Chapter 26:Aria's 18th Birthday

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Aria's POV

Today is Thursday and that only means only thing. IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! I fluttered my eyes open and saw that it was 7:30am. I crawled out of bed and made my bed. I drawn my curtains back and grabbed my clothes from my wardrobe. I picked out a red sweater with a navy skirt and my brown ankle boots. I got changed in the bathroom and did everything I need in there. I left the bathroom and grabbed my black ted Baker handbag. I put everything in there that I needed and departed my bedroom. I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. I glanced at the time and it read 8am. I grabbed some breakfast and a drink. I started eating my breakfast and finished 10 minutes later. I drank my drink up and I put everything in the sink. I took my phone out of my bag and texted everyone meaning the girls. I asked if they wanted a lift and they all told me yes please. I saw my car keys on the cabinet that was in the porch and I probably had a confused look on my face. Oh well! Soon enough it was 8:25am so I left the house and saw that my car was back. I hopped into my car and drove down the road to pick up the girls. All of the girls hopped into the car and was amazed by my car. They strapped themselves in and I started driving to the music store. 30 minutes later, we arrived at work and I parked my car in the parking lot. We all unstrapped ourselves and hopped out of the car grabbing our handbags. I locked the car and we all made our way into the music store. When I got in their everyone was standing around and I was slightly confused. The manager came over to me and hugged me. She stated happy birthday to me and a chocolate cake came out. The candles were lit and the person carrying the cake made their way over to me. They stopped in front of me and everyone sang happy birthday. After they were done, I blew the candles out and we all celebrated with having a piece of chocolate cake. After eating the cake, I decided I want to have a picture with everyone and we all got in. We gave my phone to the security guard of the shop and he took the picture. He handed the phone back to me and I thanked him. Our manager told us to get sorted for the job so I and the girls headed to the lockers. We placed our handbags in the lockers and slammed the doors shut. We started working.


The day went on and on. At 3pm the manager came out of her office and headed towards me. She told me that I could go home now and I thanked her. Obviously everyone else couldn't leave so I mentioned my goodbyes. They told me that they would get a taxi home and I went to my locker. I put my code in and got my handbag out. I shut the locker door and left the store. I made my way to my car and unlocked it. I hopped into my car and shut the car door. I placed my handbag on the seat next to me and I strapped myself in. I started the engine and drove out of the car park. I drove all the way home and surprisingly I arrived at hone in 15 minutes. I parked my car on the drive way and stopped the engine. I unstrapped myself and hopped out the car whilst grabbing my handbag. I shut the car door behind me and locked the car. I made my way up to the front door and I put my key in the door. I turned the lock and opened the door. I stepped into the house and shut the front door behind me. I yelled through the house that I was home and I went upstairs to my bedroom. I placed everything on my bed and went into my wardrobe to find what I was going to wear. I picked out a blue shirt with shoulder straps, black high waisted jeans, a white blazer and my light blue heels. I put my clothes on a hanger and I picked up my shoes. I made my way into the bathroom and I hung up the clothes on the back of the door. I placed my shoes under the sink and I started running the bath with water. Once the bath was finished, I stripped out of my clothes and I hopped into the bath. I turned the water jets on and I relaxed in the bath. At 4:15pm, I turned the water jets off and hopped out of the bath. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me. I let the water out of the bath and I quickly washed my hair under the shower. I finished washing my hair and I stayed wrapped in my towel. I dried my hair and I loosely curled my hair with my curling wand. I finished with my hair and I applied my make-up. Only a little bit more than I usually have. I was satisfied with my make-up and I got changed into my silky blue underwear. I changed into my outfit for the meal and I put my shoes on. I left the bathroom and went into my wardrobe to grab my little blue handbag. I took the handbag out of the wardrobe and I shut the wardrobe doors behind me. I put everything I needed into my handbag and I grabbed my silver bangles from my bracelet stand. I put the bangles on my right arm and I took a picture of my outfit in the mirror. I saved the picture of I and the girls at the music store earlier to my wallpaper. I placed my phone in my handbag and I departed my bedroom. I made my way downstairs and saw everyone in the living room ready. Uncle Dappy, Auntie Kaye and the boys got off the sofa. They made there way towards me and we all left the house. We went in Auntie Kaye's car and I strapped the boys in before I got in. I got in and strapped myself in. Auntie Kaye was driving tonight and she strapped herself in. Uncle Dappy got into the passenger seat and strapped himself in. Auntie Kaye started the car and drove off the drive way. She made her journey to the restaurant where we were going to have the meal.

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