Chapter 15:Party Which Is Not Going To End Well

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Aria's POV

The next morning, I woke up with sun pouring through the window and I fluttered my eyes open. I glanced next to me and saw that Josh was still asleep. He looked so peaceful and beautiful whilst he was asleep.

Josh: What are you staring at? (Still with his eyes closed)

Aria: Nothing

Josh: I could feel you staring at me, Princess

Aria: I don't know what you are talking about

Josh: Is that so (Opening his eyes and gazing at me)

Aria: Yes it is

Josh: That's it

Josh climbed on top of me and grabbed both of my hands. He pinned them above my head and started tickling me. I burst out laughing and I couldn't say anything. The bedroom door flung open and Josh's sisters strolled into the bedroom. They glanced at us both and Josh glanced at me. I glanced back at Josh and then we both glanced at the girls. They both burst out laughing because of the position we were in but it wasn't what it looked like.

Aria: Can we help you both

Chloe: We just came here to ask you both if you want to go to a party tonight

Josh: I don't know

Charlotte: Please guys

Aria: I'm in

Chloe: Josh

Josh: I have things to do

Aria: Yeah exactly what do you have planned

Josh: It's none of your business

Josh climbed off me and stormed out of the bedroom. I wondered what has got into him. I crawled out of bed and hugged the girls.

Charlotte: Are you sure you want to go Aria

Aria: Yeah I'm sure. I am not letting your brother ruin anything

Chloe: Cool. I and Charlotte are going shopping so do you want to come with us

Aria: Yeah sure. Let me get dressed and I will be downstairs in a minute

Charlotte and Chloe: Okay and love you

Aria: Love you both too

Charlotte and Chloe left the bedroom. I made my way over the walk in wardrobe and chose my outfit out for today. I picked out my white crop top, my white sweater, my light lace denim shorts and my Jimmy Choo black heels. I made my way to the bathroom and got changed into my clothes. I brushed my teeth and washed my face fresh. I applied my daily make-up and left the bathroom with my pyjamas. I put my dirty underwear in the wash basket and chucked my pyjamas on the bed. I grabbed my slim bow leather tote bag from Ted Baker and I put everything in there that I needed for shopping. I left the bedroom and went downstairs into the living room to see the girls waiting on the sofa for me. They jumped up from the sofa and made their way over to me. We exited the living room and left the house. We got into Charlotte's car and she said that she was going to drive. I sat in the passenger seat in the front and Chloe was in the back. We strapped ourselves in and Charlotte started the engine. She drove out of the drive way and sped her way to the mall. 15 minutes later, we have arrived outside the mall and Charlotte parked the car up. She stopped the engine and we all unstrapped ourselves. We hopped out of the car and Charlotte locked the car up. We all linked arms together and made our way over to the mall. We were lucky that no one in California know who Union J was. We strolled through the mall and started looking in all the shops. We shopped in H&M, Forever 21, Primark, Next, BANK of Fashion and New Look. We all found our dresses in different shops. Chloe picked a dress from H&M. The dress she picked out was a sky blue with bling on the top party cocktail dress. Chloe picked out silver shoes with a little bit of bling on. Charlotte chose her dress from Forever 21. The dress she picked out a baby pink and it had bling across the middle. Charlotte picked out laced beige shoes. I chose my dress from New Look. I picked out a white dress with a strip of see through going across and the dress was one shoulder. I picked out white shoes that had studs near the heal and a bow on the front bit. After we finished shopping, we went to get lunch at Nando's. We finished 1 hour later and we all decided to go home. We paid for the bill in Nando's and left. We made our way back to the car and put all of our things in the boot. We hopped into the car and strapped ourselves in. Charlotte started the engine and drove out of the mall's car park. She sped her way home and we arrived home in 15 minutes. Charlotte drove through the gate and parked the car up on the drive way. She stopped the engine and we all hopped out of the car. We grabbed our bags from the boot and Charlotte locked the car up. We made our way up the front door and entered the house. We ran up the stairs and we went to put our bags in our bedrooms. I opened the bedroom door and strolled in. I saw that Josh was lying on the bed and playing on his phone. He didn't look at me once whilst I was in the bedroom. I grabbed the hanger from the wardrobe and placed my dress on the hanger. I hung my dress up on the outside of the wardrobe and placed my shoes on the floor under the dress. I felt the awkward tension in the bedroom so I left the bedroom and I saw the girls heading towards my bedroom. We all skipped down the stairs and went into the living room. We all watched television until it was 3pm. We all made our way upstairs and got ready in Charlotte's bedroom. I and Chloe grabbed our dresses with shoes before getting ready in Charlotte's bedroom. We all had showers but not together and then got changed into our dresses. We applied our make-up and did our hair. I had my hair curled and some of my hair pinned back. Charlotte had her's straightened with two plaits pinned back. Chloe had her's in an elegant hair bun at the side and bits of hair down at the front which was curled. We all looked at the time and realised that it took us 3 hours to get ready. We all left Charlotte's bedroom and went downstairs. Layla and John came through to the hallway. They both saw us and they wanted to take pictures. Josh soon after came through to the hallway because he was wondering what all the giggling was about.

