My Neighbour... Next Door?!

By multifandomkpop7

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My Neighbour ... Next Door?! (Yukook fanfic) Choi Yuna (Yuju) -19 years old -cheerful, pretty and sings well ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 [Final Chapter]
Author's Note

Chapter 20

1.3K 44 11
By multifandomkpop7

Author POV

A few days past ever since Yuna was injured. She is now able to walk steadily on her own but at a slower pace. Jungkook is always by her side, wherever and whenever. She enjoys his care but not the attention she is receiving from the others.

"Yah, I have Yerin unnie with me alright. You don't have to always be around me." Yuna sighed as she slowly walked out of the restroom with Yerin. Jungkook was there, leaning against the nearest locker, waiting for Yuna. "Your boyfriend knows what to do best." Jungkook smiled and wrapped his arm around his girlfriend, walking into class.

Jungkook hadn't face Minjung ever since the talk with her. He doesn't know how to approach her, so he chose to avoid. The only good thing was that Minjung did not bother him either. Until this day, when she suddenly put a note on his table secretly, telling him to meet her at the rooftop during break time. Since Minjung was the one who initiated, Jungkook thought that it would be a good chance to clear up their past.

Minjung POV

It was in the midst of Physics lesson when I saw Yuna asking permission to leave for the washroom. Asa, this is my chance! I realised that Jungkook didn't follow her along, so I excused myself to the restroom as well.

I heard the toilet flushed as I quickly pretended to wash my hands at the basin. "Oh, hey." I greeted her through the mirror as the cubical door opened. She flashed me a smile, "Hey." She walked forward carefully and slowly.

"Yuna." I started off. "Mhmm?" she replied, concentrating on the soap dispenser.

"I would like to talk to you later. During break time." I requested. She looked at me through the mirror before nodding, "Sure. About what?" she asked. "Nothing much. Since I don't have many friends here in school, I just wanted to catch up some academic stuffs with you, if you don't mind of course." I tried to flash her the sweetest smile. "Of course I don't mind." She beamed, cleaning her hands with the tissue. "I will meet you at the roof top during lunch break then." She nodded and went out of the washroom.

"Sometimes being too nice is not good, Choi Yuna." I smirked before flinging my hands to flick the water off.

Author POV

Everything went on perfectly just like how Minjung had planned. The bell rang and it was finally lunch time.

"What do you guys wanna eat?" Yerin asked while tidying up her desk. "I will not be eating with you guys. I have some things to settle." Jungkook replied, rushing out of class without a word.

"Woah, whassup with Jungkook?" Hoseok asked, walking towards the remaining three. Taehyung shrugged with a pout.

"Yuna?" Yerin turned her gaze to the younger one. "I am not sure either. But I won't be able to eat with you guys too." Yuna gave them an apologetic smile. "Reason?" Hoseok stared at the younger female.

"Minjung asked me for help, for her school work." Yuna bluntly explained. "WHAT?! You mean that Minjung? Jungkook's ex-girlfriend?" Taehyung questioned and Yuna just dropped her head for a slight nod. "And you accepted?!" Yerin gasped.

"I don't see a reason why I shouldn't. It's just helping another classmate out. Don't be so worked up, guys. See you all around." Yuna raised a hand for a goodbye before leaving the classroom.

Jungkook POV

"Minjung?" I walked up to the rooftop, only to see her back facing me. She turned to look at me, "Oh, you are here."

I walked up to her carefully, "Something you wanna tell me?" my tone was so different from the last time. After knowing all about her past, I can't fully forgive her but at the same time, I felt sorry for her.

"I just wanna say I am sorry for what I have done to you. I didn't have the courage to say all these things to you. Since you have a girl that you love now, I feel happy for you. I hope that she can really bring you happiness and give you what you deserve. Please don't forget me and I still love you..." her voice trailed off at the last word. She was choked on her tears as they rowed down her cheeks.

Seriously, don't girls know that their tears are our men's weakness? I sighed before stepping a step forward to lift her chin up with my hand. I brushed my thumb across her cheek. "I hope the best for you too." I mumbled.

Minjung POV

"I hope the best for you too." Jungkook hung his head low to look at me. His gaze, his face, his touch. I missed this so much. I used to be in his arms, letting him cuddle me from morning to night. Everything was going on perfectly. I looked into the abandoned mirror that was placed perfectly in the angle to keep a lookout at the entrance of the rooftop. Yuna should be coming up soon. I thought to myself.

