Chapter 30

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Harry's eyes widen at Louis's offer. Is he being serious right now? There's no way that Louis could seriously just offer that.. "Really" Harry asks.
"Fuck... Yeah.. Yeah, really." Louis nods, squeezing his eyes shut tightly, what the hell is he even doing? This is a terrible idea. He's going to fall back into a deep depression because of this. He's digging a hole that he won't have a chance of getting out from. 

"Uh.. Yes, I'd love to." He says excitedly, his heart rate picking up speed. "But, what if you get caught? You could get in a lot of trouble for keeping me hidden." He states hesitantly.
Louis shrugs, "Yeah? Well, what else have I got to lose? I fell in love with a psychopath and my life has already fallen to pieces, so why not just continue on with the shit show?" He says dryly.
Harry nods, "Well, thank you for being so kind as to give me a place to stay.." He says, maybe it'll be awkward living with his ex. I mean, they didn't really start off on a good page and he could tell that Louis was still hesitant about this whole thing. But, Harry was honestly just so desperate for a place to stay and who was he to turn down this offer?

"I get off soon... Ish.." Louis shrugs, "Why don't you just go wander around the store or something?" He suggests, "Don't steal anything. Or break anything. I kind of need this job." He mumbles, behind on almost all of his bills, he's lucky his landlord hasn't kicked him out yet. Harry nods once more and does as he's told, wandering off and just aimlessly looking at all the toys.


After Louis's shift had ended, he leads Harry to his shit apartment, it being dirty and dark since his electricity was turned off a week ago and he hasn't had the motivation to get it turned back on. 
"I wasn't expecting guests... So, sorry for the mess.." He says, slightly embarrassed.
Empty pizza boxes were scattered around everywhere, a few empty pill bottles from failed suicide attempts laid on the floor of his bathroom, the tiles stained with blood. His mattress was just laying on the floor in the corner of the room, covered in pillows and stuffed animals he managed to take away from work because they were being thrown out. His clothes were everywhere.
Harry shrugs, "I don't mind." He says casually and goes into the kitchen, dirty dishes overflowing in the sink. Louis had really hit rock bottom.

They both did. 

Louis awkwardly and hesitantly stands in the middle of his living room, watching Harry closely.
"Can you just relax?" Harry asks, feeling Louis's intense stare burn holes into him.
"I can't. I don't even know the meaning of relax." Louis mutters and looks at the time on his shattered phone. He needed to go therapy soon, but he didn't want to leave Harry alone. 

"Um.. I have somewhere I need to be. Will you be okay here?" He asks hesitantly.
Harry nods, "Yes, I'll be fine. I'm not a child." He rolls his eyes, happy that Louis was leaving, so then maybe he could clean up this godawful pig pen. 
"Right... I'll be back in like, two hours." He promises before hurrying off.


Louis doesn't even tell his therapist that Harry is back in his life. He knows he should, that's  what he's paying the damn man for, to tell his problems to. But, if he tells him. Then he'll end up informing the police that he was keeping a wanted man in his home. So, Louis keeps quiet about everything, just telling his therapist about the usual, "How are you?" type of thing. 
He takes his time walking back home, having picked up a pizza like he usually does. Louis doesn't eat much, but when he does, it's pizza. Lately, he's been eating less and less though. So, he was noticeably skinnier and paler.

Harry had spent his alone time cleaning up Louis's mess, sorting out his clean clothes from his dirty clothes, which he didn't have very many clean clothes. He managed to wash all of the gross and dirty dishes and cleaned up the whole apartment before Louis had returned. The worst part was cleaning the bathroom though. He threw away all of Louis's razors. Knowing Louis would get upset over that, but it was for the best. 

"I've returned and I have brought pizza." Louis says in a more cheerful tone. If they're going to be living together, why not make life easier and just fucking enjoy it. They're both going to hell anyways, might as well enjoy the ride. Harry smiles as he notices Louis is a bit more happier and then smiles even more at Louis's reaction when he notices Harry had cleaned his place.

"It looks terrific in here.." He says, his eyes wide, he hasn't seen this place this clean since the first day he moved in. "If this is a subtle way of trying to get me to sleep with you... It's not working." Louis teases, blushing a bit as he remembers they've never gotten that far in their relationship. He's honestly never even seen Harry naked or touched his... Yeah..

Harry shrugs, "I didn't feel like staying in a nasty place, so I took it upon myself to clean. Thanks for the pizza." He says and sits down at the table, grabbing himself a slice.

Louis stays quiet after that, feeling no need to say anything else, that is... Until Harry brings up a topic that is both bothering them.

"So... Are we back together or..?"

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