Chapter 38:Starting My New Job At Work (Part One)

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♥Aria's POV♥

Today I am starting my new job and I am EXCITED! I fluttered my eyes open and saw that it was 8:45am on my phone. I quickly crawled out of bed and made my bed. I opened my curtains and made my way to my walk in wardrobe. I unlocked the doors and stepped in. I picked my outfit for work. I chose my light pink not see through lace top, my navy shorts that had a bit of a belt, light pink blazer but darker than my top and my navy stiletto heel boots. I gathered my thing and stepped out of the wardrobe. I entered the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I quickly had a shower and hopped out. I got changed into my outfit and I tucked my top into my shorts. I was satisfied with my outfit so I brushed my teeth and washed my face fresh. I applied a little bit of make-up and I dried my hair. I straightened my hair and left it. I unlocked my bathroom door and opened the door. I stepped into my bedroom and I shut the bathroom behind me. I picked out my navy Ted Baker handbag from my wardrobe and I placed everything I need in my handbag. I picked my handbag up from my bed and rested it on my arm. I departed my bedroom and went downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed my debit car that was on the side and placed it in my purse. I left the house and got into my car.

15 minutes later, I have arrived at starburst and I hopped out of my car grabbing my handbag. I entered the shop and ordered two coffees. I also ordered a cereal bar for me for breakfast and I paid for everything I ordered. I left the shop and hopped into my car. I started the engine and drove to work. I arrived there in 10 minutes and I parked my car up. I hopped out of car grabbing my handbag. I grabbed the drinks and my breakfast. I shut the car door behind me and locked my car. I strolled into work and right through to the office. I knocked on the door and I heard a 'come in'. I opened the door and placed my manager's coffee on her desk. She announced a thank you and I smiled at her. She got out of her seat and roamed around the other side where I was. She put her arm around my shoulders and lead me out in the hallway where the offices are usually. We both marched down the hallway and came to a stop at a door. I glanced up and saw that my name has been plated on to the door. I smiled to myself knowing that I have a better job and the office was all mine. The manager opened the door for me and lead me. She settled me with everything and soon left my office so she could go back to hers. I promenaded to the chair where the desk was and sat down. I placed my handbag underneath the desk and placed my breakfast on top of the desk. I drank my coffee up and ate my breakfast. I finished my breakfast and decided that I should get on with what I had to do. I opened the laptop up and instantly a message came through from my manager. I opened it up and read the message. I saw that I had to do some paperwork for her so I got straight on with it.

Throughout the day, I had to do a quiet lot of paperwork but I didn't mind. I got a bit stressed but suddenly I heard the office door go. I glanced up and saw that Josh was standing near the door. He locked the office door and came strolling towards me. I focused on the laptop and carried on doing the paperwork. That was until, Josh started massaging my back and I was less stressed. But I really needed to do my work.

Aria: Josh what are you doing here?

Josh: Making you less stressed from all of this work

Aria: Josh I am being serious. I need to do this work

Josh: I can give you better company

Aria: Your so dirty

Josh: I know I am but I want to talk to you about something

Aria: What is it? (Josh spun me around so I was facing him)

Josh: Well... I was thinking

Aria: What are you thinking about? Tell me.

Josh: You know that we both live quite far from each other

Aria: Yes. What are you getting at here?

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