The Catalyst (GirlXGirl)

By LBrooks23

1.1M 43.8K 6.2K

~COMPLETED~ In a world that is overruled with corruption and a new incurable disease sweeping through several... More

Chp. 1 "New Best Friend"
Chp. 2 "One Year Later"
Chp. 3 "Attraction"
Chp. 4 "A New Face"
Chp. 5 "Undeniable Feelings"
Chp. 6 "Change of Plans"
Chp. 7 "Close Call"
Chp. 8 "Realization"
Chp. 9 "Here's the Plan"
Chp. 10 "Good Guys and Bad Guys"
Chp. 12 "Oops"
Chp. 13 "Revelation"
Chp. 14 "Who Am I?"
Chp. 15 "What's Next?"
Chp. 16 "The Call"
Chp. 17 "Recruiting"
Chp. 18 "Last Day"
Chp. 19 "Rehearsal"
Chp. 20 "A Familiar Face"
Chp. 21 "And We're Off!"
Chp. 22 "A Friendly Chat"
Chp. 23 "Arrived"
Chp. 24 "Meet the Masons"
Chp. 25 "Eye Opener"
Chp. 26 "Close Call"
Chp. 27 "Home Sweet Home"
Chp. 28 "New Ability"
Chp. 29 "A Serious Talk"
Chp. 30 "Untimely Introductions"
Chp. 31 "Proper Introductions"
Chp. 32 "Preparation"
Chp. 33 "Convincing Lies"
Chp. 34 "Bad News"
Chp. 35 "Secret Skills"
Chp. 36 "Goodbyes"
Chp. 37 "Phase 1"
Chp. 38 "Finally Alone"
Chp. 39 "Deep Thought"
Chp. 40 "Doctor Henson"
Chp. 41 "Down Time"
Chp. 42 "Pursuing Phase 3"
Chp. 43 "Surprise"
Chp. 44 "Welcome to the Bureau"
Chp. 45 "The Lab"
Chp. 46 "The Truth Sucks"
Chp. 47 "Deep Conversations"
Chp. 48 "It's a Date"
Chp. 49 "Desperate Times, Desperate Measures"
Chp. 50 "Two-Sided Story"
Chp. 51 "Hard Work"
Chp. 52 "Great News"
Chp. 53 "Shocking Information"
Chp. 54 "Saving Avery"
Chp. 55 "Confessions"
Chp. 56 "Shocking Secrets"
Chp. 57 "Unexpected Call"
Chp. 58 "Old Wounds"
Chp. 59 "Training"
Chp. 60 "A Much Needed Talk"
Chp. 61 "Awkwad Introductions"
Chp. 62 "Business Meeting"
Chp. 63 "Late Night Talk"
Chp. 64 "Round Two"
Chp. 65 "Friendly Advice"
Chp. 66 "Forgive Me"
Chp. 67 "Morning After"
Chp. 68 "The Final Meeting"
Chp. 69 "The Plan's in Motion"
Chp. 70 "Mishap"
Chp. 71 "Plan B"
Chp. 72 "Escape"
Chp. 73 "The Final Chase"
Chp. 74 "Aftermath"
Chp. 75 "A Step Forward"
Chp. 76 "Welcome Home"
Chp. 77 "A New Beginning"

Chp. 11 "Finishing Up"

21.6K 879 98
By LBrooks23

Chp. 11 "Finishing Up"

After the confrontation Max and I headed to his house so I could drop him off. I needed to go to Avery’s to finish the project but I didn’t want to do anything but curl up in my bed and cry. I knew my true fate and I wasn’t so sure about it anymore…

Max looked at me warily when I pulled up into his drive way, we had been completely silent the entire way here. He sighed, “You’re really gonna go to Avery’s?”

I shrugged, “I need to help her with the project…”

I knew he was just as confused and hurt as I was but he knew I was right. He grabbed his booksack and sighed, “Text me later?”

I nodded, “Yea…”

He gave me a long sad look before exiting the vehicle and leaving me alone with my thoughts. I started towards Avery’s house, feeling as if I was completely alone. I wanted to cry but I knew that wouldn’t help anything so I held it in. I had no idea what I was going to do, and I didn’t know whether or not I should confront my parents about this.

But I needed answers.

I had no idea who I was, and it seemed as if Blaine knew more about me than I did. Then what if my parents adopted me because they couldn’t conceive? But why wouldn’t they tell me if that was the case?

Or were they really my parents and they were lying to me about who I really was because they were trying to keep my powers a secret?

None of these possibilities made sense and I knew it would only be a matter of time before I would want to start looking for this Protection Bureau.

I just didn’t know where to start.

I mean sure Blaine said he would contact them for me but what if I didn’t want to wait? What if I wanted to take my fate into my own hands considering they needed me to find a cure for BD3? In my opinion they needed me ASAP so what was I waiting for?

I pulled down Avery’s road and sent her a quick text letting her know I was almost here. I didn’t feel like being here which was strange for me but I had a ton of other stuff on my mind.

And I knew Avery wouldn’t be able to distract me today from all the chaos I was just introduced to.

I saw her house coming into view and suddenly her pretty face came into my mind. Even whenever thing seemed to be spinning out of control she still made my more nervous than anything else. How was that even possible?

