Chapter 2

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"You've done enough, Tomlinson."

"Zayn! We can't just leave him here." Liam shouted from the drivers seat, while Louis was getting up slowly from the ground after he'd been pushed over.

"I don't care! Have him find his own way home! He's the reason we're in this damn mess!" Zayn shouted and got into the back seat with a very bloody curly haired boy.

Niall sighed, "Let's go Liam! We haven't got time to argue over this."

Liam nodded and gave Louis an apologetic smile before he sped off down the dirt road that led to civilization.

Louis stood frozen in his spot as he watched the car race off into the distance.

After a few moments, he sighed and shook his head. "Looks like you've fucked up once again, Tommo." He mumbled to himself as he slowly walked into the cabin.

He sat down on the couch in the living room and hunched up, resting his head in his hands as he began to quietly cry.


"Apply pressure to the wound!" Liam shouted.

"No shit? I thought I'd just let him bleed out!" Zayn shouted back as he pressed onto Harry's wound with his soaking with blood jacket. His favorite jacket to be exact. But, Harry's obviously more important than a damn jacket.

Liam rolled his eyes, "Fuck! Go faster would ya?" Zayn whined as Harry's breaths got softer.

"I'm going as fast as I can! Just shut up!" He yelled back at Zayn.

"Guys! Don't fight." Niall pleaded with tears in his eyes. "Please! You shouldn't fight in a situation like this!"

"We wouldn't be in this situation if it weren't for that fuck!" Zayn yelled, referring to Louis. "He's such a fucking psycho path! I can't believe you guys even stayed friends with him." He shook his head and looked at Harry's almost lifeless body.

"Lay off, would ya!?" Liam groaned.

"Lay off? Are you fucking kidding me? The kids fucking nuts. All his damn mood swings and weird fucking eating disorder. I thought he was messed up before. But now? Now I'm certain he's a loon."

"Fuck off, Zayn! He's got problems. Yeah? So what. Don't act like you're so fucking perfect. Shooting Harry was a shit thing to do. But that asshole Stan is the one to blame. Louis is a whole different person when he doesn't have his pills, alright? And you fucking know that!" Liam argued.

"When he doesn't have his pills. Do you fucking hear yourself, Liam?" Zayn shook his head. "He needs to take damn pills to even be considered a normal person. He needs to he locked up."

"Did you even hear a word that Stan said? Did you hear the things he said about Harry? Huh?" Liam asked. "Obviously not. He and Harry are both fucked up. They deserve each other. They fucking need each other."

Zayn stayed quiet and thought for a moment, "Fuck." He breathed out as Liam was right. Harry has killed people. Innocent people. And here he was, talking mad shit on Louis, as he was trying to save the life of a murderer.

A murderer.

"Then why even bother saving Harry?" Zayn pointed out.

"Don't say that.." Niall said in a broken voice.

"No. Tell me. Enlighten me on why I should even help him, when he's just as bad as Louis. Maybe worse. We don't even know how many people he's killed. Innocent people." Zayn spat.

"Would you fucking stop!?" Liam shouted and swerved a bit on the road as he got even more angry. "Stop acting like you're so fucking perfect! Mr. I do drugs. Mr. Steals anything he can get his hands on. Mr. Dropped out of highschool." He shook his head, "We've all got out problems. Nobody is a fucking saint. We all go to hell."

Zayn took a deep breath, "Whatever." He said as he remembered the day he and Harry robbed a fucking bank.

They robbed a bank and here he was, acting all innocent.

He kept his mouth shut and continued to apply pressure to Harry's still bleeding wound.


Louis stood quickly from the couch and looked around for Stans car keys. Just because Zayn and the other lads wouldn't let him be in the car with them, doesn't mean he won't meet them at the hospital.

He needs to see Harry. He needs to make sure the boy is alright. He won't be able to live with himself if he's the reason that Harry dies tonight.

He found Stans keys within minutes of searching.

He quickly ran out of the cabin and into the car. Starting the engine and driving off quickly, wiping tears from his eyes.

"I'm coming for you, Harry."

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