Chapter 19:Trying To Win Back The Love Of My Life

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Josh's POV

When I saw that Aria and her family were moving away to Manchester it destroyed me inside. I knew I did what was wrong but my heart belonged with Aria and I wanted to put that right. The girl with me earlier which I can't remember her name had left and there was one thing for me to do. I rung up Aria's Auntie. I know her Auntie wouldn't be mad at me because she knows I still love Aria.

~On the phone to Aria's Auntie~

Kaye: Hello. Who is it

Josh: Hey it's Josh. Before you hang up or get mad with me, I just want to say something

Kaye: Sure go ahead Josh but I haven't got long

Josh: I want to make it up to Aria and to get her to trust me again but I don't know how

Kaye: Well we are going out for a meal. How about you meet us at the restaurant in Manchester. You could write a poem and buy her flowers because she likes that sort of thing.

Josh: Okay and what sort of flowers does she like

Kaye: She likes red and white roses. I will text you the restaurant postcode when I know Dappy has picked one out.

Josh: Okay and I will see you there

Kaye: Yeah and see you soon.

I and Kaye hung up from the phone. I grabbed a piece of paper and started writing a poem for Aria hoping that she will like it. I finished writing the poem in 10 minutes and went upstairs to freshen up. I put on a suit and sprayed the perfume that Aria likes on me. I grabbed my phone off my bed and texted the girl that I was seeing. I was only seeing her just to make Aria jealous and I guessed it didn't work. Although the relationship was not working with this girl but I knew where my heart belonged to. The girl was not happy with me but I didn't care and I put my phone in my pocket. I departed my bedroom and made my way down the stairs. I quickly got out of the front door before I got bombarded with questions and made my way to my car. I hopped into my car and my phone vibrated in my pocket. I took my phone out of my pocket and saw that I had a text from Kaye. I opened the message and saw that it was the postcode for the restaurant. I put the postcode into the sat nave and strapped myself in. I started the engine and drove out of the drive way. I made my to the restaurant before I had to get there, I have to stop at a shop. I managed to find a shop on the way and I parked the car up in the car park. I unstrapped myself and hopped out the car. I locked the car and made my way in the shop. I picked up red and white roses for Aria. I brought the roses and made my way back to my car. I unlocked my car and hopped in. I placed the roses on the seat next to me and strapped myself into my seat. I started the engine and drove out of the car park. I drove my way to the restaurant.

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I finally arrived at the restaurant in Manchester that Kaye sent me the postcode too. I took a deep breath and unstrapped myself from the car seat. I grabbed the roses from next to me and hopped out of my car. I locked my car up and made my way in the restaurant. I saw Aria sitting with her family and laughing along to whatever they were talking about. It was so nice to see a smile back on her face but I wonder what her reaction is going to be when she sees me. I was pulled out from my thoughts and the waiter asked if I wanted a table. I told the waiter no and glanced around for a stage. I finally found one and made my way over to it. I stepped on the stage and all the workers gave me a confused look. I need to do this and all my band mates came on to the stage. I didn't even know that they followed me here but who cares they are probably here to help me. I spoke into the microphone and everyone glanced at me except Aria.

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