said goodbye to each other. We went our separate ways to our house. I proceeded to the end of the road and finally arrived at the bottom of the drive way. I made my way through the gate and up to the front door. I put my key into the door and unlocked it. I stepped into the house and shut the front door behind me. I kicked my shoes off me because my feet were hurting and I placed my handbag on the floor. I left the porch and I could smell food being cooked. I made my way down the long hallway and saw my family in the dining room. I made my way in the dining room and sat at my usual chair. We all started talking because our food was going to be ready in 5 minutes.

Kaye: How was the job?

Aria: It was actually good and the manager told me that I did a good job for my first day

Dappy: That's good to here. Josh came around here after he dropped you off and gave us a present

Aria: I wonder what it could be

Dappy: Well it is on your bed at the moment but you can see it later after tea

Aria: Okay. Auntie Kaye and Uncle Dappy could I ask something

Kaye: Yep sure go ahead

Aria: Will it be okay if I have a birthday party on Friday

Kaye: I'm sure that could be arranged and who is coming to the birthday party?

Aria: My new friends from the music store, family, Union J with Ella Henderson

Kaye: Yeh that's fine and what about if we invite One Direction and Little Mix

Aria: Are you being serious

Dappy: Nope we are not

Aria: I love you both so much

Shortly after, the servant came in with all of our food and placed it on the table for us. We all started eating our food and afterwards the servant took the plates away from the table. The servant came back and poured us all a drink. We finished our drinks and got up to leave the dining room. I took Gino and Milo upstairs. I told Gino to get himself ready for bed whilst I helped Milo. We went into Milo's bedroom and I helped Milo get changed. After he was changed and brushed his teeth, I tucked him into bed and gave him a kiss goodnight. I left his bedroom and left the door slightly open. I made my way to Gino's bedroom and saw in already in bed. I went over to him and asked if he had brushed his teeth. He nodded his head yes and I tucked him into bed properly. I gave him a kiss goodnight and left his bedroom with the door slightly open. I made my way to my bedroom and saw that there was 9 roses on my bed and I got changed into my pyjamas. I placed my dirty laundry in the wash basket and realised that my clothes had been washed today. I crawled into bed and took my laptop out. I settled my laptop up and saw that I had a Skype notification. I clicked on it and saw that I was invited into a group chat. I happily accepted it and I had an incoming call from the group chat. I pressed answer and saw that it was all the girls from the music store. We started chatting and carried on chatting until it was 10pm. I quickly asked the girls what time I have to be in and they told me 9am. I told them thank you and we all hung up. I switched my laptop off and I put it away. I turned my night light off and turned on to my other side. I fell asleep instantly because I cuddled into my other pillow from where Josh had slept and it smelt of his cologne. 

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