Chapter 20:I Have The Love Of My Life Back In My Heart Again

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Aria's POV

I can't believe that Josh went through with this at the restaurant just to get me back. He brought tears to my eyes and I was happy to have him back in my life again. It might take him a long time to get me to trust him again but I am glad to be his girlfriend again. I and Josh danced together with the music. Soon everyone else joined in and my family made my way over to me. Auntie Kaye pulled me and Josh into a hug. Everyone else joined in after us and we all danced together. At 10 pm, the boys started getting tired and Uncle Dappy me that they were going to take him home. Josh told him that he would drop me home but I didn't want to leave Josh's side. As he didn't have any clothes with him, he told me that he is going to drop me home so I could get my clothes. I and Josh were going to go back to his house in London. I, Josh, Auntie Kaye, Uncle Dappy and they boys made our way to our cars. I and Josh intertwined our hands together. I and Josh made our way to his car. The rest went into Uncle Dappy's car. I and Josh hopped into his car. I placed my roses in the back of the car and I strapped myself into the seat. Josh strapped himself in and started the engine. He saw Uncle Dappy drive out of the restaurant's car park and Josh followed behind him. Soon enough, we have arrived outside my house and I hopped out of Josh's car, grabbing my roses along the way. I made my way into the house and Auntie Kaye grabbed my roses off me so they could into a vase. I made my way up to my bedroom and grabbed everything I needed. I chucked everything into a bag and departed my bedroom again. I made my way downstairs and said goodbye to everyone. I opened the front door and stepped out into the cold air. I shut the front door behind me and made my way to Josh's car. I put my bag in the boot and hopped into the passenger seat in the front. I strapped myself in and Josh held my hand whilst his other one was on the steering wheel. I glanced at him and smiled. He smiled back and started the car journey to London. I leaned my head against the window and gazed out.

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Soon enough we have arrived back in London and outside the Union J's house. Josh parked his car on the drive way and stopped the car from running. We both unstrapped ourselves and before we got out, Josh turned his head towards me.

Josh: Ella doesn't know you are going to be here but all of us boys is going to keep it a surprise

Aria: Ah okay so I got to surprise Ella

Josh: Yep you have. She is upset at the moment because we broke up

Aria: Okay. Let's go before it gets cold outside

Josh: Sure

I and Josh hopped out of the car. I grabbed my bag and we made our way into the house. We saw all of the boys in the living room mucking around and Josh joined in. I told them that I was going to see Ella and George told me to go ahead into their bedroom. I made my way out of the living room and up the stairs heading to Ella's bedroom with George. I arrived outside the bedroom door and I could hear Ella crying in the bedroom. I knocked on the door but their was no answer. I quietly opened the door and saw Ella crying on the bed. I stepped into the bedroom and closed the bedroom door behind me quietly. I made my way over to the bed and sat down. Ella glanced up at me and she had a confused look on her face.

Ella: Am I dreaming that you are actually here

Aria: Nope you are not and I am back for good now

Ella: I have missed your voice and what do you mean that you are back for good

Aria: I will be still living in Manchester but something happened tonight

Ella: What has happened now? I hope it's not a bad thing.

Aria: Nothing bad has happened. Were all the boys missing tonight

Ella: Yeah they were. You are acting so strange

Aria: Well the boys were in Manchester. I was having a meal with my family in this restaurant and Josh came with his bandmates. All of the sudden I heard my name spoke into the microphone and I turned my head towards this stage in the restaurant. There I saw Josh and his bandmates playing on stage. Josh was singing and by the end I made my way over to the stage. Josh jumped off the stage and made his way over towards me. He pulled out flowers and read a poem to me. After that he whispered in my ear would you be my girlfriend again.

Ella: Aw that's so sweet but what did you say

Aria: I told him no. Only joking. I told him yes

Ella: I thought you were being serious then but I am so happy for both of you two

Aria: I'm glad. I am happy again. I was so lost without Josh in my heart

Ella: Aw that's so sweet. Let's go and join the boys. We can have a movie night

Aria: Sounds great to me

Ella: Let's go and head downstairs then

I and Ella jumped off the bed. We both departed the bedroom and made our way downstairs to the living room. We got to the living room and saw that the boys were playing a game. It was only George and Josh there but the other two were in the kitchen. George and Josh hasn't seen us yet so I and Ella had a good plan. We slowly creped into the living room and behind them on the sofa. We scared the boys behind the sofa. They both saw us and pulled us over the sofa. They both started tickling us and we both started laughing. After a while, they pulled us into a hug and the other two boys came into the living room. Jaymi put a movie on and started playing it. JJ grabbed some beers and orange juice along with popcorn from the kitchen. We soon joined us and we all started watching the movie which I don't know.

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Halve way through the movie, I felt my eyes getting heavier and Josh whispered in my ear 'Go to sleep princess. I will take you up when the movie is finished.' I soon enough I went to sleep and I felt Josh kissing my forehead. I felt him stroking my hair and 45 minutes later, I felt being picked up. I felt someone walking up the stairs and I snuggled into their chest. I knew I was in Josh's arms because of his cologne on him. He arrived at the top of the stairs and made our way to his bedroom. He kicked the bedroom door open and made his way into the bedroom. He placed me on the bed and went to shut the bedroom door. I felt him pull my clothes off and he got me changed into my pyjamas. He wrapped me under the duvet and soon enough he joined me under the covers. I snuggled into his side and he wrapped his arm around my body. He kissed the top of my head and I fluttered my eyes open even though I am still tired. I put my finger under Josh's chin and pulled his head towards mine as he glanced away after he kissed my forehead. I placed a soft kiss on his lips and he returned it. Before it got heated, we both pulled away and snuggled into each other. We both fell asleep holding each other in each others arms.

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