When Life Changes

By klaroline-4ever

292K 8K 739

Elizabeth Forbes was Esther's best friend and when Esther decided to turn his family into immortal creatures... More

1. Start of an Immortal Life
2. I know
3. Meeting Katerina
4. Kalijah Talk
5. Talking about the Sacrifice
6. Katerina Escapes
7. Governor's Party
8. Marcellus
9. Rebekah/Marcellus/Niklaus
10. Daggering Rebekah
11. Turn Marcellus
12. Papa Tunde
13. Rebekah meets Genevieve
14. Klaus & Marbekah
15. Marcel & Mikael
16. Elijah and Mikael
17. Mikael & The Escape
19. Caroline Drunk & Protective Klaus
20. The next day
21. Blood-sharing
22. Giving into the tension
23. A month later
24. I love you
25. Meeting Stefan Salvatore
26. Leaving
27. Changing Body
28. Seeing the doppleganger
29. The 60's Dance
30. Undaggering Elijah
31. Talking with Jenna
32. Preparing for the Ritual P1
33. Preparing for the Ritual P2
34. The Ritual
35. Turning to a Hybrid
36. Going back to Chicago
37. Klarosex
38. You are not alone
39. Looking for Werewolves
40. Richard
41. Brad
42. Dancing with Brad
43. Klaroline Fight
44. I don't need you
45. A week later
46. Having breakfast with Brad
47. Care talks with Bekah
48. Drunk Niklaus
49. The First Cuddle
50. Truth or Dare
51. Interuption & Fight
52. Apologize
53. Caroline vents about Brad
54. Thinking about last night
55. Needing Space & Rejection
56. Carebekah & Klefan
57. Klaus talks with Brad
58. Good Old Nik back & Visiting Brad
59. Caroline made a decision
60. "I never lied to you"
61. "Stay"
62. Klaus's Nightmare
63. Prediction
64. Being Upset
65. Caroline & Brad
66. "I'm in love with you"
67. Kalijah
68. Brad & Olivia
69. Drunk Niklaus
70. Brad & Niklaus argue + Caroline asking Klaus to help
71. "There's only one choice"
72. 3 Years Later
73. Spending time with Caroline
74. Caroline's Missing
75. Caroline's Nightmare
76. Girl bonding time
77. Going on a Date
78. Breakfast with Caroline
79. Announce Klaroline's Engagement
80. Klaroline's Wedding

18. Chicago

4.9K 177 31
By klaroline-4ever

AN: I'm sorry if it's not a really good gif. It was the first one I ever made.

Klaus's POV

We were now in Chicago. Caroline helped Rebekah get settled and tried to calm her down, while I was in the living room, drinking some scotch.

"Rebekah is finally resting." Caroline's voice appeared, making me turn to see her.

"She didn't deserved this. None of you did. We had a place we called home and I found a way to ruin everything... again." I said trying to fight my tears.

The tears were from sadness, pain and disappointment with myself for never being able to let things go right.

"It wasn't your fault. The blame for what happened was Mikael and no one but him." Caroline said while walking over to me.

"But we both know why he wants to destroy me and everything around me..." I said.

"yes. But it was him who chosen to stay with his revenge fantasy instead of enjoying the good things life can offer us. It was him who decided to live a life of revenge. Not you." She said.

"How can you say that after everything that I have done in all my immortal life?" I asked and got a little closer to her.

"Because after everything, you are still the caring and protecting man that you were when we were human. We all did things we are not proud of, but I'm sure that no one would be as strong as you to be able to deal with all this life. I admire your strength and your courage." She said looking me in the eyes.

I could see she was being completely honest and I couldn't help it, all my feelings that I have been repress it for her over the centuries were boiling back and I couldn't fight it anymore, I kissed her.

"We..." She said when we broke the kiss. "We better get some rest. It was a long day and... Goodnight."

With that she left to her bedroom and I stayed there thinking about the kiss and how I probably ruin everything with Caroline too.


The next day, Rebekah spent all morning crying in her bedroom and now she went out for a 'drink' and Caroline and I had still not spoken about the kiss or any other thing for that matter.

When Rebekah left, I decided that it was better to talk with Caroline and try to fix what happened.

"I'm sorry about last night. I know that we always have been friends and it was not my intention that things would became weird." I said.

"No, it's okay. I just... I didn't know what to do because you were in some dark place and I didn't want you to feel rejected but I also didn't want to ruin our friendship and... I'm sorry for not dealing well with what happened."

"You handle it well and... wait. Last night it was a pity kiss." I asked now upset because I didn't want anyone's pity.


"Then what was it?" I asked now curious.

"I don't know. It was something that happened in the heat of the moment." Caroline said.

"Are you saying that you wanted to kiss me?"

"And? You wanted to kiss me. It was you who started."

"I won't deny that, love." I said and smirked with the memory I had of our first kiss. "Do you remember our first kiss?"

"Don't remind me. I was being such an insecure little girl that day."


I was with Caroline in our secret place, in the middle of the woods and Caroline was telling me about her first real kiss with Richard.

"I'm sorry, love, but I am not seeing the problem here."

"He was the first man I kissed for real. What if it was bad? What if I'm horrible at kissing and he will end everything?" Caroline asked.

"I'm sure you are not horrible."

"Thank you but how would you know?" She asked.

"Fine. We can kiss and I tell you if you are or are not good at kissing." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"We cannot do that. We are friends and friends do not kiss. Besides, I'm with Richard and I love him, I'm not going to kiss another man just because of my worries. I am not going to betray him."

"It was just an idea, love." I said and then she looked at me and took a deep breath.

"Alright. Let's do it."


"Let's kiss."

"Are you sure about this, love?" I asked.

"Yes, but let's do it before I regret it." She said and so I leaned in and we kissed.

At first was a gentle kiss but quickly became a passionate kiss and a part of me didn't want to end it, it begged for more, but other part of me knew that our friendship was more important.

"You have nothing to worry about, love. You are an amazing kisser."

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