Chapter 43:Party With A Surprise

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♥Aria's POV♥

Today is FRIDAY and it's the day that I am going to London for that party that Josh is taking me too. I can't lie. I am really excited to go and excited to see Josh tonight. I slowly crawled out of bed and started packing my bag for tonight. I packed my pyjamas, clean clothes for tomorrow, my party outfit for tonight and something more dressed up for tomorrow if needed. I packed my spare wash bag and the things for the bathroom that I will need. I put my phone charger in my bag and my purse.

I made my way to my wardrobe and picked out something to wear. I picked out my skinny jeans, my red and white jersey crop top and my black high heel boots. I took my clothes and shoes to the bathroom. I placed everything on the toilet seat that was down and locked the bathroom door. I turned the shower on and grabbed a towel from the cupboard. I placed the towel on the other side of the bath tub and I checked on the water temperature. It was nice and hot. I stripped out of my pyjamas and hopped into the shower. I rinsed my hair with the hot water and rubbed shampoo into my hair. I rinsed the shampoo out and I put some body wash on a scrub. I washed my body with the body wash and rinsed it off. I washed the scrub out and hooked it back up. I turned the shower off and hopped out of the shower. I wrapped the big towel around my body and grabbed a smaller towel for my hair. I wrapped the towel around my head and dried myself with the big towel that was around my body. I finished drying my body and I got changed into my outfit for today. I towel dried my hair and I put it into a side fishtail plait. I brushed my teeth and washed my face fresh. I applied my make-up and picked up all of my dirty clothes with towels. I unlocked the bathroom and stepped into my bedroom. I chucked all of my dirty clothing and towels in the wash basket. I made my bed and opened my curtains. I opened my big window slightly and grabbed my phone off my bedside table. I put my headphones into my phone and placed the headphones into my ears. I unlocked my phone and saw that I had a message from Josh. I opened the message up and read it. I replied back to him and put my phone in my pocket.

I departed my bedroom and went downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl from the cupboard and the cereal in another cupboard. I poured the cereal into my bowl and put the cereal container back in the cupboard. I grabbed the milk from the fridge and poured milk into my bowl of cereal. I put the milk back into the fridge and grabbed a spoon. I picked up the spoon and my bowl of cereal. I went to the dining hall and saw the auntie Kaye sat at the table staring into space. Probably thinking about something! I placed my bowl down on the table where I normally sit and I sat in the seat. I dug into my cereal and finished in 10 minutes. I got off the seat and picked up my bowl. I took it to the kitchen. I placed the bowl and cutlery into the dishwasher. I shut the dishwasher door behind me and turned the dishwasher on. I turned around and auntie Kaye came strolling into the kitchen.

Aria: Are you okay Auntie Kaye

Kaye: Yeah I'm fine. I don't know if you have heard anything

Aria: About what?

Kaye: Its about your parents but if you haven't heard then it doesn't matter

Aria: No auntie Kaye it does matter. What is going on?

Kaye: I don't know if I should tell you this

Aria: Please auntie Kaye, I'm begging you

Kaye: I overheard your parents talking about you

Aria: What about me?

Kaye: They want you to live with them

Aria: WHAT are you being serious?

Kaye: No it's the truth and they want to you to live with them today

Aria: That is not going to happen (Start to stroll away)

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