Just then, I saw a bandaged right ankle from the mirror. I knew it was Yuna. Before Jungkook could react to the footstep, I tiptoed and my lips met his. I remember my first kiss with him. His lips are still as kissable as before. His scent that drives me crazy every day and night. Those days when he still mumbled sweet words into my ears. It felt like everything around me had stopped.

Yuna POV

I was making my way slowly up the rooftop with my bandaged ankle. I reached the rooftop and heard some noises coming from that direction, so I thought Minjung must have reached.

Making me way up the stairs carefully, I stood by the entrance of the rooftop, only to find out the source of the noise. Jungkook and Minjung. I was completely taken aback by the scene and stood rooted to the ground, not believing what I've just seen. Jungkook and Minjung kissing. My boyfriend kissing his ex-girlfriend right in front of my eyes. The reason why he wasn't able to eat with us was to meet Minjung. I felt a slight ache in my head as my eyes started to water.

That moment, I realised how pitiful I look. I loved a guy who takes me as a replacement of his ex-girlfriend. I blinked a few times to make sure I was not dreaming. Jungkook's hand was on her cheek, supporting her chin.

The scene was perfect from my angle with the help of the sunshine. Anyone would have agreed that they look good together. I swallowed a lump of saliva to prevent my tears from falling. I left the rooftop with wet eyes, making my way down lifelessly.

It's really time for me to let Jungkook go?

Jungkook POV

My eyes widened the moment when she tiptoed to kiss me on the lips. I can't deny the fact that all the memories I had with her came flashing through my mind the moment her lips touch mine. She was my first kiss, my first love. Indeed, it was memorable.

I stood on the ground, dumbfounded as I didn't know how to react. I did not kiss her back, neither did I push her away. My mind just went blank straight away. It took me a long time to react and I quickly pushed her away.

"S-Sorry, I didn't mean to. I just couldn't help myself." She immediately apologized, wiping the tears that were stained on her cheeks. I don't want to blame her for this, but my heart felt a sense of guilt upon thinking of Yuna.

"If there is nothing else, I will get going." I wanted to run away from this situation so badly. I was so confused of what to do next.

Minjung POV

The minute Jungkook left the rooftop, I plotted myself on the bench with a satisfying smirk. "I wonder what drama would happen after this. Aigoo, poor Yuna." I chuckled just by thinking about her reaction.

Author POV

Soon, their one-hour break was over and everyone was making their way make to their respective classrooms. "Anyone saw Yuna?" Yerin asked anxiously.

"No? I thought you said she won't be able to eat with us?" Jimin stated as they were walking along the corridor. "Yea, but it's almost lesson time. She's usually early for lessons." Yerin explained.

"Maybe she's in class." Sojung tried to calm the younger one down as they approached Yerin's classroom. "She's not here." Taehyung pointed to the empty seat beside him.

Just then, they saw Jungkook coming out from the gents. "Kook ah." Namjoon called out to him. Jungkook looked up from his wet hands and quickly ran towards them. "Hey."

"Have you seen Yuna? Is she with you?" Seokjin stepped forward to ask. Jungkook's expression went serious and shook his head, "Nope, I have not seen her. Isn't she supposed to be with you guys?" Jungkook's heart started to beat faster upon looking at their worried expressions. "Don't tell me you guys can't find her." Jungkook said sternly.

"She wasn't with us either. She said she had to do something with Minjung." Hoseok told Jungkook.

"Minjung? It can't be. I was with Minjung." Jungkook blurted out causing everyone to stare at him. "You were with Minjung?" Taehyung's voice went deep but firm. Just in time, the bell rang and everyone had to disperse to their own classrooms.

Yuna was still nowhere to be found and everyone was worried. Of course, especially Jungkook. He wasn't listening to the lessons being taught the whole time as he just stared at the empty seat in front of him. He took out his phone to try to call her but her cell phone was turned off.

"Where can she be? Is she sick or unwell? She is still injured!" Jungkook thought to himself and it got him even more frustrated. He wanted to just rush out of the classroom to search for her.

Yuna POV

I paced myself slowly up to the 5 level of the school building. I don't want to go back to class. I don't want to face Jungkook and Minjung. I went into the music room where I used to go there very often. Usually, the door's locked but today, probably the teacher had forgotten to lock it up before leaving. Is this all fated? I laughed pitifully at myself.

I pushed the door to walk in, turning on the lights before lying my eyes on the guitar. I dragged my steps towards it and sat down on the nearest chair and held up the guitar. I felt a sting-like pain on my wrist the moment I lifted the guitar but I struck it off. My heart hurts way more badly than my wrist.

