Chapter 27

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Sorry that I kind of disappeared and left you all on a huge cliffhanger... Anyways... Who's ready to be emotionally damaged because my books are just so depressing? 

I know exactly how I want to end this book... 



Harry was sitting on the plane, tired, and bored out of his mind. It was a 12 hour 40 minute, maybe a bit more, plane ride. And you'd think that, after doing all that he's done, he'd be worried about being caught. But, honestly? Harry Styles gives absolutely no fucks whatsoever. He has nothing else to live for anymore. His home is gone, it's being searched by police officials right at this moment. His mother is crying in the arms of, her still best friend, Johannah Tomlison. All the neighbors have gathered around, talking among themselves of how Anne's sweet, and caring son could've done all of this. Word has already gotten out that, Harry Styles, was behind all of the murders and robberies going on around Doncaster and towns nearby. 

Within an hour, news was spread all over the UK about young Harry Styles, brutally murdering his boyfriend Nick Grimshaw, Eleanor Calder, and countless other innocent people. The news made his mother feel physically sick and just... So, so disappointed in that boy. She's glad that he left, because honestly, she wouldn't be able to see that sick monster in person. Harry is no longer her son. She will not tolerate that type of behavior. Harry can rot in hell for all she cares.

Halfway through the plane ride, Harry had managed to fall asleep and slept for the rest of the plane ride. Still having absolutely no worries. But, what he doesn't know is that, he has serious warrants for his arrests and if not found soon, these warrants will travel to the U.S. They official police authorities will  not stop until this monster is found and put back into jail. 

Harry is awoken by the feeling of the plane landing, he yawns quietly and stretches slightly as he slowly begins to wake up a bit more, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Airplane seats aren't very comfortable to sleep in, so his back is slightly achy. Once he's off the plane and into the fresh American air for the first time in his life, he closes his eyes and just inhales the humid Florida air.  A smile spreading across his face, it's so much warmer here than it is back in Doncaster. It feels so fucking nice. Harry then loos around a bit, just taking a few moments to intake his surroundings. It's so bright here... So many people. There's probably a lot of homeless people wandering around... What a shame.  Harry doesn't take a taxi, he just decides to go on a walk, see some new places. Besides, he's got nowhere else to go. 

A little adventure wouldn't hurt. 


Today was just another typical day in the life of Louis Tomlinson.

Wake up, contemplate on whether or not to actually get out of bed and go on with the real life, or just quit his job and escape reality by sleeping all day. But, eventually get out of bed, drag his lifeless body off to his old and nasty shower. Stand in the shower for about twenty minutes, just letting the steaming hot water drip down his body whilst he hangs his head down low, and then spends the next ten minutes slowly washing his body. He then gets out and continues on with his usual morning routine before he slowly makes his way to work after popping a few of his anti-depressants, which haven't really helped. They just make him feel numb.

It's a regular day for him. Louis didn't feel like taking the bus today, he prefers walking, it helps keep his mind calm from all the negative and dark thoughts that swim around inside of it.  The store wasn't too busy and he didn't have to clean up very many messes today. Usually kids pick up a toy, but change their mind and just carelessly throw the previously chosen toy off somewhere it doesn't belong. Which really ticks Louis off, because what's so hard about putting something back where you found it? It's not hard, it just means you're too lazy to do so. But, that's just his opinion. 

Louis was running the cash register whilst his co-worker went on his thirty minute break. He doesn't mind working the cash register, he just doesn't really like making social interaction with people. He was casually leaning against the counter, dozing off into space. Louis had almost fallen asleep until someone awkwardly cleared their throat, making Louis' eyes widen as his head almost hits the table since it was resting on his palm, which had slipped from underneath him once he had gotten startled. 



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