Fall For Your Type: Book 2 |...

By KingMotha

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This is a sequel to Fall For Your Type: Senior Year Maeko returns as well as many of the other characters as... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 * Zanae's Chapter*
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 *Lyric's Chapter*
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 12

1.5K 103 31
By KingMotha

*Lando P.O.V*

I decide to skip school today, and go do my own thing. I know y'all remember me. I been through a lot with Maeko and the Johnson family. I was Maeko's first boyfriend, and first sex partner..

I enjoy him being my brother and all, but I do still have that soft spot for him. I do sometimes think about what our relationship would've been, had he not fought Derrick, and we broke up. I can't say I wasn't out for revenge, but when I found out Maeko was with a new dude I was angry.

It really should've been Maeko and I against the world not Maeko and Dino. The reason why Dino and I didn't get along is clear. We fought, and I just didn't like him. Dino and I are a lot alike. He keeps it real, so do I. He isn't afraid to go after what he wants, so do I.

The comparison is really clear. I don't let my personal feelings judge how I feel about Dino though. Dino made Maeko calm down, and he makes him happy. As long as Maeko is content, so am I.

I get interrupted from my thoughts by my phone vibrating. I pull my phone out and look at my call log. Once I notice the person calling, I roll my eyes. "Hello" I answer annoyed.

"So you're just gonna avoid me?" Hannah says.

Hannah is this lil dude I used to fuck with sister. "Shawty what you talking about?" I huff.

"I've been calling to tell you that my doctors appointment is Friday at 3:30. I want you to be there." She says.

I rub my hand down my face. "Yo, I told you the kid isn't mines.." I say casually.

"The fuck! you are the only person I was with within that time. My brother is still pissed at what we did, but we have to think of this baby. Stop being a little boy." She yells at me. I pull the phone away from my ear.

"Look I'll think about it okay." I say as I hang up on her.

I don't understand how this happened. I wrapped up, but somehow she ended up pregnant. I have my doubts, but I do feel like that baby is mines. I just refuse to believe it though.

I did her brother so wrong by sleeping with her, but he wanted me to wait six months to take his virginity. I was all for it, but when she threw the pussy at me I couldn't hold back. I feel bad, but I am also gonna try to be there for her. I need to talk to Maeko and Tommy about this. Maybe they'll understand. I pull my phone back out and call Maeko while he's in school.

"This better be important..." He answers into the phone with an attitude.

"I'm sorry were you doing some type of work?" I ask

"I actually wa-" He says and I cut him off.

"No, you weren't.."

"Bitch!" He shouts and I laugh.

"But forreal. I need to talk to you and Tommy." I explain.

"What's it about?" He asks

"I'll tell you later. Get back to work." I rush him off the phone as I hang up.

"I really gotta stop hanging up on people" I laugh as I lean back. I look around the coffee shop, and admire the couples sitting at their tables. I pay for my coffee, and I get up to leave. I got shit to do today...

*Maeko P.O.V*

I'm sitting in third period talking to Bree, and my phone starts to ring. I look down and notice it's Lando calling, so I raise my hand to ask the teacher may I step out.

"Mr. Pegesee may I step out?" I ask our teacher.

He looks up from grading papers and nods.

"Hold on Bree." I pause her while I step out. "This better be important..." I answer into the phone with an attitude.

"I'm sorry were you doing some type of work?" Lando asks

"I actually wa---" I say and he cuts me off.

"No, you weren't." He interrupts

"Bitch!" I shout and he laughs.

"But forreal. I need to talk to you and Tommy." He explains.

"What's it about?" I ask out of nervousness.

"I'll tell you later. Get back to work." He rushes me off the phone and hangs up.

I stare at the blank screen for moment. "People are gonna stop hanging up on me." I say to myself as I walk back into the class.

"My bad Bree." I pull out my chair to sit down. "What were we talking about?" I ask for remembrance. I know y'all wondering when did me and Bree get so cool. It's true she was close with Za'nae and Lyric, she still is, but we've grown accustomed to each other as well.

"You're so forgetful... We were talking about Aldino and Brenden." She says reminding me.

I snap my fingers. "Oh yeah... Right, I was saying that I thought Brenden was the one for me, but Dino shut all that down."

"You should've known he would.." She laughs.

I laugh for a second then stare at her because it's something I've been dying to know from her that nobody knows but me. I clear my throat. "Hey Bree?" I say as I try to gather my words.