I pulled up into her drive way, seeing her coming from her house to greet me. I smiled, exiting from my car and waiting for her to say something, “Well, I was starting to think you were gonna leave me hanging.”

I smirked, “You know I wouldn’t do that to you.”

Her eyes were locked on mine and I felt a little piece of my heart melt. She was just so gorgeous…

“Let’s go finish this stupid project.”

~ ~ ~ ~

Soon enough we were finished with the entire project and I was helping Avery haul it into her car. I opened the door, helping her lay it on her back seat without damaging our hard work. We had made sure everything worked and we were prepared to present it tomorrow.

She closed her door and sighed, “Well I hope it work tomorrow when we flip the switch.”

I shrugged, “It’ll work.”

“Hopefully, it’s worth a lot of points, and if the main part doesn’t turn on we’ll be shit out of luck.”

I laughed at her vulgar language because I’ve never heard her talk like that, “We’ll be fine.”

I knew she was the type of person to want to get perfect grades in every possible thing so this project really was stressing her out. Then again, I was pretty stressed out at the moment too but not because of school, because of everything I had found out today.

It was still eating at my brain.

Then Avery must’ve realized I had been lost in thought and questioned, “You ok?”

I nodded, “Yea, just a lot going on…”

We ended up sitting on her bed when she sighed, “I know this may be hypocritical but… wanna talk about it?”

I stared at her and I knew she was being one hundred percent genuine, I just couldn’t tell her this. I shrugged, “It’s not that I don’t want to talk about it because trust me, I do, I just… can’t.”

She tilted her head, causing her soft hair to tower over her shoulders and fall loosely. I found my eyes slowly traveling down her neck and over her chest, wondering how she was captivating me so easily. Her legs were crossed, making her look slightly innocent as I brought my eyes back up to hers, feeling a little embarrassed.

I had just gotten carried away.

She sighed, “You can’t because it pains you to talk about it or you’re embarrassed…?”

I shrugged, trying to make it seem less serious than it actually was, “I really just can’t tell you because… you probably wouldn’t believe me in the first place.”

She lifted one of her eyebrows indicating that she wasn’t believing my claim, “Try me.”

I shook my head, “No. I can’t.”

She smirked, “I think I know what you’re talking about.”

I rolled my eyes, returning a smirk in the process, “No, I doubt if you even have a clue.”

“So give me a hint.”

“Avery…” I looked up, seeing that she was a little closer than usual, making me suck in a quick breath. If I moved just an inch closer our lips would be touching. I could see her pink lips and how they were moist from her tongue.

She whispered, “What?”

Then all of a sudden I realized why she thought she knew what I was talking about. She thought I was trying to come onto her, which wasn’t the case as of now but I did like her. She thought I wanted to tell her I liked her, and for some reason this warmed my heart and made me extremely nervous.

I smiled, “Tell me what you think it is then.”

She shrugged, “If I’m wrong… will you laugh at me?”

I rolled my eyes, “Avery… I won’t laugh at you.”

Her hand was on top of mine now and I felt my heart beat picking up in my chest. My cheeks were getting red from the blood rushing to the surface as she leaned a little closer to me. She began talking lowly, “I feel like… you and I have this connection. A connection I really haven’t felt with anyone in a long time…”

I nodded, agreeing completely with her, “And is that a good thing?”

She smiled brightly, “I think it’s a great thing honestly.”

I whispered, “I haven’t really felt anything this strong in such a short amount of time.”

Then unexpectedly she put her head on my shoulder and sighed, “I’m really glad I met you.”

I knew I needed to make a move, I needed to do something to show Avery that I was interested in her more than a friend. I leaned into her and rested my hand on the middle of her thigh, knowing it was intimate but not too much to make her feel uncomfortable.

I glanced at her clock and realized I had been here longer than I had planned, and it was starting to get dark.

I sighed, “Well, I should be getting home.”

She lifted her head off of my shoulder and looked at me with this look that almost melted my heart. It looked as if she was pleading me not to go, like she was begging me to spend the night.

She nodded, “I’ll walk you out.”

We headed downstairs to my car as I opened the door for her and I. I didn’t want to leave but I had a lot of shit to sort through and things to think about.

Like my parents.

I remembered the last time when we had been in this position, and how Avery and I almost kissed. I turned to face her once more before I left only to have her inches away from my lips. I didn’t feel nervous though, I was excited, and this tempted me even more.

I smiled, “I guess we can pray tonight for our project to work tomorrow.”

She sighed, “I thought you said it was gonna work for sure?”

I winked, “It will, I’m just messing with you.”

She tilted her head, giving me a good look at her beautiful face, “Thanks… for the little talk we had and everything.”

I shrugged, “No problem.”

She was just looking at me but for some reason I wasn’t sure if I should kiss her or not. Maybe I should, but maybe I shouldn’t… I was just scared to make the wrong move.

So I was going to let her do it if she wanted to.

I pulled her into a tight hug, gripping her tightly around the waist and holding on a little longer than a normal hug. If I pulled away and she kept holding on I would know she wanted something more, and if she was brave enough she would kiss me.

I pulled away, letting my arms linger around her waist just a little long so I could feel if she let me go.

And she did.

I forced a slight smile, knowing that tonight wasn’t the night or maybe we would never be more than this because I was too afraid of rejection.

“See you tomorrow.”

Then I got into my car and drove without looking back.

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