Layla: Are you not going to the party Josh

Josh: Nah. I have things to do than going to a lame party

He left the hallway and ran upstairs. John told me that he was sorry about his son but I didn't care. I just wanted the best night. I, Chloe and Charlotte left the house. We didn't have to take the car because the party was in the same street. We made our way over to the house and we saw that were people already drunk. We made our way into the house and we all went to the kitchen to grab a drink. 2 hours later, I and Chloe were really drunk but Charlotte was only tipsy. All night we have been dancing on the dance floor and having alcohol. I needed to go to the toilet so I made my way upstairs and I heard someone moaning in one of the bedroom's. I didn't go to the toilet instead I made my way over to the bedroom. I glanced through the gap in the door and couldn't believe who I saw was making out with another girl. JOSH! I felt a tear roll down my face and I just stood there frozen. Josh glanced towards the door and he probably saw me. I ran down the stairs and made my way out of the front door. I ran back over to the house I was staying at and entered the house. I made my way up the stairs and into the bedroom. I grabbed my suitcase and started packing my clothes. I heard the bedroom door open behind me and I turned around to see it was Josh. At this point, my make-up was streaming down my face.

Josh: Aria please don't leave

Aria: I have no choice Josh. You told me that you wasn't going to that party

Josh: I know I am so sorry but let me explain

Aria: There is nothing to explain. You made out with a girl and was going to have sex with her

Charlotte: What the hell is going on in here and Aria you left the party

Aria: I know and it's because of that idiot

Chloe: What have you done

Josh: Aria please don't leave me

Aria: I have no choice. I get it you don't love me

Chloe: What the hell have you done Josh

Josh: I haven't done anything

Aria: Haven't done anything. You were making out with a girl at the party you didn't want to go to

Charlotte: How could you

Josh: I am sorry

Aria: I don't care. I am leaving you

I finished packing all of my clothes and shoes. I zipped up my suitcase and placed all of my things in my handbag. I grabbed my suitcase and flung my handbag over my shoulder. I pushed past everyone and pulled my suitcase down the stairs. I was about to leave the house, when Josh stood in front of the door. Charlotte and Chloe move him out of the way. I opened the front door and started to exit the house. Someone called after me and I turned around to see that it was Josh's dad.

John: Do you want a lift to the airport Aria

Aria: Yes please and you know

John: Yeah we heard you and Josh arguing

I and John hopped into the car. We strapped ourselves in and John started the engine. He drove out of the drive way and sped his way to the airport. On the journey to the airport, I shoved my white high tops on and put a cardigan because I still had my dress on. 30 minutes, we have arrived outside the airport. We both hopped out of the car and John grabbed my suitcase out of the boot. I gave one last hug with him and then we pulled back. He entered his car again and drive away from the airport. I grabbed my suitcase and flung my handbag on to my shoulder. I made my way in the airport and purchased a ticket to go back to London.

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