"Wassup?" She says as she is writing on her paper.

"Would you get mad if I asked you a personal question?" I ask as I bite my bottom lip.

"That depends Maeko but go ahead." She say with full attention on me.

"Okay, I know you and Dino used to go out before we got together, and you have never really said how you felt about it all. I always wondered why y'all broke up." I say and she blinks at my comment.

She takes a long sigh. She looks me in my anticipating eyes, and starts to explain. "We did used to have a thing for each other. We didn't break up because of y'all two because nobody knew at the time. We broke up because I got pregnant, and I swore up and down the baby was his. When we went to the doctor it was revealed that the baby was conceived two weeks before we had sex. We broke up because he told me he found somebody else, whom I know now, was you. That night at the party, I was wondering who he was with, but I knew whoever it was, they was making him happy. I lost the baby because of stress, of course, but he was still there for me. You brought out something that I didn't see in Aldino while we were together. I'm happy for both of y'all regardless. I got me a new boo!" She explains, and my jaw is to the floor.

"I'm sorry for your loss. I never knew you were with child."

She smiles and waves it off. "It's nothing.."

Someone comes and knocks on the door, and Mr. Pegesee goes to answer it. He looks back into the room after a minute, and scans the room, landing eyes on me. "Maeko you're needed outside." He says and I raise my eyebrow at who this could be.

I look at Bree and she gives me a I don't know shrug. I walk outside, and Dino is leaning on the locker with his crutches at his side. I quickly tense up because this may be bad.

"Yes Dino.." I say after the stare down we have.

"So you like trying me huh?" He asks in all seriousness.

"What the hell? You mean to tell me... You came all the way out of your class to try to confront me?" I say with annoyance in my voice.

"Answer my question Maeko..." He demands in a soft kind of sinister tone.

"NO DINO! You answer mines!" I yell at him.

He laughs and in a quick swift moment he slams me into the lockers. "I'm telling you now. If I find out you and my cousin did fuck, I'm coming for you and him. You got me fucked up if you think I'm about to walk around here looking like a fool over you." He says with a low tone and his finger get in my face.

I push his hands away, and back away from him. "Get to digging Dino. You made your mind up when you decided you hated me..." I turn to walk away from him but he grabs my arm.

"I'm not letting you walk away from us." He says looking into my eyes.

"Who said I was going to let you..." I say as I turn again to walk back into the classroom. I know y'all are confused as to what just happened, but that was the old Dino. He thinks by threatening me, I'll do right. He's partially right, but this love is 50/50. I can't make up for my wrongdoings, but I can try to work on them with him.

I go back and sit in my seat again. Bree is staring at me. "What?" I ask her.

"You good?" She asks.

"I'm good." I respond and she nods at my answer.

The bell rings for lunch, and I quickly try to get there, so I can get a good place. I get there in time to meet up with Bj, Milo, and Za'nae in line.
"Hey y'all..." I wave and they wave back.

"You in a better mood?" Za'nae asks.

I look at her and nod. She looks away and then back at us. "There goes Dino." She says as he is being helped by some girl over by us.

"Thank you baby girl." Dino says to the girl who was helping him. The bitch ugly anyways.

"You're welcome D." She smiles and walks off. Why this ho showing so much teeth?

Everyone looks at Dino and then at me, feeling the tension between us. "Awkward..." BJ mumbles.

"Wassup Dino!" Milo says opening his hand for a dap.

"My boy..." Dino says as he daps up Milo.

I move up in the line, and get my food. I walk over to our table, and sit. Everyone else comes shortly after. Za'nae sits next to Milo, and Bj and Dino sit by each other.

"When did this happen?" Dino asks Bj as he looks up at Za'nae and Milo kissing.

Bj shrugs, and eats his taco. "I don't even know." He says with a mouthful.

"It's about time you got you some cutty Milo." Dino says and laughs.

"It's still so weird that you back man." Bj says after swallowing his food.

Dino sighed. "I hated seeing darkness everyday. All I could hear was everyone's voices and crying. Some people just couldn't wait for me." He said throwing shots at me.

"Shade?" I say as I drink my milk.

"Not at all Ko." Dino says.

"Alright then.. Stop acknowledging me" I spat.

Milo and Za'nae break up their smooch session to look at us. "Is there something we missed?" Milo asks.

