Chapter 3

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Liam, Niall, Zayn, and Harry arrived at the hospital with little, almost no time, to spare..

They quickly and gently carried Harry into the emergency room, his breathing was almost not even noticeable anymore.

The nurses saw the shape Harry was in and quickly got a gurney for the boy to be placed onto. They immediately hooked Harry up to a machine that helped with his breathing and cut open his shirt to find where the wound was.

A doctor came out seconds later and they began to push Harry into emergency surgery to get the bullet out of his stomach.

They had to cut a bit more into Harry's skin so they could be able to successfully retrieve the bullet and get it out of him.

"Hurry! We're losing him!" The doctor shouted as he noticed Harry's heart monitor was getting slower... And slower...

"He's losing too much blood." A nurse informed worriedly and hooked him up to a machine that would supply him with the right type of blood.

"There's no time! He won't be able to survive his." Another nurse said as she handed the doctor a clean tool.

"Not on my watch!" He shouted, "Not on my watch." He said in a calmer voice, and continued to perform what was needed to save this boys life.

Hands slightly shaky. Sweat forming on his forehead. He took deep breaths to stay calm. Nobody has ever died on this table while he was on the job and he wasn't willing to let it happen any time soon.

"This kid is too young to die." He said in a quiet voice as he carefully took the bullet out of his stomach, blood still squirting out a bit. His hand was shaky and slow taking it out, Harry had only minutes left to survive.

"Sir. He won't last much longer." A nurse informed, while she was holding a breathing mask up to his face.

"He'll get through this." The doctor assured and cleaned the wound quickly. Then began stitching him up as fast as he could now that the bleeding had calmed down a bit. Mostly because he was already losing too much of it.

The doctor was covered in blood, the sight of it making him slightly nauseous and a bit pale. But he didn't care. His only care right now was to make sure this poor boy survived.


"Fuck. Come on... Come on..." Louis groaned as he got caught in traffic and slammed his fist against the steering wheel.

"Get out of the damn way!" He shouted and threw his hands up in anger.


Liam was pacing the waiting room, chewing on his bottom lip.

Niall was nervously eating a bag of chips and sitting on a hard, very uncomfortable chair, with his legs crossed.

Zayn was sprawled out across a couch next to Niall, eye lids half way shut his bloody jacket laying on the ground next to him.

All three of the boys were covered in blood actually, but not as much as Zayn's jacket was.

"Liam.." Zayn said tiredly. "Sit down, mate."

Liam shook his head, "I can't. Nope. Can't do it." He said quickly. "Wait if he dies? I don't want to lose him. He's like... He's like a brother to me." He said worriedly and wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans.

Zayn sighed and stood up from the couch, walking in front of Liam to stop his pacing. He put his hands gently on the boys shoulders.

"Breath... Alright..?" He said quietly and looked into Liam's eyes with a soft gaze. "Harry will be fine... Sit down."

Liam let out a shaky breath and took a seat next to Niall. Zayn sighed and went to lay back down on the couch as they waited for their friend.

Praying to god that he'll be okay.


"We did it." The doctor said in a shaky voice and a small smile.

Harry was all stitched up and clean, now... It all depends on him whether he chooses to live or not.

His heart was beating painfully slow, breaths were as soft as a feather.

They changed Harry into a hospital gown and took him into a different room where he was hooked up to a few machines.

The doctor sighed and left the room to retrieve the boys friends.

"Styles?" He announced as he entered the waiting room.

Three boys jumped from their seats and quickly walked over to where the doctor was standing.

"Yes??" Liam asked anxiously.

The doctor took a small step back as the boys crowed around him.

"We saved him, you brought him in just in time. A minute later and... I'm sure he would have flat lined. He almost did flat line... But we got him." The doctor assure.

Liam let out a breath of relief, as did the other two boys.

"He's unconscious right now and under the influence of some heavy pain medication. He'll hopefully wake up tomorrow..." The doctor said hesitantly.

"Hopefully..?" Liam questioned.

"Yes... There is a slight chance that he may end up in a coma." He said calmly.

"But... He'll be okay... Correct?"

"Correct." The doctor assured. "He's in room C28. You may see him now."

The boys nodded and quickly went to the designated room.


Louis quickly pulled up the hospital and got out of the car in a hurry.
He ran to the front desk of the emergency room, out of breath, he informed the lady.

"I'm here to see Harry Styles."

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