How To Save A Life

By aliensxrxrad

226K 9.4K 7.3K

Sequel to Dirty Little Secret. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
The End


3.7K 141 82
By aliensxrxrad

Let's take a glimpse at what's going on back home, shall we?

"So, tell me... When was the last time you saw your friend Harry?"

"Um..." They thought for a moment. "I saw him at school.. The day of the incident with Nick."
"And did he mention anything about hurting Nick? Or did he express feelings of anger or anything of the sorts?" The agent asked Liam.
Liam thought for long moment, and after a minute, he shook his head. "No, not that I could recall." He said truthfully.
The agent nodded and looked at his partner. "Do you have any idea where Harry could've gone?" He asked Liam.
"No.. I'm sorry." Liam admitted.

Niall, Liam, and Zayn had been at the police station all day, FBI agents, police officers, and the international criminal police organization, have been asking the boys countless amount of questions. Trying to get every detail of Harry that they possibly could.
The only lead they got, was to track down Louis. Only because each of the boys said Harry was closest to Louis. But, they thought that Louis would be no use. Not knowing the situation across seas.

So, after hours and hours of interrogation, the lead agents of the case, decided to track down the Tomlinson Family to find the whereabouts of Louis.
Luckily, Jay knew Louis had moved to Orlando, Florida. So, she immediately told the agents all they needed to know.

The case was then handed to Interpol. Since they were international and had more law enforcement than the others, two agents, a male and female, were sent undercover, to Florida.


"Do you think this would look good in the kitchen?" Louis asked sweetly.
Harry looked over at the fruit bowl and nodded, "Sure, whatever you want, baby." He smiled.
The two boys were out, doing some early morning shopping since nobody was ever really out at this time of day. And... Harry just so happened to receive quite a bit of money. So, he decided it would be nice to fix up Louis's apartment.
They were buying all things they needed for their apartment. Such as, new a new bed setting, silverware, heater, curtains, rugs, basically everything.
And where did Harry get all of this money from?
Well... let's just say, population is definitely not going to be an issue in their city.

The two boys were on their way back to the apartment when Harry decided to bring up a topic.
"Where do you go every Thursday at 5:30?" He asked.
Louis shrugged and kept his eyes on the road, he's never told Harry about his therapist. "Work." He lied smoothly.
"For an hour and a half?" Harry questioned.
Louis nodded and hummed a bit.
"I'm not dumb. But, okay. Whoever you're sneaking off to see... let's just hope I don't find out who they are." He threatened.
Louis rolled his eyes, "Would you shut up? I would never cheat on you, Harry." He said truthfully. "Even if I wanted to. I'd be too scared to." He pointed out.
Harry sighed deeply, "Alright. I trust you, Lou." He said.
Louis grinned, "Good. Because, I love you. I promise I wouldn't ever do that to you." He said.
The taller male smiled a bit to himself and looked out the window. "I love you, too." He said truthfully, contently relaxing in his seat as they drove home.
The boys kind of took over on someone else's car, although, they do return it when they're done.
And the owner is always sleeping when it's gone, so it's like they never even took it.

Once they were back to the apartment, they began cleaning and organizing, wanting to put a more homey feel to their apartment.
"The blood stains aren't going to come out." Louis pouted as he was scrubbing the kitchen floor.
Harry was fixing the bed when he heard Louis, a small chuckle slipping past his plump lips. "So? Just leave it." He said casually.
Louis huffed and got off of his knees, "It's gross and it looks tacky." He mumbled.
Harry looked over to him from the corner where their mattress was laying. "You're gross and tacky." He teased.

"Yeah, right." Louis scoffed and put some more of their silverware away.
He then walked over to the mattress and plopped down onto it, smiling at the feeling of having actual sheets on it. "Thank you for buying all of this stuff." He whispered, peaking at Harry through his long lashes as he nuzzled into his warm mattress.
Harry smiled and laid down next to Louis, wrapping an arm around him. "Of course." He said and pecked Louis's forehead.
"It... it really means a lot to me.." the smaller boy whispered. "I haven't had heat since I lived with my mum.." he admitted, looking over to the heater. "I haven't ever had sheets and more than one pillow on this bed.. let alone actual light." He said, looking at the light bulbs that we're now placed in the sockets. "So, really... thank you so much.." he said, his eyes hurting watery.
Harry laughed softly and gently kissed Louis. "You're welcome, baby.. I'd do anything for you." He whispered.

The two boys easily fell asleep as the sun began peaking through their curtains.
But, just a few blocks away from them, the mangers at Toys R Us were being interrogated by the two agents.

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