Chapter 9:Are We Going To Get Caught Or Not

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Aria's POV

The boys glanced up at me and they knew that something was going on with me. So they lightly pushed past me and started looking around in my bedroom. They searched and searched but they haven't even looked in one place. THE BATHROOM! I sat on my bed and the boys joined me.

Gino: So where is he

Aria: Who do you mean?

Milo: We mean your boyfriend

Aria: I don't have a boyfriend

Gino: Well... how come we heard someone asking you out whilst we were in the garden

Aria: I think you are just hearing things

Milo: Sure we are. I bet when we go downstairs, you will come down and introduce your boyfriend

Aria: I'm pretty sure I won't

Gino: Whatever

Aria: Yeah whatever Gino

Milo: Well we are off. See you and your pretty boyfriend later

Aria: Okay bye

Gino and Milo got off my bed. They both made their way over to the bedroom door and left my bedroom. I heard the bathroom door being unlocked behind me and Josh came out of the bathroom.

Josh: That was close

Aria: Yeah now they have had a bet with me

Josh: Haha. Should we go downstairs so I could meet the family

Aria: No we can't. That was the bet the boys made with me

Josh: You could always break the bet

Aria: Nah you are alright

Josh: Whatever. I am going to go back to mine now.

Aria: Okay see you later

Josh: Yeah see you later

We both gave each other a kiss goodbye and Josh left my bedroom. He jumped over to his balcony and we both waved goodbye at each other. I locked the glass door and shut my curtains afterwards. I was feeling a bit hungry so I left my bedroom and went downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed something to eat and ate it at the breakfast bar. After eating my food, I cleared my mess away and went back upstairs to my bedroom. I entered my bedroom and closed the bedroom door behind me. I grabbed my pyjamas off my bed and went to get changed in the bathroom. I stripped out of my clothes and put on my pyjamas. Afterwards, I brushed my teeth and washed my face fresh. I picked up my clothes and departed the bathroom. I chucked my clothes in the wash basket and I climbed into bed. I decided to sort out my phone. So I took the sim card out of my old phone and I put it into my iphone. I started the phone up and placed it on my bedside table. As I knew I didn't need to text anyone that I had a new number because I kept the same number as before. I turned off my night light and turned over to fall asleep. I instantly fell into a deep sleep and was dreaming about how much of a perfect boyfriend I had.

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