Chapter 42:Shopping With The Girls

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♥Aria's POV♥

I woke up the next day and saw that only Skylar was up on her phone. She quickly glanced at me and gave me a smile. I smiled back at her and she turned back to her phone. I unlocked my phone and saw that I had a message. I opened the message up and saw it was from Josh. He just told me that he can't wait to see me on Friday and I hope I have a nice time with the girls today. He also told me that there should be a present coming to me today. I replied back to him and I put my phone to the side as I finished replying. I was thinking about this present that I am going to have today. I was pulled out of my thoughts when there was a knock at the door and in came Lola's mum.

Lola's mum: Hi girlies. Aria there is someone at the door for you

Aria: Oh okay

Lola's mum left the bedroom and got up from the blow up bed. I quickly brushed my hair and left the bedroom. I went downstairs and to the front door. I saw a guy stood there and I faked cough. He turned around and I saw a bouquet of white roses in his hand. Actually there was 5 but it still looked like a bouquet to me. The guy told me that they were for me and I took them off him. I declared a thank you and he smiled at me. He turned away and wandered down the drive way. I closed the front door and went back upstairs to Lola's bedroom. As I opened the door, I saw that everyone else was awake and they gave me a confused look for the flowers. I stepped into the bedroom and closed the bedroom door behind me. I joined the girls on Lola's bed and Summer took the flowers off me so they could all have a glance. Lacey read a note out loud and I just sat there smiling to myself because I knew who it was from. They all glanced at me and gave me a look to tell them who it was. By now my cheeks have turned bright red and Lola started tickling me. It ended up with all the girls on top of me and they kept asking questions.

Aria: Okay. I will tell you who sent them but don't make fun of me okay

Skylar: Promise

Lacey: So who sent them?

Aria: It was ...

Lola: Just tell us

Summer: I bet it was Josh her boyfriend

Aria: You guessed right Summer

Skylar: Aw that's such a sweet thing. I wish I have a boyfriend like that

Summer: I knew I was right and I agree with Skylar

Aria: Yeah whatever

We finished our conversation and we all go ready for shopping. I wore my white lace top, black side zipped shorts and my white vans. Us girls all got changed into our clothes and brushed our teeth afterwards. After doing our teeth, we all washed our faces fresh and applied our usual make-up. We were satisfied with our make-up and moved on to our hair. I left mine straight down and added a bandana, Skylar did a side fishtail, Lacey did two side plaits and added it into one, Summer put hers up in a high ponytail and Lola added a small plait and put it up into a high ponytail. We all left the bathroom and grabbed everything that we needed for shopping. We left the bedroom and made our way downstairs with our handbags. We all thanked Lola's mum and announced a goodbye to her. We all left the house and hopped into Lola's car. We all strapped in and Lola started the car. She put the roof down and the windows. She drove out of the drive way and to the nearest shopping mall in Manchester. We had to stop at few traffic lights and on one we came across some stupid boys in their car. The driver beeped his horn but us girls completely ignored it and all of the boys in the car wolf whistled at us. We all flipped them off and Lola carried on driving. We reached the car park for the shopping mall and Lola parked her car in a space. She put the roof up and the windows. She stopped the car and we all unstrapped ourselves. We hopped out of the car and Lola locked the car. We all linked arms and started hiking to the shopping mall. We heard shouting but didn't think any of it. We came around the corner and saw all the paparazzi. We quickly backed away and backed into some guys. We all turned around and saw that it was the boys from earlier. We all glanced at them and then at each other. Skylar gave us the hint to move away so we split off and quickly ran away to the back of the mall. We reached the mall and we saw that the boys were chasing us. We ran into the shopping mall and ran into a shop so they didn't notice. We saw that they roamed pass the shop and we exited. Us girls first got breakfast and then we started our shopping.

~Later that day~

We finished shopping at 3pm so we had lunch in between that. Luckily, the guys from earlier didn't find us. Lola dropped us all off back at her house so we could collect our things. I, Skylar, Summer and Lacey all remarked a goodbye to Lola. We all left Lola's house and made our separate ways. I reached my house and entered. I put my dirty clothes in the wash and I spent some time with my family. At 6pm, we had tea and afterwards I put the boys to bed. I got them to have a bath first and we all mucked around. I got the boys down at 8pm and I went straight to my bedroom. I felt my phone ringing in my pocket and I took it out. I saw that Josh was calling me so I answered. We had a two hour conversation over and then we both stated a goodbye to each other. We hung up and I got changed for bed. I finished getting changed and I crawled into bed. Soon enough I fell asleep after receiving a text from the girls and Josh.

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