I strummed the first beat and closed my eyes. (I will be using the song "Rough" here^^ We will just assume that Yuna composed "rough").

"다가서지 못하고 헤매이고 있어 (I am wandering, unable to approach you)." I started to sing the song that I have composed a long time ago, when I started to fall in love with Jungkook. And I have just finished the song recently. No one knew about this song. I was too afraid to tell anyone about my feelings at that time, so I decided to write them down in a song.

I mesmerised those times when I first met him till we became friends. I went deep down my memory lane to recall all those little moments we had together as I was singing this song. A song that was dedicated to him.

"만나지 못해 맴돌고 있어 우린 마치 평행선처럼 (We are revolving because we can't meet, we are like parallel lines)." Those times when I wanted to go a step further but was retrained by all those fangirls in school. We can't seem to get any closer at that time.

"미처 말하지 못했어 다만 너를 좋아했어 (I wasn't able to tell you but I liked you)." Feelings built up within me day by day but I tried my best to control myself because I thought we were not meant to be together.

"이거 하나만 약속해 변치 않기를 바랄게 그때도 지금처럼 날 향해 웃어줘 (Promise me this, I hope you don't change. Smile at me then like you do now)." I hope his heart doesn't change... promise me that you wouldn't change.

"엇갈림 그 속에서 손을 잡아줄게 (In the mist of divergence, I will hold your hand)." I am not sure if I am able to hold your hand tight till the end even if we have to diverge but I will try my best...

I strummed the last string on my last note before slowly opening my eyes as a tear slipped down my cheeks. This is my song to him, if I have the chance to tell him how I feel. I am not ready to let him go...

I took a look at the clock on the wall when I realised that school is going to end soon. I put the guitar down beside me lightly, before holding onto my wrist that was slightly hurting. I strolled down the stairs and stopped in front of the classroom in a blind spot where the teachers and students won't be able to see me, waiting for the final bell to ring.

I hid behind a lock when the bell went off and students started to rush out of the classrooms. I scanned around the corridor and saw Bangtan together with the girls. Yerin unnie was holding onto my bag, asking where I would be.

"Would unnie be at home?" SinB suggested but was rejected by Sojung unnie. "No, Yuna is not the kind of people who will leave without a word. Something must have happened and her phone is still in her schoolbag. She must be in school."

"Where do you think she will be at then?" Jungkook asked, starting to panic. The sight of him hurts me. The scene of him kissing Minjung was still stuck in my brain and it can't seem to disappear. Does he still love Minjung? How should I react to this? Act like nothing happened, or should I ask him about it?

"Maybe unnie is in the music room? She used to go there very often. Especially if something is troubling her." Yewon snapped her fingers and I just smiled. She is always the one being observant and sweet.

"Talking about that, Jungkook. Why were you with Minjung just now?" Namjoon oppa turned his body to ask Jungkook who seemed to be startled by the sudden question.

"We had some things to clarify." He answered and my heart sank. He didn't talk about the kiss; neither did he mention about what they were clarifying. Am I supposed to believe him?

"Let's go and find Yuna first. She is still injured and I am afraid that something might happen to her." He urged and they were about to start moving when I stepped out from behind the locker and walked towards them.

"Where are you guys going?" I pretended to ask, faking a smile. "Unnie!" SinB yelled and ran towards me, linking her arm around mine. "Omo, where were you?! We were so worried." Sojung unnie hit me on the forehead as I approached them. "I was in the music room." I chuckled. "See! I knew unnie was there!" Yewon punched her fist in the air.

"Are you okay?" Yerin unnie leaned her body forward to look at me in concern and I nodded. "Yuna..." I heard Jungkook's voice as he stood in front of me, holding my hand. "Don't just go away like that without a word anymore." His tone was a gentle and calm one as he looked straight into my eyes. I looked back at him, trying to search for an answer to all my questions but the more I stare, the deeper it gets and the more lost I would be.

"Yea. You gave us a heart attack. You have not fully recovered yet." Taehyung oppa ruffled my hair and I just faintly smiled.

The walk with Jungkook home was silent. It was near to being dreadful. Our hands were tightly intertwined together but why do I feel that our hearts are drifting apart? We both didn't utter a word till we reach his apartment. "I want to go back to my own apartment." I finally broke the silence.

I heard him sigh as he turned to face me, holding onto my shoulders, looking me straight into the eye, "Tell me what did Minjung tell you." He said.


Hey guys! I am back with another chapter~ Hope this chapter will not be as boring! <3

Please give me some comments and anticipate the next chapter! Love you guys!

Credits to owners~

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