Chapter 8:Is My Hero Here To Save Me

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Aria's POV

I carried on crying and crying. Until, I heard noise coming from my bedroom and I got off the bathroom floor so I could find out what that noise was about. I unlocked the bathroom door and slowly opened the door. Stood there in my bedroom was ... JOSH! He glanced at me and then started shuffling towards me. I gazed down at my feet and he lifted my chin up to face him. He smiled at me and I gave him a weak smile.

Josh: What is wrong Aria?

Aria: It's nothing

Josh: There is something if you are crying

Aria: Does it matter. It doesn't concern you

Josh: It does if you are crying

Aria: Josh please go. I don't want to talk about it and I want to be alone

Josh: Is that what you want

Aria: Yes it is. Please just go and leave me alone for a few days

Josh: Fine bye

I didn't reply to him and Josh left my bedroom. I closed the glass door behind him and locked it. I saw him jump over to his balcony and he entered his bedroom. He didn't look behind him and I closed my curtains behind me. I laid on my bed and started crying again. I didn't ask for this. I didn't ask for hate. I couldn't do this any longer. I just wanted to die. I laid on my bed which only felt for a few minutes but it had only just past 2 hours. It was now 6pm and there was a light knock at my bedroom door. I got off my bed and went to answer my bedroom door. I opened my bedroom door and I saw that Auntie Kaye was there.

Kaye: Hey sweetie, what is wrong?

Aria: I'm fine

Kaye: Are you sure or do you want to talk about it later.

Aria: Can we talk about it later

Kaye: Yeah sure. I only came up here to call you that dinner is ready

Aria: I am not hungry but thank you anyways

Kaye: Are you sure darling

Aria: Yep I'm sure

Kaye: Okay. I will leave you. Why don't you take a long soak in the bath and have a relax?

Aria: I think I will and thank you Auntie Kaye

Kaye: It's no problem darling. Shout me if you need anything

Aria: Okay

Auntie Kaye proceeded away from my bedroom door and I closed my bedroom door behind me. I went into the bathroom and started running the bath with the water jets. I let the bath fill up, whilst I went back into my bedroom and grabbed my phone off the bedside table. I grabbed the piece of paper that Josh wrote his number on and I added his number to my contacts. I opened the message box up and started typing a text to Josh. I roamed back into the bathroom and locked the bathroom door behind me. The bath tub was filled up with water so I stopped the water taps. I stripped out of my clothes and continued written that message to Josh.

~Text to Josh~

Aria: Hi Josh, I am sorry about earlier. I was just in a bad place at that time. I hope you understand and I couldn't be without you because you are the best friend I have ever had. I Love You XX

Josh: Hey Princess, It's going to be all okay and if you want to talk about it, I am here for you. I can't be without you either and you are also my best friend. I Love You Too XX

Aria: Is it okay if we talk about it tonight on the balcony outside. I am just going to have a bath so I can relax. ;)

Josh: Yeah sure. What about 9pm and hope you have a lovely relax in the bath. ;)

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