"I would've thought y'all would be happy to be back united." Bj says.

"I'm leaving." I stand up and throw my trash away. I'm annoyed and I'm ready to leave school, so I'm checking out. I walk to the front off, with my I.D in hand, and I sign the sign out sheet. The lady behind the counter asks to see my I.D and I give it to her. She runs it, and I am good to go after she gives it back.

I walk out of the front door, and start to walk home. My phone starts to vibrate and it's Lando. I answer it quickly.

"Hello." I say into the phone.

"You still in lunch?" Lando asks.

"No... I checked out. Can you come get me?" I ask.

"You're in luck. I'm passing the school now." He says with the wind blowing in the background.

"I need my car back." I mumble as I see him pulling up and I hang up the phone.

He pulls up and has a smirk on his face. "Doesn't this bring back memories." He says sarcastically as the rain starts to drop.

"Shut it up." I mush his face as he laughs and pulls off.

*Dino P.O.V*

Maeko gets up to walk off, and I want to run after him it frankly I don't have the energy. I'm completely lost as to why he doesn't see what he is doing to me is wrong. I stare down at my rice, moving it around, and I feel stares on me.

I look up at everyone to meet their stares. "What?" I ask annoyed.

"What is going on Dino?" Milo asks.

"I don't know." I answer honestly.

"Why you lying?" Bj says.

I shrug. "I'm just trying to believe nothing is..."

"You and Maeko are not acting like two people who missed each other. It's too much tension in the air." Bj says.

"Maeko did all the dirt, so how can I get over that?" I ask waiting for an answer.

"I can't justify his actions, but he's hurting Dino... Just like you." Bj explains.

I just look at him and nod. "What should I do y'all." I ask generally.

Za'nae licks her lips and look up from playing with her food. "I just think y'all need time. If y'all relationship was as strong as it was before y'all will be back the way y'all were."

"Do y'all think we were a power couple?" I ask out of curiosity.

Milo laughs. "Power couple?"

"Yes, Power couple." I retort

"Something like that.." Za'nae says

"Y'all a'ight" Bj says.

"Look, main point is that you trying to act like you don't miss him, and he's trying to act like he don't miss you. I say don't let Brenden stop you, go get your man Dino, and if it's any issues y'all can share." Za'nae says.

"I don't want to share him though.." I respond.

"Well tell him to kick Brenden to the curb, so you know it's real." Milo says and I laugh.

"I guess y'all right." I say as the bell rings for lunch to be over.

I don't know how I'm gonna do it, but I gotta try to make amends with Maeko, but this love is 50/50 he has to meet me halfway. I just hope we can work it out.

*Jayln P.O.V*

Throughout the day I caught myself laughing at how Maeko thought he could check me. I knew once I saw him that everything would click. I honestly had no intent of having sex with Brenden out of malice because I didn't know who he was to Brenden.

Maeko and I go way back. I used to do anything he could do but better. He sings, I do that better. He dances, I do that better. He has a boyfriend who he didn't appreciate, I did him better too.

The bell rings for our classes to transition, and I walk through the crowd at regular pace. I'm in no rush. I go to my locker, and gather my books for the last period of the day. I walk into the Lit class, and take my seat. I begin to write in my journal, when I look up, and see Aldino standing next to my desk.

"May I help you?" I smile as I lick my lips.

"Is anybody in this desk next to you?" He licks his lips and asks. I shake my head no and he sits down. It wasn't too long before I caught him staring at me.

"What?" I ask not looking away from my paper.

"So, you're gonna act like you don't remember me?" He asks.

"I do..." I say as I look over at him.

"When did you move back?" He asks.

I shrug. "A while ago..."

He nods his head in fascination. "I should really be asking about how you have been? I heard what happened." I say sincerely.

"Yeah, Seems like everyone around here has." He says sounding kind of down.

"I'm sure Milo and everyone are helping you through it." I say as I look back at my paper.

"It doesn't matter..." He shrugs. "The one person I want to hold me down is not with the winning team anymore."

"Who is this?" I ask with an arched eyebrow.

"Maeko..." He says lowly.

I gasp at his reveal. "You talk to Maeko?"

"Talked..." He said as he sighs.

"Care to share?" I ask just trying to be nosy.

"Not right now." He shrugs.

I could tell Maeko has done some probably fucked up shit to Dino, and I intend on finding out what...

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